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July 03, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1915-07-03

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.. __

We cag o Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and Finishing I
[ohn cfargevl in Ann Arbor is at PRINTS ON i
oting forel - m i EO
yo op ni films if LYVNDO 9Nor~bth T1University Avenue VLX I
sigeIeec Two doors from Hill Auditoriumthe best paper made
single defect Estalished 1905, and growing bigger every day______________I

( -- I


i .i10 W()L l IIl I E, T IN, l'11{F11-Is
Made to your measure UINltIlIN N155
Palm Beachtltt ~ ~__ Ullted DSta bled itot::taliii lie)e
'I'lliscoluiut lttillgluisofil
The Summer Comfort Cloth trt111tl1iiit 1111i it jOjWilletnr
terest o milvesit1. otelt, 1n ill op.
Itn a variety of shadlos par ill elt l isueoftel'' eWollverite rprtosfr te Iele
Annototictiie11hs t Ittlitttt iitshlooul 1ipaaiiforthe M ichgn iTioi xorsij
* K MIalIcol m beh iod o t FrIancesIIz titt, 5eaoaiIofh.ihtxslostot
604 E: Liberty Streot Miss Cochrane, deani of isomen "Sitd tFIarrel, Itrainer ill atlties, will undier way, and ilie s inich largei
Mrs. Gates, socialdiroiltor ox Newbtixrry axIoidsfrli oxoe ineof xlie 10 diostricts itoiwhichitheibill
iornixtory, will hold aI1informl r0-olihe Non Englandlcosast. oilae2hsi1eiIrxex rol" ixi:
for ll OiiViiii 5 (fliii ix'i olf le ai"isof I(kittg i [ort'heiir resptie ivi deO re
H IJSTON 1~~~~ROS. 'lx~ix iii iiixi f~dlxt of law at Yale Is tiiht'xi' 'I 5
i hu ayar xfterornxi in i Nessbors Il l x x(r tle lxv soto ~ S .aS . for ciso ,xi 1i -'rill s xi;xx (ri
-The Finest Billiard Room inte State aigwr i h a coo hs'ca orhshaqatesil\ lr
CIASadCNY First in lthe series of Iparties tltnked City.iiO (' _ FSiier,'8 l,,eli Tutx-oily
for xenlies *f te Wsoxs ' testi - Prof. It. 1". tliggs, of the elsilotertig for liso poot in the Seattle rlisx, r 'iii
"We Try to Treat You Right" fomebr-f'teW ensLau
_____________________thiss__ndier,_wasa,__sucessful__Foutihj<ixiliego, acid(t liughte r, E(liell,leave the rest ofthfeii-mxen wioiwii)ll iinwoil,
THlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK{ of July parts' givenxiniiBaxrbioxurx iiiiiirst if'liiieiweek tferlxotoxxaix)Newir nxext.'i uexaarei ias fixtiso:
Capital ......... . $300,0.0is siixna yesterdlay afterxoni. 'iTxx'rx ire'(iority. Mbiss IDiggo, iwhoxgraduxatedxIKt.S. BxerG WE'a:'.lxx,
Surplus asdiUndivide riierot..$xis,o.ooFo h nvriyi 94 n h . onz'4' tI>'in~ol
Resurc-es........ la..... $,2000,00s.00 ixany ness oxeibers this - exxxlii xxi rst-lx 94,si ilo18 oixl,1411andxixxxx ls
Transacts a Generat Ranking Rusiness the xxxxxitrix''iip'sls l' i- haii so lxxxnxtx-,axlixxg lxin yoing sitce 1-I. 1G. Gaxtt x'I
Your Buisossoicited. of theutivtiersity will t inue i, iixx spxxiiug stoi'Otsxii'nl- lxxta1,kiexxi xxis o. 'x
Cluss, 0. 1ilscosk, Pres., Michl ri tz.nixCatirVnewoki tefaladhe trpi Ka a "i
W.o.tfrariniau, Vixast'es., Carlu(F. Braun, As. advanxtage if teselopportui ties ito e x- i Axl atlx fxl si xx'tip i xxii '8 l laliis I xiEx I .S. Btiix'
Cash'r, 51W ixWalzAsst. Ca-h' avings Depti cometx e titer i cax initxe'd. iio 'nabii 'lexr xtlok xver thei'offerinxgso f1 Sxagixixw;' " l Iai ' i 4, 1I ,, '
of tC'xtxnxtxixo uxiver'xsits' snulSixxxiix s AnnitArbior; ' d .. . ii 1 . xxi
DETROIT UNITED LINES Atainformal nlvt ,,, ofii ,,o ,,,,,.i xIriixrsiir of Roton, Detiit.

1"1(110-S@41Il0 I1AIMERIlAt
A tlx i if(329 Miocxigan graduxites'
xx slix 11t xinxxtoelatest tiditioti of,
"(ii s V 1o iz in .'isxiri'x." This top-
I linzt s t'e=pe'r -c'nt of ithe 1o1at
ixzbe ofilxipelxrsxons listoid. Of this 629,
M~~~tn grad- 'nosaiil18 d1mnet o ireoirailre
lxi t roplxri'x'ttexlitihl 264. Next
xxxix's Hit' lia-w depxa'ritetit-lls156;
xixlii ritixexi oxofxeiinlie, 41; idepart-
:;, i'i f i 'igiiieorisg, <1,;lhomteoptic
Ilxi,4';xliental idepati ntoei, 1,
<M.' g.raduaxte'dipa'tma'eixnt, 1183.
InPrs.11. l xiii thixo rsjci'iied tiotice
lxxiiiil- ertx 'rs xoistaxte' Roblert Lasintg
y,-lxi lxiy, lxii 'ri's. Wooudrow rWilsotn
ber r ifHieiJ I ixittibut) fommxnissioti,
prox il dfor' iii'e heIreatyrbetiveti the
Uri ii st ittil;nd'ruiguay for the ad-
x"U(:'i u1>t opeate.

(Easters Stasdard Tiime)
Litmited asd Expreoss Cars 1for Detriss---7:10
a.om.and houxrly ut 6:1o p.in.,aialso
Local Carso Detsit--5:4o a. ini., 6:05 a. ini.,
m., 8:05 P.xm.,x9:15.Pii.i,iidx0:45i.ii.
To Ypsilanti onlyx 7:48 a. mi., l8:io a. Ini.,
Litmited Caro lor Jacson - -7:4 a. ini.,an
ever w hsoiurxs to:8. is.
Loal ar fo Jackso ii512a. in. 6:5 a.n
a r et two s ax65 . ,as
Calkins' Pharmacy
324 S. State St.
* Cady and Soda Water
Roth Phones 1Ill Asn Arhor, Mich.
Liberty and Main Sts.
A Moat Convenient Place for Your

tdents of Newbierry hll hel'Thursdxytr litil. Johotit I. tieit, otthe1wEnig-ineetr.
eveiixg, tfltirst steps ttardit i-lillixg Colletgie, is op endinlg lie weeka it
studexit orgaizationinitthfludoirmxiiiory Laxpeuer, xiher eewill hav-eocxargx'oil
were takxenx. Miss MlltItotti'sof lti'eixoxrk ofi itltltixg a itt-is' ting t
W~ashxintioni, 1). '., -wxscs enixi houIitse' toilvi-iilainhg xxv-tt loilti' La~pi'ir
presidenxi,asdithsli-foilliiw igwoe'eili-itfhigh Sichoiol
ed to sierv-eias itciiiitteeiii''for' xiiho Iuse t1r;1i;,,te sttintiet-sessiontihlitsitde
rl's: iMasbel ixiluyIslablt l 'liill.loot's oitheflu' miiiMemoiirial tall wilt
Phyllis Ylttvat, BeirithaxPlfoiird, xxxiiiclose t'.6i:00ii o'iclick,-he li'froxnt ioor
Mixiei-Ni' Vilie. ri-ixixuinxg ipx-txiiilxihetsual hourit
0 0 I:statutet' schotol oplenitt at iIlarvirtl
lDr. 1lflsii- S. Prttt:a-ill roreisitu the'tsisix-il i - iiffering a iptr-iot'am of snor
local braxinc'hxut' 'olle-gixtie- Ai~iii lum xixi-; si-isi-untyxcouse-is. All studiei-tini
the coxnveixntionit toif it rganiaion hut li s ii xio il b'e reuirxedl toiat -
whit-h xxill beh lelid in Saarii lt'itii inti tendi-ixlhex .Xxxirix-aixiIxtstitutlixi ofInli-
August. s-iastruixolsi-sonis,
(Owing touthefl ue iially largie nxiii 51itise interestetd are initled ltat.
her entrilleid ii tihcaissif'rix ixixis to'idi tihe ixarmeirs' hicn-il'toibehilto txi
wih -xMiss Woodulisxconuctixutiig this ithe' Forixstryfxxxtx uxixi t ulxis 'Tl'xuei
sximtmer, ri-gistr-atlionifur thiesi-suuuxrox's iii' mornxiin i'rurx cr i l exavitxg at
hiss bieen oseitd.l Ains'xwomanxxxsitiueitixi 50 11o'c-lock-h.Pruiossor Fhilibexri oh
mauy, however, uregisitir fiix'5prii:i ti if l1' th i iorsitry dhipartmenit-x, andxit aicirps
*work inttlenntis 'ithuer fur liii'Nt-is1s rry of students-u il exp'iain tiheo- irk lbe-
coutsfotr thotse-at Plhtier'ilhu. Ii ig uione'alit huefarmx.
o ' ---11 stutdents wishilig tt enterthe1
Deanx My'raxI. Jiordant is spei-nu~g hit-i'saixixor fenntoxurlnamexntt shoulid at-
vacafion at her hxomue st Leothuxaxux htendilthe- mueeting out Tuesdasy aftenxooti
Islands. Slit isill retun to Annu Arborutir 1:00lcltock st the Fierry hield club-
ini Septeixier, hosei' The purchuase of a rap will ne-
+ c5 iuxsii <i fe the' charginig of a notmxinal
Miss Margaxret. Cameiuronx, ifhI ap- ill t. (x~i rus titlst ho ini byIxext Weot-
pxuiuxh~mnxo-xe-ommxxitteex, tits hleftforr xxj xisdlxir.
liuole whitri' slut-wilt sptu-illhit-i'ati-- 11r. Spangitlir, wmaill instruct it
titl, pysiecalitrxinoing this fxall, lu-ft today
- - tilt'orhis hoxiuxin Lxhebuanonu, Put., siltsre
NOW-S-DAl S heix'will x'eimaii nuntiliithuetupenlig of
it's ('tlotinig,iais, antI V'irtilsliiiug I ite alltetrxxx
Goods frtomt--xtotis C. Iill thats teen appotinted by
N. I'. ALLEN I'O. Inriiden.I lxii-) is lto t xis delegati-
211 S. MaiSt. If andiiri-hrl sexllitve iof this universits
ai ts- l u xi ,,itannual uxiliis o tie

I L U(lIVE(.


if you appreciate unusualness
r in Service, Appointments
and Cooking, visit the
Open during shopping hours.
1 eals served a lu carte, except
Noonday Lttncheon at 5() cents
The New. Catalogute
i of the
IUliversi1ty ,of Michigall
Complete tnformation concerning the eight Colleges
f and Schools:
' Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work,
Landscape Design, Higher Commercial .Education,
including Railway Administration and Insurance,
Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education
(affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation
Study), and a course for those preparing for the
scientific administration of departments of sanitation
and public health.
Fur Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or
Individual Informatiton, address
the Deant of the Schotol or Colee in which interested, or
Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich.

luterxxiinai l lxxrigatilon tongress to
Fine Watch, Jewelry and Eyeglass be hi it, iif ut xxa Septemuxber 13 to
lu if 001t-I it 1' ht-u, tof C'ttsell
FO L N '~l N PENl xivii %,x ix enrolledu hut the Law
CONKLIN, SWAN & OUR $1 SPECIAL Sitiiil, i hieni x is takixig wrork itt
copoaion-x iuider Ixuof. 1II. _h. Wilgus.,
Lenses Ground to Order ---Crl 3I. Pottler, 41o06, huts been ti o-
xx fledi t lt lie lIs lueeu awardexd flux priae
isI Alarm Clocks 75c. to $3.00 ofi $10 offe-redlto senixor enugineers by
liii liii'e lariat- Aspihault Ciunpany for the
Q ea.ts~ /IIII ~ gnita is y ott thin subjsct of
/)li/a J)'pt UVtdz Ott Ro-ltmrh
hssaethtplns are beinig mxaee
STATE STREET JEWELERS Iosok t Hronu iver with fish.
U. S. Postat Station 3 TELEPHONE 534 aitotruhveencosns
the iost uitallo fr this vhiiiy. The
Pat n opes aStudio attyf tor aisan te. Sf9 a Ix?'tountke. T D N $4, per xx u-ihi dlx iii l lii ht)ti np ho flue,_Il
tHo Lwe.SLberty. tfi 714 Monrote St. 1-

To b givn FRE wih IPrice of The Wolverine
each paid subscription an h irectoryc
to The Wolverine I3j n Boo5Pci-o h
Save your receipt ofth Summer Session Directory alone __--

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