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July 01, 1915 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-01

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Vol. VI.


No. 4.

Dr. Hutchins anid Mrs ulchiis To
Mleet Suiuun'i rSeliel
PRGA UBR OI WVIn place of the customary lecture ini
the west lecture room ol li(b',pysiail
laboratory, Presidet H arry iR. Hutch
ins and Mrs. Hutchisswill givea e
,y ceptioiiA04toheiiummer10s1u1' tsini
'Alumni Mteioril hall at 5:00 oclek
this afternoon. 'Tle irecptioi iil 1'
of an iifoiial nature, adi is desigedl
to trnish the stde atedig the
sunmimer sssioii with a opplotuiit
to meet the prrsidenlt. In adito to
President IHutchins ad Srs. I-Iaihis,
memibers of the vaiious fauties will
he presentl to uelcoiiii tiii'guests.
[roessor Wi1. ,. Iebs, ofi hr
Sgeologial dparisi'i,ntilt eetr0.n
"The Earthqak eofItlyut" inhe
morrw atiernoon. The'lelctrie iw'ill
be illustratedl with slids ofith11, grail
Messina disstresnd ohe:r itlin.
eruptioins. Pofessori 1101)10 his d-
voted several years 1tbhestdiy o1
earthquakes aid has rcnlli b-'
elihed a volsiiie citlci, "artl-
quakes," whirh gives a. comrhiensie
treatnientoi tisi'diisstroispibis
The fifthi lecture 110 ihe regular sum-
umer program ill be givn at 4:00
oclock oiiiircosv iigttby Mtr iFrd
I K eeler, sperinteiidit of public i-
striuctioii for Mihigan, iho iilIlali
on, "Sonic Fudiiialcai 'siubli
Education." _Mr. eeler is aii educator
of coisiderable mte aind is thoroughly
faimiliar swith mot of tii' olics
confrontiiig the tiaher today. His
speech is oii. of a sines tht hsbsein
c arranlged oiti esicial attetioniuititii
many tiachers swho arcieiiollid ii thei
Raymond Robins aid John R. Mtet
Among Illustrous Number
of Speakers
Last Sunday eveninig losed the
greatest stideint coferecie evr eli
at Lake Geieva. 'The spiri was ci-
ported as beiig tl iiiniest ever soiw
at these anual meetings, aiiilthiis
present ell hat this coferec'wass
of vialiipranse 1o lbe'co legisof
the uidle west, most ositchii wesir(
Raymiond lRobiis, o ic'ii'go, wass'
the speaker whis left tii greaest
impression. iHis principal addrss wss
on the work sdoie ii clening up Clii
ward of ('hii'agoini which le lives.
Johni R. Mtt gave a graphic lcrip
tion01 of the war ii Erop, miii his
address was patictlarly fiei'ecaus
of the fact that hei' los spelt ,svrarl
months studying the condiiitiiins ii
each of the warring natios. le saed
that the nost rmiria'bbeefec"t of the"
war has beeii a religiiiiis reial
throughiou all Europi.rayer iii
iiigs are leli daily ii ische re''ao
both sides.
A briliait aidress oiltie coiiss
of life iii Asia was gii'i by Sisrwodi
Eddy. Aiistersit th spaers ws
Fred B. Siiiti who spoiesduinciig m-
bilizatioii weik last year.


letitig 'hiema reiouCinto WieCs\Viiles'
\\'iiels' i srld. ii issi;, l .iy s'4° 0tiratl-;
()nii' a ut I lsiiie, andiii islc its l'i'iiiii
Pahsr iad:;en ight, thosand doll-hi
lao n Iii itC Wsid: '''This is lhe:'' aiii
it. alke ito 'he "Flks W Hoiiiii. U.
jutaIi l Correcs'' tori' Ituglili thiaii
sad iBieniiheari'iii hoimvi paiits for
Tlipped isiiAM. tolIii',"iVonm'theyusissed'i
an CteIi M ei's s'rs'ciil o and ,i
sad irlinasiws sa IWeIil'llsati's
y1111ng loimi. Cliiniiiidyii want'slu to l
Cliii 1Hermaniiiia jobi. '1h118xv(Se i'f.id u

his urile's scoronolsbpic, slid Tried
Olii for thii' 'osn Nine..Ie put bis
'VistlDecorationss iii the Famiily Safe
aiid listClii Watch the Brothers had
'ii'(,ui him l'iiilr lie Old Mattcess. He
piol o rsgsvisiiofsitHorse-Shoes
itI lie lust-iiisster, ansi let Deacoii
Ii i'tll irs ite skiniimilliFouir 'Times at
'l Chcr. IlIesadist iilayed :Either
"Gise Cur Yi'srs. Butatsiiwie Have
intlimatiediheretofore, Ibis Youlng 'el-
tic ii is Usinig his Bcaii.
11e stoiid otit ini Front o1 the Opecy
I-liiisi' Sotlrdab iiight and mlet All the
Churl~ Villagers witb a Smnile and a
"11 t'rictc , Ikucy', bat 8you'relookiin'
rilt'ert." lie might Have Said:
h ut lie }(null Chiut iiould Gi't lyer.

ofile'ran. ifiiwilSruuius. ltie Si i'iggiims, Ciii' Bankseir,thought that
110 'e, a~ si''"iii '''tiitie run-i hierhaps Ait's' a11. collige dish not
fln, i rua toliil lioi .Swooneud,Riii 4111 sihoi si'nt 'T'hither', hut oiily
ii hilSrogiuiis'.Kne'w mmit. Soi hi ei'iiiul CMst.h oi '01iiu
iily 88' ium IUpI'll hin-C' lii, li lsa' So iieCi' isliied ho ihe Young Feller
88 ltliuse; ill a Siiedish "Sonisis 8'il lmsho (it Using lh i eaO slid lie level'
U~tah. Ii neIditii.isiliecs'u- iteen mbodel,
Th tle 'uhf l"Orlihaul icroli twlvhe -C"yi'iiici' wor'sirrllOten His
'wo im's tiorflirtoiric, .mildii is ,il'iiii e'.' So Ss'roggiii i lledltbat
'' ii lii'iiit come to he L' atn (zai Ill the' Banik wsith this Guyswhiat
E'li 'd te "rechi Ci 'i'' uarstmes'I loiiiusandlFoi'got hisFi'eiichi.
V('irtis. Ctliiliei' is( d his lii . S Mrlii: Itlt of hadinig 1p0o1l10Whamt
seon iashie lil Illoff tt I iTr'lau'shostiled vst is knowinig to sWeinto
Si 'aliu'ulhomiie thie(BackX1ayindily-111 ham)d i.
,:adi 'ii lhis 'Clii e C'lthes'. iie' 't'Ilsiold Sliiadaki.

SIStER IDRAWS 111H 111P11 t''n i
FOR YORK IN ('11CAGO t)4. 1M
Sport Writers LanEx- Wolverine's ATH ETEGRE HPv
Pm'i'or'iiaiice inirst.i'
lull Gamne FN [ T i
George Sister is given high praise bi8' Trainer "Stev e" Farrell Work's Outi
Chicago sport. writers fur hitsftrot full 'Track Stars oil1"eirry
miajor league' a F''i iuui' ih-Iid
igan star phitcl lthreei'n'ninugs o it M \ It'l 14 hi LXIl"' 1 4I"rOII
classy hail agaiust the Siox Mloniiay,
andl 'luesdayicukey playsdminliiiatftrot;
base for the Brownis. . Toiur"ix"luucihuhygv
The ex-Wolverinhe pertormeu iniison- lihi' lichigsu iCathietsi whoali will runm-
sationsal style at the luitial hag, hand-iIlie i' thi Clii't'ilral ..A. I11,ichanuipion-
hung 14 chianices perfectly.'This' Chi- shills at Chuic :o luMnday, hue'iriiial
cago 'Trihune says, "bus the si's'inillietuigpon,'_ryild
Sirew himself flat oin the esarhian~d lsiugu 1"~stt
capturedi a wil thirsow triiui i n 'h ss'quusuofit omcerine in 'ider ar-
withiout aking Iis foostt rsiuu thes'bag. ,tios tl sicpt' undeirthss'cislsrs of
'T'wsi wvere out at Cheicmhss, anslush th ii hioA.A. wiciisepete
'sas comsing inifromssthird, ills' boy 'sto sarry siff blue s'ictorysin usIheiWindy
activity cutitlig ChicSox ott friussones' tygsauuies,susn his' the ic'higainse
runs."."who issnvit heir u','ut4will lie'taksi'uit1
Sister got one hit iii four trips thei' asssssisurYcihh s'expso'sit ion gasii'
againust Fabser, premuier issxmuauu of the'later in this'sumiuisi.
leagsue leasders. It opsened Cisc Issiruls Althou sgh a spsrintieir b he Issame55'oh
iuing, andsiSios'er later sc'iorushisi it,8Wardsilol runii C'his'agoi it is sot
thsi heingsthle only'sarnleu rusn for
time Brownss.
bus yestecrday's gamse, Sister batteds
third, anssi made ouneliti. Ile l'soi
mnse two errosrs,r
Set Michigan D(ay Dale at Exposition
Michsigani Day at Clue Panamsass1expo-s I
sitions bus been offiialy set for Sep-,r
temuber 1st.
Meeting .amranged to D~raw I'p Detfiite
acation League; to Eilect j 'lraine'r 'Steve" Farrell, Mtchmtg'an's
Managers track mentor, who ts prepiarimig time
- MaNte amid BlMinemder athletes for
'Ml INEESE ''EIIIIS'I'E (ION ES "'10 (1(0 th(emtrtA. A. U. gamries mmeelt im

Dismiss _CLASSES


Wiemisy hauses miii be held F~riday
tis r',Comu9 :0Cs:12:00 o'clocks sur-
ON NEX MOND Y sluthe ssu er.-'flue chaperons for
I ic s'u's'ek swill lie Mr. and Mrs. Edwvard
lleuhi liiius .8ullnoanres Ilolita) ySt feicr . asi.'h comte en n
Jil13ti; lansmsp(lal 'hasrge' will be Francis TI. Mac~k, '16E,
fleh ue 'hasirmansu, uid Losuis Visorhsees, 'C6A.
'tickets msay lie secured at tihe door,
lt'. PA X'4TON (lVES Xhi)l1.55 All will hue required to show their
imesmbeurshuiptcrds. Fishersorchestra

Pro . . if.Krsaus, idi'nuuofstheii'suis-
555ccsesion15, iiiiaii i 'rut81yseridasy thats
alt i'tssec mwouid bei hum' liss h's'oniinex''t
Monday to8.hat, miysbeing asslegal holiiday8.j
bus orde1 tha ts'shle nastithu's histuls' 0'
mayi5notushpa'ss withsoutsomse fCumsof
celebira'tionu, a lecturue will Cme gime u
Mtondaysscat ,:00oclocks'h'on, '''hem'First
Ausurc'sauss" by ". CL. Isaxtons.profi's
of Amer'i'i'an i Cstoruy usnClue'symrl8
of Wiscimiushu. h'roifessor' hisxmiii
junuiour purofessori'osithistorinusths
ve'rohsit oflic higasun Prows 1117 mm C131 iii,
and miis n1ow 'gllsu 55' rt couirse',iin
hum formrus iiiliers"5 lussour f I:
tonu hisss hiecloreC at tthe'Ubiot: upity
if C hicags and1iiif'iihCalini.-A.wg
the5 rnanyi 8 pulihdwitomiks (if ts isc
lueissh'.'ss huolat Assus'slau 1'i-
tier,'' a 's'mei'.ac'c'ording ti oms'v it
auithitieimn histoicy, that is the fialt
iwordi sus lii'e1h51'ist f thue West .
le'ure' willhum'dl'iv'ere'd usinluC'NN55''
lerib srs'o'imuofst hes' Phy~isiahG o ,'
' o1r'll t'foir'The uSC lult''3 !e
ils'il(''l eui'nulsde n am oul e
' i f< 'iuuii' a lif i9?lenI to niuk
l4' li tloril'ime'c'simouihftgel
4> in ulit i t I('14n li ninag'umri toi
' lii' iir l hmius' iimm''B'.s 3 'sh in SiC
Whc Ii'nStafif 'siiail beui i
* ha ushnss oisaci'. I'r~s:it
uith anihh st'10mik lm


0115l'ulusuthse iusiu.

"Sunmmser baseball" hias been an am'-

tuve ssoue it Michisianthis ye'ar, lout
thue kindsioh "summnet' bail" which ilii
25000 LITEN TO eitaksenutinatonight's mheeting at this
CONC RT ichgan nio at7:00o'cockis not
F AC VLTYC f ER rownedoh b the athletic authorities.
Varsity sthsetes stud otiser students
iterts di orgaunized sport for this
t i iS-ol ohfII ashlirograum Appreciated 'uiusier ibl lauchi. a cactionsuliagism
lB 11toience of .311ii'sl at theUs' iouoight,. Sarisorgauniza-
hers thLono haveens'u cce'ssfuil fuss'this
last tour suitmner sessionus, ansI as
8th 'SIlt INS PLEASE l,lS'rENEICStischre arcesuore Varsity tosscr ncs-
----roiled than erer before, this year's
Bitefre- an utlussiastie auidienice of league shoald be a stronge one.
,+001 ssiihleros, thur faculity of the Captain George L~abadie stud lutra-
s sitl smsusic giave tfi' first of eihtlsI mral Director Floyd A. Rfowe will hum
She principal speakers at tonbight's
ciitstto hi' given ur ling thus'sum-
loses s'soiuuii. meetinug, wile scmvcrab mnnwuhso haves
AClount otl uII specially fine ssuse heiaseisprevious sumiu-
work nis us.ib hterpretations of Beet- useis mwiii also he onhsiandm. COtficere
husrcus's "'lhihrty -tswsiVarisatiouns" auid will be elected, studimanuagers cho'sens
Cluhe "Arabeue-mu'Oni the Blue Dansube frtsssC ersitSu f sele
jC Wates"b Srus-cuz 've engiuneeriung and lasvcutllegeso and
" l its thu 'ml'touhuandibidse sense of'sho.
'urii mccgitl'aprcae. Everyotne itnterestedusnClue tprojet
31{ 't Cm N,. CC'stcnusuauu'o soft, nueb- i urged tos sttetnd the smeet~ing, as it is
uesired to arrainge a schedule' as early
muwd'ne lis pt to good tests ini
lushes rtti'isi~a h1rtheia hagu'iusus'anduiaaopossible. 'Iwo or Sthree gamsnucau
~week ore planuned for, sand they will
I Imium'r'i shouu Sustugnd .'' '""i tocv_ e staged at lhours whlirh usill sotsuous-
'it 1o5eofithhitsioofClue couseert. Her Cc Ssissis
LC hsuiqusiaundl versatility as displayed
hn is n Cu smh ihi's "Legesude"saidi Rcus-( Pnrdnte Stndents Earn $030.:1tt Momthll
CucoS "l,ii'Cm rcafcc" 'sere remsarksahle.- Statistics comipiled by therY. 81.5'. AC
Alli otftaose' mmho took part in the of P~urdue CUiversity soua Sst ulura
mueill organuizedlporogramusuweurlehe'e-ig the tunee imounths ot lusot ,ousiu ir
cope sof wmlmml euirited applauuse, mvacationstoudhensoemloyed e'arned'i
ulvius nhumsua'approciatisve asudiencve. ; on ass as'oz-age ot $138l.30C.

C'hicago IMonday.
thue Uiversitysit Chuisagos 'rack who
wonu Cle daos'oesat thus'confser'encse
mesetinug, utnd taptaiun Simiths should
romuip ass'aiths a doublue victory ini
the sprintitng eents. tO'Brieni iis
teamnmate msight also plac' in at least
isse of the short rates.
Next tinsSimith, Carroll, the sopho-
nmorei'lsser, h's the Mtaizestud IBlue
star extpectedtohis sushCle best bid for
a c'hamspiosip. 'The'r ewill hue sev-
eral wetersn collegiaun smarathionuers of
conssidierablc woirh, howsever, slushCar-
rall will suot haeus clear sailing as
Isis ca'ainiu.
181cfr ands "sx sri' othier dsltanice
msens wvhoumsFar'reliluhausengroomig
for thes tisicusgo gamses, wihie sorbuin
said tCross will borth comupete. 'The
forumesr will e'tter thus'lhurdlecs, ausd may
alomtalus'asscrack ts tthis' high jaup,
whileCrI'uos mullb comptein' i the
Seeiii'e A.lti tbim'ts of tim''teachers
reuse tiuhlivle, '14, hblis seu appoiunt-
ed principal sit thus St. C'harles high
'school.shShm'will slso 4bash iGuruosus
anidisory. Other teacing positionls
hiave re'ce'ntly buein secsured by Michi-
gans graduates as follows' Mary lamp-
hell, '15, anld Mary BoIssuer, '43", at the
'hennuessee'Ironu, Sisal & IS. It., to.
schsools, its Cirssiiglssuss, Albamais
WAinifiredi Mahonuu, 'i3, at the 'T'echnical
Institute, Poicate'his,Idhuulo,;IDaniil J.
tIestbreobe, 'C5, histosry, public opeak-
hug, anduldeblate', atsheti'high school ius
F~ranukfort, hIndihana.

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