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July 06, 1915 - Image 3

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-06

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We cag o Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRN S O
Inothing for tevel- i n rbri t RN S O
oping roll films if p1D (\ S 71 NrtAT4 veueVELOX
you can find a Y T r E ,79NrhUnversty A eu thI etpaeIae
[ single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) I tebs ae ae
Established 1905, aid growing bigger every day________________U
'v I i ON ANDI)S A IZ PRPiARE113 omupile ta table of r1legrades tssued by
Maetoyuomaue WRE ONN VAISIY IN FtALL1ll te nuonbers of the facuty1duing
MaetoyuImaue he Iosix b(ons.
j Nellie Students Go Is Snisoner School I ter~ colegiate . .-
PaInBat o lBe Able 10 '17)ay I i Pemrton ois Superntelind Nure
The Summer Comfort Clothin Football tstinto1(111luhaise
In a variety of shades - trned rot the Mee tig. of the Not io-
1f 1Bob" Watson, guard, andtEnrt Not to be ou~done by the non of Ihe at Conventio of Nurses tld ui n-oi
/ nit, of I te Varsty foit~ll Unnvesty of Missouri, lihe univerityo ranci~sco dng fu~itoelst l two wek~s if
J. K. IVIalIcolI11 Si-tz n-ut f recentlyy xita1women ave decideitihldita traits1loun. Mss II iltertn ll 11tkethe~ i
squlalt sill)eedninnpassingtheitir stlin)- PFmank It Sat le, ° hmeet tillsonnu ner. Thins l te tie p01 ltS tirllltet(tN rso t
604 E Libety Sireo tiec school work uci~esoull, there tos(1)n11a0nasal ottrction removed, has first event of tins indnnieverihedin hunlierit osp ti)tl, t o uced1(is
a gononichiance tnnt thl ill 01 yet betIcl omnlpetlv recoveredand ao return- plans are being mane to mnake it an Jane Pininlell. ton- 011eral1 years htiiss
1 to his home at Decatur, Ill. ~annunai affair. It is to be a regnnarPeerohabenteSpitnd
fiUTOI'NT ROflIfnr liie'squadi next ycnr, althonugh l Y loohosonittDeanr etakmetwt h Ionlevnsaitellrnlltds 1 S ii lierntni
~~~ ~~~ ~has nt eeni figring i11)1lin is nto Victor lesBoelies, 't4E, as design- eribbfonsocwilltine awaerdednstoisthe
The Flnest Billiard Room to the Slate elprsfrallctiauoblei osptal.
CIASadCNY Ithese layers are nmeombers of the slf-starter nonw being manufactredinr.Thatneeaetosrtrni-
"eTyto Treat You Right" Medical School, whine tile facmtloso-ay 110 tt ihsoLoWs e Soie 5lI s117 liver watch tengraveni
not regard atinetics as conuivtom o w 105in tie emnpoy of tie nanuactur- C.iD. v. onba),lbetweelnt 0111E. Mdi-
THlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ischolastic welfare, anduith)we sre toll err beig snelof tie head mnin tnth Yale hUniversity wil iave 2 satletes 0)11)St., and11h1icsal Labolratry;
Capital ........ ..fo00 ttn le iuiitgttnitgelenlctrical laboratory. who have won their letters toinmajor fl)111 111t l~lt~tieal
esourees..... 5i....... fooo,ooo.oo unless they gavoeiup the ;-pport. It is lash !Thomas, '1(1, who was ope- sports available for next year. Ms. Wole, 509) 1 Mltsili
Transacts a General BanxIng Busoess Hpdta.WtonadItat il tduo o bomnltobels
3prntitrspadolsvgsDpstIirdrtobanour Bsoiins olcitrd. prove to tie faculty thaIt tey call 1both11Tulrsay is recuperating rapitly, I re nbai greater uiifnrmi- NOW-i IYS
Chas. E. Hisok, cnn., Michal I. rn. Ctca rtingaethfautofteUie-t'CohngHasadFrih
W.0.Haoi'nuvice-er., Carl BraunoxAst, play snot do their workc succeasfully. -Rth Browtn, 1(, is tking simtmer yi~rne ie aslyo ieIoio-l' ltig,ittitdFriin
cahr:mwisAst ''h aigsDpSince tapt. Conlislilt im, tere hsmoo l woilsstrk t[fie University of Wis- sity of Indiana are cniteemplaing Goods fromi
DETROIT lUNiTED LINES not bieen ainedial student on the cosn changing the systeio now in use. Tie N. F. ALLN (O.
tem H an 11 mih aaleiangad.first step in this directin his been toli 211 S. Main St. ~f
(EastniStaindard Time) a____________ t, wan married to Miss Grace Grieve
-- - ---- - at ter ooe in Stockbrdge, Mich., last
Limited sod Exppems Cais or Detnoin 7 0Woinstas
1. nd huclyno ins taS(lialesWebbt, H, o tiis cty, You appreciate unusualness
Loa so.Dto i 40a 65ad eery t10honto.is5 p m, 7:051 _P.__ _ a______ccepted a position with the Detroit inSevcApit ns
n., 8;o5pn.in, o 1 pnn_ an d to10:50p.I. I - -Y*. tCA. for the summner, as one of and Cooking, istyh
To Ypsilantnly00101 ,fist :oa 1, ii h
10 . ., o .m. ., 1:1.P, r l rars T islocolumnt,,conti ning nei s ofifll its erlre.
i., o a30. ,., i :00 a. 01 eresf t o uivrityt wom' entltI, w1ill ' a ciop-t beitkesotlittot
Limited Cain oc Jacson-7:4u8 a i, soilpe r itn each issuse of -lintonha bennakeserpeitoe
oaiCne ory s noti 171314t l. .inteait holforubtinisIteto iterr n lw6
Local Car oin Sockso no . i., till a. u. Altlsottcess 5td o b inte mattlitSn hol o u esbyth cm itersry ntit aw
and every wo hours o 6'50tprseoalsthe pittinntonFnaede cMnnanittee-dfor
9:sp. n., in:i5 P. in. thoe corses. Ntifications of the de- d rn
visions_____________have beenn senot. The conm- Ojpen drig Shopping hours.
Reu sr ork ninte ymnainniat nt eolte obndlieayad Meals served a la carte, except
- V T LE S am 5os gaizdlby Ms Womeialcusewlane temde Noonday Luncheon at 50 cents
IoU MC H RO M phsicajdiretfr it' ie15sat1d0nts, oftis week.
L31.Sand SODAS grounnwornsnill nitt mittieth i isCrreSago ee
3381IS. S'I'ATIE 'T'. simrsonn' stia 51 it e it tntnier o0 thahntileauuiof lie pianoforte detpart-
m________________________- aitoti o eil111ft t hent of the Okahonna Inntitute of
_______________________TechninliogyatTnw, Oka., is now
~~ ..., ~~~~~~ I ohm)' a~~tkig pec-tot sunnmner work under Al -_______________________________________
C alit~ns'rPharmaey 'Tere iill lbeitonotitiiitnti for hit tLockwiod of the oniversity school
324 S. State St elti rug thnt'ctorns oftheIt 01 iitilti of musuic. Miss Stagg, svho is a grad-
DRUGS KODARS thoral Uniniwhch to 1beicttniutnchuite fth ie uncool of inusic, recently
* Cadyand Soda Waler by Kenethn N. Wfestermtaon a1 theoinit-' voohfirt. place in tie Okahona state T e J1 e2W7 C.+I G ]l~ ('f
C ALKCINS' PHARMA C'Y versity sictittl of mnusit. Alt liime nini 'tnntceim1tn eeae
- --____________________- intrestedl ivn ca in ingf, iwliio - Munsic dlts of that state. of the
sir)'Coho imina'yhit sitatliiifflt IHaronldi 1. Lacy, '1,)'s tsowas operat. O SN AT, rh nlwihwl ehl oih duo eetya h nvriy. ~ t. a :0ocoka h colo ui. optlfrtria~s snwrsig U i e s t f M c i a
C O S N' T h HII I~.. elne rnni si h ru s w i11 th l u t y"h i oil inetino tre A cacyat h ue.n i e u t
1002 s. UNIVERSITY AVE. Gt30nnuu's 'f lli it th itetiont'v r i y o l lch g l
Both Phones Il5 Aon Arbor, MHuh. of resenting i.at n. Fof0the 111g-lar rof. EnwarilVlt yke RoSbinso,ISI-O
1ai y9Uni'L tl cii C a I, a Micigtan graduate, recently se- ISNO READY'
tcrodann appointmnt _at Colombia^- -
U'niversity. tie 10a0snnade profesor Complete information concerning the eight Colleges
(jrnnAnrcniyi~Jak Wodnmay afterinoon inn Barbiouirnof economits, to ucceedPifeso and Schools:
Liberty and Main Sts. gymnnasinin.tie seconu il iamli'lirtimaSitigmnano IEAURSINEAN.H RS
yfor osumimeir scholnt lstudntns, ohichili'ltnfsir cnoo,'it sa eeLIEAUEN, SEDCI N, LAHE ARS
A Most Convenient Place for Your W\omeoon's Lonea toe is iitiwillithlitono a lcture trip in the west since lb NIERIG EIIELW HR
Banking fronni four tnt six o'clock. cotse of school, hao conluded his tour MACY, HOMEOPATHY, D EN TIS T RY,
andt is now on tie way to tie Exposi- GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION
Fine Watch, Jewelry and Eyeglass tutontin faliforia.
.REPAIRING...- ighty reconmmendation la nks from Special Courses in Foretry, Newspaper Work,
Ann Arbor high school for next year's Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education,
F TA1N E S studeonts and an equal number from including Railway Adminitration and Insurance,
F UN IN NS DhetroiltCentral have been received by Architecture, Conservation Engineering Education
Q9 CONKLIN, SWAN & OUR $1 SPECIAL Dean Johnn It. Effinger (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation
Lese rondt Ode tinint t 5altutmni battnss ae been Study), and a course for those preparing for the
10 ene ronQo re giveniiot to members of the clss of scientific administration of departments of anitation
Q E t t Alarm Clocks 75c. to $3.00 115 wio iave subscribed to the Mich- and public health.

igan Aonmnus. The next number of,
8t~na tie Alumnus will come ot in Augunt. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or
7'6,H IL R JE E R O liiTwoo'New ess In ae Ui~ntaic the Dean of the School or College in whih intereted, or
U.5S Postal Statson 3 TELEPHONE c vrsity, snditr Tucker, of Harvard, SHIRLEY- W SITH
sill lecture 'in the Econonics depart-W
For results have your films develop- 'teasingig andh artistic portraits ma'einent thins somoer, -Mc, Stockton il SceayUiestyAnAbr Vih
ed adprinnted at Itoppe's, 6~i19 . at iloppe's Shttui nuytimen. (t6 13 . lecture on labor, and Dr. Tucker on
liberty. tf Liberty. t finance.
This is our dull That "we may keep our
seaon ' U , ,'3 * 5 flf ~ 3~tailors b u sy, we will
~ ~~make you an extremely
low pr i ce on strictly
GUST PRACHT and ROY P. HENRY highest-grade tailoring


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