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July 13, 1915 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-13

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Vol. VI.


No. 9

- -- - -------


Large 'Total of En'"
Itdake Euns IPc
Few iI
* Engineers .....
* Lits . . . , . .
* Medics......
*Laws ...,.
By Hrap ('Ir
"Jack" Benton's E
themselves ilosthe rf
the' Vacation leagu rucn h as
though the Lila still
percentage the Medic
on the recsrd sf the 'T
ing thens a 7 Is 7 lie
Law-Engineering tray
The Lits and Rngin,

SAM ES 'loa
500 a'clock-'The Mtaking ot a
,rs fl F-aelahrs Book,"'ilastrated lectsre layLiA-
uasihl il b rarian 1'. WV. Koch, West lecture
its rom, Physical lab~oratory.
_ 800o'clock-''"The X-Rtay in thse liag-
LIT'S t LEA-) nolasofthae lot ernst Diseases," Dr.
A.W, Ilewleft, Westl lecture rsomn,
- Physicatlatiboratary.
4:15 ele,--IBasebiall ganme, Vacation
lague, Enginee rssvs. Lits, Ferry
W. I. TPc. field.
1 0 0 1.000 :00 osclock-"'The Making of a Die-
1 0 1 1 0110 ary," illustratedt lecture, P'rof. A.
0 0 1 100 ftO.Lee, Wi-st leti-un-rsroo, Phlysical
01 2 01 100 tlaboratorcy.
5:1111oilsock -Coiicrt, Faculty Schisil
o~f01usaie, lilt Audiitorium.o
l ttlib. Thursday
ungineecs play-ed 5:00 osclsek--"'The tGeology of Niagaca
eal leadership of Falls,' iltlustrateda lecture, P'rsf. I.ID.
eStr a ,,y Scott.

Social evolution is nowhere so strik-I dents are here for work, now, and
ingly illnstrated as in the generationsI there isn't any rough staft except. a
of osidergraduates swhich so rapidly few nights a year, after a hig gamae,
follow each other ona the Michigass or somsethiing, aid evena theniatlso spper
camapus. 'Isom Blackhurna, vetersan classmean usually louve things aorgan-
carnpuas cop, is the authaority for thits ized and systeaatized so fiasco isn't
stateenat; aid'Ions is credited withlanay real rowsdyisaa, but just good
knowinagsnore Michigan stsudents, past whaolesoane fuan.
anad present, thana anyone else in Anan "Michaigara students don't drink as
Arbor. heavily as they used to, eithaer. I soaly
"'the hboys used to keep mae pretty had to take two students lhomae alt
busy" says Toni, "hut nowdays they this year, hut I'd hate to guoss how
are fairly civilized. 'T'he upperclass- many I've haiddena away or put to hod
mn say that Michigan is too hig a durinag a term but a test years ago.
school for theo 'rah-raha' stuntsa of the "Sunmmer school is, of course, the
old days, anad they souoa core the fresh- quietest timse of the year, anad.lila is
maern that casin to Ain Arhor with thae quietest suammner sessiona I cara re-
otlier ideas.,usenmber. It's a good thing, thougha,
"'Theay're right, too, for you wouldn't hecause there is eanougha regular buisi-
helieve all the tinas I've seena pulled ness on nay heat, without lookinag after
ott right here ona State street just a the students that cana't takse rare of
foss years ago. Hut roost of the ala- themselves."


Especially ini Elementary Grades Is it
ieresary to Occupy Mlind
of Child.
HBeiore an auadiesce snmewhat doe-i-
siatedi hy the weather, ProfA. S.
Whitney, heatt of fl u'ational do-
parstmen-rt, ini his letaie n'sa, ''Toe Sumi-
aaaor Vacatioansad the Pubhlic Schiools,"
yeste'rday afteroun,niadean ei loquoent
plea, for a universal summesir school.
Especially ira the elemaentary grades,
whien the chaildl is opoan to imapressions,
is a surammer torms neacessary, accord-
rag to P'rof. Whitney,
"'The threoeamaina ohjectionas to a
school ira the summaaer maoanths are Ira-
ditisra, overwaork aid cost," said lie.
'If we alwssya listerfedl to lae voice of
tradtitioan there asould lie asiaprogress.
Leading educators agres' that it is in-

Kampus Kustorns Korrect W)DIlEYl PRAISES
Krew ofKoilege Kut-ups qllImmrRAq n


4 Is1; fair at-
haive' a partedt
'as spreadla hblotl
'eachiers hy play-
just beforoealso
Saturday afttic
ocera will ight it



rnnaU~ n hdhir-rE EnrED

out for the tsp roundi on Wednesday' War I)epartmenot Recognizes Expert-
,afternooia, when the two teaulas will ness of Jticligan's lllarksnien
clash at 4:15 o'clock,.DOn Saturday Wiho Did Gxood Work
the Medics are talled for a double --
header, playing the Raigineers andolt% ix. CICU llS IBEST' VAR~SI'I'NAN
While the Birat ganies rhay- not be a Shooting miedals from the War De-
fair hasils of judgment, they indicatepataetatWsigo hveenr-
that the Laws are iferior to floe other ceived by 11 miembahers taf the Univer-
three chubs, Robinson arid Abernathy sity of Michiigans rifle teamaofar their
have both pitched good ball for the work doring thae past year.
Judges,- however, aaid Wilmoot is as Two Wolverines rmadeoho e grade of
fast an infielder as any or tire tearms expert, five has-a been awarded insignia
have, With a heiramore raiea to pick desiguatirig thie rank of asharpsoaoter,
from, the Laws shaould lie able toi nake aind fourr hiss- qualified as marksmaenr.
the opposition a little stifler for the A. C'. Simoins anl A. 0. :Hauser, of
thflers,. Annr Arbor, . are tho experts. Intra-
Although time tearm represenatirngfloe mural Director Floydl A.thowce; G. C.
combined' departmaenits is usually floe Curtis, of Detroit; J. If. Moser', of
poorest, owing to lacts oat iicrial anot Ann Artoor; A, R. McNaughatora, of
practice, this year's a~soae is a arilliarnf Calumret, soul It. S. Anderson, of Aura
exception, Baribeau, a brother ohffloe'Arbor, qualified as sharpshooters, L.
foromer Varsity pitchaer, is as good as E. Dolt, aif talumhet; W. J. Schoopfle, of
time sumamer ines boast ini fle line of Sanduasky, O.; J. P. Thompjsoni, of
hurlers, arid Schultz, lis battery rmate, Anklorage, Ky., anad J. D. Lowry of
is a capable receiver'. Ann Arboor are the Mhichigano raarks-
With all four saras having goodh raero
pita-hero amid a reliable catohier, lis G. C. Coarhis aif Dteroit won tihe' silver
sca samo's suaminaer season should toe a mehdal as thai best gunr on theo Varsity
brilliant one; unmorarreod by the range deeatinag Itamsiural Direotor
miediocre battery work which has been t'loydA.tRowe for the highest honors.
so prevalent in past years. The galehos
of the first week were featured by 1((ELT iESIGN.V1'1N OF ' 1"
niore or less erratic fielding, bai tIhat F-INANIIA, St CEIItfY S311111
has mostly worn oft, amid fromri ow on
floe various garmes should be well Arnrouncemientf has been radaoe of
fouight. thbe resigaioniof tarl Smaihh, aecro
Lits aid Medics 'rle - ads- of thai studen-rt Y. t. C. A. Last
Saturday's game between Medics arid Pebruarcy, Smraithu swas on thie cerge of
Lits was a surprise, the Doctors fight- itanrs-ouos breakoiwn, anal tenadered
ing up ho 'a tie frona a five-run leaod his cieigniatioho to thai boarod of direc-
floe Teachers had piled up. Winters tors, sohto refuosed to soccept it. Soith
sham-fed to pitt-hi for McFarlana's gang, waent t h le hiome of his pareonts io
amid proved as reliable as f'urtis, who C'aliforiia, arid on May 1 again in-
bo-at the Laws Wednesday. With the aistied thiat his resignation be accepted.
score I to 2 ira the sixth, the Lila do'- 'lie arnounrcemaenat moade yesterday
cided to use another' hurler, but this stsatedo that lis resignhationa was ad'
(LContinueddsri page 41 ceosfud at thaot tunic.

lam Iha IlTo ail }eaered'Tomorrowa I 1!1 fhli~ 11 IIpossible' hamoverowork floe brain of a
Evaenainag I Ii lIUL ILIchild.,Atthe ost there[are but150
Mir. John Meldrum, the blind pianistIProspectiveREntrantfs Must Signm Up By hours our chuildrenh spend but 900 ira
saho on irt pac Ia te ao a Fnn iaday Nonmtfa Get ini the class roomu.'Time legislature ap-
wh wn irtplceinte icignTounn t raameaaf propriated $100,000 towards am ansmal
clotest for pianists conducted by the -luberc-ulosis fund, but refused a paltry
wtomuen's federated namusic chub, arid, $210,000 for the establishnment of a
Miss Ada Grace Johnson of time schuool SILVER LOVING 'IU, AS PIIEN teacher's pension, and time average
of msicanda faorie o AnnArbr _wage of a teacher is but $491062.
of usi, aid faorie o An Aror In response to fluenmanmy demsands for "'The summer heron probably would
audiences, are the artists scheduled to sunmnem' tennis, it huas been decided only be held in the mnornimng, arid would
alpear at time coomplimentary concert to conduct a tournanment for students to a large degree, be vocational. Agri-
to be' givenaira Hill auditoriumn at 0:00
of flue sunmmner' session, All desiring to culture arid scientific gardenxing would
o'cloock tomorrow nighL. Mr. Mel- he haughut, arid, flue nmost important
drum isill render seaeral piano ocher- enter should conmmunicate with Phil thing of all, wsould be tiemeoaural eftect.
tionas whle Miss Johnson 10 to sing Pack, 'Sb, at Tlhe Wolverine office'e The boy arid girl outhit to grow up
lie' grmoooups of soiegs, clout of whlichbis sonme time Wednesday afternuoon orwihnafengorspsblty ad
'ill Nii'uaadaingoa,"ai old tier- eeinacquire a desire to work, Children
miam ulmucevomt- b I ildaho.Fifty cents admissionateaeaill bei
n~andane sog b -lidac" arc just as tumid of work when they
'Time followsing program wilithe charged for entrance in the tourna- are taught to work as they are fonud
gia cmi: mom~~nent, aridflue proceeds will go to buy of loafing when, as at seeute
Capuice Ahci'shes. - Glomeh-Sainit Suens a suitable cup for time winner. If are taught to loaf.
Intrmhrhezz-a, I a, 118, Nra. 2.... llcalinsensougha sigma up, fobs will be aswardled "'rie state ought bo provide a place
Rhondoo I-so ci cious - '....e,:uiassshua(the runners-up in the singles aridj where boys arid girls could occupy
M1r. John Mleldrum. duls ac LItwilb e thuemaselve's i hafle summnuer, where they
Wtill Niemanrd Sinugcnmu - M.. ildach quired to pay his entrance fee before? would be ot of muis-chief.'Thae estab-
fOld Germuan tDance Sonag). playing his first game, arid every en- lishmnt of a imoral responsibility for
the sainacht- - - Brahums trant nmust do this by Friday naomi. time young is oeoaf thec greatest forces
Curve is yeurx Bleus-...Masseniet A tournanment for flue wonmen of the inn favor oathfle suarmmeur school. 'The
Miss Ails Grasc Johnmmson. sumnner session will also be staged, summer form will make four a higher,
Soolca de Viemne, No. 0i.. Shubert-iszt. as well as muixed doubles if there is imer, intellectual developomenat., It
Etutic baaithotut tOpuus) No. 3 ..-Copi a deand, for it. A conmplete schedule will makie for a higher typo of char-
'ohsnaise, ftp. 535- --... ...Cliopinm will appear ira Saturday's Wolverine, actor amuonag our boys, amid a mushler
Mr. Meldrum. togcthaer with the rules for play, The character amnuurg our girls."
Ira My Garden- - --.. ..Liddie schedule will be roam oft regardless of
L~ikaeflue Rosebmuda... .a For'ee weather conditions, as the concreteFOMR DI ROF IC ON Y
Euftutasy- - - --.........Rummusel coonrh at Ferry Field will be used F ,hEhEIIlOh Ft''IONX Y
S~asJonsn.when the clay courts are wet,. E',l LA1NS ILG"lIONA:hY MAKING
Acconapaninemh by Frances Loisie Suune criatram tshv-
hiamialton. noet ivith great success in other years, Prof. A. I). Lee, wham is to give the
___________________ arid according to all indications, this lecture' ain, "het Maksinag of a IDictio-
Ireahicurh Assochathiona Will Rfeeft'loda3 year's should top thenm all, "Last year's ary'. at 1:00 o'clocks tomoorro-saf thor-
sumumer tournament was worm by ifus-
Dosctosafronm Indiana, Illinois amid noon, was a memnuber ou thflehoard of
-Michigan wvill mueet lam Ann Arbor to- aol Alloman, grad. edihors oh the' new Stanadard dictionary
day for flue forty-second annual gath- ,arid the Internationial encycopedia.
erinag of the Tni-state medical associa- D~irector' Rowe 'r'akes Saumer Posifiona The lecture tonighut will be flue
flora. During flue nmorning, papers'a Floyd Rowe, director of intramaural fourth in flue series of medical talks,
were read amid a special clinic wasa athletics, has heft for Detroit where and will be deivered by P'rofessor A,
eld ira the uniersity huospital. The he will be enmployed for time summer W. Hiewlett, of flu Medical School. tHis
afternoona will be spent in discussing in flue appraisal offices of time Easterna subject is-: "'Time X-Ray ira fle Diag-
the problems of muodern surgery. Michigan Edison companay.mao -i of lime InternalI Diseas."

Summer School Directory
Free copies will be given out at the Wolverine office, to subscribers upon presentation of subscription receipts.


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