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July 10, 1915 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-10

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Vol. VI.


No. 8

its Victors Over Laws In Pitchers
Battle ini Wbiils but Six
hlits Figure
By Halp Church
Surprisingly goosd ball featured the
opening game of the Vacation leagoe
Friday afterooon, is which the Lits
u, pset the legal lights hy a 4 to 2
count. Both teams fieldeds well, al-
thoogh the lack ot practice exhiited
itself io the way the ballo were hurled
skyward, after heiog caught, the b)0k
of the seveo errors being hadi tosses
Today two games will he played. The
Lits will clash with the Medics at
1:00 o'clock, sod the Laws ansd Engi-
seers will stage a second game D-
mediately after the opener, Robert-
son' will probably hurl for his nioe,
while 'Tons" Soddy, Varsity pitcher,
may work with his battery mate
"Jack" Benton, for the Engineers, The
lstter teams smsy salso have another
Varsity man, Anderson, outfietler, be-
intg in college this summer.
Bad it 'not heen for the erratic
throwing of the supporting cast, t'artis
and Robertson would have had a pret-
ty pitching battle yesterday. tCurtis
held the Laws to tour singles, one of
which was a flake, fanned seven mesn
and Niled to issue a single ticket.
Rohison let the His down with only
two hits, but passed three nsen, assd
had costly slips bhlind hsims at critical
The L~its hsad ass exceptionsally stronsg
linseup for the first gasne, Manager
McFarlan hsavinsg unusual luck in ar-
sanging Isis lineup fross unknown mos-
terial. "Bill' Niemns on first andI
F' "Red' Arentz behisnd the hat, two
Varsity players, gave tse teachers a
good eombinatioss boths oss attack and
defense, Althoughs the Varsity out-
fielder had nsever played the initial
sack, he held up the ifield cleverly;
ably supported by Rice ansd Busjahn
arounid the niddle corner,
- Wilmot prssved the star for the vas-
quished, the sortstop nsaking six
clever' plays out of seven chances.
Widemnss at first was busy takisng care
of ass even dozens snediocre throws,
I anss Uox led floe attack for the L~aws.
With Varsity Captain Labadie in the
_ gaose, the Laws should have a strong
T.lhe Lits opened up with a pair of
rans in the first round. Rice walked,
and advancesd when Busjahn grounid-
ed out to Widleuman. Arestz got 0on
when Robison nicked his elbosw, and
"Bill" Niensan drove iss thse two runs
with a single over first which even
the lanky Widemsass couldns't quite
Is the third, with two duswns, a fluke
asngle gave the Laws a chsance, and
they tied It up, Gracey's error let
Wilmot on, ansd Cox grounded to sot,
lust the ball hit an obstructioss ansd
bouded into right for a sinigle. Grov-
er's clean single scored the two runs.
TIhe Lits canse lsack us the fourth
with assother pair of ruso Gracey
got ons through Grover's error, assd
Kaye walked, 'The former scored
when the judiges juggled the ball
around seconsd bsase, assd Raye talliest
on5 an out after hie had stoless second.
Althsoughs yesterday's game started
promuptly at 4:15 oclocko, it was after
C:00 o'clock before the sevess rounds
s..),d be played; asss iso the futsure the
week-day. ganmes will he linited los
tics' roouds.

(Constinsued on page; 4) I

* 0i-F n'
2:00 o'clock-Ball game, Vacation
league, Lits vs. Medics, Ferry field,
3:10 o'clock-Ball game, Vacation
league, Laws vs. Engineering, Ferry
10:20 o'clock-"The Seat of Conscience
in National Life" Dr. Leonard A.
Barrett, Presbyterian church
10:30 o'cloc-"Poise, te Habit of
Self-Dosmisnance," Rev. L. C. Douglas,
First t'ongregational church.
10:30 o'clock-"Christians Science and
thse Problems of Evil," by Rev, R. S.
Luring, Uitarians church.
:00 o'clock-The Summer Vacation
and the Public Schools," Prof. A. S.
Whitssey, West tLecture Room, Physi-
cal laboratory.
5:00 o'clock-The Making of a Book,"
illustrated lecture by Lbrrin T.
W. Roch, West lecture room, Phyi-
cat laboratory
8:00 o'clock-"The X-Ray ino the Di-
agnosis of fle Iternal Diseases,"
Prof. A. W. ewlet,
lAlhletic hAsoiation Deles i'$30o0
To fItramnral
By Hl)p (hurch
Intramuoral ports attracted ,34
stusdests at Michigassdurisg te past
yeas, according to figues recently
cosmpiled by Director Floyd A. Rowe.
'fhis is ass increase of 256 mene over
last year, but is actsoally cossiderably
larges, as several sports icluded in
last seasos's report are no losger
grousped with this departnent.
Boxisng, wrestlisog and hasdall are
exclusded, as ttey are diected by fle
gymnasiums staff. lasdoor baseball ad
rifle sootisng are fle new branches,
whlile freshmns track work io left out,
sinces it wass cosducted by Trouer
Farrell this year.
Thse cost of maintaising the intra-
mural department exceeds $5,000, with
no incosue except the sale of numer-
als. As this insignia is disposed of at
cot, fle athletic associationo has no
real incomesfom rs this branch of its
The figures isclude serely students
whso participate oso orgasized claso
teams, and does sot include the large
nusmber who avail themselves of the
equipmsent of Fery field and Water-
mns gymnsasiuns for individual exer-
cise and sport.
The principle problenso whichs hamp-
er Rowce in his work are the lack of
(tontinued on page 4)



The fratersnity league baseball seas- ganme. He aroused K. C. Sigler, asnd I N 0111 100 TO CH1
050 opessed Thsursday moorning at floe was talkisog wills hinssitothtie thsirsd
Delta Theta Phi grousl, the feature floor dorository whsens the two hseard Is'.'T'- C. I3hlosidel SoB lPerssoual Wrk
of the game being a double steal by the visiting teams dowvistairs. Essesslial for Reles
the visiting team is whicho Sigher and Hastily pickisng up two bsaseball Eshoseoshiis
Wolfe failed to run down two Burglars, chubs, thse 1D. T. P. bsattery crept down h ohrahdhm aey tis en ondo h a yPO F.s -~l AK, O E
Thse B. T. P. leans wasn't really sloe othser smensbers of thse teams. Vise ..-
ready for the first goose, and hopes halt floor downstairs was stalksedI withIs n his loiceositl, "The Insdividlual
to retrieve the 2 to 0 veortict with the thse unsifosrsssaolsitver of tse home'Pscs't~v essiD.'. ' hi
aid of a couple of stars it has enlistesd teamowicish was sddeletyabaisdsosed Tuh"ls vnnD.T ,Bas
Iron floe Police nisse. lby the Burglars,also rosslvwitd001 thse tell, 3'ccvshuet oft litiaC'sslegs', 'em-
J. J. Wolfe, 'i5L, returnoed fross patios, escapinsg ouot thse badsksdoor wsith tiast'izedt the imptsortanscs'if 'stattlists-
Detroit at 1:00 o'clock 'Thursday morns- a score of 2 to 0, bussothssling else to insg'aresltandu t''ers55ona crlatiosnship
issg, just in tinse to take part in floe sow for their visit, hetnss( o teuicviitttds tts' te'achser.

Wife Fids Him Wounoded ini IG O DUAEgKLLE
May Be Suicide osrN D IC A J C
MurderIN H R I T 9 K
Frank P. Graves, presidenst of flo e hlrs'sius Msk. l131), Fall" in N ightsi
thoicago alumoni body ofthfle uusiver- C'haorgte on (xerusouss
sity tac'u years ago asnd osie of thse
promiloent Michilgan mnsonstthsatcity, LI',"1' filS SI)W G UIhi1' llhlt. fiIY
was founid mortally wousoded yestersday_
morning isnfloe garage of lois Laske Worsd has bseess receivs'stits Asnn
Forest home, It is soot known whiethser Arbosr of tl~e htcroic dethts of
he was attacked by a robsber, or shot Bertramnonssk, '1:1I), whto vas kilt-
asnd killed hins~ehf, ed D~eceisser 11 wileotcpart icipasting its
The body was found by Mrs. Graves, a nighst attacks onthfitsetrmns tre'ncthss.
who had gone out to look for hims

'''Itis' tisime' i s s , of s'dutcatiost,''
saitidthes'p~sseer,''is tto gis'efts' boys
atnd girts ptssei'to reonser' i serv5itce
tos lhits'g'nei'ation, ansdslussmoisses'thes
isorldlssle'tte r rthesir hin'tg hisved.
''htisIcant soly bet'asccomitistshdthro'uttgh
fth'etme'diumt, tofit'einivtt~idutaltosucht.
" ts's' fit ts'ee sisisitssiss evcry
cstt. fTs'rts tpps'r'tiisttr's'alwsays
ptr''pared,'s. '11 viigts'hets'ssosiisas-
sty lt, sitsI Itth t's iall. 'hess' iihsle-
thirdtalists' sbeiiproddedslsstitnsorde'r'to
set thesms tso cothe ir'wsork't. 'hets'loss-
er' tthird s tiseIpar t sthichi, fors'massy
unaccoun'sstabltsts' sonsis, teesdsptsoll-
si iisstc s tu ton s ' oeindivisdual
'ou h. ss'etsig ph'blesisissassitschoosls
i's, '55ltts call be its osnstsis'sits tis'he ss's'r
I s'sti'ualthes'iare15' ts'esons
whituccsieed'st iiinssatsii 'ttsingralm asand
ismn otositost an.dssstgirls, sandshin
trdertodotiis te ost Issowit'he
whle of Oles'otsss and gosirisi'swiithi ssttss
Ithsy dtatltscumetint co 'iisItct. 'Ttey ars'
fts' oits', s'ios acrssiics'5' masty of hts
issot sts's'loa I sa t iisitslids', asthefir
'rewaris besits'terthanthtt wh'sicssAn-
dr'o'w Cari'nsgii' rs's'sivs's'frs'tsthis t. S.
Stee stst'ck. 'Thoi'itprehs''ion h s'tis'h
'sutis t'ss'is't' lakett 'iil thtst'coimmuiity

whesn he did soot return is a seasoso-
able lenigtho of timoe. Be was usocoso-
scious wheso he wvas founsd, asnd all
efforts to revive hiss were of no avail.
Be died about 11:30. A revolver was
fousnd a few feet Irons the bosdy.
It was learned that Mr. Graves had
bieen overworkinsglhismself for sonse
timse and despite lis poor health kept
laboring beyond Isis strensgth.

tBertram ws sa 's'cssdstt utenanit ini
fts' secsondsIbattalsionstof thlttty stalsiVr-
wvickshsirso r'egimettit
hie obttaisns'd his ipreptaratotry vchotol
stork isn Englastd, andshcameltts'tsAlichs-
igansinis Iis eitlifseosttt yea'.Il its
t'ltsssijothefist'ailtcsothse', issost,
wcas tel likedh, antsheIt'sas a popsular
stassostlst'e satsns.S iincs'his, grasd-
usatiout fromtst efu'tniver'isity , s'he sisi

I tt u a e a v iku a i I lbe'en.s t hussyisig tss'sis'ios'io lt tisisi s thesvttiug, "sis itii sit irsis ct'
ids Is 1871 and was graduateh fromosihoititai, stoihanstohis' tssttsr'ssts it tit'elle-
thie university law course iso 18931. ianrite wsamtsoogthe irs't iin gsisht- "o'xissoiii a i'>'ttssuts ot
He practiced law unotil thie outbreak ofisoi whtdptnln nnu
msent to enlistf. iris t,''saidt Prosf.IW. t'. Ne'wc'sombs',
the Spanish-Amsericano war and oerved Ta ewsabaeofcradwl ftlbt l°dprmnilhsle
so~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ie captaino of the Thirty-third Mciliked asooughis cs'stsiansy is iniatedt'ittl it"ti lsf'ssia so e,
gas vohussteers. 5 ~by' fts' folloswinogetct rsfrossaset ter'yeste'rdays afusroisoon. .Aftergieving vs'e-
He was a memober of the Alphsa Delta serittens by afitltoutoffiser to 'fonkh's islsssostt'r iu taiorls' ttss
Phi fraternity.3Egaoailsllsrtn th abv
___________Iparents: sttementsuis, i'rttft'ssst'Neswcomsbs'vsenst
PRNIN(DEA''N AU I wsy presenst at floe basttle' athch soustodscribts'thi'esellular oprocesssof
PIII'l' Ni lIPAE''ME'l'("ASES y'ours'gllhantt son hoyt iis l its'. tsr ,sex lei'rsisiist toss, iby stiasof tsso-
l)EIDAY OF S':h'f'ItI 1'T'hDIlEC"hOhRY traits vsenstootpste scalinig ilsd'rstiltsh iiststs. 'tts uhie itto
a smile 0o5is is ftat'e. 'heit'omntttiifts'hueeensuitt oss:ieifis'tbt'sssvwitin
Dute to ouforseens dificulties us thte enoemoy's fire broket. oustI Sitws, clear thi s'tt10i or 15 ys'ars,. 'Ts' explassa-
prnutiug depar'tmenst, uhe sumsmertitfn050onse cousldis's'itotthoe sftsom.tiososf IPr'ofessor'Ns'omboosfe,suppoie--
school directory, wrhich vwas expected At daybrealk the Glermians oade signs inseotittibye islies, sered to give'
to be out this morrnirng, vwill sot he to us to comoe oss over aonsd pick its) our Itouss'autstteig totvidittdoea of the
dead anti woundetd. Itw'e't ouo thd odesssrn soncep'utions. le conscludoetd,
post ons sale usntil Tuesday msorninsg. after a losng searchs I founod youtr iratoet'"If issiswoulssdstotfroltfle s'x of out
Evens vith this delay', the list of 0000 just where I shoould save epetedt. off'sprting;hi s'h~ioulodtbegint sitthse
namses wvill be ouot searly thsree veceks He ws l ying deasdl sithins tit ysards, grandparen ''st:
earlier than ever before. of the Germnosattrentchies, holtfveay'. _
The proof on the book has beesn across the vinreettanglemnts, his ~hIEEJ'''(h;MAVI
read, arnd the msaterial turnsed back to righot hassd outstretchtedassthovels SUCC'l'M'Sl1{ 11 EA'10lilt I IISF11?1
the printers. It oct11 require two slays pointing the stay to his msest." ___
for the printing and bisnding. The sessuor officer of rite compansy teteAsri 'Meety'go
Althsough thse delay has caused sonse wrote of Monik: "He diedi a cony go1- JsieArnV cla,'io
isnconventence, it has establed the etdi- lanstodeaths,-it vwas obviostflat lie' the sulsiesos'estusri ttf iigan, sdietd
toss to include in the directory the wvas one of floe party float load moade suddtensly ye stersday miorntinigsit heart
sarses of those woho registered late. this extraordinsarily gallant effort t's disesase. tHs' ovuss artitugprsfessor of
All names vwhichs had beess received captoure the guts ando prevent it killing tootelitre iii I1897-98t, andot professsrot*
by the departmental secretaries up to their csorades vwsihowere comntg uitlsp rsuti1.ss; o ~ eta
Friday night stilt be prntfed. behindt." lwfo 88:93 n11 ews
- __ (tsienothe tionorary'dereet'of doctor.

i . i

LEONARD A. BARRETT will speak Sunday at 10:30 A. M.
Theme: The Seat of Conscience in National Life


of' last's.
Jutice Alttcslvyhasbocus ossft'e
suptremeenchsues since 1904t, hasving ibeens
cthtif juie t icett, iso 190)7 andth1954,
Ite 'it' i's t'idIt ri's Ioils'ofthlit'strong
mencottf theh is' ctouort andot his loss lis
ft'egres'ts it hitssoufferedsinetos' ttts'
deatthtost .fugs' hiair. ' ile sea's this
finsst gentlemanti I hutsv'ecvr toas thOto
st plasuure.of mesetinug. Hits msinodwa's
brsoatd suit li's brains'sa's stg, wheti's
hisr sir sss'othimt slovable','' sas this'comt-




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