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March 10, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-10

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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom






Give No Reasons
For Sudden Move
California's President, Chancellor
Leave in Wake of Fall Student Riots
The wave of student protest which rocked the nation's largest
university last semester appeared yesterday to have washed out its
chief administrator as well.
University of California President Clark Kerr, who has headed
the nine-campus institution since 1958, submitted his resignation in
a brief statement released at a hastily-called press conference. No
explanation was given for the resignation.
It will take effect March 25 when the California regents hold
their monthly meeting.
At Kerr's side, Acting Chancellor Martin Meyerson of Berkeley
also announced his resignation effective the same date. Like Kerr,
S-he gave no explanation for the
r A sks action and declined to answer
Thec"ampus, which has had
-U. little political excitement in the
Lea1 tlVe past few months, was stunned.
Meyerson took over the reins
at Berkeley in January when the
then-Chancellor Edward Strong
p was granted a temporary leave of
absence for health reasons.
By JEFFREY GOODMAN Meyerson is reportedly a very
+Special To The Daly popular chancellor.
He has also had Kerr's un-
LANSING- University. Presi- equivocal support, although ident-
dent Harlan Hatcher last night ifying himself with faculty and
issued a strong appeal to state students who wish to see students
legislators and alumni for finan- given full political privileges on
cial support and "appreciation" campus.
of the University's educational Following the resignations, the
mission. immediate reaction from Regents,
Addressing about 400 guests at faculty and students was shock
the anniual President's dinner,. and concern. All quarters agreed
sponsored by thestate'University a power fight centering on Kerr's
Alumni Clubs, President Hatcher reinstatement is in the offing.
cautioned the approximately 70 For the Regents, Gov. Edmund
legislators present that without its (Pat) Brown, an ex-officio mem-
universities "there is no place else ber, vowed to try to dissuade Kerr
for the world to turn with its from following through with the
hopes and needs." resignation.
"We must understand, use and For the Berkeley faculty, a
nurture our universities properly. spokesman predicted that his col-
They must be used fully. leagues would back Meyerson with
It is in the universities that strong resolutions and fight to
"children"'grow from dependence prevent the return of Strong to
to maturity, that they cease to be the chancellorship. A special fac-
acted upon solely by school, par- ulty committee was meeting late
ents and their outside environ- last nght but its mtentions were
ment and begin to discover what not revealed.
they can do, what they aspire, to For the students, Mario Savio
and how to attain their individ- declared in Selma, Alabama that
uality and their place in society, "the Board of Regents are in for
the President said; a lot of trouble" if they intend to
discipline the students whose poli-
Turning to the University's tical demonstrations led to police
forthcoming sesquicentennial cele- intervention, court action and na-
bration and its current $55 million tional criticism.
fund drive, President Hatcher Several conservative Regents,
stressed that "at a time when reportedly distressed with Berke-
state funds are necessarily limit- ley's "tarnished image," were said
ed, it is of .the highest importance to be interested in taking strong
that those individuals who want disciplinary action against the
to add their support to the Uni- student demonstrators. They are,
versity should be able to do so." hoping, sources reported, to ele-
A combination of federal, state vate Strong and move the in-'
and alumni contributions - based stitution's center of power away
on appreciation for the Univer- from Berkeley, where Kerr also
sity's own contributions to society resides.,
has enabled the institution to Strong is on temporary leave
"reach its present eminence and currently but appeared before thei
ability to serve the public. It is Regents at their February meet-
important to maintain this com- ing.
bination," he said. See KERR, Page 3















Tempers waxed heavy last night
at East Quadrangle's Greene -Vr
House lounge as picketers protest-
tion on a letter embodying offi-
cial protest of South Africa's
apartheid policies. Secon
The letter was brought to theIl l
Tfloor by Sue Orrin, and a motion
to approve it was thrown into a P r s d n '
tie vote by the chair, thus offi-
cially killing it. Immediately after
the vote, all members of the
council personally signed the let-+Conf renc
tMikeWhitty, '650, claimed
leadership in the name of the By LESLEY FINKELMA
Ann Arbor Civil Liberties Coun-
cil, of which he is chairman. A President Harlan Hatcher
re-vote and more speakers were scheduled an informal discu
called for. Whitty began to speak with students concerning stu
at midnight. By 12:10, general political activism and the
pandemonium had broken loose dent's role in determining
"I find it difficult as of now to environment. p
find substantive justification forsEnsityd"ticusion
the continuing existence of IQC" sponsibiitylakthe discussione
was his earlier theme of protest, Thursday. March 18, in the1
based on the refusal of council sey Room of the Women's Le
to endorse a policy-influencing "rsdn ace elz
document. Prole iofnthe astudenteinizat
When Whitty took the floor role of the student in a
however, about 10 pickets began politics, in the internal polici
loud movements in the room. Aft- universities, and his role in
er charge and countercharge of Univesityeste ayne Lo
fMcCarythism" and "racism" be- dent makes use of an organiz
tween Whitty and council's pre- such as Student Govern
siding officer, Lee Hornberger, '66, IsCucilasdetenspa rt
council was forced by a time lim, n determines p n y thu
it to move to the smaller East sity, and it is this idea
Quad Councilroom. President Hatcher wishes t
At 1 a.m. this morning, the velop," Lossing added.h
picketers numbered 100. The room Rapport
was flooded with protestors, who In a series of discussions e
were singing protest songs. lished by iatcher, he hope
"We'll keep them here all night,' create an amount of rappor
an enthusiastic picket spokesman tween himself and students.
claimed, best ,way to establish commu
tion and reciprocal relation
is through discussion of i
concerning both parties, Lo
In a similar meeting last se
ter there was a "barrier" bet
President Hatcher and the
The seating of candidates suc- students who assembled to di
cessful in last week's Student "The President and the Stud
Government Council elections will Look at the University's Fut
be the main order of business at Lossing said. Because it was
council's meeting tonight. in Rackham Aud., the formal
Council President Gary Cun- mosphere prevented an en'
ningham, '66, said last night that successful discussion, he adde
he will appoint an administrative "To achieve the convocal
vice-president at the session, but objectives, President Hatcher
indicated he may wait until next move to smaller quarters w
week to name a new treasurer. offer a more informal at
In light of the new tallies ob- phere," Lossing said. "Then
tained in a recount Monday, a of the discussion session also
second recount of the SGC ballots been changed from 'The P
has been called for by GROUP's dent's Convocation' to 'The P
party spokesman, Robert Golden, dent's Student Conference'
'67, who was an unsuccessful this same reason," Lossing sa
candidate for the SGC presidency. Format
As a result of the new figures, The format for this discu
GROUP candidate Myles Stern, will be similar to that used
'66, was dropped from the list of viously to present the topic o
victors and was replaced by Paul role of the undergraduate at
Pavlik, '66. University.

;ident; Leads 'Marchers


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Students protesting alleged racial discrimination at the University of Kansas studied and
they sat in the hallway outside the office of university Chancellor W. Clarke Wescoe yester
than 100 students took part in the demonstration. There were no arrests. Meanwhile 110 d
tors arrested Monday night on charges of disturbing the peace were released underĀ°bo
demonstrators were protesting the arrest of participants at a sit-in at Wescoe's office
The' demonstrations were started by members of the Civil Rights Council, a student org
To Reassess Willow Villag

~Sliiia ense
As Negroes
Turned Back
Whites Attack Three
Ministers; Johnson
Calls for 'Restraint'
SELMA, Ala. (/P) -Rev. Martin
Luther King Jr. defied a federal
court ruling and a plea by Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson and
staged a massive right-to-vote
march yesterday.
>ciaed Pess State troopers turned back the
iated Press marchers in a tension-filled con-
But the Negrb integration leader
told a mass meeting last night
talked as there would be another march to-
tay.ed rs dayt-his one to the Dallas
day. More County courthouse. He said a sec-
emonstra- ond pilgrimage from Selma to
nd. Those Montgomery 50 miles away would
Monday. be attempted next week.
anization. Shortly before King began the
- night address, three white min-
isters who came to Selma to take
part in the march were attacked
by about five white men as they
walked two blocks from city hall.
Rev. James Reeb of Boston was
reported injured seriously; the
others suffered minor injuries.
'Robbed Man'
low Village Earlier' iAiiiwrs to questions
from newsmen, King said that a
discounted federal judge's injunction against
Willow Vil- the march and Johnson's appeal
In a state- for restraint "reminded us of an
h's Regents action that condemns the robbed
nt for Aca- man rather than, censuring the
W. Heyns robber."
as fully ex- Asked how he justified violat-
rsity before ing the injunction and the Presi-
isequent re- dent's appeal to abide by a court
no doubt on ban on marching, King said:
ti no do"We could> not in good con-
Idity." science ask the thousands of re-
ligious persons who expressed
' i their indignation over the beat-
ing of our people last Sunday to
return home without making their
witness known."
ants Sunday March
It was Sunday that state troop-
ers turned back hundreds of
Negro marchers by 'the use of
clubs and tear gas. Gov. George
C. Wallace had ordered the march
rsity Service to be stopped. King was not
summer may. present.
Yesterday King faced his sup-
. b porters, vowed "I must march"
nual bucket and placed himself at the front
iiversity stu- of a column of marchers that
WUS efforts. stretched for three quarters of a
pen to any mile as it wended its way through
school next city streets.

Willow Village's controversial
anti-poverty program is being re-
written and reconsidered by
Washington, the state's anti-pov-
erty director said last night.-
But the man in charge of the
University's program to help ad-'
minister the grant said he had no
knowledge of any such plans.

in the project. First, he said,
funds were not correctly allocaoted.
A principal factor behind this was
that federal agencies used out-
dated 1960 census data in prepar-
ing the project plan, he said. The
second error was that the project,
since it covers a community frag-
mented between two townships,
would be difficult to administer in
present form.

meaning to the Wil
The University has
recent criticism of the
lage grant program.
ment at last month
meeting, Vice-Presider
demic Affairs Roger
said, "This project w
amined by the Unive
it was admitted. Sub

State poverty administrator Mal- The project has drawn recent examination has cast
colm Lovell, Jr. told a meeting of criticism as being unfair and de- its importance and val
Young Republicans that the Wil-
low Village project is imperfect at a
present though the concept be-O
hind it is valid. The UniversityW
is jointly admistering with Wayne
State University a $188,252 federal
grant in the area.T
But Hyman Kornbluh, head of
the Labor, Educational and Serv-
ice Division of the Institute of Lam By MARY LOU BUTCHER
bor and Industrial Relations, said Contributing Editor
last night he had no knowledge Students interested in participating in a World Unive
of any planned revision. He addedi
that he would have expected to be international work camp in Korea or in the Sudan this s
in a position to be aware of any apply for financial assistance from the local WUS chapter
changes. Five hundred dollars of the funds raised in the an
Lowell cited two major errors drive which ends today has been allocated to encourage Un
- -.-- dent involvement in 'V
The allocation is c
student returning to


Warren, Lowell, Berryman

H*i l' ht Festival

A host of prominent poets, musicians and actors will take
part in the seventh Creative Arts Festival, sponsored this year by
the newly-created University Activities Center, March 14-28.
Louis Untermeyer, of whom Robert Frost said, "There are -times
when I think I am merely the figment of Louis' imagination," will
deliver the first lecture at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 14 in the Women's
League. The poet, critic, editor and anthologist will speak on "What
Americans Read and Why."'
A symposium on Robert Penn Warren, Robert Lowell and John
Berryman, will take place Tuesday, March 16 in the UGLI Multi-
purpose Rm. at 8 p.m. The panelists, Peter Wyman, owner of Centi-
core Bookstore, George Abbott ,White, editor of "Generation" and
Tony Stoneburner, PhD candidate, will offer background on these
poets, who will be coming later in the week. The audience will be
invited to participate in an examination of their works.
Robert Penn Warren
The only writer to receive the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and
poetry, Robert Penn Warren will give a poetry reading Thursday,
March 18 at 8 p.m. in Rackham Aud. Warren served as consultant
of poetry at the Library of Congress in 1944-45. He is the author
of the American classic, "All the King's Men."
Robert Lowell, a member of the New England Lowell family and a
poet that fuses Christian history, New England history and Lowell
family history into one of the strongest voices of modern poetry
If---- 01 A 4 - - 40 - ++ '~ ^

-...during the festival. Forsythe Prints will be in the Union from March
:......... 13-20, followed by a faculty art exhibit March 20-27. The Clements
Memorial Library will have a map exhibit and the Women's League
will have an exhibit of Kodak photographs. 100 contemporary
. ;American prints will be on loan in Alumni Memorial Museum.
For the bewildered viewer of opp, pop and other trends in
: modern art, Albert Mullen, professor of art, will deliver a lecture
at 7:30 Monday, March 15 in the UGLI, "Interpretation and
Appreciation of Modern Art."
{ ~..Even Mozart
A creative arts festival would hardly be complete without Mozart.
The University music school and speech department are sponsoring
"The Magic Flute." Performances will be from March 17-21 in,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The Romance languages department is adding its share inj
f sponsoring Claudel's "L'Annonce Faite a Marie," (The Announcia-
tion). The French play will be presented by the Theateau de Paris
Theatre Co., now on their 1965 tour of America. The production
will be in Trueblood Aud. on Friday, March 19.
4 The end of the month will echo with the music of the Men's
Glee Club on Saturday, March 27 in Hill Aud. at 8:30 p.m. The
last musical presentation of the festival will be the Solisti di
Zagreb, sponsored by the University Musical Society. The Yugo-
slavian chamber orchestra, with solo cellist Antonio Janigro, willI
perform Tuesday, March 30.
PTP Program

year, according to Elizabeth
Sumner, program assistant tq the
IOffice of Religious Affairs and
director of the WUS chapter.
Students will be constructing
WUS student centers at the Uni-
versity of Seoul and the University
of Khartoum. Participants will
take part in an orientation pro-
gram consisting of lectures and
seminars dealing with the culture,
politics and economics of the
areas in which they are working.
Weekend excursions and tours
have been included as part of both
According to Mrs. Sumner, each
camp will be comprised of 50-75
students, approximately 25 of
whom will come from the United
States. The cost to each student
who participates in either camp
will be approximately $900 which
covers transportation expenses.
Due to the trimester calendar,
University students may partici-
pate in either of the work camps;
that at the University of Khar-
toum will run May 28-mid-July,
while that at the University of
Seoul will run July 1-Aug. 24.
Applications and information
may be obtained through Mrs.
Sumner until March 15: screening

Local Protest
The Ann Arbor, Congress of
Racial Equality is planning a
sympathy march in conjunction
with the stormy right-to-vote
marches in Selma. The march-
ers will organize at 12:10 p.m.
today at Huron and State Sts.
and proceed to Main St.
A federal judge had banned the
massive right-to-vote march yes-
terday by Negroes and white
clergymen after a huge buildup
of statetroopers in this racial
U.S. District Judge Frank M.
Johnson Jr. at Montgomery in a
surprise move ordered Negroes to
refrain from trying to march the
50 miles from Selma to Mont-
gomery, the state capital.
Tau Delta Phi
Fined by IFC
Tau Delta Phi was found guilty
of violating Interfraternity Coun-
cil initiation scholarship by-laws
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