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March 10, 1963 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-10

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on Student-Faculty Governmen


Michael Marston, Grad; Past
president, Theta Delta Chi so-
cial fraternity, member, Law
School class of 1964; graduate,
U of M; commission, 2d/ Lieu-
tenant, USAF Reserve.

T HERE ARE several basic issues
of concern to us in the present
election. One that stands out is
the structifre and role of student
government at this University. I
feel that the present structure of
Student Government Council pre-
sents a paradox in that it purports
to be representative of all the stu-
dents at the tniversity and yet,
while some students views are rep-
resented by more than one voice
at council meetings, others appear
to be significantly under-repre-
sented. Two significant examples
of this under-representation are
the graduate student population
and the international students. If
we are to continue representation
of various interest groups on the
council we must come to some ra-
tional basis for determining which
groups shall be represented.
': * *
AS FAR as the role of student
government on this campus is
concerned, I feel that the students
should be involved in the policy
making functions of the Univer-
sity. SGC should continue to con-
cern itself with the level at which
the student should be represented.
It should also concern itself, with
some degree of interest, in the
present merger discussions be-
tween the Michigan League and
the Michigan Union, in order to
determine if there is a proper role
for SGC in the outcome of these
Another problem with which we
continue to be involved is that of
membership requirements in stu-
dent organizations. In this area
.I feel that SOC should not exer-
Henry M. Wallace, '64; Interna-
tional Center Orientation Lead-
er; Social Concerns committee
chairman, Wesley Foundation;
International committee, Cam-
pus Ecumenical Center; Univer-
sity of Michigan Agent, Interna-
tional Students Co-operative
Union; volunteer worker, Ann
Arbor Community Center.
S STUDENTS we 'have fewer
financial and personal respon-
sibilities than any other group in
society. We also have better access
to information and are more ac-
tive intellectually. Therefore, we
have a responsibility to investigate
the problems facing society and to,
initiate solutions.
When we accept responsibility
and act, student opinion is a pow-
erful force. Student action and
opinion have: .
1) brought new equality of op-
portunity to the South; 2) helped
to end segregation in Pittsfield
Village; 3) reorganized the Office
of Student Affairs; 4) liberalized
the restrictions on women.
I HOPE to continue this pro-
gress by working on the following
problems in the coming year:
1. The City of Ann Arbor plans
to enforce a tax on personal fur-
nishings over $5,000. Since this
will affect virtually no one except!
fraternities and sororities, it is
discriminatory. We should fight it.
2. SGC's motion to further re-'
move the discriminatory regula-
tions on women should be imple-
3. Over 50% of Ann Arbor's
landlords discriminate against
non-whites. The best solution is
the fair housing ordinance before
the Ann Arbor City Council. If it
fails to pass we must continue to
work for it. In the meantime we
should stop withholding grades for
landlords who discriminate.
4. This semester SGC asked the
Faculty Senate for permission to
seat six students on faculty com-
mittees in advisory capacities. This
student-faculty approach to com-

mon problems 'is a good one. It
should result in more experimen-
tation in teaching and increase
student interest in the problems
of the University. This approach to
more effective student government
deserves a thorough exploration.
5. Many times in the past U of
M students have considered the
possibility of a student co-opera-'
tive book store. The idea never got
very far, however, because the two
day "rush" for books was such an
inefficient and messy operation.

Kenneth Miller, '63; Former Ad-
ministrative vice - president,
SGC; executive committee Voice
Political Party; delegate to 1962
National Convention, USNSA;
former chairman SGC Com-
mittee on Student Concerns;
former member Michigan Daily
staff; member Young Demo-
crats; member, Phi Epsilon Pi
IT IS TRUE that upon entering
,_. a university the student takes
on certain responsibilities, but this
does not mean that he gives up
the basic rights which he has by
virtue of being a citizen of the
cise its ultimate power of coer- larger society. I believe that cer-
cion, withdrawal of recognition, tain rights such as freedom of
without first exhausting all other movement, protection against un-
potential solutions. tRather than due invasion of privacy, the free
expending energies to remove the expression of dissenting views, due}
result of discriminatory provisions, process under law, follow the stu-
these energies should be exerted dent even into the academic com-
toward assisting these groups in munity. My work on SGC this past,
freeing themselves from the bonds year has been informed by this;
of discrimination. If the promise belief.
of financial assistance to these After one year of acculturation
groups will aid in the cause of re- at the University, the student
moving discriminatory provisions, should be free to make his own
then the feasibility of providing decisions. While in the residence
such air should be investigated. halls he should not have his pri-
The continued participation of i vacy infringed upon in the form
the University in NSA having been of non-academic evaluations. He
determined in the recent referen- should not be under secret sur-
dum, indicates that we must make veillance when visiting a counsel-
every effort to inform the stu- for for curriculum advice.
dents of the University of the pro- Women should not have "hours"
grams available for their benefit after their freshman year. Social
through NSA. We should provide groups having parties should not
our delegates to NSA with a man- have to file "chaperone forms."
date to work for reform within
NSA so that it will be more repre- 1) SGC should have the power
sentative of the students for which to make all rules concerning stu -
it speaks. Tlhe reform movement dent conduct.
should be first directed at reform- 2) Those who were not elected
ing the method of selecting dele- by the student body, but who re-1
gates from the member schools on tain a seat on SGC by virtue of ai
a basis which is at least as repre- leadership position in a major4
sentative as the reform on our campus opganization should not
campus has produced. have a vote on SGC but only an
- advisory role.

cost of living does not explain the movement.
extraordinarily high rents and the With the decisions to participa
oligopoly situation in retail busi- in regent's elections and expe:
nesses. Low cost apartments ment in the area of student fa
should be built -by the University ulty government (both plans fo
in order to drive down rents. All mulated under Voice leadershi
restrictions on student enterprises student government is moving ir
should be lifted. Co-ops then could an exciting new period. The d
save students money in books, namic of the change can be a
food, and laundry. credited to Voice political par


Edwin F. Sasaki, Grad; B.A. U
of M. 1960; Graduate Student
Council President 1962-63; GSC
secretary 1961-62; Voice Politi-
cal party; teaching assistant,
dept. of physiology.
SGC has failed to reach its po-
tential. It has failed to be the
"agency for meaningful student
participation in the formulation,
improvement and promotion of the
educational goals of the Univer-
sity." It has failed to be a mature
and responsible government.
SGC has not faced issues re-
sponsibly. It governs the entire
student community. Yet it repre-
sents only 60 per cent of that com-
munity. It has allowed student-
faculty relations to break down,
witness the SRC desicion of last
fall not to fill faculty vacancies
on SGC committees. Student-

3) The president and a vice-
president of SGC should be elected
from the campus at large and not
by SGC itself.
The University can not remain
aloof from the problem of eco-
nomic conditions in the Ann Ar-
bor community. Even the high


resulting better (larger) selection
of books be worth the organizing
effort? Financing would probably
not be a great problem. If a Wol-
verine Co-op is needed we can bor-
row part of the money from our-
selves. There are many interested
people in the community who
would help us out with the rest.
Therefore, I propose the follow-
ing course of action:
1) Elimination of the Regents
Bylaw which prevents the Student
Book Exchange from experiment-
ing with new books.
2) SGC should make a detailed
study to determine the need and
feasibility of a Wolverine Co-op

R ther ford
John Rutherford '64; West Quad-
rangle Council Member; House
Social Committee, Council Mem-
ber, Services Chairman, Capital
Improvements Chairman; Inter-
Fraternity Council Executive
Committee; Fraternity Presi-
dents Assembly; President, Jun-
ior Inter-Fraternity Council.
Student Government Council
this spring will take part in the
most significant movement for
basic structural change in the
Council since its inception. This
is a further step in making the.
interests of the student body felt
more definitely in areas of pri-'
mary concern to them. This pro-
posed incorporation of the Fac-
ulty Senate and Student Govern-
ment Council would give the elect-
ed representatives of the student
body a direct voice and vote on
all matters of primary concern.
At present SGC can concern it-

POLLS OPEN 8 A.M.--5:15 P.M.
-SGC Officers
-Class Officers
-Ex-Officio Question
-Board in Control of Student Publications
-Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics
-Union Board Officers

self only with extracurricular mat-
ters. It serves two basic functions:
rule making for student organiza-
tions, and expressing opinions on
matters of student concern. The
former function is largely admin-
istrative, and the latter puts the9
iCouncil in the position of a pres-
sure group more than a legis-
lative body. In other words, Stu-
dent Government Council at
present exerts as little influence
as the University administration
The largest issue endemic to
this campus is that of in loco'
parentis. This whole area would'
be resolved by the combination
of student and faculty spheres of
This question seems to me to be
the most compelling one, and, if
elected, I would do everything in
my power to effect it. There are,
however, several issues of secon-
dary interest on which a position
must be taken. Briefly, then, I
stand for enforcement of all Re-
gental bylaws affecting student
organizations (this includes the
bias clause), for co-educational
housing on an experimental basis,
and for active student participa-
tion in the election of qualified
I OPPOSE the excessive con-
cern of the Council with off-
campus issues on which its mem-
bers can't pretend to reflect a broad
base of interested student opinion.
Students do have opinions in these
areas and they should be express-
ed and pressure exerted in an at-
tempt to achieve commensurate
action, but this should not be
the primary concern of the Coun-
cil members individually. This
campus and the policies of the
administration as they affect the
student body are the chief re-
sponsibility of the Council. Too
little , has been accomplished in
this area.

HOWEVER, pre-registration will r
eliminate many of these inherent
inefficiencies. Students will know:
their courses and sections several :..
weeks in advance spreading out
the "rush" period, In addition, II $


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