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July 16, 1914 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1914-07-16

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Vol. V.


No. 10.

"Mas1es and Faces" Will Portray
Green Room and 1oheinia
of 19th Century
"Masques and Faces," the comedy
with which the engagement of the
Ben Greet players next week begins,
is claimed by critics to be one of the
most. brilliant plays of the nineteenth
century. It is the product o the col-
laboration of Charles Reade and Tom
Taylor. The play, which ce1ters
about the character of Peg Wolfington
was first conceived by Reade,who soo'
after the appearance of the play pro-
duced a novel entitled "Peg Wolfing-
The charm of the play lies mainly
in its successful blending of the at-
mosphere of the eighteenth century
with the ideals of the nineteenth. In
form, it is a comedy of manners with
witty dialogue, and courtly, artificial
action as its chief features. But run-
ning through it, is an undercurrent of
eltimlsnt or humanitaranism, that is
distinlctiy modrn rho play oses
much to Sheridan and Goldsmith, es-
pecially in the creation of its char-
acter types. Its big charm is the in-
timate portrayal of the eighteenth cen-
tury life, in the quasi-fashionable cir-
cles of the green-room and studio. An
atmosphere of Bohemianism, crowded
with the picturesque figures of actors,
artists, critics and their followers is
always charming and entertainig,
ad this the authors have achieved
wi0 success.
For effectiveness of plot, happiness
of portraiture, cleverness of dialogue,
and general wholesomeness of tone,
the play ranks among the best cre-
ations of this period. George Henry
Lses, after witnessing one of its ear-
110s1 performnlces, wrote: "Go ad
see'Masks and Faces' for several rea-
sons. You will be amused, that is
something. Laughter and tears of
sympathy alternate through the vary-
ing scene; bright ingenious dialogue,
playing like lambent flame, stimulates
the intellect; and homely ;pathos,
homely mirth, kind hearts and loving
voiceS,gently touch the various chords
Of emalotiOn."
* llI candidates for next fall's *
* arsity football team, who are *
interested in s11umer practice *
*are requested to meet at the *k
*Mieliga 'inion tolight at 7:30
* o'clock,*
"Early American homes were decid-
ly utilitarian, having been built both
for shelter and defense," said Prof.
L. iF. Boynton, of the architectural de-
partment in the physics lecture rooi
Tuesday. '
Professor Boynton pointed out that
practically all colonial architecture
was on the same general lines as that
which flourished in England contem-
poraneously. The only exception to
this being in New Orleans, where the
early buildings were patterned after
the homes which these inhabitants
had lft in the old world.
St'rald Positions Opken1 at 111141
A number of positions are open at
the Union employment bureau for
these who desire their board and

room during the summer. Applicants
are requested to call during the reg-
ular office hours, 12:45 to 1:45 or
communicate with the Union at other

"Puddle,,a valuable eskimo dog be HAS BALL LEAGUE
longing to Charles P. Barton, Jr., '14.
Varsity football player, went mad in 11doohBaseball Games Held Between
Surveying Parties Interests
tile University t'harmacy, 1219 S. Cii-Me at Camp
versity avenue, at about 10:30 o'clock
this lorning, frightening several cus- CAMPlERS MUST LEARN TO SWIM
tomners from the store. The animal was --

cornered in the postofhie osubstation
in the rear of the store, and taken out-
side for a hasty execution.
Newly married students will chap-
crone the Union dance Friday night,
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Williams and Mr.
and Mrs. E. F. Hughit having con-
sented to fill the positions usually held
by members of the faculty. The com-
uiee in charge of the dance is com-
posed of Chester it. Lang, '15, and
Barard Pierce, '14-'16L. Tickets will
be on sale at the desk Friday night at
a5 cents a couple.
Dr. IU. J. Wile Pleads for Open Discus-
sion as Curb to Spreading
of Diseasec
"There are probably less families
which have the taint of tuberculosis
tha 1ave tie taint iw syilis." sai
'rof. U. J. Wile inl his lecture 011 "All
Eistorical Survey of Syphilis from the
Fourteenth Century to the Present
Day " in west physics amphitheater
Tuesday night Professor Wile em-
phasized the social and economic im-
portance of syphilis, and soke in fa-
vor of a nmore open discussion of the
sbjahectto better acquaint society with
its niatuie and effects.
Professor Wile objected to the pop-
ular classification cf syphilis as a ven_
ereal disease, saying that "venery
was one way of contracting it. He
said further that "S thilis is not a
privt diseaseut a pulic one
The two theories o the origin of
syphilis were broughtout by Profes_
sor Wile One is that it existed in
Biblical tiimes, and the other that it
existed in America, and was brought
back to Europe in 149 by the sailors
of Columbus. The basis of the Bibli-
cal theory is found in different pas-
sages of the Bible, which tell of dis-
eases which correspond closely to
syphilis. Proof for the secondary the-
ory is found in the fact that in the
years immediately succeeding the dis-
covery of America, this disease be-
came very common among the people
of the sea coast cities of Spain, where
the discoverers of America had scat-
tered and had spread the disease.
From Spain, it rapidly scattered
through all of Europe. Further proof
that the disease originated in Amer-
ica, Professor wile said, was found
by investigation of the bones of the
Aztec and North American Indians.
In explanation, he said that bone tis-
sue showed the ravages of syphilis,
and that the Indian bones showed pos-
itive traces of the disease.
Sore UnionV Reding Room Downstairs
The magazines at the Union have
been partially moved downstairs from
the second floor reading room, during
the summer months. All the latest
periodicals and newspapers from the
larger cities of the continent are kept
on file. During the summer the read-
ing rooms will be kept open all day
and from 7:00 to 9:00 o'clock in the

MICH.-Outside of the regular sur-
veying work of the camp, the baseball
league holds the center of interest in
Camp Bogardus. Eleven teams are
entered in the league, and to date sev-
en regular scheduled games have been
played. Each team is composed of two
surveying parties of four men each,
and an intense rivalry has developed
between the respective nines. As the
ground in the vicinity of the camp is
rough and broken, it is entirely un-
suited for regulation baseball. Ac
cordingly an indoor ball has been sub-
stituted, and the games are played on
a cutdown diamond situated on the
hill just south of the camp.
The "Black Fly," the camp news-
paper, which had such a successful
season last year will be issued again
this year under the managership of
B d. L. Bockstahier This paper is
primnted on blue print paper and will
contain all the news of interest oc-
curing in the camp. The first issue
will be outt July 20.
An innovation in the customs of the
camp this year is the teaching of all
the men to swim. Those who cannot
swim have been assigned to others,
who are qualified to teach them, and
daily lessons are given to the begin-
nero. it is hoped :act before the sum-
mer is over every man in camp will
be a proficient swimmer. A new div-
ing tower is practically completed to
take the place of the old one that was
destroyed by last winter's storms.
Work on the new natural science
building is progressing according to
Mbir. J. L. Bordman, who is directing
the work, and its present condition
conforms favorably to the schedule
as first proposed. The excavating is
practically completed, as much of the
work was furthered by the gravel pit
in the middle of.-the excavation, and
much of the gravel extracted has been
used in the concrete construction of
the foundation.
The system of cement piers, on
which the structure is to rest, is near-
ly completed, and the first floor of the
brick work will be finished by the
early part of October.
With the exception of a few minor
interruptions, such as banks caving
in, due to recent heavy rains, no ob-
stacles have hindered the work.
Prof. Fishleigh to Lecture Today;
Pres. Snyder, of _LA. C.,
Speaks Friday
Three lectures will conclude this]
week's program of the special sum-
mer school numbers, which are given
in west physics amphitheater. Prof.
W. T. Fishleigh will lecture on "The
How and Why of the Automobile" at,
5:00 o'clock this afternoon. Professor;
Fishleigh teaches several technical;
courses in the engineering department.1
Prof. E. A. Boucke, of the German
department, will lecture on "August
Strinberg" at 5:00 o'clock Friday. ]
President J. L. Snyder, of the Mich-
igan Agricultural College, will speak1
on Agricultural and National Prog-,
ress" at 8:00 o'clock Friday night.1

MacRa eExpectst( Begin Work Under
Coach Steve Farrell
Next Fall,
BOSTON, MASS., July 15.--MacRae,
the Andover track star who has shown
himself to be the equal of any east-
ern prep school sprinter this year, has
signified his intention to enter tie
University of Michigan next fall.
MacRae has been in great dmaand,
efforts having been made to have him
enter Yale with Williams, Orr and
Walker, who are the pick of the rest
of the field of eastern prep school
sprinters. Such a move would have
given Yale the greatest outlook in the
sprints for some time, but so far Mac-
Rae has stood firm in his decision to
go to the western university.
If MacRae does come to Mtichigan.
his move will give Farrell a pair o
freshman sprinters that will be hart
to beat, as Robinson the former Mor-
cersburg and Keewatin star, has also
signified his intention of entering the
Wolverine institution, next fail.
Dean J. R. Effinger Tells of Stage in
Its Early Form During the
Riddle Ages
Prof. John R. Eiffiger, acting dean
of the literary department, emphasiz-
ed the important part played by the
drama in medieval times, in his lec-
ture ol "The Mcdieval Drama and the
Church," in west physics amphithe-
ater yesterday. He said, "The Romans
considered plays only second to the
gladiatorial contests. No festival was
complete without some theatrical per-
"Notwithstanding the popularity of
the play," he said, "the actors were
considered as being in the same casa
as crminals. A Christian cold not
marry an actor, or an actor become a
Christian until he had given up his
unholy profession.
In speaking of the origin of plays,
Dean Effinger said that the church
was the first to put on plays, because
it was the only social organization
which could afford to stage them.
Later, he said, laymen organized to
stage plays, and still later the profes-
sionals entered the field.
Excursion Party Will Leave Detroit
Friday Afternoon Fron Third
Street Wharf
"Niagara Falls occupies a critical
location, which has been evolved re-
peatedly in drainage changes, which
finally have resulted in the present
Great Lakes system and the St. Law-
rence river," said Professor C. O.
Sauer in a lecture on "Niagara Falls"
in the museum lecture room yester-
day morning.
He emphasized the role which the
Niagara has played in the drainage
history of the Great Lakes, and de-
scribed in detail the causes that gave
rise to the special features of the
Falls, including the gorge and the
whirl-pool; "The changes in the vol-
ume of water discharged through Ni-
agara river have expressed themselves
in the varied character of its gorge,"
he said.
The lecture was chiefly for the ben-
efit of the excursion party, which will

leave Detroit on the Buffalo boat at
5:00 o'clock Friday afternoon. Pro-
fessor Sauer requests all who intend
to make the trip to meet at the Third
street wharf to take the boat.

Timely Sats in Final Inning Give
Boilerniakers .3-2 Decision
Over Barristers
Ending in a batting rally in the last
of the seventh, when Tommy Hughitt
drove home the winning run for his
teammates with a clean single over
second, the first game in the summer
session interdepartmental baseball
league yesterday afternoon on south
Ferry field, resulted in a 3 to 2 victory
for the engineers over the laws.
The laws started the scoring in the
first half of the fourth, when Donelly
and Ide both scampered across the
plate due to the rather successful ef-
forts of the boilermakers to slain the
ball all over the lot. The engineers
started out to overcome the laws' two
point lead in the sixth, when Hughitt
smashed a three-bagger over center
field and scored on Stewart's single;
but the would-be rally flashed in the
pan when Lyons went down on three
Then cane the regulation last in-
ling at-fest. The engineers came
to bat in the last half of the seventh
with the score still 2 to 1 against them
while Manager Rosenthal of the laws
stuck in a new bunch of fielders. Carl-
son's curves seemed to lose their puz-
zling powers. Fead, first man up,
drew a base on balls, stole second and
was advanced to third on Wheat's sin-
gle. Goldberg drove Fead in with a
'Texas-leaguer, and Wheat was out
when he tried to reach third. Then
with the score tied at two apiece,
Thomas doubled, depositing Goldberg
on third, so that he trotted home with
the winning tally when Hughitt came
to bat and broke up the game.
The game was a variety of good and
bad baseball. -XWheat for the engineers
tuade his pitching loom up brilliantly
from start to finish, allowing the bar-
risters only two during the contest.
Carlson, who footed the slab for the
laws, started the game in fine shape,
but tired and blew up in the seventh.
The fielding of both teams was rather
ragged but this can easily be account-
ed for by lack of practice. The ten
hits garnered by the engineers, in-
cluding three for two bases and one
three bagger, shows that their aggre-
gation boasts several good men with
the stick.
Today's game will be staged at south
Ferry field between the laws and med-
ics. Friday, the medics cross bats
with the lits, and Saturday will see a
nine inning struggle between the doc-
tors and the engineers. About half of
the first assessment of 25 cents, which
was levied to purchase balls and other
supplies, was collected yesterday. All
those who have not yet "come across"
with their quarters, are requested to
(Continued on page 4.)
President, Hutchins Will Go Abroad
President Harry B. Hutchins has
planned a foreign tour to begin Aug-
ust 1, having postponed the trip be-
cause of the meeting of the board of
regents, July 24. The president will
be abroad for about eight weeks, re-
turning in time for the opening of the
regular school year. He has not yet
decided what countries he will visit.
Association- Board Meets Tonight
Plans for the Student Christian as-
sociation's work for next year will be
decided at a meeting of the board in
control of that organization, tonight,

in Newberry hall. The board is to de-
cide upon a series of religious meet-
ings for nect year, and to administer
the property under its control, includ-
ing the Newberry dormitory, now un-
der construction.


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