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July 18, 1914 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1914-07-18

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Vol. V.
Pres. Snyder Speaks of Economie and


Series of '',)3 Metings. Aimed to (Rice
Eerl'ious Educaion to

Social Significance of Religious education is the arptse'
Agriculturist of a campaign for Nov. 17-22, which
the board in control of the Sdent
TELLS OF CURRENT LAW )IAEING Christian association, decided upon at
a meeting Thursday night at Newber-
educational institutions moot be made For this campaign 293 meetings will
to decide, ios the question of bow our be held in the Hill auditorium, if pos-
future generations are to be fed," said Bible, Majestic theater, Newberry ball,
President J. L. Snyder of the Michi- and other convenient meeting places.
gan Agricultural coege, in is ad- About 25 speakers will be secured
dress Friday night o "Agriculture away, many o hom are of na
d Fidal Progress "A tional renown. More than $1,500 will
and ationlPors, eepnddi aigtee
President Snyder showed how na- be expended in engaging these
tional development in Europe and in .This campaign will pr'cede the state
America dependst opn the encour- boys' convention at Ann Arbor, No-
agmn fscientific methods in farm- ember 2-29, at which about 200
ig. He indicated that agriculture d-_t igchoby hwlb ren
commerce, the industry, and to which William Jennings Bryan
termines the wmlt, h idsty speak.
and the political conditions of the na- wispea.
"Agriculture is a creator of wealth," NINE TALKS AND SERIES OF
he said," and under skillful handling
the fertility of our soil, and thus ourn PLAYS TO COMPOSE PROGRAM
national wealth, will never diminish.
National land grants have heretofore Summer school lectures and enter-
kept our population scattered, and tainments for next week include five
made great famines impossible. There performances- of the Ben Greet wood-
s little public domain left. It is the land players, five .ectres olto pa-
landnifoy under cultivation which must es of vocational guidance by Principal
soon be improved. The national and Jesse B. Davis, of Grand Rapids, as
state governments, and the peopl four other lectures. .The lectures , ill
must cooperate in carrying out this all be given in the west lecture room,
Improvement, physical laboratory, and the plays
"In the next 50 years, the popula- will be presents it the opec a:r the-
tion of the United States will undoubt- ater on the canpus. The rograoc is
odly Increase 150 per cent, and accord- arranged an fofiows:
Ing to the present outlook, the agri- Monday, to e'glock, 'Shall We Re-
cultural output will increase only 50 or,, 'o.AtLe .2 l iyt ?
per cent. Within 50 years one, part ProfessoA. WVhitney. 0:00 o'clock,
of the people must eat the good. food, "The Voeiaonal Guidance Movement,"
and another must eat the cheaper Principal J.LB. Davis.
rood, when good food is not available Tnesdy, 5:00 oclock, "Vocational
to all. An aristocratic division must and Moral Guidacce, a Problem of the
arise, and cause a vast social, econom- Public Schools, No. 1 "Below the Ith
ic, and political crisis in the great School," Principal J. B. Davis. 8:00
American republic. o'clock, "Ctnoini Ear, Noe and
"Everywhere the hand of greed is Throat Diseses- in Their REl:tin to
bobbing the land. The national gov- General Health," Prof. R. B. Cafield.
ertment began to check this spolia- Wednesday, 5:00 o'clock, "ReceMt
tion in 1862, and later in 1893. A few Advances in E lectcicel Illumination,"
weeks ago President Wilson signed a (illustrated4t'rof H. B. Higbie. 8:00
bill which appropriates $10,000 to each o'clock, "Vocational and Moral Guid-
state agricultural school in the coun- ance, a Problem of the Public Schcos,
try, for extension work, and an aver- No. 2, "The High School," Principal
age of some $40,000 for the general J. B. Davis.
aid of these schools. In Michigan, 43 Thursday, 5:00 o'clock, "Shakes-
high schools have installed agricul- peare in the Present," Prof. L. A.
tural courses; 50 one-week schools for Strauss. 7:00 o'clock, "The Vocation
farmers have been started;and schools Bureau," Principal J. B. Davis. 8:00
similar to the Michigan Agricultural o'clock, "Masks and Faces," Ben Greet
College have sprung up in every state." Players.
Friday,:45 o'clock, "Twelfth Night,"
Landscape Students to Visit Detroi Ben.Greet players. 7:0 o'clock,
Students in course 3a landscape de- "The Practical Application o Voca-
sign, under the direction of Prof. Au- tional Guidance, Principal J. B. Davis.
brey Tealdi, will take a trip to Detroit 8:00 o'clock, "A Midsummer Night's
Friday, July 24. They will observe Dream," Ben Greet players.
the various plant and shrub arrange- Saturday, 3:45 o'clock, "As You Like
ments as found in Palmer park and It," Ben Greet players. 8:00 o'clock,
several of the large cemeteries. "The Tempest," Ben Greet playere.
Niagari Party Reached Buffalo Today P R
Geologists and geological pleasure E B A
seekers, to the number of 30, left yes-
terday afternoon on the Niagara Falls
excursion under the direction of Prof. Leonard A. Barrett, Mini
C. O. Sauer. The party arrived at
Buffalo at 9:00 o'clock this morning, 10:3 A. M. -Sermon by Mr. I
and will return to Ann Arbor Monday 13B

s pecil 'I ickets to admit Summer
Studegts to All Flife
As a special offer to the students of
the summer stssion, tickets for the
entire five Ben Greet Woodland plays
to be given on the campus the latter
part of next week are being offered at
$1.00. These seats will be reserved,
and single reserved seats will remain
at 75 cents. The sale will begin at
4:00 o'clock Monday at Wahr's book-
A stage will be erected beneath the
tries onthe camlus betweea the libra-
ry and, Tappan l:tll and 2,000 chairo
have been rented to accommodate the
audiences. Thee will be arranged
similar to the seting system of a
large comfortable theater, affording an
excellent view of the stage from any1
seat. At tilelt the grounds will be ii-
luminatt"' witit electrc and calcium

The law department announces the
folloing schedule for the first semes-
ter examinations which begin' next
week. With the exception of three all
the work is at night.
Wills-Friday, July 24, 6:30 p. m.;
Commtiomn Law Pleading-Friday, July
24, 6:30; Evideice Saturday, July 25,
2:00 p.m.;Contracts-Saturday,July 25,
2:00 p. m.; Property-Saturday, July
25, 2:00 p. m.; Judgments-Saturday,
July 25, 6:30 p. m.; Public Service
Companies-Monday, July 27, 6:30 p.
m.; Code Pleading-Tuesday, Jaly 28,
r:3) p. m.; Bailments and Carriers-
Wednesday, July 29, 6:201p. m.
Oat of the 15 students taking work
in the department of oratory, nine are
instructors of dramatic art and orato-
ry in other American institutions, and
one is a professor of oratory in the
University of the Philippines. Courses
~s5 pussscsi ist ns ssm'u'stn 'hay0t11,1aTrasurn.fon,

No. 11.
SmithB ts at .1011 in First Contest;
Kline Lets Lits Down with
No Nits
The medics came to the front in the
summer sessioti league Thursday and
Friday afternoons, by grabbing a game
apiece from the laws and lits. Thurs-
day's game with the laws resulted in
a ten to four victory for the medics,
while the lits lost Friday to the tune
of a five to nothing.score.
The first contest was featured by the
hitting of Smith, the medic pitcher,
who garnered one homer and two sin-
gles itt-three trills t the' plate. The.
second innig sas seven nestcross
the platter for the medics, while three
more tallied in the fourth. The laws
threatened in both the third and fourth
innings, scoring twice in each, but at
no time did they appear dangerous.
Friday's game was as clean cuta
victory as could be imcagined, Klinse
the tedic twirler, striking out sevens
batters ansdtiot allowinig a single htit'
to be scored agains hint. The medics
batted around in the second and four
runs were driven in ty the timely
clouts of Nutting and Robinson. Their
other run came in the fourth.
This afternoon the engincers cross
bats with the medics in a nine inning
encoutnter. Next week's games are as
follows: Tuesday-Eg.-Lit; Wednes-
day--Law-Medic; Thursday--Lit-Med-
18: Oaturday--Law-Medic.
Staatz lb.. .. . .4 1 0 5 0 0
\'ultisg ss ......... .4 1 1 4 0 2
Galbraith If ........4 2 2 0 1 0
O'Connor 2b ........4 0 0 1 0 0
Donaldson c .......2 2 1 7 0 0
inmith p .......3 2 3 0 2:0
Chrun 3b..........2.1 0 1 9 0
Schaefer of ........2 1 0 0 0 0
Clay rf .............3 0 0 0 0 0

tmnhts. large spot tights in the rear in debate, the study or great orators,
will -cmine the stage. Shakespearean reading, interpretative
A' is usual in the Ben Greet plays, reading and elementary work in pub-
pl.:yers, which together with the lic speaking are being given. All of
(itaint settings of the period,add much the classes are full, and at the opening
to the pooetic charm of the two per- of the summer term a number of stu-
formances. dents were unable to get work in the
department, owing to the . crowded
condition. Professor Thomas C. True-
ORATORY CLASS LANS TO blood, head of the department, and
three assistants are conducting the
i g g i n gggggg classes.
Experienced iramni Students Will
lake Holes Under Direction-
Sof Prof. Trneblood
Students of wide dramatic experi-
nce will have parts in James Sheri-
dan Knowles' play, "The Hunchback,"
to be presented on the stage in Sarah
Caswell Angell hall July 29. The large
cast is being trained by Prof. Thomas
C. Trueblood, head of the department
of oratory. The play is to be given as
one number of, the summer session
lecture course and will be complimen-
tary to the general public as well as PROF. T C. TRUEBLOOD,
the summer session students. Whose Courses Attract Teschero From
The four leading male parts will be Other Colleges
played by men who have had years
f of experience in. dramatic work. The Instructors from other institutions
'best known mesmber of the cast is Mr. who are taking work this summer fol-
W. H. Townsend, of New York City. low: E. S. King, Michigan Agr'cultur-
Mr. Townsend has been on the stage al College; R. D. Bracket, Milwau-
for a number of years, and has appear- kee, Wis., high school; C. R. Layton
ed in several productions.' The other Muskingum College; Mrs. Mary Mc-
three men are known as teachers of Conaha, Geneva College, N. Y.; M.
dramatic art. Mr. M. Wisdom is head +Wisdom, Kansas City, Mo., high
of the department of oratory in the school; G. A. Andrews, Manmouth
Kansas City, Mo., high school. Mr. R. College; Miss Rose Howe; S. P. Hila-
D. Brackett is head of the oratory de- do, University of the Philippines; Miss
partment of the Milwaukee, Wis., high Miss Ratchel Newcomb, Ferris Insti-
school, and Mr. E. S. King is an in- tute, Grand Rapids; and W. H. Coop-
(Continued on page 3) er, Northwestern College.

Totals ...........3110 718 3 2
AB R h 'O A E
Wilburtif & 2b ......3 1 1 1 0 0
Whitlock ss ........1 0 1 0 0 1
Donnelly cf .........3 1 1 2 0 1
Lewis c ...........2 0 1 5 0 1
Kelley rf .......... ..2 0 0 0 0 0
Carlson rf ..........1 0 0 1 0 0
Martinilb ..........2 1 0 3 0 1
Adams 3b ....... ...1 0 0 1 0 1
Kerwin lb & 3b .....2 1 1 1 0 1
Bryant 2b & if ......3 0 0 1 1 1
Spencer p ..... ...2 0 0 0 1 1
Totals ...........24 4 5 15 2 7
l . Innings t If E
Medics ........0 7 0 3.0 x-10 7 2
Laws ..........0 0 22 0 0--4 5 7
Two base hits-Nutting, Donaldson;
three base hit-Donelly; home run-
Smith; hits-off Smith 5, off Spencer
7; stolen bases-Galbraith, Smith;
struck out-by Smith 7, Spencer 5;
bases on balls-by Smith 4, Spencer 1;
hit by pitched ball-Thrun; wild pitch
-Spencer; left on bases--medic 6, law
6; passed balls-Donaldson12, Lewis
I,; time of game-1:15. Umpire-j
(Continued on page 4.)

Huron and Division Streets

Ister - - - Roy W Hamilton, Student Pastor
[larreit, Tteme, "How we got our Bible"


i - ---

THURSDAY, 8 P. n., Reade and Seat Sale at Wahr's State
Taylor's "asks and Faces" Annual Summer School Engagement ofS
Street Store, opens Mol-
FRIDAY, 3:45 P. M.,
"As You Like Is" day, July 20th, at 4 P.M.
FRMdYumm e right's Dream" B n G W ood ld P layu s Reserved Seats, 75c
SATURDAY, 3.45 P. M. By special arrangements Stu-
"Twelfth Night" dents can purchase tickets at a
SATURDAY, 8 P. M., Campus Theatre July 23, 24, 25 reduced rae of $3.C0 for all five
"The Tempest" performances

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