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March 10, 1963 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-10

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;andidates Build Platforms on Ex-icio



1. .





rederick Rhi'es, '64; Member,
eigma Chi fraternity, rre-
ponding secretary, social chair-
aan, Michigras chairman; co-
hairman, Homecoming ticket
V THE NEXT several years Stu-
dent Government Council will
faced with many problems
Zich are going to be crucial to
existence and to the role of
e student at the University of
.chigan. Among the major issues
cing the Council will be the
nsideration of reorganization of
e Council, the question of mer-y
rship in student organizations,
d the role of students in the
rmulation of administrative aid
ademic policy. Before stating my
sition on individual issues, it
iy be helpful to know and un-
rstand my philosophy as to the
.e of the student and SGC.
[ feel it is the role and duty
Student Government Council to
press student opinion. This is
hieved by expanding student
wer in all areas of University
ncern, but also realizing the
actical limitations established
current University policy and
awing proper respect for the
ility and experience of the fac-
;y and administration. This does
t mean that we will move into
eas where we are uninvited but
should move into areas where
ident opinion should be heard.

To more clearly understand my
philosophy when applied to actual
situations, I think it is necessary
to apply it to essential issues
which will be brought forth to
Student Government Council. A
crucial issue to the Council is
that of reorganization. The con-
cept of' reorganization encon-
passes the areas of removing ex-
officios, and the responsibilities
that may be assumed by the pro-
posed Union-League merger.'
In the near future Student Gov-
ernment Council will be consider-
ing whether or not to recommend
the removal of ex-officios from
the Council. I feel that the con-
tributions the ex-officios make as
leaders to the Council are essen-'
tial for it to function properly.
Although the original reasons for
which ex-officios were placed on
SGC have changed this does not
mean that they no longer serve a
useful purpose. Theoretically there
may be justification for removing
them, but I feel in reality it would
be a mistake to dispose of leader-
ship of such a quality until the
Council can draw representatives
of equal or superior caliber to re-
place these members.
The present situation in regard
to the Committee on Membership
is indefinite because of the pro-
cedures and legal status of this
committee are being considered
and re-evaluated by a special
study committee. Tentatively this
committee will propose a new by-
law to the Regents officially giving
SGC power in the area of discrim-
ination. If this bylaw is presented
and passed, it will still be the duty
of SGC to set up procedures and
rules underwhich this conunitt'!e
will operate. If elected to Council,
I feel it my duty to procure the
adequate procedures to guarantee
the individual chapters free choice
in selection of members.
I feel that it is the responsibility
of SGC and the individual repre-
sentatives to work through the
formal as well as the informal
channels of communication to rep-
resent to the faculty and adminis-
tration the feelings of the stu-
dents of this campus. I feel that
the motion passed by SGC recom-
mending the establishment of
a Student Faculty Government
which would make recommenda-
tions in regard to University af-
fairs was a major step in this
direction. I feel that SGC will
work diligently to follow up this
legislation and make every pos-
sible attempt to secure the estab-
lishment of the joint government.

Michael Knapp, '64; member
National Fraternity Convention
delegation; Chapter Michigras
Committee chairman; chapter
pledge trainer; chapter news-
paper editor; member IFC rush
information panels; assistant
chapter rush chairman.
Government Council at this
moment is very poor. The most im-
portant job presently is to es-
tablish a favorable reputation
worthy of such an 1 organization.
To produce a respectable repu-
tation, the Student Government
Council must first turn out re-
spectable action, and when re-
spectable work is produced the
campus must be so informed. My
role as a member of the Council
is then to work at worthwhile
tasks, in a worthwhile manner,
and to inform the student body
of our action. Good works will be
the basis °of a good reputation.
The future of the Council is
intimately related to the possible
alternative structures which are
now under consideration. One pro-
posal is to remove the voting
privilege of ex-officio members.
The original rationale for their
voting was to add stature and
contribute valuable knowledge to
the Council. It is debated that
these ex-officio members can still
add their knowledge to the Coun-
cil as non-voting members. This
is theoretically possible; however
in reality there must be doubt. A
man spending 25-30 hours a week
of his time in one organization is1
less likely to spend a great deal
of his time studying Council is-
sues with no vote than with a vote.
The idea of incentive is important,
and since their contribution of
knowledge is an established goal,
it would be foolish to eliminate
their vote. Other practical prob-
lems exist and must be considered.
The quality of candidates in re-
cent elections has been mediocre.
Ex-officio members are men and
women who have proven them-
selves excellent leaders in their
own organizations. They are the
equal of elected candidates. To
deny ex-officio members a vote
would not improve Tbe quality of
candidates, but only open more
seats to mediocre members.

The concept of student-faculty
government is now being develop-
ed. It is" as yet cloudy, but there
is here an opportunity for the
student voice to be heard in mat-
ters of University policy. While
the professional ability of ad-
ministrators must certainly be
recognized, students are capable'
of adding insight for faculty con-
There is a very prevalent need
for change within the University.
The change can logically be moti-'
vated by Student Government
Council. However there must be"
sound research and planning be-
hind every motion for change by,
the members of Student Govern-
ment Council. I refer specifically
to the women's hours proposal
that was recently passed. While 1
agree in principle with most of
the proposal, I find it hard to
believe that the administration;
will seriously consider such a radi-
cal change with such little studyI
backing it up.
There are going to be many new
problems, plus the present ones
facing Council. In the past solu-
tions have been far too encompas-
sing.,I believe Council should work
in a step by step fashion, pro-
gressing to a final solution in
workable, manageable steps.

THE PROCESS for eliminating
discrimination in student organ-
izations is very confused at this
point. The Council must face this
issue boldly and arrive at a solu-
tion which is sound legally and will
produce the desired results. SGC
must at all times be cognizant of
the groups they are representing
in arriving at this solution. The
right of organizations to choose
members on an individual basis
must be respected.

A brains
Howard Abrams, '63; Gargoyle,
former editorial director; Folk-
ways, editor; President, Folklore
society; incumbent, Student.
Government Council; chairman,
USNSA committee; essays edi-
tor, Generation; VOICE; Inter-
national Student's Association;
chairman, Michigan Region,
begun to move towards a broad-:
er and more intelligently defined I
notion of the role of student gov-
ernment. It is my intention, if re-
elected, to work to seriously im-
plement this development. This
means implementation of student-;
faculty government beyond the
idea stage, ,involvement of the1
student government and the stu-
dent body in the vital process of
the University Community as an!
active participant rather than as
merely a passive observer, continu-
ing efforts to gain for students1
decision-making power over those
areas that are specifically student
concerns, and an expansion of the
efforts to achieve a definitive com-!
mitment from SGC and the Ad-
ministration for an expanded def-
inition of student rights.
I would like to see the following
specific problem areas attacked by
SGC: racial and religious discrim-
ination in scholarships and in off-
campus housing, all-campus elec-
tion of SGC officers, active work
to correct the still existing abuses
of non-academic evaluations, stu-
dent peer counselling, a concen-
trated effort to remove the Re-!
gental Bylaw that forbids a stu-
dent bookstore, as well as other
* * *

Thomas L. Smithson, '65. East
Quadrangle Council 1961-63,
President, spring 1962-63; Mem-
ber Inter-Quadrangle Council,
East Quadrangle quadrants.
SGC is that it has not dealt
with the problems most meaning-
ful to students on this campus.
SGC structural reform cannot
solve these problems-only mem-
bership changes can-but this is
not to say that structural reforms
are not desirable too.
I would support changes in the
SGC Plan removing votes from
ex-officio members and increasing
the number of popularly elected
members. If Council fails to take
such action, it would seem only
equitable to add voting seats for
GSC, ICC and the International
Although it is within the pro-
vince of SGC to comment on out-
side issues, my primary concern
would be with those problems
within the University and the Ann
Arbor community that directly
concern students. Previous SGC
candidates have criticized off-
campus issues on the grounds that
they prefer to concentrate on local
issues, but they have largely ig-
nored these too. I will take vigor-
ous action on local issues, par-
ticularly the very acute problem of
local bookstore prices.
While steps have been taken to
include "student economic wel-
fare" as a criterion for SGC en-
dorsement of Regental candidates,
and while SBX has publicized the
opportunity to order books from
ISCU, I am far from satisfied with
the progress in this area. If elect-
ed, I pledge a thorough examina-
tion of book prices in Ann Arbor
and the Regents' restriction -of
other Student
To Hold Vote
In addition to the all campus
election for Student Government
Council this Wednesday, a num-
ber of other elections will be tak-
ing place.
Students will be asked to vote
for three members of the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
A number of other elections will
not be open to the entire campus.
Instead, voting will be restricted
either by sex or by class standing.
All male students are eligible
to vote in the election for the
Board in Control of Intercolleg-
iate Athletics, where one seat is
Undergraduate male students
may vote to fill for seats on the
Michigan Union Board of Direc-
tors. Graduate male students may
vote to fill the two graduate seats
on the Board.
First' semester seniors and sec-
ond semester juniors in the liter-
ary college and the business ad-
ministration school will also vote
for class officers. They will vote
for president, vice-president, sec-
retary and treasurer.

student enterprises in competi-
tion with Ann Arbor businesses. I
would exhaust all University ave-
nues for responsible protest against
this ruling, which further increases
the cost of an already expensive
* * 4
SGC SHOULD take the iniative
in working with the University
and the Ann Arbor business com-
munity to obtain equitable treat-
ment for students. Responsible
student action and popular cam-
pus support are of paramount im-
portance here.
Bylaw 2.14 regarding discrim-
ination must be upheld by SGC.
and, where appropriate, action
must be taken, remembering that
it is- discrimination, not non-
discrimination, that must be pro-
Ideally, student government
should have authority over all
questions of student conduct. Re-
cent SGC action on women's hours
is a step in the right direction.
At present, SGC is but an ddvisory
body in these matters. I strongly
favor the increased student par-
ticipation in University policy-

Mary Beth
Mary Beth Norton, '64; Assem-
bly Association president, 1962-
63; Young Democrats executive
board, 1961-62; Wesley Founda-
tion executive board, 1962-62;
member, Alpha Lambda Delta
(freshman womens' honorary);
member, Wyvern (junior wo-
men's honorary); Voice Political
Party; House Council (Stockwell
Hall); Assembly House Council;
William Branston freshman
IN CONJUNCTION with the tran-
sitions occurring throughout
the University, Student Govern-
ment Council must re-examine its
own structure and policies. For al-
togeher too long the campus has
regarded SGC with a general feel-
ing of disdain arising to a great
extent from Council's inability to
discuss issues intelligently and to
propose meaningful programs. The
recently-begun trend toward ac-
tive participation in University
affairs must be continued; while
Council must remain perpetually
aware of so-called "off campus"
issues, the major questions facing

Ballot Proposes SGC Change

making implicit in the proposal of
a student-faculty government.
While working in these areas, I
would maintain close personal
contact with student constituents
through regular office and tele-
phone hours.


juvenile without serious concerns
Was laid to rest. It is this concept
and the conclusions that it entails
that SGC must confront if it
wishes to be a vital and meaning-
ful organization.
In seeking re-election, I am
running, in part, on my record:
the revival of attempts for a stu-
dent parking structure; involving
students and SGC in the area of
student regulations; the revitaliza-
tion of the USNSA program here
on campus, etc. It is my hope that
I will have the opportunity to dis-
cuss my ideas and positions with
interested members of the student
body in a larger context than the
space here permits.
council To Use
Hare System

SGC at this time are "campus"
ones: membership selection, ex
officios, and student rights.
The Committee on Membership
in Student Organizations has more
than adequately fulfilled its initial
charge. Recently, however, cer-
tain events (i.e., the loss of the
committee's faculty membership)
have wreaked havoc within the
structure of the committee. SGC
must give this committee the ef-
fective unequivocable backing it
needs to continue its work of en-
suring that all student organiza-
tions comply with SGC's regula-
tions on membership selection de-
rived from Regents bylaw 2.14.
Although individual ex-officios
vary in their interest and involve-
ment in Student Government
Council, their presence on Coun-
cil has in general been a detri-
mentsto thatbody. This en-
trenched oligarchy of seven votes
severely hinders all claims that
SGC is democratically elected; it
also fills Council with members
who often become possessive about
the prerogatives of their organiza-
tions and whose main interests do
not lie within the scope of Coun-
cil's power. In addition, since an
ex officio's first loyalty must al-
ways be to his own organization,
he often cannot find the time to
become an active and thoughtful
member of Student Government
* * *
SGC, HOWEVER, cannot be-
come so concerned with its -own
structure that it forgets its indi-
vidual constituents. The Univer-
sity sorely needs a bill of student
rights and responsibilities like that
recommended by the United States
National Student Association. The
judiciary revision now in process
at the University must be ex-
panded to include the whole area
of students' duties and rights as
members of an academic com-
munity. Council has a definite re-
sponsibility to its constituency to
establish a specific policy in this
vital area. A student relinquishes
neither his rights as a citizen nor
his responsibilities to society when
he enters the University; Student
Government Council should affirm
this fact and work to see it imple-
mented in actual practice.

Besides the names of the can-
didates, the ballot in this Wednes-
day's election will have on it the
question whether or not "all mem-
Election, Group
Oversees Vote
The Credentials and Rules
Committee of Student Govern-
ment Council is the regulative
body of campus elections.
This committee governs the
decorum of the campaign and
hears complaints of election in-
There are a number of cam-
paign rules which are usually
standard from election to elec-
tion. For example no candidate
may spend more than $25 on his
campaign or place posters, ,in
University buildings without first
getting the proper authorization.
There are also a number of reg-
ulations concerning campaigning
in the residence halls. In short,
stuffing mail boxes with campaign
literature and door to door cam-
paigning are not allowed,
On election day, campaigning
within 50 feet of the polls is one
of the infractions which may lead
vo disqualification. Ballots may
not contain any "extraneous ma-
terial" such as stickers. In other
words, candidates may not hand
out stickers with their names on
them to students approaching the
polls. A voter may only designate
his choice of candidates by mark-
ing his ballot in the appropriate
The committee also hears com-
plaints of elections viobations.
This semester there were no re-
ported petitioning infractions.
Usually there are a number of
reported infractions on elections }
day such as ballot stuffing.
If a complaint is filed, the Cre-
dentials and Rules Committee
bolds a hearing in order to ascer-
tain the quilty parties. It may
ther refer the case to Joint Judi-
ciary Council, dismiss the case, or
take a candidate's name off the
ballot. If a complaint is made
after election night, the commit-
tee may recommend to SCC not

bers of Student Government
Council should be elected by the
student body."
The vote will only be an "ex-
pression of student opinion" and
will not be binding on SGC. Al-
though it is not binding, Council
may pass no legislation which is
contrary to the decision of the
voters until the next election in
Presently only 11 members of
Council are directly elected by
the entire student body. The
other seven seats are filled by
ex-pfficios, composed of the chief
officers of the following organi-
zations: The Daily, the Michigan
Union, t h e Women's League,
A s s e m b 1 y Association, Inter-
Quadrangle Council, Panhellenic
Association a nd Interfraternity
Those in favor of the continued
membership of ex-officios on
Council note that these campus
leaders lend experience and pres-
tige to that body. They cite the
high level of discussion that these
students bring to SOC. It has also
been pointed out that ex-officios
have initiated a number of im-'
portant motions.
During one of the dicussions, a
Council member pointed out that
it would be extremely difficult to
find seven other students who
could do as capable a job as the
Not Representative
On the other hand, those op-
posed to having ex-officios re-
main on Council argue that these
leaders have their first loyalty to
their respective organizations and
it is to these organizations that
most of their efforts are turned.
Furthermore, it is claimed that
the ex-officios are not represent-
ative of the student body and that

they merely represent compara-
tively small campus groups.
Accordingly, these students
claim that ex-officio seats on
Council are undemocratic and
therefore call for direct election
of SGC members.
It has been proposed that ex-
officios remain on Council but
merely in an advisory capacity.
They would have the right to
speak before Council but not that
of voting.
The question that appears on
the ballot first notes the present
composition of SGC. It then
states, "Resolved: all members of
SGC should be elected by the
student body."
The discussion concerning ex-
officios has been before Council
a number of 'times since last No-
vember's election. A motion had
been on Council's agenda for sev-
eral weeks before action was
taken on a second motion which
proposed to put this question on
the ballot.
A petition which had been cir-
culated among tudents called for
the question to be put on the hal-
lot. However, SGC invalidated the
petition which ccrtained over the
necessary 1000 signatures on the
grounds that the resolution failed
to relate the proposed change to
the Student Government Council
Pion However, immediately fol-
lowing this action, Council voted
in favor of a motion placing the
question on the ballot.
Ex-officios have been sitting on
Council since its inception in 1954.
One group has been established
and is campaigning for an affirm-
ative vote on the issue. It has re-
ceived ad hoc recognition by SGC
for the duration of the campaign.

UNDERLYING all of this is an
attempt to make concrete the no-
tion of a student a responsible and
intelligent participant in Univer-
sity life. It is time that the out-
dated shibboleth of the student as
an unthinking pleasure-seeking
Work To Start
After Elections
In SGC Race
Within an hour after the polls
close, the tabulating procedure to
determine the winners will begin.
At that time the Credentials
and Rules Committee, the elec-
tions director and the assistant
elections director will meet to sort
the ballots.
Starting at 7 p.m., some 50 vol-
unteers will start counting the
election returns in the Michigan
Union Ballroom. Although the
network television stations, will
not be on hand, crowds of stu-
dents will be present along with
WCBN which will broadcast the
e e n t. Anyone interested in
viewing the count night proceed-
ings is invited to attend.
Last semester the first results
were in around 10:30 p.m. while
the last returns were announced
nearly three hours later. This
Wednesday, t h e first results
should be in by 9:30 p.m. and
final tabulations should be in by
1:00 a.m.
The new procedure consists of
starting to sort the ballots almost
immediately after the polls close.
It is also hoped that a new out-
line of duties which has been
drawn up will speed up the re-
sults. The first race to be decided
will probably be election for the
Board in Control of Intercolleg-
iate Athletics.


To Count Votes
The seven successful candidates
in Wednesday's race for seats on
Student Government Council will
be elected under the Hare system.
Under this system students list
the candidates in order of prefer-
ence, from 1 to 12. When the votes
are initially counted they are
placed into piles according to the
voter's first choice. When a can-
didate receives one-eighth of the
total vote cast, he is elected. This
quota is established by adding one
to the number of seats open and
then dividing it into the total
Redistribute Votes
If on the first count no candi-
date receives one-eighth of the
total vote, the person with the
least amount of first place votes
is dropped. His votes are redis-
tributed to the second place
choice. If no candidate has reach-
ed the quota through this pro-
cedure, the second lowest candi-
date is dropped and his votes are
also redistributed.
When a candidate is elected,
there is usually a surplus number
of votes above the needed quota.
A number of votes equal to the
surplus are drawn from the total
number of votes of the winning
candidate and distributed at ran-
dom to the remaining candidates.
This same process is gone through
when another candidate is elect-
ed. As the number of those elect-
ed increases, the number of bal-
lots drawn at random and given
to the remaining candidates also

M apHighlighits Poll Locations
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GroupsState Choices

Howard Abrams, '63
Kenneth Miller, '64
Mary Beth Norton, '64
Edwin Sasaki, Grad.
Henry Wallace, '64E

Michael Knapp, '64
Michael Marston, '64L
Sherry Miller, '65
Fredrick Rhines, '64
John Rutherford.'64

Quota Drops
If a voter does not indicate all
12 choices, eventually his ballot
12 not be able to be redistribut-
ed. Ballots so invalidated Cause
the quota necessary for election
to drop. The quota is set up from
I the number of ballots which are
still circulating.
The Hare system maximizes the
possibility of a voter electing at
1least one candidate whom he se-

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