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July 01, 1915 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1915-07-01

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Orpheum Theatre-
The Housenof Famous Plays by Famous
Players. The official student newspaper for
the University of Michigan summer
Jul 1--Thrs.Fr.-Lis ereithin session. Published by the students on Traveers need not g to California;
"Help wanted', and Paramount Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af- Ann Arbor has a fair rainy season,
Travels. trnooos. Twenty-five issues. paradoxically speaking. D
July 3, Sat.-Harod Lockwood in "The.
Lnue of the Mask" Subscription rates-By carrier, sev- A third year senior pauses to re-
July 56, Mon.-Trues. -"The Woman" enty-five cents for the summer; mark that the campus beautiful pro-
mailed to any address for one dol- ject seems to have suffered a severe
lar. blow this summer.
- -Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap-
plication to the business manager. A Whole Bunch of Keys!
Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar- Item in the Detroit Times:-
Arcade Theatre ry's, Cushing's and South Univer- "Is it a girl?" asked Flake Keyes,
SHOWS:AFTERNOONS 4:00: EVE. 6:15; 7:45; 9:15 sity Pharmacy. rejoicing over the announcement that
Office Hours: Managing editor, 2:00 the stork had visited his house a few
to 3:00 daily; business manager, days ago. "No, it's girls, one, two,
Thursday, Julyto-irn e esipaC aiek, the days0ago.2N0, dtisygirPsnen9,0twr
charming aiste c i oma sin p cedy 1:00 to 2:00 daily. Phone 960 or three, four of them," was the reply.
rama "The Commuters" produ ed 2414. -Better get a key ring, old fellow.
Fri. July 2- Charlie Chaplin in his Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- Beauty and the Beast.
gryatest Kriv ion C Ts e Chpn"
geatest prudveias "Tlh capsn". ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor. It doesn't take a highly imaginative
individual to guess the general ap-
Howard R. Marsh-Managing Editor pearance of the coed who remarked
Phone-2414-1505 as she received her marks, "Oh, well,
Ferris H. Fitch-Business Manager that course was only a beauty contest,
Majestic Theatre Phone 960-236 anyway."
Matinee 3 P. M. Eve. 7 & 580
A cynic remarks that women are all
right if you treat them right, but
Today, Friday and Saturday-DANIEL don't treat them too often.
FROHMAN presents the superb THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1915.
photo-spectacle "rHE E T E R N A L ._._
CITY," by Hal Caine, with Pauline We wonder if those five girls taking
Fredrick. Produced byTHE FAMOUS HERE, YOU! law expect some day to be mother-in-
PLAYERS, S Parts. We are not running a closed corpor- laws.
ALL SEATS 20 CENTS ation down here in The Wolverine
office. Don't forget that our letter Medical Journals, Copy!
head says, "The Wolverine, published Our contemporary, the Ann Arbor 6
by the Students of the University of Times-News, refers to the vmatrimon-
Temple Theatre Michigan." You are all of you editors ial itch" in a recent issue. We won-
ADMISSION Sc. of the little paper, or should be. der how it is related to the "divorce
(except Friday and Saturday) It is the function of The Wolverine fever" which is sweeping the country.
-- to be truly representative of the cam-
Thurs. July - "In Days of Fainie". pus, in its news columns, in its edi- Michigan's definition of the word
Broadway Star Feature. (By James torials, even in its fun. "autobiography,"- "a faculty man
Oliver Carwodi with Dorothy Kelly) But if it is to be representative, itm,,e
Vri. Jly -"Closing of the Circuit" must be by the co-operation of all of kg s .
(Lucille Hammil) You. If the news it contains is to be
Coming Next week, "The Jitney Elope- Poor "Devil!"
ment". (with Charlie Chaplin) comprehensive and true, You must
help us to get it. If our humor is to A Wolverine cub named Fling,
be campus humor, Yot must contrib- Made copy from any old thing;
ute it. If the editorials are to amount But good copy he wrote
to anything at all, You must furnish Of a ten-dollar note,
the ideas for them. We want You to And now he is writing in Sing Sing.
do your part in the editing of the
paper. Did you ever notice that the man
Stop in and see us. We will be glad who smokes Camels and Fatimas
to talk to You, to show You our little lights the label end first?
offices we will be glad to just pass
the time of day with You. Odd, Isn't It
We wait You, too, to drop into our The best structural engineers are
In speaking of the presentation in humor column. Remember that funny generally the worst at bridge.
moving pictures by the Famous Play- thing You heard yesterday; write it __-
ers of "The Eternal City," the New down. Then see how nice your "Tramp Tramp, Tramp, the Boys
York Evening Mail says in part, "No initials, lacked to the end of it, look Are-"
exbense was spared in presenting this in print the next day. The athletic authorities shouldn't
great literary masterpiece, and it is We want your contributions! get so excited about the tramps on
most gratifying to note that results Ferry field. Think how many more
have been secured. The principals WHOO-O! FELLOWS!
are on the boulevards, and the city
were taken to Italy so that the ex- The girls and the medics are in the isn't worrying a bit.
terior scenes could be made in the same class because they can't come,
true localities of the story. Some re- and we feel sorry for them. It isn't
markable bits of photography result- very far, just a short way up the river, we thnron'telettustriwhst
and et hen e e thee w fee aswe think of the instructor who sets a
ed. Some of the locations selected by and yet when we get there we feel as
tle pruuers weri' in theuselves though all our summer school troubles class for 7:00 o'clock and then only
enough to carry the picture. They were over. A few dives and a short keeps it five minutes.
were marvelously beautiful." swim and we forget the war, forget
"The Eternal City" is being shown the drudgery of vacation work and STAY AWAKE NIGHTS
in Alnn Arbor for the next three days. forget that we were ever lazy. AND WORRY BECAUSE-
We are here to learn, and we can Summer girls, and some were.
NOWA-DAYS only learn by working, but work alone
-will never turn the trick. The re- The D. U. R. has again inaugurated
Goods fromt suits won't come if we areout of the its "Cupid's Special" service from
mind for work, so why not give the Ypsilanti.
N.1 F.'MaiRn S(.0Huron a chance even if you do have-p
21t S Ma to wear trunks? A royal flush often beats three
- --deuces.
u-- .g STUDENT BOARD. Clean a n d
homelike. $4. per week. Sheldon's- Detroit is 40 miles away, and they
714 Monroe St. 1-5 are talking of raising the rate to three
cents a mile.
Pleasing and artistic portraits made
at Hoppe's Studio anytime. 619 E. The 2:30 train usually leaves about 11
Liberty. tf half past two.

New and Second -land
raw ng Instruments, Loose=Leaf Note Books
Student Supplies in General
Betsy Ross Candies
The $1.00 Quality Sweets
that sell for only
the full pound. Boxed fresh from
the case. Delivered to your home
without extra charge. Phone 359-M
Betsy Ross Candy Shop
600 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Mich,
is necessary in order to have a perfect
fit. We know how to do measuring, the
cutting and the putting, together of
garments. Our made to measure suits
represents the highest degree of perfect-
ion at incomparable prices. Have us
tailor you one or two sumuer suits, you
will thes be correctly attired for your
outing on the "Fourth"


Board $4.00
75c. per dmy - Dinner 38c.
One bloekenorth from Hill Atxditorum"
We wash all goods in soft water
We do your mending and sew on buttons free
Buy a cash card and save 10{/v on your laundry
hone 2076-2077 and our wagon calls promptly

For Table Supplies Wholesale and Retail
4.1 16 E. Washington St. Phone 326


Call at the Daylight Store when in need of Ihe Paas Royal
3Clothing and Furnishings 04 Sou,, Matn St.
I ~~~~~~~~NEXT TO ORPH9UM Cptl ioooSrls 5,0
F~rI~JFWUE'TheI Fanmers and Mechanics Bank
Safe Banking and Coutrtc s ratmenit of our
Fit' J. F. WUERTH. F. P. HARRIS Customersi s ou\ w atOrd
3 per cent Interest in our Sings Departmne

Sene frMa -e'lict'da, 'ity," sown
itt thle Majesl ic leday, tontorrow and

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