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March 10, 1967 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-10

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See editorial-page


Sir1 igan

43 ' ;
at ty

Brisk winds;
no chance of rain

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom.








Jobs f






night of "lying to the staff" about severing its ties with the
Central Intelligence Agency by Larry Rubin, 23, who told the
Associated Press that he is quitting as educational affairs di-
rector of the NSA.
Rubin, who said he plans to return to his studies at Antioch
College in Ohio, challenged the statement by NSA officers last
month that financial ties with the CIA had ended last July. He
said the CIA still holds the lease on the association's headquarters
building, and he declared the NSA shows "little inclination" to
make a break that would cause it to "lose government funds
and favors."_
Student in University Decision Making has invited Prof. Leonard
Greenbaum, chairman of the Student Relations Committee of
SACUA, to its session next Thursday to discuss issues which the
the Commission must consider. Richard L. Cutler, vice-president

Submitted by Greene

I W3 1 l - is

ilL Studiei

s 1


Fraternity Presidents,
Executive Committee
Start Pledge Study

for student affairs, and former
James A. Lewis have been invi
The speakers were invited
Commission in its work: In a
tinuing to solicit written or
group on the role of students.
At a recent meeting, the
"The Commission intends
president a recommendation t
on major proposals to be' conta
body and faculty be consulte
stituted representative bodies"
A spokesman for the Com
one of its major tasks would be
trust between administrators an
rule for a new decision making
for ; adequate exchange of opi
and administrators.
The Commission's next me
noon in Room 3511 of the Stu(
* *
that they believed "that freed
the responsibility of honoring
others." This introductory porti
an incident March 2 in which
created a disturbance at an
omitted from a Daily story yester
* *
Service will conduct an open m
8 p.m. in room 3540 of the S
purpose of the meeting is to pr
-community with the opportunit
issue of ranking. A sign-up list
posted in the SGC, office in the S
Members of the University
dividuals or as the official rer
izations. The Committee will
written statement from any mem
not wish to speak at the meetin
to 15 minutes.

Vice-President for Student Affairs By STEVE NISSEN
ted to the March 23 meeting. The Fraternity Presidents As-
to the open meetings to aid the sembly in conjunction with the
ddition the Commission is con- Executive Board of IFC, last night
oral opinions from any campus launched an investigation of the
oralopiion fro an capus Fraternity B u y e r s Association
(FBA), an organization designed
Commission "issued the following to aid fraternities obtain the low-
est cost for bulk food.
to include in its report to the The fraternity presidents also
hat, preliminary to final action set up a "Pledge Program Study
ained in that report, the student Commite dm
metrevising their jdiarysysd-
d through their regularly cons tem. In addition, Fred Mayer of
the Office of University Planning
mission yesterday explained that said sites on North Campus are
to eliminate the feeling of mis- currently available to fraternities
d students and set up the ground wli to move there and for new NEW LAW
tg structure which would provide
nions between students, faculty Each fraternity which partici The new officers of the Law School stu
pates in the FBA must sign an Barnhill, vice president; James Schwabt
atagreement to purchasea staples 1967-68 were chosen yesterday in an elect
eting will be next Thursday, at from the association for a period
dent Activities Building. of one year. The FBA receives The four will be installed March 27.
* bids from various companies andE
Executive Board said Wednesday awards contracts to the lowest TFO
Excuiv Bar ai Wdnsdy bidder for the school year. D F N T
orn of expression carries with it Monopolistic?
the freedom of expression of Bill Sage, '68, executive vice-
on of their statement concerning president of IFC, questioned
,students were alleged to have whether the FBA is "getting the
alumnni celebration meeting was most competitive bids." He added
rday. that "something has to be done"
about this situation. The FBA;
handles $750,000 of business eachl
LASS Ranking, for the Selective year.
eeting on Tuesday, March 14 at In establishing the committee Cmu
Student Activities Building. The to review pledge practices, Sage!
ovide members of the University stressed that they were not hold
.y to. express their views on the ing' a "witch hunt." He stated thatByOINGAspc f
yByepes hi ieso h the committee's purpose is to "pro- By JOHN GRAY space f
tfor. those who wish to speak is th omte' ups st po parking
vide positive pledge programs." Last spring University teaching
AB. Mayer in his presentation said fellows united and formed the i It tui
community may speak as in- there are now several possible Teaching Fellows Organization nsuran(
presentatives, of campus organ- sites for fraternity houses on (TFO) demanding more status availabl
also accept and consider any North Campus but singled out a and higher salaries for its mem- nobodyY
bers of the community who does 20-acre site on the corner of bers. Now the TFO appears to be about it
ng. All statements will be limited Huron Parkway and Glacier Way dead. This
as the best location available. "j st o never ev
The University and IFC have both It just sort of petered out, ex-Katzma
plained Mike Zweig, Grad, of the Ka ,m
been trying to stir up interest in a! economics departmentr rcnt" zation's
"fraternity row' on, North Cam-1 don't think there nrecently. the maj
0 1 pus for about ten years now. but dou dechin to was any con- starteda
'last year the University said there scious decision to do that. I just "It is
were few sites available think tat people didn t bother to do it,"
Houses Interested start it up again after that one time in
Several houses have shown in. The TFO left two legacies. The dents, u
let Ial k s terest in a move to North Cam- University made salary and status organize
pus, but no one was willing to concessions last summer, and sev-
take action at this time. Mayer eral departments have developed Philip
trict and the number of volunteers envisioned rapid development on methods of communication with psycholo
who enlist from that district; North Campus, stressing that ex- their teaching fellows., teaching
-a three year service in the tensive free transportation is now Last summer the University re- some so
Peace Corps should be an accept- available between the two cam- sponded to teaching fellows' de- ganizati
able substitute for military obli- puses.Bc mands by granting them faculty atmosph
gations; Dick Brown. '68, head of IFC's iprivileges in the libraries, a sub- ually his
-deferments for graduate 'stu- 'North Campus Expansion Com-taiairease insraries, and "Th
dents and deferments on the mittee, said that to be succesful stantial increase in salaries, and gThe
grounds of marriage or paren- fraternity moves must be done in fts ypeoplea i
thood should be abolished and mass and relatively soon (while s bee
-college s t u d e n t deferments cheap land is still available). Acceptance Not Satisfactory been in
should be continued. Despite the attrativeness of North The administration's apparent everybod
On the question of civil rights Campus it seems unlikely that acceptance of teaching fellows' explained
the delegation will urge the con- there will be any new moves to requests did not satisfy everyone. There,
vention to advocate "open hous- this area in the near future. The pay hike was a simple across- for thet
ing" by calling on the Legislature The alteration of the judiciary the-board raise. Teaching fellows William
to declare that the right to pur- system of IFC involved a phange had hoped for larger increase ary colli
chase, lease or rent any property in the makeup of the committee along with provisions for future teaching
is a civil right, and therefore which hears judicial complaints,j pay increases and a permanent problems
guaranteed under Michigan's con- Formerly the judicial committee channel for bargaining with the meeting
stitution. was under the auspices of the Exe- University. conferen
Robert Smart, '69, present chair-1 cutive Board of IFC. The change The expanded library privileges represen
man of the. College Republicans, limits membership of this com- were the only increase in status Accord
will be the delegation's candidate mittee to fraternity presidents not that the teaching fellows received. such a
for state chairman at -the con- also on the Executive Board of They had asked for status as aca- (Haber)
vention. IFC. demic staff with increased office one, we

By MEREDITH EIKER practices to the University based
Acting 'on a survey conducted last Oc-
Managing Editor ' stober.The recommendations are
Recommending, that "a crash included in a confidential report
program" be immediately estab- to the Defense Department by
lished to improve "exceptionally Walter Greene of the Defense De-
bad employment practices which partment's Contract Compliance
currently exist in the School of Office in Detroit. The full re-
Engineering," Defense Department port- has not been released to the
representatives met yesterday with University nor to the public.
University officials to review find- A uthority for the surveywas
ings of an equal employment op- granted under Executive Order
portunity practices survey here. 11246 which provides that any in-
The representatives made 16 stitution holding federal govern-
recommendations on employment ment contracts must, as part of the
-- - contract, agree to the following:-
"The contractor will not dis-
d1 AN 'S criminate against any employe or
S ~AiPlansapplicant for employment because
of race, creed, color, or national
origin. The contractor will, take
affirmative action to insure that
applicants are employed, and that
employes are treated during em-
A t Low Cost ployment, without regard to their
rae, creed, color or national ori-
By BOB BEATTIE During the performance of the
Student Government Council contract, the contractor further
last night approved a plan for a agrees to "furnish all information
student legal service. The service and reports reiuired by Executive
will provide legal advice for stu- Order 11246 . . . and will permit

-Daily-Ron Holcomb

dent council are left to right: Alan Field,
treasurer, and secretary Michael Cole.
tion in which 534 of the 1105 University l

president; Chuck
The officers for
aw students voted.


Fellows Stop
Wide Activities
or counselling and staff' own for a variety of reasons. That
privileges. was about the closest we've come
rned out -that the faculty to getting started up again."
ce benefits were already Teaching fellows in at least five
e to teaching fellows but departments have other things
had bothered to tell them going now.
t. In the psychology department
fall, however, the TFO the Walker committee. It's a com-
ven held a meeting. David mittee of four faculty members
L, Grad, one of the organi- and four teaching fellows who are
former leaders, considers attempting to define the role of
or problem in getting it the teaching fellow and make rec-
again to be lack of time. ommendations concerning the .fel-
n't that nobody wanted to lows to the department's faculty.
he said. "It was just the The economics, history, political
volved. As graduate stu- science and English departments
nless we have a full-time are all revising their teaching fel-
r, it's impossible." low programs to some extent.
.~++~r tn naravnm

dents at a minimal cost, and will
begin operation on a two week
trial basis on March 18.
An attorney will be retained by
SGC to counsel students con-
cerning any legal problems which
they may have. Students will sub-
mit a description of their problems
when they mae an appointment
to talk with the attorney. They1
will then meet with the lawyer for
a 15 minute period on a Friday
afternoon and will receive advice
concerning their problems.
No legal action will be taken by
the service on behalf of the stu-
dent. Any decision to act on a
problem will have to be made by
the student at his expense.
If the new service is supported
by students, SGC will establish it'
on a permanent basis.
In other action at its meeting,
SGC passed a motion allowing'
Voice political party to continue
to use University facilities in the
same manner as recognized stu-
dent organizations until a pro-'
posal which would change the
rules governing the registration of
student organizations has been
acted upon.
Voice has not been officially
recognized as a student organiza-
tion for the current trimester be-
cause it has not complied with
the regulations for registering as
a student organization. The group
has refused to submit two names
to SGC as representatives of the
organization. The refusal arises
out of the subpoenaing of mem-
bers names by the House Un-
American Activities Committee
last summer.

'U' Ilepubi

I , a,

Of*C~Qfe Vi

A resolution opposing negotia-
tions to end the war in Vietnam
and condemning any pullout by
the United States will be spon-
sored by a 26-man delegation from;
the University College Republican
Club at a state convention of the
Michigan Federation of College
Republicans being held in Grand
Rapids today and tomorrow.
The delegates will also attempt
to block any resolution endorsing
Gov. George Romney as a presi-
dential candidate for 1968, accord
ing to Michael Renner, '69, leader
of the University's .delegation to
the convention.
"Negotiations would only worsen
the condition of the war," Renner
explained. "We stand to gain noth-
ing by bringing it to the peace
The resolution opposes any in-
crease in present military troop

AtemtLatFalBit there is no longer any cam-
Atemp t a st a ll t pus-wide teaching fellows organ-
Newman, Grad, of the ization. Newman doesn't think
gy department was one there's any necessity for one right
fellow who tried to get now.
rt of teaching fellows or-! "It's'trying to bring together a
on started during the crisis number of people who aren't in
ere last fall. But event- fact, dealing with the same prob-
s attempt failed, lems. What we're doing now is
impetus for getting to- probably more beneficial and re-
ast fall was a number of warding."
in psychology who hadn't
.volved last spring, but I
dy got pretty tired," he;
was one other false alarm
teaching fellows last fall. U
Haber, dean of the liter-
ege, called a meeting of
fellows to discuss their By'JENNY STILLER
s. However, before the "Our strategy of bombing North
was held, Haber had a Vietnam only makes the Vietna-
ce with teaching fellow mese more determined to defend
tatives. their country from aggression,"
ding to Zweig, "That was Mrs. Pat Griffith, who arecently
hot meeting that he visited North Vietnam, declared in
decided to cancel the big a talk in the UGLI Multipurpose
didn't recall .it on, our Room yesterday.


access to his books, records, ac-
counts by the contracting agency
.. for the purpose of investiga-
tion to ascertain compliance with
such rules, regulations and or-
Because the University has de-
fense' and other government agen-
cy contracts, it is bound to these
provisions. The University News
Service in announcing the recom-
mendations erroneously stated that
the authority for the review was
given under Title VII (equal em-
ployment opportunity),of the, 1984
Civil Rights Act. Contacted last
night, Greene said the survey "has
nothing to do with Title VII."
Greene said further that the
survey of employment practices is
"a normal function" of his office
and that while such studies have
in the past been primarily confin-
ed to corporations, Michigan State
University, Marquette' University,
University of Wisconsin, and the
University of Detroit have all un-
dergone similar investigations In
this area.
Using statistics compiled in
February and March of 1966 and
including 16 departments of the
University, the survey found min-
ority group employment to be 16
per cent, with Negroes making up
10 per cent of the total. Minority
groups compose 10 per cent of
Michigan's population. However,
minority employment at the Uni-
versity was generally in' lower job
In addition to the recommen-
dation concerning employment
practices in the engineering
school, the report called for re-
cruitment of "non-white employes
for the position of resident direc-
tor and resident advisor under the
Office of University Housing;" es-
tablishment within academic de-
partments of means for contacting
and encoraging minority group
students to train for all levels of
employment at the University;
and "a centralized effort" to con-
tact Negro colleges, national and
local leaders, minority group fra-
ternities, sororities and profession-
al societies, to express the con-
cern of the Universityin its search
for minority group academic per-
University Executive Vice-Pres-
ident Marvin Niehuss explained
that release of the recommenda-
tions was made by the University
with Green's permission and not
by the Defense Department rep-
resentatives themselves in an ef-
fort to avoid confusion similar to
-that which resulted when the
Daily disclosed confidential rec-
ommendations in November, 1966,
on "broadening equal educational
Recommendations revealed at
that time declared that the Uni-
versity was known as one "basic-

commitments in the field and calls e "The Vietnamese consider the
for the development of a stronger presetQ7{ Y Tpresent war to be a continuation
political base for the Vietnamese ROI4EYIS PROPOSALS PROTESTED: of their strugge for independence
government. It also provides for against the French," she explatin-
a greater effort to improve the" red. "My main impression from the
social and economic conditions ofS r ae 1Ed uci on Budgtttrip was that the one word Amer-
the South Vietnamese people. S ee I n ceeased licans don't understand is "inde-
Renner said that a resolution pendence'."
supporting Romney "would simply Mrs. Griffith, wife of a Colum-
not be helpful for the Governor or By MARCY ABRAMSON program for fiscal reform and a be added to the education budget. lic support for the so-called fiscal bia University professor, whose
for the Federation at this time." After 1.500 educators and par- state income tax if state aid to Spokesmen for other education reform program. passport was revoked on her re-
He said the delegation will oppose ents marched on Lansing last week education is increased. The educa- groups have notified the commit- May Issue Warnngs turn from an illegal visit above the
the resolution endorsing Romney to demand additional budget funds tion leaders are backed by peti- tee that they will favor an income The Legislature last week also 17th Parallel, says she spent 11
because "there is a chance that it for schools, Gov. George Romney tions signed by 200,000 citizens. tax increase if accomplished by debated resolutions warning pub- days in Vietnam and six in China
would not pass the convention," said that he will consider increas- Tax Bills Introduced ' fiscal reform. lie schools to expect less state sup- in an attempt to clarify "the dif-
and also because it would hamper' ed state support for education if Bills to increase Romney's pro- Need Democratic Support port. Although some legislators ficulty we all share in under-
the Federation from supporting the Legislature enacts his tax re- posed two and a half per cent in- Although Romney stated Mon- claimed the resolutions have no standing what is going on in North

Charges U.S.
irs Defiance,,
"I find it difficult to understand
how so many 'accidents' keep hap-
pening in the same kinds of In-
stallations. Anything that looks
new seems to attract American
She was particularly impressed
with some bomb frgments which
were later identified by the Pen-
tagon. "There is very extensive use
of a kind of weapon called the
anti-personnel bomb," she stated.
"These are fragmentary bombs
useless against buildings, but spe-
cifically designed to kill and maim
In addition to visiting bomb
sites, Mrs. Griffith interviewed
over 60 civilian casualties and sev-
eral government officials, includ-
ing Ho Chi Minh.
"To the Vietnamese, independ-
ence is what they are fighting for.
They consider it a very personal
thing, which will affect the wad
they will live their lives," she de-

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