THE WOLVERINE .. __ We cag o Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and Finishing I [ohn cfargevl in Ann Arbor is at PRINTS ON i oting forel - m i EO yo op ni films if LYVNDO 9Nor~bth T1University Avenue VLX I sigeIeec Two doors from Hill Auditoriumthe best paper made single defect Estalished 1905, and growing bigger every day______________I ( -- I r i .i10 W()L l IIl I E, T IN, l'11{F11-Is Made to your measure UINltIlIN N155 Palm Beachtltt ~ ~__ Ullted DSta bled itot::taliii lie)e 'I'lliscoluiut lttillgluisofil The Summer Comfort Cloth trt111tl1iiit 1111i it jOjWilletnr terest o milvesit1. otelt, 1n ill op. Itn a variety of shadlos par ill elt l isueoftel'' eWollverite rprtosfr te Iele Annototictiie11hs t Ittlitttt iitshlooul 1ipaaiiforthe M ichgn iTioi xorsij * K MIalIcol m beh iod o t FrIancesIIz titt, 5eaoaiIofh.ihtxslostot 604 E: Liberty Streot Miss Cochrane, deani of isomen "Sitd tFIarrel, Itrainer ill atlties, will undier way, and ilie s inich largei Mrs. Gates, socialdiroiltor ox Newbtixrry axIoidsfrli oxoe ineof xlie 10 diostricts itoiwhichitheibill iornixtory, will hold aI1informl r0-olihe Non Englandlcosast. oilae2hsi1eiIrxex rol" ixi: for ll OiiViiii 5 (fliii ix'i olf le ai"isof I(kittg i [ort'heiir resptie ivi deO re H IJSTON 1~~~~ROS. 'lx~ix iii iiixi f~dlxt of law at Yale Is tiiht'xi' 'I 5 i hu ayar xfterornxi in i Nessbors Il l x x(r tle lxv soto ~ S .aS . for ciso ,xi 1i -'rill s xi;xx (ri -The Finest Billiard Room inte State aigwr i h a coo hs'ca orhshaqatesil\ lr CIASadCNY First in lthe series of Iparties tltnked City.iiO (' _ FSiier,'8 l,,eli Tutx-oily for xenlies *f te Wsoxs ' testi - Prof. It. 1". tliggs, of the elsilotertig for liso poot in the Seattle rlisx, r 'iii "We Try to Treat You Right" fomebr-f'teW ensLau _____________________thiss__ndier,_wasa,__sucessful__Foutihj'in~ol Resurc-es........ la..... $,2000,00s.00 ixany ness oxeibers this - exxxlii xxi rst-lx 94,si ilo18 oixl,1411andxixxxx ls Transacts a Generat Ranking Rusiness the xxxxxitrix''iip'sls l' i- haii so lxxxnxtx-,axlixxg lxin yoing sitce 1-I. 1G. Gaxtt x'I Your Buisossoicited. of theutivtiersity will t inue i, iixx spxxiiug stoi'Otsxii'nl- lxxta1,kiexxi xxis o. 'x Cluss, 0. 1ilscosk, Pres., Michl ri tz.nixCatirVnewoki tefaladhe trpi Ka a "i W.o.tfrariniau, Vixast'es., Carlu(F. Braun, As. advanxtage if teselopportui ties ito e x- i Axl atlx fxl si xx'tip i xxii '8 l laliis I xiEx I .S. Btiix' Cash'r, 51W ixWalzAsst. Ca-h' avings Depti cometx e titer i cax initxe'd. iio 'nabii 'lexr xtlok xver thei'offerinxgso f1 Sxagixixw;' " l Iai ' i 4, 1I ,, ' of tC'xtxnxtxixo uxiver'xsits' snulSixxxiix s AnnitArbior; ' d .. . ii 1 . xxi DETROIT UNITED LINES Atainformal nlvt ,,, ofii ,,o ,,,,,.i xIriixrsiir of Roton, Detiit. 1"1(110-S@41Il0 I1AIMERIlAt A tlx i if(329 Miocxigan graduxites' xx slix 11t xinxxtoelatest tiditioti of, "(ii s V 1o iz in .'isxiri'x." This top- I linzt s t'e=pe'r -c'nt of ithe 1o1at ixzbe ofilxipelxrsxons listoid. Of this 629, M~~~tn grad- 'nosaiil18 d1mnet o ireoirailre lxi t roplxri'x'ttexlitihl 264. Next xxxix's Hit' lia-w depxa'ritetit-lls156; xixlii ritixexi oxofxeiinlie, 41; idepart- :;, i'i f i 'igiiieorisg, <1,;lhomteoptic Ilxi,4';xliental idepati ntoei, 1, t opeate. ANN ARSON TIME TABLE (Easters Stasdard Tiime) Litmited asd Expreoss Cars 1for Detriss---7:10 houxrly ut 6:1o,aialso Local Carso Detsit--5:4o a. ini., 6:05 a. ini., m., 8:05 P.xm.,x9:15.Pii.i,iidx0:45i.ii. To Ypsilanti onlyx 7:48 a. mi., l8:io a. Ini., Litmited Caro lor Jacson - -7:4 a. ini.,an ever w hsoiurxs to:8. is. Loal ar fo Jackso ii512a. in. 6:5 a.n a r et two s ax65 . ,as LUtNCHEIS and SODAS 338 IS. STATE ST. Calkins' Pharmacy 324 S. State St. *DRUGS KODAKS * Cady and Soda Water CALKINS' PHARMACY COUSINS & HALL 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Roth Phones 1Ill Asn Arhor, Mich. Liberty and Main Sts. A Moat Convenient Place for Your Banking tdents of Newbierry hll hel'Thursdxytr litil. Johotit I. tieit, otthe1wEnig-ineetr. eveiixg, tfltirst steps ttardit i-lillixg Colletgie, is op endinlg lie weeka it studexit orgaizationinitthfludoirmxiiiory Laxpeuer, xiher eewill hav-eocxargx'oil were takxenx. Miss MlltItotti'sof lti'eixoxrk ofi itltltixg a itt-is' ting t W~ashxintioni, 1). '., -wxscs enixi houIitse' toilvi-iilainhg xxv-tt loilti' La~pi'ir presidenxi,asdithsli-foilliiw igwoe'eili-itfhigh Sichoiol ed to sierv-eias itciiiitteeiii''for' xiiho Iuse t1r;1i;,,te sttintiet-sessiontihlitsitde rl's: iMasbel ixiluyIslablt l 'liill.loot's oitheflu' miiiMemoiirial tall wilt Phyllis Ylttvat, BeirithaxPlfoiird, xxxiiiclose t'.6i:00ii o'iclick,-he li'froxnt ioor Mixiei-Ni' Vilie. ri-ixixuinxg ipx-txiiilxihetsual hourit 0 0 I:statutet' schotol oplenitt at iIlarvirtl lDr. 1lflsii- S. Prttt:a-ill roreisitu the'tsisix-il i - iiffering a iptr-iot'am of snor local braxinc'hxut' 'olle-gixtie- Ai~iii lum xixi-; si-isi-untyxcouse-is. All studiei-tini the coxnveixntionit toif it rganiaion hut li s ii xio il b'e reuirxedl toiat - whit-h xxill beh lelid in Saarii lt'itii inti tendi-ixlhex .Xxxirix-aixiIxtstitutlixi ofInli- August. s-iastruixolsi-sonis, (Owing touthefl ue iially largie nxiii 51itise interestetd are initled ltat. her entrilleid ii tihcaissif'rix ixixis to'idi tihe ixarmeirs' hicn-il'toibehilto txi wih -xMiss Woodulisxconuctixutiig this ithe' Forixstryfxxxtx uxixi t ulxis 'Tl'xuei sximtmer, ri-gistr-atlionifur thiesi-suuuxrox's iii' mornxiin i'rurx cr i l exavitxg at hiss bieen oseitd.l Ains'xwomanxxxsitiueitixi 50 11o'c-lock-h.Pruiossor Fhilibexri oh mauy, however, uregisitir fiix'5prii:i ti if l1' th i iorsitry dhipartmenit-x, andxit aicirps *work inttlenntis 'ithuer fur liii'Nt-is1s rry of students-u il exp'iain tiheo- irk lbe- coutsfotr thotse-at Plhtier'ilhu. Ii ig uione'alit huefarmx. o ' ---11 stutdents wishilig tt enterthe1 Deanx My'raxI. Jiordant is spei-nu~g hit-i'saixixor fenntoxurlnamexntt shoulid at- vacafion at her hxomue st Leothuxaxux htendilthe- mueeting out Tuesdasy aftenxooti Islands. Slit isill retun to Annu Arborutir 1:00lcltock st the Fierry hield club- ini Septeixier, hosei' The purchuase of a rap will ne- + c5 iuxsii