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July 03, 1915 - Image 2

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-03

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Orpheum Theatre TH W SUMMER
The Hoase of Faouas Plays by Fouse
Players. The official studet ewpaperfo
the Uiversity of Michigan sumomer Unitarian Church E- T'I
session. Publiohed by the sfudeto on Stae and Ilnronts' New and Se
July 3, sat.-Halmd l ock oct is "The Toeoday, Thuroday aod Satrday af-
I. eof the Mask" ternoons. Twenty-five isue.
July 56, Mn.s-Ties--The Woan"____________ Drawitig Instruments,I
July 7, Wild. - Marguerite Cark In Sbsription rateo-By carrier, ev- Stnday at 1:0, Rev. R. S Lotitg Student Suppi
"Wildflowe". Ctharle Ctapttn. enty-five cetts for the summer"pttt's oitti"Walt.tiWhtitmtattandthettt
tmaited to anty address for one d- lettisot Amerirant tettocr tae -
tar. tng a strmonttfot ot Ntial I ott-
____________________________Atvertisinig rates-Furntisheilupoen ap- day.
plication to10the usiness manager.
Subscriptions anti ads takets at Qua- UNVERSTY
Arcade Theatre ry's, C'usbing's and South Univer-_
SHOWS: AFTERNOOS 400: EE. 6:15; :4; 9:15 sity Phartmacy. Unitarian Church
sat. tty-ALItC BRAttY itoAS l= OffirteI-oturs: Managitg etitor, 2:00
SOWy",5 part dtama, prdedt by to 3:00 tdaily; btsitess mlanager,
Wini. A. BradIy. 1:00 fto 2:00 daily. Pthotne960 or
Mo. July 5- tRUTH ROttAND atd 244.<
ttENRY XINGOin te thittetoea "Whto _________________________ that is the reason Ithey aet itttrt-
P'ays" sariesentilte.1 WHIN JUS- ysccsfl
TOC L EPS".Asa teP ittheIiy Adtress, The Wolverine, Press Build- l ittestl
agood rot e, tttwtCati0'ly. ing Maytard St., Antt Arbor. In mnty colleges nearly as atgi
______________________________as Mihigatn, every tmai othlbscatmpus.
Ta a.Jaty5-CH~OI. 0 CHAtIN.speaks to every tther; thet atlitint-t
Howayrd It. Mrs--Mastaging' Edior atceship is taketi for granted bet-ause
_______________________________Photte-214-1 505 it is basetd on tt itial iterests Ptr
FerrseHI. Filch-lisiness Manager hps this is carryitng teila too ar
Majestic Theatre Phonite 960i-26i Yet somve efforts sotldlltetmadetoli
_ BICCEST AND BEST PHOTO PLAYS pa-tiet i-asektgatitii ________________
Mattne.3 P. M. Ee. 7A& 83Opattudento___a-speakngacqaint-_
__. Cottrihutitig Editors- ante wiheachodstther Antrganizeet
F'. F. Mfinney tmovemett to actomtplish tis is apt 10
Today Friday and Saturday-DANIEL I F,'. C. hutrch fail, fr the essene itt fellotwhip i r-ir
FROHMAN presents the superb spontianeity. A1
phoo-pctaclen"THE ETERNAL Teol ilciisseisti i u
CITY," by Hatl Caine, swith Pauline Teol ouinS~~7 ob o
Frdrck. Produced by THE FAMOUS A M every student at Mithigatt t nitch a Board
PLAYERS, 8 Pars. personal effort to know as tmany as
ALL SEATS 20 CENTS SA'TtlDAYJ.7Y 3, Stil5 possible of his felltw-stdetnts. So 803 E. WASHIN
forget strict fornality now andi fth;
______________________talk tver the weather atti the timte of E VRYTHING CLEA
_________________________________ ls~iit ditr F' A.Kiatui day with the rHinttthe tex seat. Be- 5 rd.
Teml e Theatre fore yuitknow it, ytttwillle tttlkitg WF 1tint OURiiIicttiN
EE~tTSCtHA theratd sore itterestig tigs One. block eo-tb fe-s
(except Friday and Saurday) For four or five years pat it as Thent speak toi hint wheat youti seitt
growtt to le the naturally expetteid ott the street.
Tusthing to haonte, Iwo or even three On~ly inthis way ctit we ease itic'e
BfiradJaytytar 'IFeapue ofytiaes . stutdetts huse teir lives iti the little a nere letertogenetotssmtixtr'ad b)-XWe wash all go(
Olivere arwoadcitciiaDoroty axeti) two-by-fotur 1-Huroni River. Aready omte a uitttworthy iffit'eaamtet"tu-
Fri. July --clasing of the circit'. this year one mnt has gone, atid the versity." WVe do your mendinga
(Lucelle Heamil) open itvitatiton for suniner scotlers
coutingg N I Week, "Tine jitney Ilotp- to get away fromtth~e heal antI lit.t of
tttt". twinrasrgeIiCl lt,,,)- townt tffers every tpportnity for Itae
________________________________ dtsathi roll to heincireatsed.
Andi yet, to face the nater sanely,
there is absoltely no reason why-
these acitdents solditiotcir. In the
latdrowniing it was the "gootd swim- ICmyb otnteta-ntutr
las me" tat aidforhisoveconidecewo have eleetnticltcks are Iohsmind
tie"ta adfrhstvrotietreaters. Biny a cash card and sa
Iwhile liii canoe-mate saved his own
life by hatiging to the overturneid craft, Phone 2076-2077 and ou
in spite of the fact that le was reputedIt'ls a lotg way dotwtiandilbatk aiti
/ - to be unable to swini a stroke. ytu're hot at botlithuds i.tetiril.
LThis case is typical, and offers a so-
Charlie Chalpis. lutioti for both the experienced water- Auticta Sports.
Ann Arbor, ike New York, Chicago mian atid the inexperienced. If you cati Michigant may not have a swittmitg
and Detroit, seems about to go "Char- swim dont tenipt Providence, handi- teat,lit she has a tnumber of tank For Table Supplies
lie Chaplin mad." An advertisemcnt of capped as you are liable to be with stars. 1 11- 116 E. Washington 5.
Charlie in one of his inimitable coni- hindering clothitig and waterlogged
dies is sufficient to crowd the house. shoes. If you cattswims keep yoir Eery Dog lHaseHis Day.
Until lately Chaplin has beetieot- heathattdlatig ott to the cano. TY Nwoual:"~ugIilts uoiatWht iiiis trttelcrtgilwl
nected with photolay s only in the role will dintl 10 shallow watet' in five orattDi'StitAfr.sikn
of a policeman, hut due to his expres- teti mittutes, wetter anti wiser, ut
sin feoin i npeov esotherwise utihartoed. VWhten etteritig ti. otcirid lthiushlIt
"insofemtinhi iprssvelesAnotig thitse withi its tre Dela Ca- idtotr.
and his mustache, hie has broken into esset, '7, Iva P'aine, '2, Arthur Mois-
the leading parts of the farce cotnetdy. FELLOWSHIP. eer, '0, tarrie hKettel, '74, P'ail Bear- 'Bit tk thetis-by anth tll, teltitle
Mr. Chaplin, off the stage antI minius er '77, FateJot
the hat, cone and make-up looks the Althloughth ~e prospect miay not be I a~
dittgihdats hth s ~ ospleasing, ltii fact remnst that there - Are tierly tiuy otintgs,---minutIl
iohwvrspnhienietminart' somte 1,700 of us who will hav oytltSae o Ktnsia. whits -
ntdihowvr sendhsetrettt. live here ttgether thils summer. '-K'rAh'TEttF KA NSAS A
thear ivadile We will ptronizee the same ice'' ht stdo o e per t aueil tvu IRE IIRINKFhhS Ay--eveti altl thback-acuei Kase's
and sometimes has been known tohae
cream parlors toit the sweltering days, Headline 'ices-News.
ansuse throngs off people oti the street, get caught itt the sante rain storis up, But who watts to wovtr in Eansae? C otmparedi to this art 1a1ttoticitbits.'
by his facial coatortiotis atidcomiathervreeuatnomnlf h:_What hcknhtrevlenhiout'ni'li toti
sonic classes. We will suffer together, Tule Very Bitteres. aograppliti
«ploy' together atiu work together. This world is full of itter disppot- With all the trickssofitwovt-faced fickle
"Tulhe Eersial lily." Yt nesw aeuuulefrs net Fate-
Featured by wotderful pictorial ef- Yeuiesw-ik nsa fots ueis ~lii vy htv
turig the six or eight weeks we are We nortals here nust tale our knockisoTanf akigiatidown towt for1
fets, thle dramatizaontionts of Mall amees here, we will cotmc to the end of our atd blows tharie Chapliti
emotona noel,"Th Etetia tiy.senttence with a speaking acquatacnce AntI suffer pai not eased by eliatticAdilgettitgtru, to tftndlh's tt a
is being shown in Atn Arbor this late?
with perhaps two or three dozen of oitmett,
week. Thle beautiful effects alotie our fellow-sufferers. That is a rth- For everyotie mist, hoe his rougher -

would nearly carry Die pictures to suc- e orhtii vrgrw."tS IE
csbtteatnofMsPrdrik During the fall terni of the univer- Black sickle-bearitig death nmust scam VR ?'?l
and Majeroni make the ploy one of the sity, various efforts ore tmade to ac- to stricketi,
troest vrs i atmvn l-qutaitit studetits with each tther. These Anut fire atid plague atiu pestiletice go- -Heatdlitie Detroit Ntews.
tme.novemnts arc organuized. Perhaps lure- itchinag for tsar, so to speaok.

Loose=Leaf Note Books
lies in General
to nircessatry in ortder to have a perfect
fit. We knoiv how to do mieasuring, the
cuitingg-ant the pttinugtagethter of
garmenrts. Our matte to ;measure suits
repreenuts lte highest degree of perfect-
iot ait ineonutarabile prices. Hone no
tailor you one tir tiomemauaer suite, you
uvill itehe ecorrectly attiedSher your
outlticg;oat the IFeurth"
Dlescier 3$c.
see Hill Au~dtov u's.ee

C 1

ods in soft water
End sew on buttons free
ve 10%j ons your laundry
jr wagon calls promptly

-Wholesale and Retail
Phone 326



Yunug anth Zimmtermsuat aren't such
poiputlar tattes hiring the summer seu-
sin, wheat few proifessors seat their
classes alphsabetically.
13on'f lodge a nman by the courses he
takes its stiumer sctool.
jEvelytn 'Ihuss won't take the stand.
'fle seven'u-year locusts arc bock.
IttnMitt Arbor even tIhe waterworks.
AtdiontiltJsy -5, fireworks.
Btryati resigned,
STUDENT BOARD. tClean a n d
hiomelike. $4. per week. Sheldon's-
714 Motnroe St. 1-5


I-tim' results hoyt' your Iis develop-
etd and priteud at toppe's, 1119 E.
Liberty. tf

STUDENT BOARD. Cleats a nu d
homelike. $4. per week. Steldons TePa- oa
714 Monroe SL. 1- Call at the Daylight Store when in need of ThiaentuetStigadCohn ad F rihn s34S .~li oa
all Musical Supplies at reeasable Cohn n unsig AC KADCRO
prices. Schaeberle & Sea, Music THE MAN STORE OF ANN ARBOR
Hbouse, 110 s. Maias St. tf NEXT TO ORPHEUM -t t, ho.oo upu, s~e
FOR SAE -isin desk, 'hable Set- J 3F.* W 1) haC O.1AKI'6ndiN*vTdedANARBOR, tMICH.
tle, and Willow Rokers. tall t Sae ankngandCorteusTretientofOu
University MusidclHotust-01 h. Wil- Firm J. F. WUERTH. F. P. HARRIS Cut.oese u.tr Wacord
lions Street, 3-5 1 3 per cent Intrst he our Savins Deparm e

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