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July 15, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…TITS WOLjVERINE -- --W. L ' 1)1hI 4 1481 PRESIDE 11'NT'I E Y 01411 S 141'1 44111O1RATIO4N It l hen lo llie il'ar ) 1, 'o1 , lohas bee 1elected to 101 t Iv( o tee' ftoAnorian8,101' ('01 111011 101)0 elill- ll)' d('oot 1 111O. 1, IS W1IN 4'44NlE ST IN LXIII'Fro Pa. , IN :'1;tintig 2 h0i (1rarey let a0 1)10 from The bits111110 ii 110riht hak,111011 ; r-111{ hand010II Ietii'o1a life1oil [3crO(ll 10Wi(d got around1), but11waslt 111111111(1 1)1v...…

July 13, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE - TV fNL4OFIm A TIMES A WEEK, 75aoTE W O LV ELR IN E THUMERONLYWOFIAL Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1915 No. 9 - -- - ------- 7- Large 'Total of En'" Itdake Euns IPc Few iI E.\'INE 'US AM) 9Standia * Engineers ..... * Lits . . . , . . * Medics...... *Laws ...,. By Hrap ('Ir "Jack" Benton's E themselves ilosthe rf the' Vacation leagu rucn h as though the Lila still percentage the Medic on the recsrd sf...…

July 13, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The Houseof FamousPlays by Famu Players. July 13-14-15 Mary Pickford as "Fauchon the Cricket' Majestic Theatre PRESENTS THE FAMOUS PLAYERS PROGRAMME Tues. July i3-ROBERT 'DISO150 n "TILE CALL. 1O11TILE 'NRILL". Wed. JulIy 14-MARY PIC.'{PIRD inL "G001) ITTL I, LI 1VIL,". ThursI. Jul)y Ly- UISiF ARNUM in "SOLIIERS OF FORTUNI'." and C11ARIE CILA111IN in1 FATAL, MALLEFT" Arcade Theatre SHOWS: AFTENOONS 4:00: EVE. 6:1...…

July 13, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE We charge you I Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRNSO nothing for adevel- in Ann Arbor is atPRNS N oping roll films if LYiN D ON'S, 719 North University Avenue VEL~OX you can find a(tebsparmd) single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) ~i etppraae Established 1905, and growing bigger every day Made to Yur mesture IIIECID DY SK [ES TPlm Di EGIN 1I NOON Ini a variety of shades 1Firl Bo...…

July 13, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…Y THE WOLVERINE ANN ARBORli ('IIA'I'-QVA Plt ANS NOVEL t'O)S3FO)P(}i~i'AN W'EEK:I _lIneresting Program Will lie (riven By Variouis Visitors and Foreign Students A most interesting and sovel pro- gram has beens prepared for the Cos- msopolitan week of the Ansn Arbor Chatauqusa. There will he several addresses givens to the science room of the high school buildiog. Thse speak- ers inctude Rev. Ltoyd Douglas, minh- ister of ttse Congregational c...…

July 10, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…TIMES A WEEK, 75c SUMMER NEWSPAPER AT YOR OO TREii:WOVIII NII H NYOFCA Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1915 No. 8 UB1 PLAYS FIBSI CAME its Victors Over Laws In Pitchers Battle ini Wbiils but Six hlits Figure PLAY TWO MORtE GAWPS TODJAY By Halp Church Surprisingly goosd ball featured the opening game of the Vacation leagoe Friday afterooon, is which the Lits u, pset the legal lights hy a 4 to 2 count. Both teams fieldeds w...…

July 10, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THlE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The ose o f Fsams lays by Fasss Players. July io, Sat,-"A Child of God." July 2-13-14, Maa.-T"e.-Wcii.-. Mary P'ickford as "Fie iesalae CricketC" Majestic Theatre PRESENTS THE FAMOUS PLAYERS PROGRAMME Sat. July as-MARY' PICK ORD in THE EAGLEV'S MATE+. Sun. July CI - THE, BLUR MOUSE, MADGE LEI"SSI:NG. Sundayontosshow z pim.tio aIn ALL SEATS 10 CENTS THE WOLVERIINE IisT.evofficial studet 1espaper for t1 UlIih el ...…

July 10, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE F We charge you nothing for devel- oping roll films if you can find a single defect Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and Finishing in Ann Arbor is at L Y N D 0 N'S, 719 North University Avenue (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) Established 1905, and growing bigger every day J h PRINTS ON VELOX (the best paper mnade) Ai 1a yl Made to your measure Palm Beach The Summer Comfort Cloth In a variety of shad...…

July 10, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE IYASII iON BARJBI OUTIlNEIS PRESENT DAY IE 1I SH ('UI,''I'RfE Asserts Our Public Sclhools Faill o 'leieh C (haracter Iluildiung Rtabbi Abram Sheon, tier Jewish Chatauqua society lecturer, comepleted Iis history of Jewish education. Thurs- day by outlining the modern era in the culture of hie race. The mod- emn era, in reality begins with the latter part of thec eighteenth century, according 1o Dr. Simon. Fur it wcasn't until Mos...…

July 08, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE [SUMMER NEWSPFICAE TIMES A WEEK, 75o TE WLEI ESAE Vol. V3. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1915 "INSANIJY" FOOMS LECIVDESODIECI Dr, A. XI. Barrett Tlells of ('onditions Among Feebleminded of State In Tlenth Nunmber' on Program LARGER CROWD PRESENT TIAN AT ANY PREVIOUS ADDREESS Presented Statistics Showing Growth Of Insanity In r Michigan Some 1t or 12 years ago the Pitis- borg milliooaire Thaw shot Stanford White ...…

July 08, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The Houseof FauosPlay by Farnooo Plyrs. July 5-G, Mo.-'fle.-"The Woan' July 7, Wld. - Mrgurie fClak i July 89, T', 19.Fri.-"Thec House of the Majestic Theatre PRESENTS THE FAMOUS PLAYERS Proram~ 711011. Jly 98-I MUNII BIIIR,1 1n '111E9MASTERO MINI and CHflA. CIIAPIIN. Fri. July1-HTq11ff RR1191 511111i1 '111J9INlGITINGA.IX1. Sa. 91117ll -OIARX' PICKFORD 91ill '11119 EAGIl'S ACI. Sunll.y111i11- TH, IS 11,719 501191...…

July 08, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…VTHE WOLVERINE We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRNSO nothing for devel- ? in Ann Arbor is at PRNTIO oping roll films if + l ~N VELOX I you can find aLV N D U S, 719 Nthi University Avenue (tebsparmd) sigedefect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium)(tebtparmde single A Established 1905, ad growing bigger every day1I 1' Made to your measure SPalm Beach The Summer Comfort Cloth itn a variety of shades...…

July 08, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE If.t SI JON (I 1 VtES 1 Dr. Simon outlined the history, of lFARN El) RH I l IN'S the edulcation of a Jewish youth in the ____- (arly centu ries after (Christ. "From PRIOMIN ENT!'ART'1ISTlS ENR1OLL WIl A1E(I'CS CHEfMIC'ALS AN ) IN UNIVERISITY MUlSIC' SC11OO1.l OTHIERI VNIVE 11511W SUPPLIES (('onltinned. front ittgi' 1) anil attainahir hy the huimbhesti. uniter! his leaching lie Jewish pteople uele- oped it sharpness of tt lirt ...…

July 06, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONY OFFICIA. TIMES A WEEK, 75 SUMMER NEWSPAPER Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1915. No. 0 BHON DIVER GETS 'D II ; n ONE MODEVICTIM 'cl TODAY 4:15 o'clock-"Ha : May a Community Bo m Mncio nl dI If R alxr SAY, HE'S SOME PLAYER! Irving M. Fenell, Literary Student Drowned at Bend of Stream About 3:00 O'clock Saturday NEITHER OF TWO STUDENTS IN CANOE EXPERIENCED ON WATER Body Found 15 Minutes After Acci...…

July 06, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE ____________________ -T H E W 0L V E R I N E good will, as well as to place thleir Orpheum Theatre goods before hlis eyes. They have The liouse ofCamoscPlaysram usanadone it oot of a desire to oee tudent. Playersn.Thle official todent newspaperfo fractivities successful. Tllcy lhave benl the U'niversity oi Michigans sommer loya~l to lI 555i01, lublshol iy te sodeitsO~l "Tunl aboot is fair Iplay." July ,9-, Ms.-To us'.-"Th o 57 m...…

July 06, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…r ' i J -\ t 1 THE WOLVERINE We cag o Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRN S O Inothing for tevel- i n rbri t RN S O oping roll films if p1D (\ S 71 NrtAT4 veueVELOX you can find a Y T r E ,79NrhUnversty A eu thI etpaeIae [ single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) I tebs ae ae Established 1905, aid growing bigger every day________________U 'v I i ON ANDI)S A IZ PRPiARE113 omupile ta table of r1legrades ...…

July 06, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE SUMMER SCHIOOL D)IRECTORIY 'TWO LOCAL DOCORS WILL MEM,0BERS OF HOSPITAL STAFF PROBABLY OUT BEFORE FRIIDAY ADDIRESS PROBATE JUIl)G.ES TO GIVE SERIES OF LEcTUlRES Approximately 1,700 ANames AreetBeing Arratnged anda Listed for Printers Registration cards fronm the colleges of literaturc, law, enginecring, need- cine, lpharmtacy and the graduate school are in the hands of the editors of the summner schtool directory, asd indicatio...…

July 03, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…TIMES A WEEK, 75c SUMMER NEWSPAPER ATYURDO THRE HE W OLVERINE TE NY1FICA Vol. VI. ANN ARDOR, MICHIGAN, -SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1915 No. 51 VACATiON LEACVE PLANS PEBFECJEO Summer Baseball Assured as Result of Thursday's Meeting. at Unions BOARDi OFl D)IRECtTORS SELECTED) Summer baseball, on a more sub- stantial basis thans ever before, was as- sured Thorsday evening wben a Va- cation league was organized at the Michigan Union. Four teams will b...…

July 03, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre TH W SUMMER The Hoase of Faouas Plays by Fouse Players. The official studet ewpaperfo the Uiversity of Michigan sumomer Unitarian Church E- T'I session. Publiohed by the sfudeto on Stae and Ilnronts' New and Se July 3, sat.-Halmd l ock oct is "The Toeoday, Thuroday aod Satrday af- I. eof the Mask" ternoons. Twenty-five isue. July 56, Mn.s-Ties--The Woan"____________ Drawitig Instruments,I July 7, Wild. - Margueri...…

July 03, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE .. __ We cag o Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and Finishing I [ohn cfargevl in Ann Arbor is at PRINTS ON i oting forel - m i EO yo op ni films if LYVNDO 9Nor~bth T1University Avenue VLX I sigeIeec Two doors from Hill Auditoriumthe best paper made single defect Estalished 1905, and growing bigger every day______________I ( -- I r i .i10 W()L l IIl I E, T IN, l'11{F11-Is Made to your measure UINltIlIN N1...…

July 03, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THlE WOLVERINE BE CAREFUL! You "idon't take chances" when you COMOR NO where you eat, for these are EAT ATO R E N'S OREN°S CAFETERIA days. You inspect everything before you buy it CAFETERIA iSIi MANAGES TO'IT 111HALL BAtI)FORIIBRIL LI A NIAVE ItG Major League Pitchers Fail Ito(Oiler )FUCett tesisenee to Sill of George Sisler is playing regularly at first ase fo the St. Loos Browns. although Barney Dreyfuss, of the Pittshurg Pirates, maintains...…

July 01, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…AT YOURDOOR I BSUMENEWSPAPERIA I TIM ES A WEEK, 75a UMRNESAE Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR,~t MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1915. No. 4. PDESIDENT IV[S IIECEPTI/ON TODAY Dr. Hutchins anid Mrs ulchiis To Mleet Suiuun'i rSeliel Studns PRGA UBR OI WVIn place of the customary lecture ini the west lecture room ol li(b',pysiail laboratory, Presidet H arry iR. Hutch ins and Mrs. Hutchisswill givea e ,y ceptioiiA04toheiiummer10s1u1' tsini 'Alumni Mteioril hal...…

July 01, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre- The Housenof Famous Plays by Famous Players. The official student newspaper for the University of Michigan summer Jul 1--Thrs.Fr.-Lis ereithin session. Published by the students on Traveers need not g to California; "Help wanted', and Paramount Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af- Ann Arbor has a fair rainy season, Travels. trnooos. Twenty-five issues. paradoxically speaking. D Dr July 3, Sat.-Harod ...…

July 01, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…THE F1 '1'I] fI We charge you nothing for devel- oping roll films if you can find a single defect Estf Amateur Photographers' Head quartersfor Kod, in Ann As h;r is at LYNDON MS, 719No1l ablished 1905, and growing bigger every dlay D)EAN JORDAN DEAN IEII) -t'.I. PRIOFESSORtSHIP ItVi 'ItE(A'ENTS Made to your measure In recognition of her serices('C'4 Palm' Beach dean of women, Mrs. Mi'ra 13.t1. rr~ The Summer C omfort Cloth has been gra...…

July 01, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…THE 'WOLVERINE BE CAREFUL! You "don't take ohanoes" when you COME OVER TO where you eat, for these are EAT AT O R E N' S O R E N' S CAFETERIA days. You inspect everything before you buy it CAFETERIA PPIA-' !i:tll-riillf. 41ViP IVvl,'v lo. ?e i114Viir' l'l.l'I2 i4'SI.1 lyll;kt!VVrl' 'I'() 'IA 1.UN INV F: 1I5k t ats!"?y. f tit' 'tIH !' ii"+ NVX'T' PL A Jolhn Williams, volted iy hip: claiss 11zdllaic( f1s aiseisil y of Mich- slates tho 'best at...…

July 30, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFF AL EVENINGS A WEEK, 75c SUMMER PUBCATION Vol. V. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1914. No. 16. CAMP COOPERATES WITH V._S. SURVEY Two Systems Connected at Bogardus Two Students Called Home by Fathers' Deatihs SANI'AIRY CONDITIONS PERFECT TOPINABEE, MICH,--The Bogardus engineering camp has conected its tri angulation surveying system with the United States Lake Survey system, is reconnaisance of the iland...…

July 30, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…THE WOL V ER IN E THE WOLVER[NE OR? lJEUM ~~ The official student newspaper for ______________________ the University of Michigan summer -- session. Published by the students on THrU. roy au-'wftt~r. r of tre Tasday :Thursday-and Saturday a- - rk." A six reel Viterah featere. ternoon. Twenty-five issues. F1.July 3- "Tb. Baby Spy," a .s..elig Addres, The W overine, Pres Build- uhpitueMnayTellet i "A Tght ing, Maynard ,St., Ann Arbor. ' ;Leo N....…

July 30, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 16) • Page Image 3

…THIE WQLVERWI E. ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S \11 il](his doubt Isa'I()NN hre I)p N , rH ,I 1i iiiiro. in Irler n And ;I I li()t pip. tVI ireai y>. iiii 1 M, 1) lo it ToIii idii hlInhpeti, AnI ifter titcii iil. So aftieryoi ii sLr tn''fao r a '"Hp." Vo'owte iar l~a(, ALL PIHAH-z 1EVA Ti) PO'SI. I'STHE SIENTS' SUPPLY STORE w (P110lls THNI Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Kodak Supplies Stationery, Pound Paper Cigars Everything a Student .Needs. Phone...…

July 30, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 16) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE I Cut this out and being tomy shop IT IS GOOD for $1 in Trade White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEW U. f M. BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Pavillion Orchestra Sunday Afternoons and Evenings P. G. TESSMER, Prop. DIRECTORY OF SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS (Continued from page 3.) Marsh, H. A., East Syracuse, N. Y. Martin, A. M., Jenison, Mich. 18. M...…

July 28, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…EEIGAWE,75 I4ERPBIAINAT YOUR DOOR THREE EWLE ~i THE ONLY OFFICIAL SUMRPBIAIN-I T-Eol. V. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, T ESDAY, JULY 28, 1914. No. '15. MICHIGAN 10 HAVE 3 NEW BUILDINGS TIwo RIleide Ialls, Sie '1e ldih ig and Sadim re Now lkig 1Bult 1BOT1 1)01)N11 OlILS ARE83 61111F1' Three buildings 00nd0a0new concrete stdium, all for now rapidly loomig uip, will add tn the Mi1chigaofo a yer hence. T~he huildings 0under contrction includ' theseeenl e ...…

July 28, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 15) • Page Image 2

…T H E W O L V E R IN E ORPHEUM TUES. July 2-Brice McRae in "The Ring end the Man." WED. July 29-Kasle Special, "The Call of the Trbe." THUR. July 0-"Mr. Barnes of New York." A six reeleVitagraph feature. FRI. July 31-"The Baby Spy," a Selig war picture. Mary Fuller in "A Tight Squeeze." "Complete Line" OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS VARSITY T O GGE R Y S H O P 1107 South University Ave. HUSTON BROS. The Pinest Billiard Rootn ti the State CIGARS and CAN...…

July 28, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 15) • Page Image 3

…THE-W OL VE RI NE. ALL RADSILEAD-TO POP'S DIREMT V I va ci at t, flintie, atifc r i t A l ': J 14tgirae hat stt t; 1ha right at tiitconatiThayera tual And ater that ti .')a Bacrot a at ,i l to hisay Itelia." 'thu smdif And a lotaa of at tltlaidtW iti IT'S THE Siatar, G. It STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE SkitcI Ih ' WI-0 HA TxRSimart, C. Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Kodak Supplies Smialey, J.I Stationery, Pound Paper Cigars .Sith,(.1 Everything a Stude...…

July 28, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 15) • Page Image 4

…THE W OLV E R IN E Cut this out and bring tomysh op' IT IS GOODfor $1 in Trade White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEWV. of M. BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candles Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Paviliicn Orchestra Sunday Afterneens and Evenings P. G. TESSMER, Prop. LiTS- BRACE AND larger than the first will be levied Fri- <C I OSE OF MEDICS day and it is necessary to the life of (Cnntinned ...…

July 25, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…~AT YOUR DOORTHREE I 1 T J J DJ1TH FLOFFICIAL~ EVENING S A WEEK, 75c V '4 7 ~j SMMER PUBLICATION ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURD)AY, JULY 25, 1914. No. 14. Vol. V. ENGINEERS AGAI N r i GREET MAKE S LAST 'T)10 INISH I INI)L~ OMRK RG TRO NCELITTEA Cncthe nepieancd fondatoi sue FA TR U CTI E~ 1 hose Expteiiig 1Hee 1 t As APPEARANCE TODAY onretnewsincendbildin ilbe F C Vii Offic of Summer___ completed within a week. Th( soth HanOui ht Second IDe...…

July 25, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 14) • Page Image 2

…THE W O L V E R INE ORPHEUM SAT., July 25-Van Dyke Brooke in "The Right of Way" MON-TUES. July 27-28-Bruce McRay in "The Ring and the Man" "Complete Line" OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS VARSITY T O 6G ERY SHOP 1107 South University Ave. HUSTON BROS. The Pinest Billiard Room in the State CIGARS and CANDY "We Try to Treat You Right" THE WOLVERINE The official student newspaper for the University of Michigan summer session. Published by the students on T...…

July 25, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 14) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S NtiV y 11 thias (011) s t o whereitol o. Toild what li bes. ' ti,' brea fast innror. afterti t a sh .ustgitititn1atoet: ile 11t at theitoNia1iofThayeit and Adii atett ttial. Plitiete. 9Ve'l wadr yxl'teesile. PIop' Baicroft awaits yo toesay "Ifllo",' 0 ' o herp oater y ou finishbthe ''t o r a'' , Awdlo oft foPppiFollothe ignba s WVi trieat yel phoi,ALL IROADS FA AD TOi P01S. Moi rn, nooen ornih- IT'S THE S...…

July 25, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 14) • Page Image 4

…THE W O L VE RIN E Cut this out and bring toimyshop IT IS GOOD for $1 in Trade White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEWLU.of M. BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Pavillion Orchestra Sunday Afternoons and Evenings P. G. TESSMER, Prop. DIRECTORY OF SUMMER Pezold, G. J., 1025 Vaughan. Buffalo. SCHOOL STUDENTS Philips, Donald, 337 E. Liberty. Fenton. (Continued fro...…

July 23, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENING S A WEEK, 750 , UMR ULCTO Vol. V. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THAURSD. Y, JULY 23, 1914. No. 13. TO M KE I IT55 1'r(? 15TanTy'eStiudying 1l1L Ioldonl TO MA E i~TIALofessor Claude II. Van Tyne of theh(istaory department, who has hesn BOW HIS.EVE ING os aI]Iav of abs eoce from the uni- 51 eit~ durnng the piast year, writes - Uait hPcis at presto ini London doing Woodland Playes toAppl. ~ 1 sear...…

July 23, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 13) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE ORPHEUM THUR., July 23-Daniel Fronre is- ents Mary Pickford in "The Bishop's Car'riage" FRI., July 24-Ado Gifford in "The Countess Vsohi's Jewels" SAT., July 25-Van Dyke iBrooke in "The Right of Way" MON-TUES. July 27.28-Bruce McRay in "The Ring aod the Man" "Complete Line." OF MEN'S FURNIHINGS VARSITY 1066G ERY SHOP 1 107 South University Ave. HUSTON BROS. The Fiteest Billiard Room In the Stole CIGARS and CANDY "WeI Try to Trea...…

July 23, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

…ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S Whiy alth Ois doabt aast hee o o Por brcakft,dinnear, alfter tIsow NVIifeii iataht at tli e c"otnr ofThayerantd t ea''gtfferp Atttd a lt o f teep: WV]i 1trat Youright, Mornt,nononht AT indtwthat eat. Wet'ttItwaver yatu'ttlamtte. Al.t tLOADIS [&'% I) 'TOtj1'tA'. IT'S THE STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE wHH A~STHE. Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Kodak Supplies Stationery, Pound Paper Cigars Everything z Student Needs. Phone us. We...…

July 23, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 13) • Page Image 4

…THE1 NWO0LVERNI N E Cut this out anda bring tomyshop IT IS GOOD tor $1 In Trade White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEWjU, of M, BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Pavilien Orchestra Sunday Aternoons and Evenings P. G. TESSMER, Prop. IBuy Indestrn, SHOWS IMPORiTANCE4 OF EMIR, ! ENGI INEEIS GTIAIl NOSE .~D THRIOAT IDISEASES (AME IbM I11's (Continued from page 1....…

July 21, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE ETOLE RN SUMRNLY FICAIO EVENING S A WEEK, 75 UMRPULCTO Vol. V. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1914. No. 12i. I GREET TO APPEAR IN OPENING PLAY Famous _clor-11anugex' VWill IFak. Pat of I"' Iipll'i "Vas Cues and lFace " IThurisday MAN'Y SEATS IlE IRESEVEDI With lhe noted le Greet playng the role o1f the Triplt., "Maques ad Faxccs," wil be preseted by the lie .Creel: Woodand Players no the ope- luglerormance of a...…

July 21, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…THE W O L V E R IN E ORPHEUM TUES., July21-Da iel Frohmanpres- ents his entire Fanous Players Stock Co. io "A Woman's Triumph" WE, July 22-"The rowning Glory" Fo-erru it Weekly THUR., July 23-Oanie Vrohean pres. ents Mary Pickford in "The Bishop's Carrage" ___ FRI., July 24-Ada Gifford in"The Countess Veschi's Jewels" SAT., July 25-V Dyk Brooke in 'Thu Riht of Way" MON-TUES. July 27-28-Bruce McRay in "The Ring and the Man" "Complete Line" OF ...…

July 21, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

…T H E W O L V E R I N E Cut this out and bring tomyshop IT IS GOOD for $1 in Trade White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEW Uoft M BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Pavillien Orchestra Sunday Afternoens and Evenings P. G. TESSMER, Prop. GERMAN TUTORESS TO TALK ENGINEERS DEFEAT ON SOCIAL LIFE IN BERLIN MEDIC CHAMPIONS (Continued from page 1.) Fraulein Elizabeth ...…

July 21, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 12) • Page Image 4

…T HE WO LV ER I NE ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'! Fotr b~ litt die,ra tr,, t he'tlt a Just gieim littest; 161 tiia, t Iconetrail Thayeram I And alertlotht trial, Ilama.We'l Waaaryu'llnmile. '"1' t, l;tiwi, 1 - a ai t a no ay 'Illtt.'' Wi:I teat ytatittit, ALL tROADS LEAID To1lO1S. wa. ntnaornigh. IT'S THE STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE WHO HAS THE Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Kodak Suppli Stationery, Pound Paper Cigars Everything a Student Needs. Phone us. W...…

July 18, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE TE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENING S A WEEK, 75c SUMMER PUBLICATION Vol. V. SHOWS NATIONAL. ROLE OF FARMER Pres. Snyder Speaks of Economie and ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1914. PLAN GIANT REVIVAL FOR STUENT BODY NEXTtFALL Series of '',)3 Metings. Aimed to (Rice Eerl'ious Educaion to Student Social Significance of Religious education is the arptse' Agriculturist of a campaign for Nov. 17-22, which the board in control o...…

July 18, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…THE W OLVE R IN E ORPHEUM SAT, July 18-"The Last Will." Vita- graph 2 part feature "6Complete Line"' OF MEN'. FURNF -HINDS VARSITY T OIG ERY SHOP 1 107 South University Ave. HUSTON BROS. The Flnest Billiard Roomc In the Slate CIGARS andCANDY "We Try to Treat You Right" THE WOLVERINE The offcial student,* newspaper! for the University of Michigan sumimer session. Published by the students on Tuesday Thorsday and Saturday af- ternoons. Twenty-...…

July 18, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…T HE W OL VER IN E ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S Why all th is dolbt a towhrto . For lrttaL. dinnt. or after IIlO o "opi Bancgt awit you totay' Ililo.' H's g(iA trep.oilyO si el Ni I treatYotariol t., Mornt, nonor night. VII loii ld w hit tries. 51,11to ',t Soo t' 'o li tiioh Ia '-is,otr a "slotp.' FllwtBrollbot ds' ALL ROtAD1S011'hit i) TO llO'S. STU T 9SUPPLY STORE «'To0 TUll'111 Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Stationery, Pound Paper E...…

July 18, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…T H WO VE IN . Cut this out and bWing tomy shop IT IS GOOD tort$ in Trade White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou JJ. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty Si. NEW Ul of ',' BOAT LI VERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Pavillie n Orchestra Sunday Aternccns and Evenings P. G. TESSMER, Prop. SC(ENE FROM "THlE TEMPEST," TO BE PRESENTED) BY THlE lIEN- GREET PLAYER S NEXT WEEK. Press Building Maynard St. Victor Victrolas ...…

July 16, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENING S A WEEK, 75c i SUMMER PUBCATION Vol. V. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914. No. 10. POPULAR COMEDY TO BEGIN SERIES "Mas1es and Faces" Will Portray Green Room and 1oheinia of 19th Century BUILT ABOUT PEG IvOLFINGTON "Masques and Faces," the comedy with which the engagement of the Ben Greet players next week begins, is claimed by critics to be one of the most. brilliant plays of the ni...…

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