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October 18, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-18

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Indiana ....... 27 Ohio State ....17 Miami (0) .... 28 Illinois . . . . .
Michigan State 20 Southern Cal.. 0 Northwestern.. 27 Minnesota . 4

. .. 14 Wisconsin ..:.. 31 Notre Dame ... 24 Arkansas .....14 Slippery Rock . 21
... 0 Iowa.......... 21 UCLA ........ 0 Texas.........13 Glassboro .....0

See Editorial Page


Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Turning cooler with
rain likely tomorrow



Local College Proposed

Johnson Delays


Ann Arbor's January ballot
will determine the fate of a
proposed community college for
Washtenaw Cdunty.
If established, it would join
a growing list of the two-year
institutions, organized a n d
established locally with particu--
lar stress on meeting the com-
munity needs. There are cur-
rently 18 community colleges
in Michigan already established
or being planned.
A feeling that the county has
mounting educational needs led
a citizens' group recently , to
explore and move forward with
plans for the proposed college,
Professor Emeritus Wyeth Al-
len explains.
Heads Citizen's Group
He heads the citizen's group
the Committee for a Washtenaw
County Community College.
Their survey showed the
county's population increasing
at a faster rate than the gen-
eral state's pace. County em-
ployers generally were reported
to note a significant shortage
of semi-professional and tech-
nical level personnel.
The survey indicates a grow-
ing number of youths do not
continue their education be-
yond high school. The reason,
the report states, is technical
a n d vocational institutions
which could offer the kinds of
education they want and need,
do not exist here.
These potential students
can't attend institutions away

from home because of the ex-
penses involved, the survey says.
The survey also indicates that
although Washtenaw County
has two state universities and
a business college, the admis-
sion competition is high. An-
other institution could handle
the 50-60 per cent of the

ular college work for those who
plan to transfer to a four-year
3) Repair of scholastic weak-
nesses which many times pre-
vent studen.s from gaining ad-
mittance to four-year colleges;
4) Continuing education and
retraining for adults.
Costs and Financing
The tuition would be approxi-
mately $650 a year, the survey
estimates. Financing of the pro-
posed community college would
come from tuition, state aid
and a local tax.
"Better than one-third of the
cost of educating Washtenaw
County youth will be recovered
in the form of state aid since
the state is committed to con-
tributing a significant portion
of the capital expense," the
survey states.
The January proposal for
the community college will be
in three parts:
1) Whether or not it should
be established;
2) Whether there should be
a charter limitation of a 1%/
mill levy against home owners'
equalized assessed evaluation;
3) The election- of six com-
munity college trustees who
would establish the college's
policies if the first part of the
proposal is passed.
"If the college is established,
the enrollment would probably
be around 100-1500 for the first
year and would probably triple
in three years," Allen explains.

To, Sift Communist Events

Moscow, Peking, London, Washington
one hina Bomb, USSR Power Shift


county's high school graduates
who are capable of further
work but currently have no-
where to go.
The community college would
offer four programs to the
county, the survey declares:
1) Twoayear terminal pro-
grams in technology, industry
or business leading to employ-
2) Two-year training in reg-

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-The capitals of a
world struck by two historic de-
velopments in the Communist
camp this week yesterday began
fitting the pieces together in the
aftermath of the Soviet leadership
upheavel and the Red Chinese
atomic bomb.
Everywhere, the official reac-
tion was the same: speculation,
concern and doubts.
From the Soviets
In Moscow the Kremlin's new
leaders, though lashing Khrush-
chev, let the word spread that
they will depart from his policies.
The party bosses pledged to re-
main true to the policy guidelines
laid down by Khrushchev at party
congresses that approved de-Stal-
inization and economic policies
aimed at raising living standards.
Statements contained in the
Communist P a r t y newspaper
Pravda sounded the same blasts

Kremlin Leaders Shuffle Analyzed'

~Ln g L der 'Likely' to Replace
Present Dual Control of USSR
NEW YORK (AP)-Leonid I. Brezhnev and Alexei N. Kosygin are
running the Soviet Union in tandem today, but it would not be
surprising is one of them eventually drops out.
Single harness has been the rule for running the Soviet govern-
ment, and single harness it is virtually certain to remain.
Communist Party Chief Brezhnev, 57, long Nikita S. Khrush-
chev's heir apparent, is the best bet to survive quiet, colorless
Kosygin, 60, who is better known for gromming the horse than for
riding it Brezhnev has had a better chance than Kosygin to build
a personal following in the Communist Party but lacks the new
'premier's in-depth knowledge of

'Bloodless' Power Purge Ousts
Khrushchev from Red Leadership
AssociatedPress Staff Writer
NEW YORK-Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev was forced out
of power this week by the very sort of painless purge he invented
to replace the bloodbaths of Stalin's day.
For the past 10 years the world has read of Khrushchev's
victims in his ruthless struggle for power. Now, after changing the
structure of Communism beyond the imaginings of Lenin and
Stalin, after dominating the headlines of the world, the pot-bellied,
near-sighted, balding man of 70 has retreated into an obscruity
so deep it may never be pene- .
trated. ....,r..I n . .

against China and the same ap-
peal for Communist unity which
Khrushchev has bellowed in re-
cent months.
Denounces Khrushchev
At the same time,-however, the
party statement gave its first offi-
cial denunciation of Khrushchev
since his ouster Thursday.
It criticized him for "hare-
brained scheming, immature con-
clusions and hasty decisions and
actions divorced from reality,
bragging and phrase-mongering,
commandism, unwillingness to
take into account the achieve-
ments of science and practical
experience are alien to (the
Soviet citizens appeared to be
taking the ouster with placid calm.'
Communist Party members all
over the country were reported
being briefed in party cell meet-
ings on Wednesday's central com-
mittee meeting that voted the boss
out of office.
From the Red Chinese
From - Peking there was little
official reaction. But the Red Chi-
nese were in a self-congratulatory
mood, other sources reported.
".A victory of Mao Tse-tung's
thinking" blared the Communist
Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei
Pao, boasting that "American im-
perialism and Russian revisionist
Khrushchev" had looked down on
China as an underdeveloped coun-
try incapable of manufacturing
nuclear weapons.
The Chineseannouncement late
Friday gave only the barest infor-
mation that the bomb had been
exploded in western China. Like-
liest spots were presumed to be
either the Gobi Desert of Mon-
golia or in uranium-rich Sinkiang
province, both of which have vast,
uninhabited areas.
From the British
In London, Britain's Labor gov-
ernment, making its first foreign
policy statement, pronounced it-
self deeply disappointed by Red
China's nuclear test and affirmed
Khanh Readies
Concessions. for
Restive Tribes
PLEIKU, Viet Nam (P)-Premier
Nguyen Khanh flew into the
mountains here yesterday to win
the allegiance of restive U.S.-
trained tribesmen who revolted
against the Saigon regime last
Informants in Pleiku, 240 miles
north of Saigon in Viet Nam's
central highlands, . said Khanh
was prepared to offer the tribes-
men some concessions. The tribal
warriors have long been resentful
of the lowland Vietnamese and
have resisted their rule.
Government sources, meanwhile,
reported that more than 300 Viet
Cong guerrillas were killed or cap-
tured in a series of battles across
the entire length of the country

its faith in the power of the west-
ern alliance to keep the peace.
As a member of the nuclear club
-but only a reluctant member un-
der the Laborites-the government
said Red China could not yet be
acceptedl to ftfll membership be-
cause of "the vast difference be-
tween the first test of a crude de-
vice and the emergence of a coun-
try as a nuclear power."
Labor has indicated it will allow
the nation's nuclear deterrent to
run down and become obsolete.
The Conservatives campaigned in
the recent election on a platform
of keeping the bomb.
In Washington, an acceleration
of the F111 warplane program was,
seen as one of the outgrowths of
the disturbing developments in
Communist China and Russia.
While the government said it
does not consider imminent any
military dangers arising out of
China's test or the toppling of the
Khrushchev regime, it neverthe-
less is reportedly concerned.
The Pentagon has emphasized
for more than two years that the
United States has an abundance
of nuclear warheads and delivery
equipment-in the tens of thou-
sands. But Defense Secretary Rob-
ert McNamara has plugged hard

for ever-increasing variety in
weapons of flexibility with which
to fight wars.
Smaller nations also responded
with reactions of concern.
From the Cypriots
In Athens, Foreign Minister
Spyros Kyrprianou s a i d the
Kremlin shakeup "would not ef-
fect the Soviet Union's policy to-
ward Cyprus."
Speaking to reporters at Athens
airport, Kyprianou declined, how-
ever, to say whether he had re-
ceived reassurances from the Rus-
sians since Khrushchev's down-
Kyprianou was in Moscow re-
cently to discuss and receive as-
surances of Soviet aid for the
Greek Cyprio government.
In Warsaw, Poland's Leader
Wladyslaw Gomulka said that
Khrushchev had told him a year
ago he thought of resigning.
"The main thing is that the
policy of the Soviet Union will re-
main unchanged along the lines
declared by the 20th and 22nd
Congresses of the Soviet Commu-
nist Party," he declared.
At the, 20th Congress, Khrush-
chev denounced Stalin. At the
22nd he promised the people
more consumer goods.

Rome Says Liturgy Changes
To Be Made Before March
VATICAN CITY (P)-Vatican sources said yesterday changes in
Roman Catholic worship, including the use of modern languages for
Latin, may be made before the March 7 effective date.
Some confusion was caused following the issuance of instructions
on implementing worship reforms approved by the Vatican Ecumenical
Council last year. The instructions were distributed to council prelates
Friday. They outlined norms under which modern languages might
be substituted for Latin in the-

.t Plans Report
To Nation on
TV Tonight
Security Council Sees
No Cause for Alarm;
Russians Hit Chinese
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON.-President Lyn-
don B. Johnson cancelled his im-
mediate campaign plans to stay
here for a nationwide television
broadcast to review the latest re-
ports on developments in Red
China and the Soviet Union,
He will report to the nation on
television tonight and meet with
Congressional leaders tomorrow
abandoning his planned campaign
junket to Texas.
He will speak at 8 p.m. (Ann
Arbor time).
In announcing Johnson's last-
minute schedule alterations, the
White House emphasized that the
National Security Council had met
and cbncluded "there is no pi'esent
cause for national alarm and no
immediate emergency."
The Council met with Johnson
and then advised he remain in
Washington to sift the latest re-
ports from Moscow and Peking.
In Moscow, the official Com-
munist Party paper Pravda yes-
terday published renewed blasts
at Red China and announced
plans to hold the world com
munist meeting which Peking has
This announcement dispelled
earlier speculation that the major
reason for the ouster of Nikita
Khrushchev Thursday was the
Soviet intention to cancel that
meeting and avoid a Sino-Soviet
The Pravda report denounced
the Chinese leaders for "their
splitting activity inside the Com-
munist movement" The criticism
came only a day after Chairman
Mao Tse-tung had cabled "warm
greetings" to the new tandem
leadership of Party Chief Leonid I.
Brezhnev and Premier Alexei
There were further reports from
Moscow that the present stance
to Red China will continue to pre-
clude reconcilliation Efforts to
heal the Sino-Soviet rift had also
been speculated after the Khrush-
chev downfall.
But if the Russian position
seemed stable, the cancellation of
election plans here were viewed by
reliable observers as a sign of
growing concern.
Johnson made a statement Fri-
day in which he down played the
military significance of Commun-
ist China's first test yesterday of
a nuclear device. The President at
that time issued a companion
statement which emphasized that
Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Do-
brynin had told him the power
shift in the' Soviet Union would
not result in changes in that
country's foreign policy.
Johnson had been expected
to fly to his Texas ranch tonight
before undertaking a -two-day
campaign swing through the Lone
Star State.

Auto Strikes
Still Unovd
DETROIT (P) - Two major
strikes continued to plague the
nation's auto industry yesterday
with negotiators apparently near
agreement at American Motors
Corp. but barely halfway there at
General Motors.
The walkouts have idled more
than 327,000 workers in the Unit-
ed Sta..es and Canada, 300,000 of
them at GM plants and subsidi-
Although GM and the striking
United Auto Workers union have
reached agreement on national
contract terms, unresolved local
plant demands have held up a
return of workers to the assembly
Latest reports show only 65 of
130 local bargaining units have
settled their differences over such
issues as company-furnished uni-
forms, parking lots, working con-
ditions and, grievance procedures.
GM workers went on strike
Sept. 25, and the AMC walkout
began last Thursday midnight.
V-1 W'b C1 fit* Z's NO c l'*~ *W* mW it /

the nation's economy. Kosygin's
new eminence may indicate he.
was the only man stronger mem-
bers of the party presidium were
willing to see placed above them.
Not that a sudden, sharp strug-
gle for power is likely, or that the
ultimate victor will necessarily be
either of the two new leaders.
Avoid Showdown
There are too many things to
clear up before indulging in an
internal power struggle, including
putting an end to Khrushchev's
headlong rush for a showdown
with Communist China.
Kosygin has spoken on the issue.
But neither man has put himself
in a position that would make it
personally embarrassing to post-
pone and then forget Khrush-
chev's hard-fought-for world Red
conference that inevitably would
make the split final.
Fundamental issues such as na-
tionalism, ideology and the strug-
gle for control of world commun-
ism, remain between Mosoow and
Peking, ' so full reconciliation
seems unlikely.
Willed Many Problems

Just how Kremlin insurgents go
about toppling a man as expert
at toppling others as Khrushchev
is one of the chief questions fas-
cinating students of Soviet af-
Some but not all of the answers
are clear. First, Mikhail Suslov,
the steely chief propagandist of
the Soviet Union, presided .at the
meeting of the central committee
at which Khrushchev's ouster was
declared. He must have been the
first to say "Khrushchev must go."
Secondly, the conspirators bided
their time. Just about everything
has been going wrong for the
Soviet Union lately, so just about
everybody was ready for a change
and ready to blame everything on
Another coffin nail was driven
in by the hand of a dead man:
Italian Red Chief Palmiro Togli-
This final stroke, however, was
no sudden move. It had been per-
fectly obvious for months that
Khrushchev, traveling abroad or
frittering time away with peasants
in the boondocks, was not in con-
trol of the highly centralized gov-
See 'PAINLESS,' Page 3

Mass and in the'sacraments. They
also provided, among other things,
that priests face their congrega-
tions during Mass.
Effective date for the instruc-
tions was next March 7, first Sun-
day of Lent. But there was con-
fusion because some national epis-
copal conferences, such as the
French, already have instituted'
modern language masses. Others
plan to start before March 7. The
United States Episcopate has set
Nov. 29 for introduction of English
language masses.
Meanwhile, reports circulated at
the Vatican that Pope Paul VI
will make a major announcement
today in a ceremony proclaiming
the sainthood of 22 martyred Afri-
Reports varied on what the
Pope might say and no official
Vatican comment was available.
Some said the pontiff would an-
nounce that he is going to India
for the International Eucharistic
Congress Nov. 28-Dec. 6 in Bom-
Another report said he would
announce that he is preparing an
encyclical letter on racial dis-

Cites Effect
OfTax fCut
HOT SPRINGS, Va. (1P) - The
nation's foremost industrialists
were told yesterday the $11.5 bil-
lion tax cut has produced all the
benefits and none of the ill-ef-
fects predicted, but should not be
followed immediately by further
income tax reductions.
Railroad executive Stuart T.
Saunders, who with Henry Ford II
was co-chairman of the business-
men's committee supporting the
tax cut bill, told the business
council at its fall meeting that the
impact of the reduction that went
into effect eight months ago
should be tested longer before
rates are lowered again.
Although this is the Johnson
administration's position and was
in effect a rejection of Sen. Barry
Goldwater's plan for a five-year
program of successive five per cent
tax cuts, Saunders emphasized to
reporters that his statements were
completely divorced from political

They also have to deal
the agricultural, industrial
See SINGLE, Page 3




'Spoilermakers' Humble Wolverines, 21-20
-* Associate Sports Editor
Purdue thwarted two late Michigan rallies by recovering fumbles
and toppled the Wolverines from their national ranking with a 21-20
upset here yesterday afternoon.
The loss, first of the year for the Wolverines, left them 3-1 for
the season and 1-1 in Big Ten conference play. They face Minnesota
in the homecoming game here next week.
The "Boilermakers" moved into a conference tie with Ohio
State as they gained their second league triumph without defeat.
, ,:..~.*.. Not Enough -

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