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March 10, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-10

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:4Ia it ~

Little change in temperature
through Monday






Syrians Ask UAR Help
To Establish Harmony

Between Arab

....his own plan ... shifts strategy

Executive tax Revision Bill
On Schedule Under Study
WASHINGTON (IP)-President John F. Kennedy's tax revision
program is on schedule in the House but its contents may not follow,
the blueprint the White House sent to Congress.
A check with members indicated yesterday that the Ways and
Means Committee will agree on a bill in time for the House to vote
in June, on or close to the date House leaders have marked all along
Lfor action.

Nasser Gives
To Regime
'Moderate Socialism'
Seen as Basic Theme
Of New Government
BEIRUT (P)-Syria's new revo-
lutionary command denounced
yesterday the 1961 split between
Syria and Egypt and told Egyp-
tian President Gamal Abdel Nas-
ser of the United Arab Republic
the Syrians still want strong Arab
The leaders of the military coup
that overthrew Syria Premier
Khaled El Azem Friday referred
to the outcome of the Syrian
revolution against the United
Arab Republic 18 months ago as
"the disaster of separation."
It was the strongest statement
they have mad-e on the svbject.
They did not spell out whether
this was a bid for reunion.
First Recognition
Nasser was among the first
Arab leaders to extend diplomatic
recognition to the new regime.
Neighboring Iraq and Jordan
also quickly recognized it. Algeria
was among other Arab nations to
extend salutations and g o o d
The predominantly civilian gov-
ernment is headed by Ba'ath So-
cialist Salah Bitar.
Ba'ath Domination
The 20-man cabinet appeared
to be dominated by members of
the Ba'ath party.
A cable sent to Nasser said the
Syrian army and people "toppled
See Related Story, Page 3
the rule of reaction, opportunism
and treason and wiped out the
disgrace of separation."
The old regime, it said, plotted
to, maintain separation.
Concerning Syrian - Egyptian
unity from 1958 until the 1961
revolt, the message termed this
"a period of pioneer trial."
'Good Lesson'
"The disaster of separation was
a good lesson, even so," the mes-
sage said. "The people have come
out of this with more faith in
unity . . . it strengthened the
bonds between the Arab peoples
in their various countries."
Friendship with Nasser is i
line with general Ba'ath policy.
Nine members of the, cabinet
have been idetified as Ba'athists-
members of the Arab Social Ren-
aissance party which espouses
moderate socialismathhome and
anti-communist neutralism in
foreign affairs.
Bitar is a politician who helped
found the Ba'ath in 1942.

Educators Analyze
Con-Con Document
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a two-part series dealing
with a study report on the proposed state constitution. Today's article
views findings on the education section; Tuesday's article will con-
sider the seven remaining analyses.)
Five University professors have taken part in a "balanced,"
non-partisan probing of eight major sections of the proposed
State Constitution.
"Neither the ideal document the proponents would wish
to persuade the voter to believe nor the reactionary document
its detractors claim," the new charter requires impartial, expert
analysis in order "to help the serious citizen make his decision,"
a statement from the Inter-
UniversityFaculty Committee
on Constitutional Revision de-
Each of the eightanalysesx
was prepared by a member of:><
the committee; each examina-
tion received varying amounts
of praise and criticism..
Mixed Reactions
In general, comment on edu-
cation, civil rights and local .>;r-:': }'.
government sections was fav-
orable. Apportionment, execu- '.
tive structure and highway pro- <
visions were appraised equivo-
cally, while taxation and fi-
nance and judiciary clauses
were termed steps backward.
Coordinated by Prof. Samuel
J. Eldersveld of the political SAMUEL J. ELDERSVELD
science department, the com- n super n
mittee thrashed out the various
issues and opinions, and suggested but did not dictate re-
visions in emphasis and content within individual analyses.
Composed of Democrats and independents, the group did,
however, find itself in "near unanimous" accord in viewpoint,
but didn't take a composite stand for or against the Constitu-
The education article analysis was written by Prof. Leo
Stein of Western Michigan University.
Although doubting that the proposed document fashions
a more adequate system of financing education than is now
the case, Prof. Stein found the other major innovations in this
section an improvement.
Significant Question
One change-appointment of the state superintendent of
public instruction by the State Board of Education, rather
than his state-wide election-"raises an important question:
Political scientists think he should be chosen, by the gov-
ernor because "schools are an ever-increasing part of the
state government" and need closer integration with the admin-
istration, Prof. Stein said.
Educators, on the other hand, support appointment by the
board to keep the schools "free of partisanship." This is dif-
ficult to agree with, however, "as long as members of the board
are selected on party tickets."
Both the political scientists and the educators do agree
that the proposed clause is better than having the super-
intendent elected at-large.
The revamped board would also have presently-unknown
powers of coordination of budgets and related educational

Jamrich Hits 'U' Branch Plan

The establishment of a Univer-
sity campus at Delta College is
likely to touch off "a great deal
of detrimental competition"
among the state's universities for
branches of their own, Dean John
X. Jamrich of Michigan State
University's education school pre-
dicted last night.
Dean Jamrich, advocate of an
independent college for the Delta
area, cited two reasons why such
a competition mightnget started
1) For political and prestige
reasons, none of the state's uni-
versities will sit by while the
others set up branches all over
the state.
2) Having a branch in a given
area benefits a university by pro-
viding it "grass-roots support" in
that vicinity-a kind of support
no university wants to pass up.
Dangerous Rivalry
Dean Jamrich added that there
is nothing wrong with competi-
tion, in itself. The danger is that
due to this competition, univer-

French Miners Reject.Plea
To End Eight-Day Walkoul
PARIS (MP)-France's 170,000 coal miners vigorously turned down
today a government plea to end their eight-day strike, now a majo:
crisis for French President Charles de Gaulle.
Pledges to continue the walkout poured in from strike committee;
throughout the nation's coal fields following French Premier George;
Pompidou's nationwide appeal last night on radio and television
"We don't want promises, but guarantees," was typical of unioi
answers to Pompidou's Friday""
night talk.NoMr
No More rt
The Premier did not offer the

sities will begin setting up branch- miners anything beyond the pre-
's--r-political puros~eseven it vious government package: a 5.7

Ask d pinions
~1Of Studet
The House Committee on State
Affairs, now studying a bill which
would assess college graduates
$1200 over a 12-year period to
finance new construction, is seek-
ing student opinion on the pro-
posal, Rep. Lester J. Allen (R-
Ithaca) has'reported.
Allen is a member of the com-
mittee and sponsorrof the meas-
ure, which also calls for a $1500
fee, payable at a minimum of
$125 a year with four per cent:
interest, for students graduating
with a doctoral degree.
Under the measure, students
would sign promissory notes be-
fore being allowed to receive di-
The bill also contains a pro-
vision which allows married wo-
men to be excused from the ob-
ligation of repaying the notes.
This is intended to meet objec-
tions that such an obligation
would hinder a young woman's
possible marriage plans.
Five Topics
Specifically, comment is de-
sired on five questions:
1) Would you have enrolled at
the University if this proposal was
in effect;
2) Would this legislation have
deterred your interest in acquir-
ing a college education;
3) Would payment of such a
sum limit future donations you
might consider for your alma
Female Exemption
4) Is it discriminatory to ex-
cuse married females, demon-
strating financial need, from pay-
ment (this is the only exemption
in Allen's bill);
5) Is it fair to tax non-college
students to provide funds for
operating expenses and capital
outlay of universities?
Allen, whose address is the
State Capitol Bldg. in Lansing,
noted that student commentary
ought to arrive, as soon as pos-
sible, as the committee must act
on the bill by March 20.
Bus Drivers
Vote,-to Strike
City Bus Line
_The City Bus Co. will be struck
by its drivers next Friday unless
wage and hour demands are not
met by that time.
The seven full-time drivers

The general expectation is that
the bill will contain tax reduc-
tions on the general order Ken-
nedy recommended - some $10
billion over three years-but not
many of the structural changes
in the tax code for which he
asked. There already have been
indications the administration is
prepared to seek these in separate
legislation later.
Kennedy's economic advisers
have been urging a tax cut to
help forestall a recession in 1964
or 1965, when the economy is ex-
pected to move off its present
high "plateau."
At the same time they do not
feel Congressional rejection of
his appeal for a $10-billion reduc-
tion in taxes would necessarily
result in another recession before
The sales talk the President
has been using forhis tax pro-
gram has shifted in the past year.
Spur to Growth
OriginallW, he argued that a
slash would supply a needed spur
to economic growth. Last Feb. 14
he told a news conference that
failure to cut taxes "substantially
increases the chance of a
recession." And more recently he
said "I am not predicting a re-
cession for 1963."
Meanwhile, New York Gov. Nel-
son A. Rockefeller criticized Ken-
nedy's economic program as a
failure and proposed an alternate
one of his own.
Rockefeller said the Kennedy
program should be replaced by
one that would have immediate
impact, and deficit financing and
"restore confidence in our eco-
nomic future."
Not a Candidate
Rockefeller, prominently men-
tioned for next year's Republican
presidential nomination, t o 1 d
newsmen he is not a candidate--
that it is too soon for the situa-
tion to "crystallize."
He said he was offering his
economic proposals because "full
public discussion of this issue is
He also lashed out in a full
scale attack against the economic
policies of the Kennedy Admin-
istration, and summoned the Re-
publican party to unite, in his
words, as "the party of the
Paying tribute to the conserva-
tives of the party as those "who
would save the best of the past."
the New York governor attacked
Kennedy's fiscal program as a
But it was references to party
unity, to "free enterprise in a
climate of growth," and to the
emphasis of government at the
local level that drew most of
Rockefeller's attention.

Finally, he suggested that the
trend toward university branches,
if it got rolling, would do serious
damage to the third level: the
junior colleges. Noting that the
most likely areas for future
branches are the areas which now
have community colleges, he ex-
plained that the setting up of
such branches would dilute the

liberal-education role of thes
two-year schools.
This would leave the junia
colleges as little more than tech
nical-vocational schools, he com
menited. This, in his opinion
would cut out an important par
of their students' education-th
post-high school general educa

the resulting arrangements are
educationally unsound.
Urging any expansion of Mich-
igan's college system be viewed
in a statewide perspective, Dean
Jamrich said that in such a ^on-
text the branch idea is unsound
in principle.
He envisions a statewide sys-
tem involving colleges of three
levels. At the top, three or four
universities would stress graduate
instruction and research. How-
ever, they would maintain an un-
dergraduate student body, smaller
than they have today, composed'
of the state's top undergraduates.
Independent Colleges
The next division would be a
string of independent four-year
colleges, to handle the rest of the
state's students who are willing
and able to gain a baccalaureate.
Finally, an extensive string of
junior colleges would maintain a
virtually "open-door" policy, en-
abling high-school graduates who
for various reasons could not get
into the four-year colleges to re-
ceive -some post-high school edu-
He asserted that the University-
branch plan essentially involves
an unnecessary connection in
which one of the big universities
runs one of the second-level col-
leges. In addition to its potential
for destructive competition, such
a connection adds unnecessary
complications to the administra-
tive framework of the schools in-
volved, Dean Jamrich cconmented.

per cent wage increase spread over
a year and a promise to examine
the miners' pay scale next Septem-
ber. The miners walked out March
1, demanding an 11 per cent pay
increase, a 40-hour week-down
from 46-and other benefits.
At Douai, in the rich northern
fields where about half of France's
coal is mined, a union official
asked for equal time on the gov-
ernment-controlled radio and tele-
vision network to answer Pompi-
"We would like to explain the
position of the miners to the pub-
lic over radio and television," he
said, and promised' that strike
action would be stepped up.
Boost Pickets
"Monday we will increase the
strike pickets at the entrance of
the mines," he said.
From the Lorraine Basin, near
the German border in Eastern
France where 31,000 miners work,
a strike committee sent the pre-
mier an open letter headed: "No,
Monsieur Pompidou."
"Don't push the miners beyond
the limit," the letter read in part.
"They are conscious of their dut-
ies, but also of their rights."
From the southern fields near.
Provence, the local strike commit-
tee commented that the Premier's
fireside chat had no concrete pro-
posals. The committee urged that
the strike continue "with more
unity, calmly and with discipline
and dignity."
The government so far has not
tried to enforce the requisition
order that would draft miners in-
to the pits under threat of- fines,
jail terms or loss of pensions.
National riot police are concen-
trated in the mining areas, how-
ever, and the situation is explosive.
But an outward calm hangs over
the drag mining areas. Idle miners
spend their days playing a favorite
outdoor bowling game, strolling
the streets of their towns and vil-
lagesand clustering in local bars
and cafes.
A frequent complaint from the
strikers is that profits for French
businessmen have soared with the
current European boom and the
miners' wages have not kept pace.
The government argues that
French prosperity is not as solid
as it appears on the surface and
that a new round of wage and
price increases would put the
country in trouble.
The unified strike committee
served notice Thursday to the
miners that they should not ex-
pect a quick settlement and in-
vited mayors of several towns to
attend a meeting March 12.

SKhrushchev Raps Abstract Art

MOSCOW (J)-Soviet Premier
Nikita S. Khrushchev has bluntly
told Soviet writers and artists their
works are weapons of the class
struggle and that there is no place
in' the Soviet Union for Western
abstract art.
"Socialist realism, he said, can-

Groups Urge Changing
Proposed Housing Law
The Ann Arbor Area Fair Housing Association-Congress on Racial
Equality recently recommended several changes in the proposed fair
housing ordinance. In a communication to the City Council, AAAFHA-

not peacefully coexist with such
"bourgeois perversions."
Khrushchev also thrust a jetty
into the swelling tide of anti-
Stalinist works. "Those years un-
der Stalin were not a period of
stagnation in the development of
Soviet society," he declared.
Friday Speech
His speech, delivered Friday to
a meeting of Soviet artists, writers
and Communist Party leaders, was
released by the news agency Tass
early yesterday.
The crackdown on liberal trends
among artists-and writers was seen
as an admission of the might of
the pen and the artist's canvas
in the Soviet Union and the grow-
ing influence here of Western art.
The thrust at anti-Stalin out-

bursts that Khrushchev himself
triggered in 1961 was believed to
be an attempt to ward off boom-
erang effects that might hit other
areas of Soviet Communism.
Ehrenburg Critic
Khrushchev poined in the criti-
cism of veteran Soviet writer Ilya
Ehrenburg, a defender of modern
Informed sources said that Ehr-
enburg did not hear Khrushchev
speak but left Thursday after he
was criticized by Leonid Ilyichev,
the party's chief official propa-
Ehrenburg was reported to have
told a young writer as he departed,
"I will never see the blooming of
Soviet art, but you will see it, in
20 years."

... faces crisis
Alters Bill
The ,House Ways and Means
Committee sent a package of ap-
propriations bills to the floor Fri-
day with two of Gov. George Rom-
ney's favorite projects missing.
Absent were the $750,000 pro-
gram for research grants to state-
supported universities and $150,-
000 requested by the governor to
finance a study of state govern-
ment operations. Both requests
w e r e contained in Romney's
budget message.
However, the omission of these
two requests does not mean the
committee will not recommend
funds in a second consideration.
The bills will be sent back to the
committee for further delibera-
tion after they have been printed
and read twice on the floor.
At that time, the committee
could conceivably tack funds for
research on the original bills.
Romney's research plan . pro-
vided $750,000 for the best r -
search projects submitted by
Michigan universities. Under the
program, projects would be fi-
nanced in the order of their im-
portance to the state's economy.
"Most of us on the committee
are in favor of research, but we
want to get the wording of the
research provision c h a n g e d
around," Rep. Arnell Engstrom
(R-Traverse City), chairman of
the committee, said.
"We will be hearing some more
information on researen before
making a final decision," the
Traverse City Republican de-
He explained that the bills were
sent to the House without such
a provision due to tne limited
amount of time allowed for de-
liberation of bills left before they
go to the floor of the House for
One legislator, .however, inter-
preted the omission of the Rom-
ney sponsored proposal as indicat-
ing a basic split in the commit-
tee's sentiments regarding state-
supported research.
'Five of the bills that did go to
the floor would furnish a total of
$182.5 million for general govern-
ment, welfare, public safety and
defense, regulatory agencies and
conservation - recreation-agri-
culture spending.
Dantas To Ask
TniirPn i ck A ld

CORE calls for use of the city
code definition of a multille
housing accommodation, regula-
tion of the operations of real es-
tate brokers, residential builders
and also single parties controlling
multiple housing accommodations,
even if they consist of units on
non-contiguous lots.
The organization further de-
sires a modified section on dis-
crimination by financial institu-
tions expanded to include all
transactions. AAAFHA-CORE also
sees .a need for retaining an in-
junctive relief. However, it sug-
gested that the City Council
rather than the city attorney be
given the power' to ask the circuit
court for an injunction.
One reason given by AAAFHA-
CORE to change the ordinance to
cover single parties controlling
multiple housing accommoda-
tions independent of contiguity is

STeamsake Championships
Michigan teams completed one of their most successful winter
Big Ten Weekends in recent history yesterday, taking two champion-
ships and a second place.}
The first w ent to the w~r estling and gymnastics squads. The
grapplers downed defending champ Iowa by 10 points with a gr and
total of 52, copping two individual ciowns in the process. The, gym-
nasts meanwhile at East Lansing made a rout of it with 210 poits,
Iowa once again being runner-up with 831. The Wolverines took
seven individual firsts in this one. Br
See pages 10 and 11 for complete Big Ten Weekend coverage.h

The swimming team couldn't outperform Indiana, but did manage
to finish second ahead of Minnesota, 147%-1401/. The defending
champs had 238%.

; . " ,. _ :.

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