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March 10, 1968 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1968-03-10

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Page Six


Sundry, March 10, 1968

DA ILYO FFIC IA L B U LLE...... . ..............N...............,.....".,N....... ........:.n:,
(Cotined ro Pae 5 3.Talesmaybe esrve fo a 7. Literature may be available at as bulletin boards on the Alpha Phi 7. Must be removed on the last day locked and closed at' all times by and from J. J. C., for disciplinary
is. se f Tblesmaxmumof oe wek.a table to be picked up by Interested Omega poster route. The 64"k35"~ case for which permission is 4ranted. 124 7. No smoking action, appeal being to J. J. C.,
indfrom Alpha Phi Omega to re- 70-B, Angell Hall or 1011 SAB. They 8. Materials may be sold from a remaining cases will be reserved to become common property.) The following policy regarding t-he i. Warning
ryean ue tbleinth fshow. mstbereured y :0 pm.onthe table, but hawking or soliciting are hold posters relating to the student 8. Have a time limit of two weeks, use of University bulletin boards was Fine
The permission slip must be visabie at last day or the reservation period, only permitted between the hour and organization tables in front of eacha 9. The maximum size for diagboards adopted by Alpha Phi Omega and ap- 2. Fn
the table at all tirwes. 5. No more than two student organ- 10 minutes after. case, is 4'xW. proved by Student Government Coun- 3. Withdrawal of the use of the fa-
2. If a student organization does izations may be present at any one .9. It Is the .responsibility of the 2. Posters may be placed in the cii. dIllty for a specified period.
not need a table for any part of time. Each organization Is allowed the -organization to keep the area free bulletin board cases only through the 10. Banners must be vented and I. All posters for Alpha Phi Omega -- -
its reserved time (morning, afternoon, use of no more than one table and from litter created from their mater- Alpha Phi Omega procedures. ,.o trees with rope not wire, bulletIn boards must be stamped and CONSTITUTION OF THE ,JO1NT
day or days), the organization must two chairs, lals. II. Diag Regulations D. Semester diagboards posted by Alpha Phi Omega. JUDICIARY COUNCIL OF THE
notify Alpha Phi Omega so that the 6. Tables are to be kept to the west C. Use of Display Cases A. General 1. Must display the Office of Student 2. The maximum size of posters is UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN
reserva'tion may be re-assigned, wall area. 1. Two display cases will be reserved 1. Written permission must be ob- Organizations sticker, ]5"x24" with the exception of the Article I
tamed from Alpha Phi Omega for diag 2. May only be placed in the gravel Union and the Fishbowl, where 24" x Preamble: The Joint Judiciary Coun-
publicity (diagboards, banners, leaflet- area In front of the UGLI. 36" posters will be permitted. cii (hereinafter referred to as the
ing, tables, etc.) 3. May remain for one semester. 3. Posters must be flat. Council) exists to provide all mem-
2. Use of the diag for events and 4, Must comply with all the general .4. All posters will be delivered wIth-~ bers of the student body with facil-
EAR thru the Office of Student Organiza- the time limit, and Sunday) following the day they seling by their peers. It may deter-
~ tions. All student organization events E. Leafleting are brought to the Alpha Phi Omega mine if an Infraction of proper stu-
~ii ir ~ i~ i iv umust also gain SOC event approval. 1. Must be registered with Alpha Office. dent passed rules and regutlations has
3. Non-student organizations using Phi Omega 5. Posters announcing events spon- been committed by any student, group
the diag are .subject to SGC rules. If 2. Must be orderly without litter, sored by any of the following groups of students or other student organ-
WN E O O FEN TSS S DDSGC regulations sre violated. non-stu- iF. may be posted: ization. (Student, group of students or
dent organizations are subject to the |Sound equipment may be used only a. Recognized all-campus student other student organization will here-
N E W M O O S. F D SSE 4..1'same disciplinary actions as are Stu- during that time between the hour organizations inafter be referred to in this docu-
-dent Organizations, and te nminutes after the hour, and b. University departments mient as 'student.
B. Diag Tables between 12 noon and 1 p.m. Before us- c. Area civic groups (providing that Article II
present 1. The written permission slip nu st Iing ground equipment, check permis- the event is of service of interest to Membership: The Council shall con-
2. Tables are available in room C- Student Organizations or Student 6. The following items may not be more than six shall be of the same
YOO70-B, Angell Hall or 1011 Student Government Council. posted: sex. Each member of the Council
Activities Building. They must be re- III. SAB Workshop Regulations a. Newsletters shall serve for a term of one year,.
turned by 5:00 p.m. each day. 1. Permission to 'use the workshop b. Campaign literature (except SOC five to be selected two weeks before
T o d y *3. Tables may be reserved for amust be obtained from the Office of senmi-annual picture composite) the termination of the Fall semester
C.Diag boards, banners, displays is one month. d. Any event or service sponsored by before the termination of the Spring
.Must display the Office of S'udeut 2. Non-student organizations using an individual person semester. All shall be academically
Organizations sticker, the workshop are subject to SGC e. Any event or service sponsored by eligible. None shall be a member of
proedescribed In the permisson area. If SGC rules are violated, non- 7. All posters must specifically state ing his term of office on the Council,
ut rof " E E L E F R RAD C L " qe form, student organizations are subject to the sponsoring organization, and none shall serve on the Council
autor f RE\E ILL FO R~DICA~S"3. Must be sturdy and anchored the same disciplinary actions as are 8. All posters must relate to a spec- for more than four consecutive sms
securely. tue Organizations. ifie event. ters. Any member of the Council who
ffff4. May not be posted to trees or 3. Each organization must clean-up 9. Alpha Phi Omega cannot be held falls to accept the responsibilities of
- be potentially dangerous to passersby, its own debris, responsible for any posters in excess his position may, by a two' thirds
"D IS EN T: O LD N D N W ". 1. May not interfere with other signs, 4. .Each organization is responsible of the amount required. vote of the entire membership, be
bcktraffic, or in any way interfere for the cost of replacing any mach- 10. Each individual poster will still made forfeit said position.
with other signs, block traffic, or in inery parts which they have broken, remain subject to the discretion oi Article III
4:0 P. . U io BaIlr omany way interfere wimh the operation 5. Organizations must ask the cus- the executive board of Alpha Phi Appointment: Members 0! the Coun-
4:00 P.I~ . I~ ion ol Ioornof other organizations. todians or Gilbert and Sullivan So- Omnega. cii shall be appointed by an inter-
6. Which are damaged must be re- ciety members for assistance if they V. Enformement: Violation complaints viewing board composed of two mem-
-paired or removed within 24 bouts af- are unfamiliar with the machinery. may be submitted to the special Fish- bers of the Student Government Coun-
IIIfiSter damage has occured. 6. The workshop doors must be left bowl Court of one member, appointed ci, two members of the Council.
'Wilim tingfllw. T
attorney, lecturer, lay theologian, and
will speak on
Tues., March 12 8:00 P.M. GAYLE RUBIN FRAT.-SORQR IT'
For Board of Control-Publications: CARLA KISH
aFor Board of Control-A thletics: Joel Block P
F' Should the University end Classified Research? YES
UNION .LEAUShould the University withdraw from l.D.A.? YES ODRNW
____ ___ __.:in...::__ ___ ____ .;.:._ __ ___ __ K.O.DER..O W-

Section 1: A quorum of this board
is Its full membership.
Section 2: The Chairman -of the
interviewing board shall be the re-
tiring chairman of the Council who
shall preside at the meetings of the
interviewing board and shall be one
of the two voting members from the
Section 3: The recommended ap-
pontments for the Council shall be
subject to review and approval by
Student Government Council within
one week.
Article IV
Officers: The officers of the Council
shall consist of a chairman, vice-
chairman and secretary, who shall be
elected by the Council and serve at
its convenience.
Election shall be by secret ballot and
the majority of ballots cast is re-
quired for election.
In all proceedings of the Council,
the chairman may enter discussion
but he shall have no vote except In
the case of a tie or in the case of
decisions for which the Constitution
or Bylaws call for greater than a
majority vote of the entire Council
Duties of the chairman:
a. To call meetings of the Council
and to preside at such meetings.
b. To act as sole spokesman for the
Council, except as he may delegate to
other members of the Council,
c. To give written notice of the
penalty, if any, imposed upon anyone
appearing before the Council.
d. To appoint members of the Coun-
cil to positions other than those here-
in specified.
e. To instruct the new members of
the Council policy and methods in
order to ensure a reasonable' degree of
f. To perform such other duties as
may be assigned to the office by the
Duties of the Vice-Chairman:
a. To assume all duties and respon-
(Continued on Page 12)






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