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October 18, 1968 (vol. 79, iss. 43) • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 18, 1968 S WELFARE SIT-IN: Students win4 equal vote nnoaird Court finds protester guilty By RICK PERLOFF V11 > V1iaIn the middle of being cross ex- (Continued from Page 1)tamined at yesterday's welfare h chrecentlmed membership1trial, defepdant Charles Thomas which recently made membrshipasked prosecutor Thomas F. Shea voluntary, is no longer a govern- a question; ment for the residence h...…

October 18, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…RULES & REGULATIONS: TO EACH HER OWN See editorial page SitA6 Aait CLOUDY AND COOL Light showers, clearing in afternoon and evening Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom - - - - -. .-T.EN-- PA G ES:.- ---. - VOL. LXXVIII, No. 42 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1967 SEVEN CEN TS TEN PAGES Secret EDITORS NOTE: This is the second of a four part series by a team of Daily reporters on military research at the Universi...…

October 18, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

… PAGE TWO THE MICHlIGAN BIAil.V wvin?.TvQlnAr ^rlrv^ 1121vlm 10 Iftam I _ .._ _._.. a.aa as 1 aa aA11 LL11 a ------------------------------------ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1967 I1 Across The Young . Democrats will sponsor tie-shdwiing of the fihn "1000 Days," a portrait of the life-- and--administratio--of the lat1 yPryeident John . Kenndy tontt in Auitrilu A at 7, 8 an m. Te ;picture was pre- *ared for and frst presented at th e 180~<tle...…

October 18, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG9 SEE 1flNF'~flAV flflTflBI~R IL 15167 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Governors Ask Program SRacial Peace To Restor( ABOARD SS INDEPENDENCE (M)A panel of governors recom- mended yesterday a vast, costly campaign to restore racial peace to American cities and cope with the "underlying causes of unrest -inequality and lack of oppor-: tunity." Connecticut's Gov. John N. Dempsey presented...…

October 18, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

… Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS r - Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICIT. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1967 NIGH...…

October 18, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 42) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 18, 197 THE MIHIGAN DAILY rFjGE FIVV For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. 557 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6day add. 2 .65 1.25 1.80 2.30 2.80 3.25 .45 3 .85 1.65 2.40 3.10 3.75 4.35 .60 4 1.05 2.00 2.90 3.75 4.55 5.30 .75 5 1.20 2.30 3.35 4.35 5.30 6.20 .90 6 1.40 2.60 3.80 4.95 6.05 7.10 1.00 7 1.55 2.90 4.25 5.55 6.80 8.00' 1.10 8 1.7...…

October 18, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 42) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. OCITORER 19. 1491 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY IVFflT4J~flAV fl(~Tfl1U~'J~ 10 IOL~'1 xxi L a:o,,: x, v lvnr.n ta, tyb( r " r svr rrt DAILY OFFICIAL BULLE TIN (Continued from Page 2) Approved: That, at any time, with the recognit- ion of the Chair or the consent of a majority of Council, any constituent may, without suspension of the rules, sneak to a point then being debated, subject only to those ...…

October 18, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 42) • Page Image 7

…WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 IBE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN . 01. Classification Brings Cash, Problems (Continued from Page 1) there were doing work that was classified in some manner. Staff research, likewise, may result in dual reports for the government and the public. For example, last year a stu- dent working on his doctoral dis- sertation at Cooley under Air Force sponsorship...…

October 18, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 42) • Page Image 8

… PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1967 RAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1987 I CAZ SCORES WINNING BASKET: Knicks Tip Warriors; Pistons Wreck Royals NEW YORK (PR-Cazzie Rus- Francisco Warriors last night at' sell dropped in a 30-foot jump Madison Square Garden. shot in the last second to lift Russell, who led all scorers the New York Knickerbockers tot with 23 points, had given ther a 124-122 Nati...…

October 18, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 42) • Page Image 9

…WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE NINE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE NThT Sophomores Key to Hoosier Success By BILL LEVIS Indiana has always been known. as a basketball state but this year the two undefeated football teams in the Big Ten are from the Hoosier state. It's not totally unexpected that Purdue is' 4-0, but Indiana? The last time the Hoosiers ended their first four weeks unbeaten was 191...…

October 18, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 42) • Page Image 12

… RULES & REGULATIONS: TO EACH HER OWN See editorial page C, r S irA6 A6F CLOUDY AND COOL Iigh-53 Low-46 Light showers, clearing in afternoon and evening Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVIII, No. 42 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1967 SEVEN CENTS Secret Research: Uncle-SamWants Ws EDITORS NOTEy This is the second or a W. Butler, $600,000 of Cooley Labs' George Zissis, head of the WRL infra- tually all frontier...…

October 18, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 42) • Page Image 13

…WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER. 18, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAGESEVEN WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1987 THE litiCIIIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN Classification Brings Cash, Problems (Continued from Page 1) there were doing work that was classified in some manner. Staff research, likewise, may result in dual reports for the government and the public. For example, last year a stu- dent working on his doctoral dis- sertation at Cooley under Air Force sponsorship w...…

October 18, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…NEW JUDICIARY SYSTEM: LEGISLATORS AS JUDGES See Editorial Page Stgan Ia 4 CLOUDY High-58 Low-34 A little warmer with low probability of rain Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVH, No. 40 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY OCTOBER 18, 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Senate Assembly Approves Resolutions Concerning U' -H AC Disclosure Question Group Asks Protection of Free Speech U' Compliance With HUAC's Subpoena Raises Five Issu...…

October 18, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO . THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1966 TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. OCTOBER iR. 19Cc a. -++ . +. i v ava-iua . ivy aa VV SACA U Studies Disclosure of Membership Lists (ontinued from Page S) from other subpoenas received by In 1963, the Subcommittee on the University and routinely res- Student Records and Their Use, ponded to. For five days after re- a subcommittee of the Univer- ceipt of the subpoena, no consul- sity...…

October 18, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE T M TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Soviet Policy StandHints of Peace Ianeu ,erings By HENRY S. BRADSHER News Analysis MOSCOW--Shifts of emphasis in the Soviet position on Viet Nam are being studied by diplomats here for hints of Kremlin willing- ness to try to arrange peace. Taken at their most extreme interpretation, the shifts might mean that the Soviet Union ...…

October 18, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

… I M irIlligatt E3iig i Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS POWER and Fraternities: TheDefinition of a Gentleman POETRY by MARK R. K I LL I NGSWORT H .::....: t:''V !{}:! :'":::. .y ." t.5:V ..h : R : " :'. :::". v ...:. ......... ......... ....... .. . ... ...... . . ,o~-.e re Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth W...…

October 18, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 40) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FTVN TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1 9 6 6 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE rrvw ...- . . I - For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1966 YAMAHA YIS3, 250 cc. Exrell. cond. Will bargain. 663-9948. Z:A BLACK Suzuki X-6 HUSTLER. Only 950 miles. Only $598. 662-4100. ZA '64 750 ROYAL Enfield Interceptor. $900. 665-4249. B19 MUSICAL MDSE., ...…

October 18, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 40) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TU SA OC.afaa TOBERa,. .1A 11 .ttp THE __r ._ H_ _ DALY U'sVAlf~' f ~u VDL' IL 10, 1ZP00 6 REBUILDING ERA: Cagers Starting Practice "I7 To _ ' !-U11 Irv_ Elliott: What Price Victory? With Soph-L The University of Michigan basketball team, a "new look" out- fit if ever there was one, offi- cially kicked off its 1966 season yesterday. Seventeen players, ten of them sophomores, joined head coach Dave Strack in Yost Field...…

October 18, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 40) • Page Image 7

…TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE VRM ! Y DA ...OCTOBERv18, 19:6_TE-M__H_. AN -AILY a Cava. .3 ii v W.1. Purdue's 4-Leaf Clover Wilts 'M's By JOEL BLOCK In the Purdue locker room after Saturday's game, Head Coach Jack Mollenkopf looked like one of those pilots who was captured by the North Vietnamese and es- caped to tell about it. With a nervous smile he managed to joke sarcastically to an over-elated Purdue alumnu...…

October 18, 1966 (vol. 77, iss. 40) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBElt 19. 1999 PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TTJE~DAY. flflTnRFk 1 Il 1 Q~Ul i VA:t1.7L'17..L %AV 1 VLlil v 109 1JV V p " K N t \.Sfl F .. P v:...... .. w.'i..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:IItWv_._. ..X.. :.' ....:::::.. ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......}.......<.:. ...n ...:!-........ . . . ** ***..:i}'!:::.::;... : .2 S44:.. r"N" I I I . i - ...…

October 18, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…Indiana ....... 27 Ohio State ....17 Miami (0) .... 28 Illinois . . . . . Michigan State 20 Southern Cal.. 0 Northwestern.. 27 Minnesota . 4 . .. 14 Wisconsin ..:.. 31 Notre Dame ... 24 Arkansas .....14 Slippery Rock . 21 ... 0 Iowa.......... 21 UCLA ........ 0 Texas.........13 Glassboro .....0 CHINESE A-BOMB AND U. S. POLICY' See Editorial Page icl: Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom ,Iit PARTLY CLOUDY High--65 Low--43 Turning cool...…

October 18, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER,18, 1964 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1964 ARTS and LETTERS By Jocelyn Daniels Designer Seeks Subdued Sets COFO Plans To Continue Southern Registration : ' v. By. NELSON LANDE As he supervised the finishing was my guide in designing the it as an "interpersonal experience The Council of Federated Or- touches on the set of "Judith," play. With too much experimenta- -a creat...…

October 18, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY,' OCTOBER 18, 1964 TAE MICHIGAN UA iT.V --l ...__'i.. .....__U..U Z.F A . UA PAGE THREJ. Ill E ffects of Segregation Told -Associated Press SOVIET PRESIDENT ANASTAS MIKOYAN, left, and newly-named Premier Alexi Kosygin discuss the shift in Moscow politics at a Kremlin reception yesterday. Former ruler Nikita Khrushchev has been toppled from power and his present location is not known. His two successors are ruling in 'tandem.' ...…

October 18, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Fifth Year EDTrE AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ammosim-Sel -- - -_R= v Opinions Are Free420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. truth will Prevail NEwS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: LAU...…

October 18, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 43) • Page Image 5

… L' TIlkTTA V A1"Iit1/'YOT 10 1 nni SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1994 THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEl I IIL . . . K ll l / 3 1 ! i --.--- . . rw .. I ---- - - I _- -( PAGE FIVE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 2 3 4 1 DAY 3 DAYS .70 .85 1.00 1.95 2.40 2.85 5 DAYS 3.00 3.75 4.35 - MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 1...…

October 18, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 43) • Page Image 6

…PAGE :SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1964 A THE MICHIGAN DAiLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1964 NATIONAL ROUNDUP: Notre Dame Shuts Out UCLA Ohio State Smashes By The Associated Press SOUTH BEND - John Huarte passed for two touchdowns as fourth-ranked Notre Dame flash- ed a powerful blend of air and ground power and whipped UCLA. 24-0 yesterday. The unbeaten fighting Irish, capturing their fourth victory, drove 63 yards in 11 runni...…

October 18, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 43) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1964 TH MICHIGAN n£ A V KFU UUJ 111 ' 111\1111\1 A1I111LItt - PAGE SEVEN c1 Griese, Purdue Shock 'M' Rally in Fourth Quarter Falls Short Wolverines with 21-20 Upset Michigan Gains More Yardage, Chalks Up Seven More First Downs in Losing Cause (Continued from Page 1) the finest Michigan team since the Crisler era. It could very easily win the remainder of its games." In recent years Purdue has been known for its stu...…

October 18, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 43) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1964 .A PAflE EI(HT TIlE MIChIGAN DAILY Aussie, Stops Robie's Bid for Olympic Gold Medal By The Associated Press 148.58. Dibiasi's last effort brought Carl Robie, University of Mich- him 17.76 points for a total of Igan sophomore, placed second 147.54. in the 200-meter butterfly race Gompf, meanwhile, picked up in yesterday's Olympic competi- 18.89 points and a 146.57 total, tion in...…

October 18, 1963 (vol. 74, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…CONFERENCE ON 'U' NEEDS OVERHAUL See Editorial Page JIrP Aitr igau Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom 4n 4bp atly SUNNY High-84 Law-58 Remaining bright anid clear over weekend . ._... I VOL. LXXPV, Nf.41 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1963 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PA a+a swaa a. s rsvta Group Postpones Conference of U Meeting To Be Held Next Semester; Lack of Support Blamed in Delay By CARL J. COHEN "The Conference on th...…

October 18, 1963 (vol. 74, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER MOSS' TIlE MIChIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1903 S S OT ES WEAKNESSES: Barlow Discusses Tax Reform By STEVEN HALLER "It is inconsistent to favor the tax reform programs proposed by former Governors G. Mennen Wil- liams and John B. Swainson and yet oppose the current proposal of Gov. George Romney because their programs are too similars" Prof. Robin Barlow of the eco- nomics department said recently. A...…

October 18, 1963 (vol. 74, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAC Algerians Call After Fighting DIEM REGIME CONTINUES: U.S. Economic Time Bomb Tic By MALCOM W. BROWNE { SAIGON, Viet Nam MIP-The United States has lighted the. fuse of an economic time bomb under President Ngo Dinh Diem's regime, but the bomb may never go off. Since Aug. 21, America has halt- ed its commercial import program, at least partly to show indignation over the smashing of Buddhist pagodas by governme...…

October 18, 1963 (vol. 74, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…Sevety-Third Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN _ UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATION. Where Opinions Are Pro* STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth will Prev'I n"x' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SIDELINE ON SGC: An Ominous Crossroads Y, OCTOBER 18,...…

October 18, 1963 (vol. 74, iss. 41) • Page Image 5

… THE MICI SAN DAILY PAGE FIVE TUI~ Mir AN DAILY PAGE FiVE I ALLY C ASSIF J A )VE IT' SE :ENr \S s~ FOR SALE 8 FOOT SOFA. Lt. green. $100. Call NO 8-6528 after 6. B35 MINIVAC 601, perfect condition. $75. Call 482-7930 after 6 p.m. B31 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER - Olivetti Lettera 22. Call NO 3-8376, 6-8 p.m. B33 FOR SALE-Microscope "Zeiss" mono- cular-binocular, excellent cond. Ph. 542-6431, Detroit. B9 FOR SALE-40 square yards of ex...…

October 18, 1963 (vol. 74, iss. 41) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY v+ R t1n A V'it1 1 ________________________________________________________________________ U . L'AAX, .., 1 uu l UISL1L 15, 1y63 I Romney Supports Detroit OUT FOR SEASON? Woodson's Status Doubtful' 4 , k. r r BADEN - BADEN, Germany (A) -Gov. George Romney of Mich- igan arrived here yesterday to lead the big Detroit delegation in its bid for the 1968 Olympic Games against strong competition from Lyon, Fr...…

October 18, 1963 (vol. 74, iss. 41) • Page Image 7

… 18, 1963 THE' MICHIGAN DAILY .PAGE 18, 1963 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE . .... Wolverine Backs, Improving Ground Game TEXAS-ARKANSAS: Students Threaten To Crash Sell-Out By BILL BULLARD While much of the interest in Michigan's offense this fall has centered around passing, the Wol- verine ground attack has been developing in a less spectacular manner. "Our running offense has been getting more and more settled," offensive backfield coach H...…

October 18, 1963 (vol. 74, iss. 41) • Page Image 8

…THE I MC~HIGAN 1iAII.V - ., .vaa var y aa aj FRIUDAY, UCTO] ,. ;BATE PREPARATIONS: Panel Views Pre-Law Needs School To Note Opinions On Housing Preferences' ..... .......... 2 P" Thoe 0 '4, By JUDITH BARCUS The question of what academic field a pre-law student should ma-! jor in brought differing opinions from law professors and pre-law advisors in a panel discussion yes-j terday on "Undergraduate Prep- aration for Law School." P...…

October 18, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…I S S By RONALD WILTON The Regents yesterday adopted two new by-laws, both dealing with University policy and procedure concerning outside speakers. Both new by-laws were taken from a report formulated'by a committee under Prof. Samuel Estep of the Law School and adopt- . ed by the Regents as a statement of policy at their meeting last month. The first, which will create a Committee on Public Discussion was adopted unanimously; the second, ...…

October 18, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO T111'M~fiflNLA N T TbAiV PAGE TWO - as L' 1a .I ~.a H lpj .V 1 t U L Y aU THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1962 r. r TWO NEW BY-LAWS: Regents Set Speaker Policy Hayes Leaves 'U' (. (Continued from Page 1) has the recommendation of the committee, Prof. Estep and some other members think the sentence is unnecessary:" She also noted that the policy was too specific and called for a period of "common law." Regent Brablec replied that the p...…

October 18, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…1"Y; CICTQBER Y8, I962 THE MICHIGAN IIAILY PAGE TREE LY. OCTOBER 18, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE US., Germans Reach Accord ECUMENICAL COUNCIL: Catholics Engage in Struggle * * * * * * Report Saud Asks **Faisal r . To Establish New Cabinet BOUNDARY DISPUTE: Red China Warns India On Flights at Bo rder' TOKYO ( P - Red China notified India yesterday that Chinese forces along the disputed Tibetan-Indian frontier hencefor...…

October 18, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3 241 Trutt! WfillPreval": Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID MARCUS Mo...…

October 18, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIFE 1 _ -I1 'I 1963 GRADUATE ENGINEERS The Inland Steel Company, East Chicago, Indiana, invites you to in- vestigate our many career opportunities. Our representatives will be on your campus on Wednesday, October 24th. Contact Mr. John G. Young for an appointment. INLAND STEEL COMPANY East Chicago, Indiana- An Equal Opportunity Employer DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) The Devereux Foundation, Dev...…

October 18, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…A E 8iX THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'IZ3U SDA. ° OCTQBER 18. 196 AGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. OCTOIWR 1R iQin' w /.a iiiLNil.Lr .4 VtliVa.+lUll 10 1 7V .I Vig Eight Cuts Ties with AAUI LEGENDARY COACH: M' Pool Renamed For Matt Mann 'S By The Associated Press LINCOLN, Neb.-The Big Eight Conference is severing relations with the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) to support the new sports federations inkthe United States which are backed by t...…

October 18, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 29) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN' DAILY AC SEVEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVER Inexperienced 'M' Ends Improving SINCE 1890: Michigan, Purdue Old Rivals By JERRY KALISH "Where have all the flowers gone,"' -from a popular song.. Football fans are aware of the rich traditions of ends that Michi- gan. has had. Lowell Perry in 1951 and later Tom Maentz and Ron ' Kramer who many called the greatest end combination in the country. Last season's flankers, Captain G...…

October 18, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 29) • Page Image 8

…FA E EiGBT THE MICHIGAN DAILY .....,_ . ...,.... . r._ - _ __ -AEEGT H s a1 laLy THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1962 9 r Joseph R. Hayden. Regents Set Appointments, Promotions (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is theI tenth in a series of 21 articles fea- turing ahe namesakes of the men's residence halls.) By LOUISE LIND The time was 10:58% a.m. The date was November 19, 1918. One shot rang out over the battlefield and then all guns fell silent. This shot...…

October 18, 1961 (vol. 72, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…V4 'U'E-LESS CIIZENS See Page 4 Sr tigan Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom ~Ia it FAIR, WARM High--7 y Low--4Q Partly cloudy and cooler, milder on Thursday VOL. LXXIL No. 27 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1961 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGE Parisian Police Clash With Algerian Mobs Curfew Evokes Mass Protests; Two Die, Thousands Jailed in Battle PARIS (JP)-Great crowds of Algerians protesting a new curfew law clashed with Parisia...…

October 18, 1961 (vol. 72, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAIIY Peace Seminar Views International Systems ORA LECTURE: Pelikan Relates, Religion, National, Unity By RONALD WILTON At the second meeting of the Student Peace Research Seminar yesterday Prof. J. David Singer presented the rudiments of five models of international relations systems for discussion. The first of these was a model used by the United States. "This American model is essentially one of harmony, where an invisible...…

October 18, 1961 (vol. 72, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…v i , ii' TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY ALGERIA: Williams Confers with Rebels In First U.S. Direct Contact TUNIS (A?--The United States yesterday brushed aside French sensitivities and established the first open, high level contact with the leaders of the Algerian Na- tionalist rebellion. 0. Mennen Williams; assistant secretary of state for African af- fairs, met for more than three hours with Algerian Rebel Foreign Minister Saad Dahlab and Infor- ...…

October 18, 1961 (vol. 72, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

….1 ETE £irIgait aiIt Seventy-First Year , EDITEDAND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Wil PrevaS" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in Tse Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers orthe editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ADNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1961 NIGHT EDIT...…

October 18, 1961 (vol. 72, iss. 27) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wade To Deliver Lectures, On Admimstrative Justice Prof. H. W. R. Wade of Oxford University will deliver the 1961 Thomas M. Cooley Lectures in law, beginning at 4:15 p.m. today in 100 Hutchins Hall.' The central theme of the five lectures is "Towards Administra- tive Justice" and will include the specific topics of "The Mission of the Law," on Oct. 18; "De- pendence or Independence?" on Oct. 19; "Hearings in Britain" on Oc...…

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