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July 08, 1915 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-08

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Vol. V3.


Dr, A. XI. Barrett Tlells of ('onditions
Among Feebleminded of State
In Tlenth Nunmber' on
Presented Statistics Showing Growth
Of Insanity In
r Michigan
Some 1t or 12 years ago the Pitis-
borg milliooaire Thaw shot Stanford
White to the Madison Square gardi-
ens. lHe was adjudged criminally in-
sane, sod committed to Mattewan. No
man to history lass received more
space to the newspapers of the coun-
try than hie, sod the Ipeople at large
still have insanity to fall hark o
when other topics for spiy convet'sa-
tion are lackintg.
Tuesday evening Prof. A. M. Barrett,
of the medical school, lectured in the
west lecture coons of the phsysical lab-
oratory. It was the tenth numbser uon
Ithe prograna of sumsmer lectures.
Seats were at a premiums. The am-
phitheater was filled, ansd several pee-
sons walked away disgruntled. he-
cause they could not obtain a chair.
Women students and Ants Arbtor ladies
formed the greater part of tihe atud-
iene. It was the largest crowd thsat
has assembled at any of the lectures
this summer.
No one left tlae hall before the fis-
ish of the talk, and frost thse remarks
when the end finally came tlhe lecture
was altogether too shourt. Tihe stab-
ject was: "The Extent ad Causes of
Insanity and Feeble-minsdednsess itt
The basis for Dr. Barrett's lectusre
was the report of tlte commttissiont ap-
pointed by thte legislature of Michigan,
to investigate insantity and feeble-
mindedness its ftse state. 'is com-
mission, of which Dr. Barrett was evi-
dently a memober, worked for two
years to ito search for causes anti sta-
tistics, and the fintal report was ntu
returned until last Ray.
Dr. Barrett presentted his figures
Sand results by means of charts wvhichs
were throwvn upon a acceen. Intsatn-
ity, according to this sturvey is ott thte
inctresse itt Michtigats, for in 1890 titers'
were but 1652 personts ins the state in-
stitutions, while itt 1914 this nuntber
had increased to t95t. In 7981, 3.3 per
cent of the populatiotn were insane; in
1914 this percetntage tad growvt to 4.3
per cent. At presettt 27 ottt of l0,000
personts its Micitigant are beintg treated
in hospitals attd sanitariutts for thte
.Dr. Barrett broutt ottt itt a very
striking manntet' thte relation betwett
feeble-mntdedness attd the critminal
problem, "Sevettty-twvo per cettt of
the innites of the refortmatory itsti-
tution for gitls at Adrittt sre abttor-
mal," said hte, "attd 38 per cent
of thte boys its the industrial sehool at
Lansing were also afflicted wills sonte
Sfortu of feeble-mntdedness."
FLED B. FOI'LK, 114-1Li, [AND-4
Fred B, Foulk, '14-O6L, news-editor
of the Rithigan Daily last year, is tnow
assistant editor of the Advocate of
Peace, the official organ of thse Anmeri-
can Peace Society, havittg itt head-
quarters its Washington, D. C. Thse

publication has a circulatiott of 15,000.
-Many Local Children L'se Phuygronnds
Playgroundl work in Attt Arbor tis
summer is utnder the dirctiont of Mrt.
W. M. Apple, whio reports titat betwveess
25 and 100 children use the pants

3:00 o'clock to 5:00 o'clock-Recep-
of Newberry residenteetaltl,
5/:00 O'cock '''lite Mssdernt Era its
Jewsisha Edsucation," Or.Airan
Simnot, XWet ltusre rotmt, thysist
laborat ory.
4:35 o'clock - Polsstened tbaseal
gamte. Vacatiott leaguet',tis vs. la.
5:0 s'clock--"'Ts'elitet'miatiot of
Sex," Prof. F. . Nwco'mttbe, S'sest
lectusre t'omtt, Pial laboisratory.
8:0(0 o'clock--"l'he Indiv ial Ttts'h,'
Dr. 'T. C. itlaissiil, Presidetistosf
Anta College, West lectre rtott,
Physical laboratory.
S Vl 1.11'
2:0 o55s'lock-Va atiotnlegse bass-
ball gattes, lits vs.tmesdicandawtstts
Terriioi'y-ILih ided by C(onties for5
('anassing' of iichigasm
CampsiaigningE otheit'neas'"Y"
buildittg has staretalitserso't' t, stnd
titers' are sve'ntttentttctvritg Mi-
igant. Altroutnt isa o imtptortatnces'are
to be car'sfulliy wtrs'ed sduritg ts'
summetssr. 'Thle state isdivsistat st
ts' metnsilt be tisble ttttm lte titeir
wtork iintealottd titae.
Ts' territories adts' ettstravtl-
itng ttttemttart' as followss : tdlssllist
XWtessci, '17, itslftes othessrn tisr of
coutias:IHoswardslIasag ', ithte
strip ofsoutties jutatnortht tf tratnds
Rtapids;: Samtuessl 'sX'itt st, '1, ite
ter'ritor'y bstsves's It'oil andtFsin0it;
Waallace' 1 iall, '15, setweetnBa~y tity
andts Lansintg;:Fratk Olmssts'ad, '1, its
the tnot'tesrnt counttiessof it'e los'er
pe'titsusla; Jossn Kteseote, '15, ithet
uppertpe'nitsusla; oand Vsrnes'Burett,
'17, troutgh tis'cttral part of tie.
Rfalphs Stydesr, '141, snsowvits C'icags,
ias cotnsentets'stusrktinthiat ity ad
it is possible thastXW. i 'iker, vs-
ligious seesary sof tie "Y," smasy
travel throssgi the estternt stats.
Thse asork hsu st started ash so
to deitite reports are asssy5s obtait-
able, but letters receivedl front tetmes'
state titat they are wel pleasesi sitis
thte outlook atnd fs's' cotfies'tt of sc-
cess. Thie saitm of tiis cmptasign is
$45,0011 before Asgust I1tstmeete
contditiots of a $0,000 gift.

Those Days of Real Sport;
Hear the Talking Pictures!

sistal ratisert'hian autditot'y effects
are asc'nts'siintshits dratma of today,
asccosrsdig to Claytons Batmiltott's
"StudsisaitsStagecraft." Thse movies,
s'emsitngly, sosuid depend entirely utp-
sot visual impsiressiotn; hut sucs eta'
ts'rtatinmetsaits AttttArhbt' at'stea-
tusrs'sl sys'these tartlingily'varied con-
vsrasatat getos wihici thte girls in
ts' cowtbeinitd youtcast forth into the
cureretn ttiftheslectric fatts.
"'T'ei'erils of Pauslisne" are taut half
as excitittg as tihe adventures of the
co-)stutdes behittd you, whso relate their
feats of itntellectusally santd-baggittg
profesoursrsockitng canoes and car-
osaits at fte Busy Bee; wahile the
colourlesasitharacters of ftse filtm per-
formstheiair patomttitne in pitiftul con-
'Tissiow starts whienth ie lightsa go
ousf, anth e littes rut somtethitng like
"Disd yott sear tte put ftse Scolds-
manat's eye out tisttorttittg, I guess I
wa snt't goitng-"
"Mabesl coutldnt' conas to class to-

day, she laud six aisontds ibuffaloeslasi
sight, and-
"Isn't that thsenmost frigihtful skirt
you ever saw? It looks ilets'thatihsr-
rid blue ting Bat sased tsovear'.mas
goinag up the river agsist tomosrrowa.
Don't yuu tinksisHaroldllasthe-s'
"Oh, hook'. I thouoght tihsy isasdbust-
ed up. Whast du yost knowsabouisst 5 tat'?
Site told sas last nigist
Isn't tihis a sessastay essosws, tisosals?
I vias-"
"XWe'swon't ihave itoavriteIlsast oid
esay tosnorrow, vselhavs'n't boslte'd
our elevesn taclock yet."
"I wanst yost to see sty nev'-
"Well of ali thes nerve'! Didi yous
sse that esay in frostnt s sa look
"Keep still! I knaov'tim! His vas
its one of nay rihetoric classes osse."
"Donit yost knsowethat iittie girlits
osue Esnglish class? Ile goes witih lhsr.
I thisnk site's
Andss so it goes. Six resis of it. Ands
thsesssix umore backltotu1-ustuts's.

July 23 and d24IDates Set fom' Famons
Outdoor tPlayers' Annnal
On July 23 and 24 the well-known
Bens Greet i'layers will again visit
Amas Arbor. At 4:00 o'clock on the
23rd they v-ill present Reade and Tay-
lor's "Masks and Faces," and at 8:08
u'clock thesy vill presemnt the comedy,
"Thte Tamning of the Shrew'," by
Shatkespeare. On thes following day
they v'iil appear its Goldsmith's, "She
Stolps to Conaquer" at 4:00 o'clock,
ansd at 8:00 o'clock vill consclude their
visit vith Shaktespeare's, "A Midsum-
mer Nigiht's Oceans."
Te Bess Grest Woodland Players
sate tise repustations of beinag the bsst
outtdso' piayesaisa Amaerica. They are
a smaaii conmpany of thes best dramatic
artists, ad always call forth the ap-
1,200 C9lVED FOB
Eail 1'. Mooare sau Orgamssiald Miss Noras
('raise Runtmi, Soloist, Give
Its slits oftsfhasheavy rain whaich
srevt'sedss a largeattsndance, ass
tastdiensce' ts apprssximately 1300 gath-
erditsHiltl Audtitoriumttslast night to
listess ts thte seconsd of thes summer
conscerts, givesn by thes faculty of the
schoosss of musssic. The artists who
took hart intshit program sere Earl V.
.Xoure andslNsora t'. Hti. Frances L.
iiamsilton accomapansied the latter on
tse piasso.
Mtr. Mtotore v'sll broughat out the deep
tossal sialities of the great Fries'
organo in 'sXagsse'a "Assenmbly March
froms "l'snshase' " anad in Faulkes'
"Wssedinsg tCsorsus." Its his own selec-
lists, "Reverie at Twilight," he' dis-
pliayeds great fiexibilhty asnd variation,
ansd splendidly gave an isnitations of
eenin chselimses.
Bias Hunst pieased the audiencel
mstaiwitishs'errenditions of Maund-
er's, "f'sLol~s'y Flosves" and Gluck's

Washsingtos Rabbi Ptresensts Cleasr View
saf Jewish Edneatin
ini Addresses
Dr. Abrm Simoss, the Washaington
rabi, presented a clear and vivid pie-
turee of Jewisha education fros thbs eat'-
hieat Biblical tises up to abut lt'e
sixth cesntury, in hsis lectures Tuesday
and Wedshmday after'noons.lDe. Sion
is a flsuent speaker, forceful asnd pleas-
isng; has has sonsethaing to say, asnd says
it directly anad withosut loss of titms st
He contended that Jewish education
seas of suds significance thsat asspros
fessor or educator writing a history of
educatiosn, couhld afford to nteglect it,
butl msut give to thse subject ftse pro-
founadest conasidertionand stusdy, fore
it (thes eduations of thse anenst Jean)
struck to the hart and consciene' of
maat as no othser systems ever las'don~te.
In Tuesday's discussion the lecturer
explaissed thse Biblical era, whichs he
assered was built usa the ideals of ftse
Bible. "Every phase of life" said lie.
Simoun, "went towards the developmenst
of chsaracter upon a religious basis.
The very bottom rock upona whaichs Jew-
ish educatin was built is foundintshet
ideals of the Bible.
"The development of spiritual cul-
ture is the highest ideal of assliindivid-
ual or a nation. Jewish education was
national. Muses was the only mats in
ancient history who attempted to ed-
ucate a station. Today we are always
looking for personal liberty in our ed-
ucation and in our salvation. In the
tose of Muses ouch a question- was
never considered. Their thught al-
ways was of national good.
The lecture yesterday afternuossnvas
on, "The Rabbinnical Era," the edu-
cational system that was in vogue at
the tinme of Christ. This period was,
according to Dr. Sinmon, the mo5sf in-
tellectusal in the history of ths' Jev'.
"T'here wer mao illitera tes thant; knsowa'-

No. 7
Basa Weathsrs'relent~s aInhiial(ostesti
All-Stair Aggr'egationto Ile Pickesd
Tolasctie Norai'al
Rain pre'vs'ente thsco p'ning of the
Vacation lea'sgue'ys'serdhays'atenoon,
andttheIls'initial gamess'betweve's'he lisll
asnd lastw ss s s 'hsben shdule'dhfur riRe-
that'safternoon ast4:00) o''loc'k,.Post-
pssoss''sss'sw sisl ts'e.alostedtIto pile
ip, is t' le'agues'sticisials dssis'eto
gt 1s'1 asscurate'linss'nsthetlt'play''es of
lt'evta'irsiousaamsa itsordrsh' tseslect
ans 'si-Star isans tat clashlswill sis-
lassti Norsmal aggre'gations.
Ts' firsttilhiwiths thes'teachesaill
its F~ridiay's'afte'rnoona, itly 2:, at Ypsi-
lassti; and hetls-Nsrssssiteasill pay a
reur setsnsgag'me'st Sasisaiy, Jusly 1,
usa err'sfiesld. 1MsaageFE. ID. Mitchell
tao a tasts'r'ninet'on0 hansd thsisustse-
msthlassre'pres'ns thes'Nomsal cl-
ee durintg ~t'segularseasos, nany
oldI play''ers bing'ssbiatk forsummsssae
Its ortier to attisd e'e'nstits appear-
ane'of 'vi,fs th e msIspl'sisg onthie.
'sac'ationss league 'A'si-Star tsamsawilt
its's'thseie owtnexpessto saYpsilantfi,
andsinstsatdmsissioss swiilie hclarged at
tithse gamse. Biy stucisass arrasge-
sms'nt thes athletic athorities sill hae
ass obje'ctiosns to ft' staging of the
tv's gasmaes,wh~ichs see inte f tsfue of
practice'affairs, neithesr tea haing
ass'soificial ttonnesctionsswiths theins-
stitsstions frostswhichs ifs playescome.
Mhasnags'r ,sbais, of the las teams,
has Ipobalyi's' list 55formeasidabe col-
lectioss of saterial Isor the opesnisg
ganmesFriday; 0but M'sfearlstt states
thsat the "fssses"swillits'outsinitsforce
to try ansd swrest tiseftrt fray rots
tse lasts, ws alssve' wonslshesuntig
alssost evey ssummser sessios.
'hss Saturday gasmess isclute a
mes'dic-lit gamess, adthas latw-t'sgisass'a-
issgtlasl, thereseingsa typographial
e'rr itsi t'sc'hesdulie inTu'esday's
Wolsve'rinse, sswhichsannsotnced a lit en-
gineersisng consstest. Botsshits and laws
sill therefores pla's' ile otesr two
teamas,followinsg tsis' op~eisgtusse
ON P110(311 If 'I'ORRIOW NIGT'
Praaf. Nseaome, osat oany Deart-
messnt, WVill Leture' Dusring
A ftea'rnsososn
Dr. 'T. t. ilaisel, iresissot of Alms
Colisge, ail ls'elivers'tflatird esesuca-
tiossal hlctre'ot thisustmmer jpro-
gran at 8010 o'clockt tomosrow night.
Hs subject will b, "She Indivdual
Presisdental listell has written many
books oat educsatitonsand ft' t'aing
aof Ettglish. His'was professor of Esg-
list at Bichsigasn Agriuturlsal College
!tromss1!106 to 152, sissce shisihstimea
lits has be'en pre'sidentfof9Alsas,. tBe-
ginnsissg withthiss'fall Iemsisa Octobe,
lDe. Blaisdellsil st as cleast of the

- itersary dhepasrtmen'st of Petsyls'~vansia
sliiats' unsiversity alt's'entsrvil',le,a
'hT~tsstss'ots asttsrssoss P'efessor I". C.
eNewccombe, sofl t'eisotassy despartmsenst,
w sill l'ctusre ott, "S'l'ie etcermsinations
sof Sex." i'a'ot, N'ecomhe is thssasuti-
or osf manssy publlished's works, articles
esdesceibissg;torisginal rsearch ottilantls,
it ss Isdsisseture' tilltell ssf sosoeof is
dliscove'ries its plant life.

09' ('HORA.L UNION 1011 S1'MMEI1
About 40 reported at ftsesol of
msusic Tuesday evessinsg fosrItseflest re-
hearsal of thess ummessr Chotral tUnion.
At ftse presesnt timte, issuebasses ansd
tessors are naetdesd anssiall wits desirs'
good ecsoral practice shouldsjinssat tse
next mseetinsg. Gounsod's "tGallia" is

beinsg stusdield, ands will e presesntesdast "Viesiielse psi~ Seresno." Hee soft and edge was wide-spreadasnd schsoolts
site osfftse future facsulty c'once'srlits n hsslest tones sect' givess withsout seem- were planted has every townan sd vil-
Bill audsitoriuma. insg effort, ansd ser grace iselped to lage," said he. "Thse rabbi was the
DirectocrKennseths N. Westersanat has I mtake ftse varesd stumbersommresintler- great teacher; he collected ite tesths
annosunsc'dl lia) re'hearsals swill Its held ' stisst. ings and philsophy of 17,00)1 sages
every Tuesday e'veninsg froma 7:1)0 to T'he efforts of ftse artists nmet ith anad prophets and gave illsoisis people.
7:10 o'clockhIlus acconstsssshlisg all thse apphrovsal of the audience, anad it "The rabbi domsinsated thse life of that
who desire Is attend othes' engage'-seas not1lackinsg in long asnd generous people. He gave thema a philosophay uf
menst. a pplause. ( Continued on page 43

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