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March 10, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-10

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I'w £tlijant Bailg
Sevrety-Fifth Yer

Where Opinions Are 420 MAYNARD ST., Arm ARBO, MICH.
Tmuth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

GROUP Shows Disrespect
For Student Government

Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
Dr. Cutler and the Values of the University
by H. Nell Berkson
PEOPLE HAD started to drift away already. come, and sadly, many students do leave without them. who will solve problems before they arise whenever
It was 9:00 p.m., and they had been sitting through The University experience is too empty too often. This possible.
the flowery rhetoric of Activities Recognition Night for isn't an administration problem. It isn't a faculty prob- At this point the most refreshing thing about Cutler
well over an hour. Being mostly sorority women in lem. It isn't a student problem. It's a concern, a chal- is his honesty. He is still close enough to his faculty
attendance under penalty of fine, they left at the first lenge, rather, for the entire community. Only when days to mince no words publically or privately in
opportunity, not. realizing that the last speaker on the enough concerned individuals from every corner of the criticizing the University where criticism is due. But
program would give one of the finest speeches ever to campus begin to really care about the gap between the he wastes little time complaining, preferring instead to
drift out into the muted atmosphere of Ann Arbor. ideals and actualities of education, only when they really act.
want to do something about it, will anything happen. If anything will slow him up, it will be the personnel
Scores of people,'knowing and otherwise, regularly he inherited from his predecessor. Too many people in
attempt to define the aims, the purposes of the Univer- The problems are hard to delineate, harder to affect. he inhei e hisedecesso , any pop in
sit. Vce-resden fo Stden Afair Rihar Culer The University is mired in strong pressures for material- the OSA have neither imagination, ability nor the
sity. Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cutler Th nvriy smrdnsrngrsur fraera- compassion essential to any counselling job. There are
didn't really add any new insights to this quest in his ism, conformity, mediocrity. It constitutes a system two or three flagrant cases of frustrated authoritarians
Monday night speech, but somehow he managed to which the "sharp" learn to manipulate toward their wo orshre flagrnt c a n o rsre thoiri
cominetheriht oneandpespetiv Ino materul own ends. Very few break. the system with any success, who desire nothing better than to exercise their whim
combine the right tone and perspective into a masterful da athl hektessenw n on students.
call to arms, and at least half of those who do are merely degenerate. osTudents. rsietwllpoalynttleaet
A developed, well-rounded human being-someone with The vice-president will probably not tolerate them
WHAT IS the University here for? Cutler didn't even inner-directed values-is a relatively rare product here. for long.
bother to be verbose. It's here to give a student values.
And that doesn't mean dollar values. Above and beyond * * * * AFTER A YEAR'S REVIVAL, Franklin D. will be seen
any specific course or program, the vice-president believes RETURNING TO Vice-President Cutler, after Monday no more and I can't help but mark his passing.
the University must instill integrity, compassion, ra- night no one can doubt the strong direction he New appointments to The Daily editorial staff, to
tionality and judgment. intends to provide for the Office of Student Affairs. be announced Friday, come just in time. The typewriter
His first public appearance since his appointment con- has started to move far too slowly.
Cutler didn't punctuate his remarks, but any student firmed what those who have seen him operate in the It's been sometimes frustrating, often fantastic,
who leaves here without these fright as well not have last three months already know: here is a man in motion always fun.

Robert Golden announced t h a t
GROUP would demand another recount
of the ballots for the Student Govern-
ment Council election in an attempt to
regain the seat lost by GROUP member
Myles Stern to Paul Pavlik.
After circumventing SGC regulations
to distribute literature in the Fishbowl
and in Markley Hall, this demand for a
second recount of ballots only provides
further evidence of the childish and dis-
respectful attitude of the GROUP candi-
dates toward SGC.
GROUP candidates allege that SGC
members are picking on GROUP because
they don't agree with their philosophy.
and want to see as few GROUP mem-
bers on SGC as possible. It is probably
very true that several members on SGC
do not agree with the aims held by
GROUP. However, the GROUP candi-
dates have deliberately stretched the
election rules made by SGC to their limit
in an attempt to gain unfair advantage
over the other candidates who ran for
AS A STUDENT organization, GROUP
was entitled to set up a table in the
Fishbowl to distribute its literature, al-
though as candidates for SGC GROUP
members were forbidden to do so by the
elections rules.
In a masterful defense the morning
before the election, Mickey Eisenberg,
one of GROUP's newly elected SGC mem-
bers, said that GROUP had received per-
mission to do so from the president of
Alpha Phi Omega, who has jurisdiction
in this area. Eisenberg said that the
president had kept the - materials to be
distributed overnight in order to study
them to determine whether or not they
were election materials.
Since nothing was said about the forth-
coming elections-on the posters, the pres-
ident gave his permission. However, when
asked at the appeal the morning before
the election whether the cost of these
materials was to be included in the
campaign costs of the GROUP candi-
dates, Eisenberg evaded the question by
saying that the individual GROUP candi-
dates had kept their expenses far below
the maximum. He implied therefore, that
the costs of these materials would be in-
cluded in the maximum campaign budget
allowed candidates by SGC.
Thus, even the GROUP candidates real-

ized that they had stretched the elec-
tions rules- to their maximum, complete-
ly denying the spirit of the rules: to pre-
vent unfair advantage to any candidate.
GROUP'S OTHER major offense was
the illegal distribution of campaign
materials in the male houses of Markley
Hall. According to Interquadrangle Coun-
cil rules, it is illegal for candidates to
distribute campaign materials in the resi-
dence halls.
Having received the permission of IQC
President John Eadie, who;stretched his
own rules by saying that the campaign
literature could be distributed if the per-
mission of the various house presidents
was received, GROUP went ahead with-
out the needed permission of the house
presidents .and slipped literature under
the doors.
However, it was found that the litera-
ture was not placed under the doors of
the house presidents.
AFTER HAVING BEEN acquitted of the
first offense, GROUP ought to have
checked with SGC Administrative Vice-
President Sherry Miller to make sure that
its second dubious action was not illegal.
However, in an all-out attempt to win
SGC seats in any way possible and with-
out any thought to the equity of the
other candidates, GROUP could not even
manage a five-minute phone call.
GROUP's actions show not only an im-.
mature attitude but also, and perhaps
more important, they show a complete
lack of regard and respect for the rules
made by the very organization which it
so singlemindedly attempted to dominate.
And now GROUP demands another re-
count. SGC has already bent over back-
wards in its own disregard for the spirit
of the law by twice acquitting GROUP.
After twice counting and tabulating the
votes, there seems little need to do it
HOPEFULLY, the five GROUP candi-
dates who were elected will now show
the same unswerving drive to implement
their campaign promises as they showed
during the campaign to win votes. And
perhaps in the process, they will gain
some insight into the spirit of fair play
on which a student government should be


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Education Graduates
Do Become Teachers


To the Editor:
I WAS SURPRISED to read in an
editorial in the Feb. 7 issue of
The Daily that "Seventy per cent
of all University education school
graduates never teach."
The Bureau of Appointments
conducts an annual survey to fol-
low up the recipients of certifi-
cates for teaching. Here are the
results forstudents certificated in
1963-64 as of October, 1964-65.
Number Percent

thing. This led to the feeling that
they were safe, which contributed
to the apathy about Hitler, which
allowed him to do as he pleased.
Hitler's use of force had to be
answered by force, as Professor
Slosson points out, but why wasn't
it? I would say one reason was
the existence of the League, which
caused a lot of overconfidence and
naive trust. It had a few small
victories to its credit, but it was
of little use in a real confronta-
tion between big powers. -Its exist-"
ence led far too many people to
the illusion that they could afford
to forget about defenses and to
take foreign aggression lightly.
An almost parallel set of cir-
cumstances exists today with. the
UN. The last time it happened we
had a world war.
-Walter W. Broad,'66E



In teaching posts. 680
In graduate school 94
In business posts 28
In military service 7
Available for place-
ment (presumably) 49
Not seeking a post
(married, etc.) 102
Did not respond 70




White Paper on Viet Nam


Annual Foreign Aid Hassle

Revising the Off-Campus Lease

Reference was made in the edi-
torial to rumors about possible
lossof accreditation. The National
Commission on Accreditation of
Teacher Education filed a report
with congratulations and approved
all programs for full accreditation
for the maximum ten-year term.
The option is exercised in con-
nection with some institutions of
giving provisional approval for a
lesser term of years.
-Dean Willard C. Olson
School of Education
The League
To the Editor:
THIS IS A belated reply to Pro-
fessor Slosson's letter in The
Daily (Feb 27). There are a few
things I feel should be cleared up.
Of course, we're all against
slavery. But I question whether
the war we had to eliminate it was
necessary. Slavery is a very in-
efficient means of production and
in a free market would be driven
out. The cost of labor is low but so
is the efficiency; if one is a slave,
he has no incentive to work be-
yond a bare minimum. Given a
'sufficient amount of time, the
free market itself would have
eliminated slavery.
But instead, some of the short-
sighted moralists caused a war
that practically tore this nation
apart.We are still paying for the
Swar, and I don't think that the
price of the war comes close to
the gain derived from eliminating
slavery earlier than it would
otherwise have been eliminated.
League, Professor Slosson em-
phasizes the point I made rather
than refutes it. The League had a
rfew small victories, granted, but
these only contributed to the il-
lusion in the minds of people that
the League could handle every-

To the Editor:
TONIGHT'S SGC meeting will
be long remembered. Paul Pav-
lik Is going to decide whether to
accept his seat.
The choice seems obvious
enough. Early in the -campaign,
Mr. Pavlik stated unconditionally
that he would refuse his 'seat if
less than 5000 students voted in
the recent SGC election. He de-
clared that SGC must not operate
unless student interest reached
this minimum level. Mr. Pavlik's
entire campaign, centered on this
one issue. The fact is only 4,029
students voted. This isn't .even
close! And yet Mr. Pavlik is now
considering accepting his seat.
I'm sure those who voted for
Mr. Pavlik believed his promise.
I wonder if those who voted for
him would have done so had they
known how hypocritical hewas.
MR. PAVLIK has two choices:
1) Refuse his seat.'I would con-
;ratulate him for doing the only
noble and honorable thing. Fur-
thermore, such an act could result
in some good by calling to atten-
tion the deplorable lack of rap-
port between SGC and the stu-
dent body.
2) Accept his seat. I would
thank Mr. Pavlik for an insight
into the hypocrisy of an individ-
ual. Furthermore, I would thank
him for thelaughter he will en-
gender on this campus.
Mr. Pavlik, lest you delude your-
self, if you accept the seat you
will be performing the most two-
faced, hypocritical act I have ever
witnessed. Lest you further be de-
luded, you will become the laugh-
ing stock of this campus; you will
be laughed at.
Think carefully, yet your choice
is clear; there is only one hon-
orable way.
-Mickey Eisenberg, '67

Pavlik's Election


Off-Campus Housing, the Office of
Student Affairs Off-Campus Housing Bu-
reau established two years ago under
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Leslie, and the Student
Government Council Off-Campus Hous-
ing Committee are all presently involved
in studying the plight of the student who
lives off-campus.
Over a month ago SGC took the initia-
tive in positive student-oriented action
by proposing two amendments to the
standardized lease form drawn up by the
University to protect both students and
realtors. One would shorten the lease
from 12 months to 8 months in order to
correspond to the academic year, thereby
eliminating the student risk of summer
subletting. Also the "joint and several
clause" would be dropped, making each
leasee responsible for his own payments
alone and not those of his roommates.
Unfortunately, SGC has no power to
enact the lease amendments and is only
able to "ask" amending action from the
OSA. Vice-President for Student Affairs
Richard L. Cutler, although "anxious to
have students relieved of the burden of
the one-year lease," has taken a stand
consistent with the advice given to him
from Mrs. Leslie and the lease remains
THIS ADVICE has caused Cutler to hes-
itate because "the inevitable conse-
quence of breaking the 12-month lease
arrangement would be a rent raise which
might prove equally onerous." This argu-
ment assumes that the increased risk of
summer rental would force realtors' fi-
11 2 t * 'iat ale

nancial backing to change mortgage ar-
rangements, thus resulting in a rent in-
crease. Leslie also points out "salutary
effects" of the joint and several clause.
Roommates are able to choose their own
replacements and supposedly are able
to judge better whether a prospective
roommate is dependable.
The SGC committee answers that any
rent increase could easily be absorbed by
present rent increases, which are already
as high as 15 per cent according to the
committee estimate. The question also
arises as to whether rentees might not
accept a reasonable rent increase in order
to eliminate the burdens of summer sub-
letting and the joint and several clause.
It is impossible to forsee which argu-
ment is correct but it is obvious that no
action can be taken until student repre-
sentatives are united behind feasible de-
mands to be put to the realtors. Over a
month of correspondence between the
parties has accomplished nothing but a
solidification of arguments. If students
are to gain any concession from the
realtors Cutler must decide, upon the ad-
vice of both Mrs. Leslie and the SGC
committee, what demands to put forth.
THE BEST WAY to gather and thrash
out the conflicting opinions would
be around one conference table. Mrs.
Leslie, representatives from SGC and
Mrs. Norma Kracker, superintendent of
off-campus housing, should be invited
to meet with Cutler and arrive at a
positive yet feasible policy on the two
clauses in question.
Given the demand for apartments and
their relatively short supply, especially
with the new group of junior women
rentees, even their joint bargaining pow-

what is known as foreign aid
is now beginning; and if what
happened last year repeats itself,
the Senate will deal with the pro-
posal in committee for14 days
and will debate the bill for 28
days; the House committee will
work on it for 26 days and the
House will debate the bill for two
days. Then the conference com-
mittee will meet for four days. In
1964, the bill first proposed on
March 19 was passed with its
amendments not quite seven
months later.
During this long period the of-
ficials who have to shape policy
and administerthe whole business
will have to spend a very consider-
able part of their time and energy
being cross-questioned, writing
memoranda, lobbying and worry-
ing. We are bound to ask ourselves
whether such a prolonged expen-
diture of time and energy each
year is really necessary, and, if
not, how it could be reduced. I
hasten to say that it iseasier to
ask these questions than it is to
answer them.
For we must remember that
the foreign aid bill marks a radi-
cal innovation in the conduct of
U.S. foreign policy. It is only in
the past 25 years that we have
used our economic resources as an
avowed instrument of our foreign
policy. Untilthe Lend-Lease Act
of 1940, which provided economic
aid to the hard-pressed British
government, the President rarely,
if ever, asked Congress to appro-
priate money to be used as an
instrument in the conduct of for-
eign affairs.
IN THE American Age of Inno-
cence before the United States
recognized itself as a great power
in the world. our national purposes

The result is a very important
change in the conduct of foreign
affairs. Previously, the House of
Representatives had no significant
part to play except, of course, in
the case of a declaration of war.
For the most part congressional
power in foreign affairs was lodg-
ed. in the Senate, which ratified
treaties and passed on diplomatic
appointments. But when the ap-
propriation of money for aid and
for propagandabecame involved,
the House, which under the Con-
stitution must initiate money bills,
suddenly had great power over
U.S. foreign policy.
In the postwar period the Presi-
dent and the State Department
have had to accommodate two leg-
islative bodies, not only one as was
formerly the case. The Congress
has often acted as if it could and
should conduct the foreign policy
itself and has studded the even-
tual bill with prohibitions, injunc-
tions and admonitions which are
supposed to please hyphenated
groups among some of their con-
* * *
THIS IS the context in which
to place Sen. J. W. Fulbright's re-
fusal to introduce and manage
the old type of omnibus bill for
foreign aid. The issue is not be-
tween him and the administration
or the aid agency. On the con-
trary, as long ago as 1961 the Ken-
nedy administration proposed do-
ing exactly what Senator Fulbright
is now demanding-putting the
supply of civilian and military
aid into two separate measures.
The Kennedy administration
had to retreat then because
Speaker Sam Rayburn insisted on
one bill covering all kinds of for-
eign aid. The issue today is really
between Senator Fulbright, the
chairman of the Senate Foreign

rather than of principle and sub-
THE REAL question is whether
the President could, with'any hope
of success, ask the House to pass
two separate bills. Experienced
observers say that the House
would pass the military bill with
a whoop, and almost without look-
ing at it. The House would then
chew the civilian economic as-
sistance bill to bits on the ground
that it would spend abroad Ameri-
can money that could be spent
better at home.
The essential difficulty lies in
the fact that, during the whole 25
years of the new policy of using
money for foreign affairs, the
argument for appropriating the
money has invariably been that it
was necessary to do this for our
own military security.
In 1940, the Lend-Lease Act was
squeezed through Congress with
the cry that we needed "to defend
America by aiding the Allies." The
Marshall Plan was carried through
Congress on the argument that
without it Stalin would overrun
Western Europe. With the Truman
Doctrine of 1948, our commitments
became global, and money was
scattered all over the non-Com-
munist world 'on the claim that
it would repel our great adversary
and would win us the confidence
of trusted Allies.
AS A RESULT of this quarter
of a century of experience, the
House, which reflects popular
opinion, can see little good in
spending money abroad unless it
is directly connected with some
military consideration. This is one
reason why it is so difficult to
achieve the appropriation of
money to be used for civilian de-
velopment abroad, though such
development is in the larger in-


"Well, That Just About Wraps It Up"

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