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October 18, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-18

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M irIlligatt E3iig i
Seventy-Sixth Year

and Fraternities: TheDefinition of a Gentleman
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re Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will, Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.



New Judiciary System:
Legislators Are Bad Judges

CAN THE MAKERS of laws also sit in
fair judgment of those laws when
violation occurs?
The Office of Student Affairs seems
to think they can.
The OSA is currently drawing up plans
for a new campus judiciary system, and
it appears evident that these plans will
give the vice-president for student af-
fairs final power in disciplinary action.
This would require Regental approval,
and under present conditions it is unlike-
ly such approval would be denied.
YET THIS IDEA of consolidating rule-
making and judicial power in the same
office is a bad one. It demands more cam-
pus-wide consideration than it Is pres-
ently getting, especially prior to final ap-
proval by the Regents.
Separation of power is fundamental in
any system insuring due process for those
accused of violating laws. Courts are
increasingly demanding that student
violators not be dealt with arbitrarily by
campus authorities, but allowed due proc-
ess. "The substance of decisions seems
less important in the eyes of courts than
the fact that student defendants be giv-
en adequate acce'ss to legal channels
within the University," says on profes-
sor involved in the existing judicial sys-.
DUE PROCESS, however, is difficult, if
not impossible, in the system which
OSA will probably propose. All non-aca-
demic campus rules affecting organiza-
tions and individuals are made by the
OSA, either directly or through the stu-
dent organizations under its jurisdiction
like SGC and IFC. It is unrealistic to ex-
pect that the vice-president for student;

affairs can objectively judge students
accused of violating rules which he, his
underlings or student groups under his
auspices have made.
Presently there exists a separation of
rule-making and judicial power. The Re-
gents bylaws are ambiguous, but a sys-
tem has evolved in which a student Joint
Judiciary hears and decides most cases.
When it recommends suspension or dis-
missal, the faculty and administrative of-
ficials of the defendant's college or school
take final action. OSA is right to try to
get this ambiguity cleared up and make
lines of authority more definite. They are
wrong in trying to get final power.
THERE IS NOTHING diabolical in the
action now being undertaken, by OSA.
Perhaps, as one literary college official
commented, the OSA at one time wanted
to get the question of final power quiet-
ly resolved in its favor and rubber-
stamped by the Regents without cam-
pus knowledge.
But this was prior to the HUAC affair.
Campus consultation now is a must--OSA
realizes this. David Baad, assistant to the
vice-president for student affairs, is in
charge of creating the new plan, and he
has been conscientious in his efforts to
get suggestions and hear comments from
the involved groups, both faculty and
BUT THERE IS resignation among much
of the faculty that what "the admin-
istration wants, the administration gets"
and thus it is predicted by some that
there will be little faculty resistance if
OSA asks for ultimate disciplinary au-
Let us hope not.

HE 27-17 VOTE last Thursday
by the Fraternity Presidents
Association to encourage frater-
nity participation in the draft
referendum and urge that the out-
come be binding on the Univer-
sity administration is a hopeful
sign of good things to come.
The Greek system has always
had an imposing and admirable
philosophy. Briefly, its philosophy
is the belief that attending class-
es does not constitute an educa-
tion-that the liberally-educated
man should be a gentleman in
the fullest sense of the word, ready
to fight a duel or write a son-
net, a representative of the best
of his time and of all time.
THAT IS AN admirable philos-
ophy; and this outlook on the
goals of life at college is shared
by many other groups. To imple-
ment that philosophy, the Greek
system offers essentially two
things - brotherhood and so-
cial activity.
Some of the most familiar cri-
ticisms of the fraternity system
focus on how inadequate the
"brotherhood" and "social activi-
ty" really are. Fraternity mem-

bers are, it is true, often quite
close; but they are often far too
close, to the point where "broth-
erhood" becomes a euphemism
for group pressure requiring in-
anities such as participation in
the construction of a homecom-
ing float-activities which, par-
ticularly when nothing else is al-
lied to them, are largely irrele-
vant to the development of one's
total self.
Not only is "brotherhood" with-
in the system questionable; it also
affects those outside it in the
vicious form of racial and reli-
gious discrimination.
University officials cannot think
of a single frateranity on this
campus other than Zeta Beta Tau
which has taken a forthright posi-
tive stand against discrimination.
The division of the system into
obviously white, Negro and Jew-
ish houses makes continuing
mockery of the University's own
discrimination ban.
SIMILARLY, "social life" is also
often far less than it seems, par-
ticularly when (as it all too often
does) it consists primarily of a
noon-to-Friday to non-on-Sunday

orgy of alcohol, pigskins, sex, more
alcohol, more sex and aspirin.
Even the most otiose will prob-
ably concede the relationship of
such activities to the original
Greek ideal is scant. Other, more
intelligent observers add that fra-
ternities are often consciously an-
ti-intellectual, that they offer
brotherhood and social life to the
exclusion of everything else, in-
cluding academics.
Although academics to the
Greeks is not the only aspect of
university life, it is a perversion
of Greek ideals to ignore it -
and yet there are only four fra-
ternities with a grade-point aver-
age above that of the lowest sor-
ority house on the Michigan cam-
INDEED, this suggests that the
most telling criticism of the Greek
system is not the inadequacy of
the "brotherhood" and the "social
life" it offers. For even if it really
offered both, the fraternity sys-
tem in this respect would still be
a fraud.
Regardless of how diligent and
mature the system could be in pro-
viding the kind of brotherhood.

and social activity which fulfill
the Greek ideal, it would still
fall far short of the mark in pro-
viding the kind of environment
which produces gentlemen.
Brotherhood and social life, as
well as academics, must be part
of the university experience -
but is that all. The Greeks by
their actions say they think so.
But a gentleman is -the prod-
uct of his society and his cul-
ture as much as of his narrower
concerns. The Greeks presently
ignore this consideration, and
hance ignore the whole area of
social (i.e., society's) and cultur-
al concerns altogether.
THIS, THEN, is a third area
which deserves deference equal to
that accorded social life and
brotherhood; it is this area which
the Greeks are now ignoring.
How many Greeks line up to get
block tickets for the Beach Boys
-and how many get tickets (never
mind block tickets) for Martha
Graham? (Better yet: How many
know who Martha Graham is?)
How many bother to relate their
personal beliefs to a broader so-
cial context? Most important, how

many see themselves as citizens
of society rather than redonistic
denizens of a sort of mental Coney
In brief, the fraternity sys-
tem more than anything else suf-
fers from social and cultural as-
tigmatism. Yet social and cultural
concerns, no less than brother-
hood and social life, are an essen-
tial part of the Greek Ideal.
That, then, is why FPA's vote
on the draft referendum last week
is a hopeful sign. Only the fra-
ternity system itself is going to
bring a greater sense of involve-
ment in social and cultural mat-
ters to the system; and the only
way to do that is for it to act.
THE SYSTEM will doubtless get
some adverse reaction from some
of its less perceptive members,
who do not realize that the beer
they drink is taxed by legislators
for whom they cannot vote.
But the change such involve-
ment will bring is well worth the
criticism. And in the long run,
even the boys in the Kappa Keg
house may be thankful their hori-
zons have been expanded.


The Proliferation Treaty Is a Sham

BEFORE THERE is dancing in
the streets over Lyndon John-
son's latest moves toward another
nuclear treaty with the Soviet
Union, it might be wise to use
some common sense in a situation
that all too often is turned over to
emotions only.
This latest move, as you know,
stems from President Johnson's
chat with Soviet Foreign Minister
Andrei Gromyko, that remarkably
flexible survivor of every Com-
nunist upheaval from Stalin on.
The two had what has been widely
described as a hopeful and prom-
ising meeting about a treaty that
would prevent the spread of nu-
clear weapons to nations that do
not now have them.
EMOTION TELLS us this is in-
deed a hopeful thing. Common

sense should tell us something else.
First of all there is Red China.
Whether we like it or not, and with
the fullest cooperation of the So-
viet Union, Red China now has a
nuclear capability. It has tested
nuclear weapons. It now undoubt-
edly is building them-probably
more and more in the future. And,
very much to the current point,
Red China has scoffed at and
ignored even the mention of nu-
clear treaties all along.
There is no nuclear measure
now under consideration which ef-
fectively could halt the develop-
ment of Red China as a nuclear
power. The Johnson and Gromyko
talk, we can be sure, did nothing
to change that series of facts.
ALSO, AS WE know from past
hard experience, the Soviet Union

is the chief foe of believable in-
spection to e n f o r c e nuclear
Without inspection provisions, as
common sense tells us and as even
those scientists most enthusiastic.
about remote monitoring must ad-
mit, a nuclear treaty, at rock bot-
tom, is no better than the paper
it is written on.
Technically there is no reason
to be hopeful about any nuclear
treaty unless the question of on-
site or other verifiable inspection
is solved.
Politically there is no reason to
rejoice or even relax so long as

Red China's nuclear capability re-
mains steadfastly dedicated to the
cause of Communist revolutionary
warfare around the world.
WHAT OR WHO benefits from
talk of a non-proliferation treaty?
What benefits is an unrealistic
attitude toward nuclear truth.
This is the nuclear age, and 20th
century man must face the fact
without wearing paper blinkers to
conceal it. I
The idea that treaties which
amount to no more than formali-
ties can put the stopper back in
the nuclear bottle leads to living
in a wonderland that could some
day turn into a wasteland.
Nuclear treaties will mean
something only when they include,
verifiable inspection.
Who benefits is, of course, as

clear as crystal. The Communists
benefit. World peace doesn't bene-
fit. And here is why.
Nuclear weapons in Great Bri-
tain, France, the United States or
any other likely Western nation
are not under any circumstances
conceivable to any sane politician
in the world going to be used to
commit aggression against a Com-
nunist or any other nation or to
back an uprovoked attack against
COMMUNISTS know this. You
know this. No matter what the
propaganda says, the world's lead-
ers know this. But have we any
such knowlenge or even feeling
regarding Communist nations?
Let your common sense answer
that one. Lyndon Johnson .appar-
ent.:y hasn't even thought about it.
Copyright, 1966, Los Angeles Times


Letters: Support for the Peace Candidate

A Homecoming Extra

CONTRARY TO, .ALL our fears, Home-
coming this year has more to offer
than paper mache Wolverines and a Le
Mans on the Phi Psi lawn. Quite by coin-
cidence (that is, the scheduling was not
deliberate), an alternative program of
speakers and entertainment has been as-
sembled that is much more deserving of
attention and attendance than the usual
tissue paper hoopla.
The problem is, of course, that most of
you will chose not to attend these events.
They lack the publicity of pretty girls in
Diag booths; the organization of 10 sub-
committees for everything from floats
to Union balls; and the magnificence of
the homecoming queen and her court.
Worst of all, they refuse to let you forget
about the troubles of the world for a
while as you sink into TG somnolence.
Yet, they have all that Homecoming has
to offer in the way of entertainment, with
the added advantage of some excellent
discussion of civil rights, and the war in
Viet Nam.
weekend includes Floyd McKissick, di-
rector of CORE and an exponent of black
power, and Julian Pond, elected repre-
sentative to the Georgia Legislature who

was refused his seat there because of
his stand against the war in Viet Nam.
In the way of entertainment, Satur-
day night the San Francisco Mime Troupe
-familiar to film enthusiasts here for
their hilarious film, "Oh, Dem Watermel-
ons," shown at the All Arbor film festi-
val last spring - will appear Saturday
night at Ann Arbor High Auditorium.
They will perform, in pantomime with
music and dance, a bitingly satirical piece
called the "Minstrel Show or Civil Rights
in a Cracker Barrel."
The last event will be a jazz perform-
ance to raise funds for the Children's
Cmmunity, an experimental nursery
school, which again promises to be more
than merely entertaining.
BUT, PERHAPS, you are still not con-
vinced that all this is worth your time
or the ride out to Ann Arbor High. Per-
haps you still want to get drunk at that
TG, just like you always do.
Well, go to the game-it is ,after all,
the most interesting part of Homecom-
ing. None of these events conflict with
that. But for some variety, when you get
tired of watching go-carts round hay bale
turns, try my suggestion. Chalk it up to
Associate Editorial Director

To the Editor:
W E SEE THAT Congressman
Vivian has broken silence on
the Viet Nam war for the benefit
of the Daily's special clientele.
We finally learn that bombing
N. Viet Nam does more harm than
good because it makes people "less
likely to accept any of our ideas."
But how many election-time chal-
lenges will it take for him to say
that this is true of our whole war,
north and south?
Bombing, napalming, chemical
destruction of food, "pacification,"
torture, do have a way of harden-
ing the heart. To "contain" the
war in the north while we commit
genocide in the south is becoming
a fashionable opinion in some ad-
ministration circles.
Is this the man "idea" we'd like
to get the North Vietnamese to
accept, and does our Congressman
follow'his leaders in this?
MR. VIVIAN had some misgiv-
ings about the recent South Viet-
namese elections.
That is not inappropriate when
the military junta decided who
could run, what he could say,
where and when; in which the
press was censored, parties forbid-
den, an in which the military can
substitute its own constitution for
any the elected council proposes.
So he went with some suggest-
ions to the chairman of the House
Foreign Relations Committee, but
alas they were all ignored. So what
did he do then? Describe the truth
for his constituents? Press for
public debate? Nobody knows.
MR. VIVIAN'S pride in his be-
hind-the-scenes activity in Con-
gress is in fact one of our object-
ions. Congress is almost dead as a
critical instrument of foreign pol-
It will take drastic pressure
from outside Congress and a r eal
insurgent caucus within to bring
it to life.
If a Congressman is committed
to open debate about this mons-
trous war and the whole direction
of our policy, what power does he
have if he does not build and ed-
ucate in his constituency? It is no
surprise that Mr. Vivian's back-
room suggestions collapsed; it is
going to take opposition to end
this war.
IN THIS we think he has failed
completely, and will in the future.
He is in the club and wedded to
its rules.
And wedded also to its rhetoric.
Mr. Vivian told the Daily he ob-
jects to the term "Black Power";
he finds it means too many dif-
ferent things to too many differ-
an+ n-nna Ro ma fnel t. azor-._

pressed in our actions, barbarous,
racist, and deceitful. We want a
Congressman who, with all of us,
will face up to that, and help us
build a different policy. And so we
support Elise Boulding for Con-
-William Livant
-Thomas Mayer
UN and War
To the Editor:
THE RECENT so-called peace
proposals made at the UN by
Ambassador Goldberg contain
nothing new.
In the light of our past actions
and of our continued escalation
of the war, they can only be
viewed as another attempt by the
United States to extend the olive
branch tightly clutched inside a
mailed fist. Once again we are
asking the other side to accept our
position or face the inevitable mil-
itary consequences.
The N.Y. Times of October 2
said the following: "As adminis-
tration officials privately ac-.
knowledge, there was nothing sub-
stantially new in the three-point
program presented by Mr. Gold-
berg. But in a cunning way, the
proposals seemed to restate more
positively proposals that the Unit-
ed States has offered repeatedly
in the past, and they were just
sufficiently rephrased so as to
make it seem that perhaps there
was some modification."
THE U.S. TRIED to make its
three points look similar to those
suggested by United Nations Sec-
retary-General U Thant, but there
are critical differences. U Thant's
first point is the unconditional
cessation of U.S. bombing in North
Viet Nam.
But Goldberg's proposal calls
for a cessation of bombing only if
we are assured "that this step

will be answered promptly by a
corresponding and appropriate de-
escalation from the other side."
This condition, the same one
used repeatedly by Secretary of
State Rusk, forces North iVet
Nam to accept our designation of
them as the aggressor. Further-
more, there is an implied threat
of resumed bombings if we do not
deem their response sufficient and
IN ADDITION, the essential
basis for any compromise settle-
ment is our willingness to rec-
ognize the right of the peoples
of South and North Viet Nam to
decide their own political future,
even if this means a coalition
with the Communists or even a
Communist government.
However, against the back-
ground of our increased escala-
tion of the war, of our past role
of helping the Diem government
deny the Viet Minh political rights
and elections in South Viet Nam,
and of the position of the Ky gov-
ernment in Saigon which com-
pletely rejects a compromise, what
credence can be given to the con-
tention that we sincerely seek a
compromise settlement?
If, however, we do desire a com-
promise settlement in South Viet
Nam rather than a complete mili-
tary victory, President Johnson
has the power to make peace pro-
posals credible.
NEITHER Mr.,Johnson nor any-
one else can do this with words,
but only by significant military
steps to de-escalate the war in
both North and South Viet Nam:
an unconditional cessation of
bombing in both North and South
Viet Nam, a cessation of search
and destroy operations and all
other aggressive military actions,
an announced timetable for our
troop withdrawal and initiation of

this measure, and withdrawal of
support from the Ky government.
Thus it is inevitable that the re-
cent U.S. "proposals for peace"
in Viet Nam are simply not be-
lieved, as : James Reston (N.Y.
Times, Oct. 2) pointed out.
American "who oppose a mili-
tary solution in Viet Nam and
desire a compromise settlement
must refuse to be taken in by
these "peace proposals."
Supporting these proposals tends
to legitimatize them and relieves
the foreign and domestic pressure
on President Johnson to make
peace proposals credible in / the
only possible fashion-by signifi-
cant and dramatic steps of mili-
tary de-escalation,
IN ADDITION, a far worse con-
sequence of supporting non-cred-
ible peace proposals is the
strengthening of those who want
to escalate the war still further
and push for a complete military
The hawks will surely argue that
the inevitable rejection of our
"peace proposals" by the National
Liberation Front (NLF) and North
Viet Nam implies that there is
no willingness on their part to
Those who are increasingly out-
raged by repeated threats disguis-
ed as peace proposals must expose
the sham, and demand that our
government begin genuine de-
escalation of the war.
-Rev. J. Edgar Edwards
For the Boulding for Congress
For Bump
To the Editor:
ON THE BASIS of their be-
havior the closing minutes of
last Saturday's game with Purdue,
Michigan students deserve some
sort of an award for the preemi-
nent unsportsmanlike act of the
We wonder how the team must
have felt as it prepared to attempt
that "game winning" field goal
with the booes of Michigan fans
ringing in their ears.
The outcome of the game might
well have been different had
Michigan fans provided some sup-
port at this critical moment.
UNDER COACH Bump Elliot,
Michigan has had its share of
victories and moments of glory.
It seems to us that this is vindica-
tion enough.
Bump can't guess correctly every
time and shouldn't be expected to.
Certainly, he feels worse than any-
one that the game was lost and
certainly, too, Michigan fans, al-
t h o u g h understandably disap-

Against Bump
Open Letter To Bump Elliot
BUMP, I JUST got homefrom
the Hich.-Purdue game, and I
have to write this or the frustra-
tion will put me in the booby-
My throat is sore, my stolpaeh
is tight, and I am sick at losing
the game.
So Kemp didn't stand quite far
enough back; so the ball his Sygar
on the punt, and he was forced to
pick it up in the end zone; so
Michigan fumbled the ball away
on the one foot line.
Though these rank among lfife's
major irritations, they do not com-
Pare with your lousy coaching.
ball Saturdays could you possibly
call for a field goal attempt when
you did? How could you possibly
expect Sygar, a good enough col-
lege player but hardly a field goal
expert,: to kick of field :,oal from
about thirty-five yeards out, when
the wind was not only blowing
against him, but also at an angle
You might have noticed that
earlier kicks were being held by
the wind like they hit stone wails.
I will never believe that big grown-
up football coach like you honest-
ly believed that Sygar could have
made that kick.
I ALSO HAVE memories, Bump.
I remember the Purdue game two
years ago, when you decided to
go for it when Michigan had
fourth and four on the ten, then
later decided to try for a field
goal when we had fourth and one
on the thirty five. I also remember
the score, Bump. 21-20.
I know old-grad coaches never
die, but couldn't you just fade into
the front office where your re-
cruiting talent is effective,' and
where you will stop killing us on
the field.
-Laurence Kallen, '69 L
Cycle Law
To the Editor:
HERE IS A glaring contradic-
tion in the proposed cyclist
laws mentioned in the October
14th issue of your paper. The let-
ter states that cycles will be reg-
ulated to a speed limit of 25
M.P.H. This is redundant as cycles
are already subject to allthe reg-
ulations for automobiles. However,
it also states that night passengers
will be prohibited on bikes of un-
der five horsepower.
I DRIVE a motor scooter (under
5 h.p.) and I can vouch for the
fact that while driving in A2 it is
just as efficient as the biggest two
mixwhn rA , .mones h'rv hfh hnuld

The Time Out of Joint

JITTER THOUGHT persisting from the
Thoughts re-created from Phil Sump-
ter, a Negro salesman for Wonderbread,
a volunteer at an interfaith recreation-
al center in the ghetto; thoughts of Phil
Sumpter, who walked down Kercheval
Street urging rioters to stop rioting dur-
ing Detroit's first racial violence since
the Civil Rights Bill:
"It's not a question of whether they
don't like the realities you or I think of
as realities: It's that they don't like the
realities they believe in.
Business Stafff
SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager
JEFFREY LEEDS ,... .... Associate Business Manager
HARRY BLOCH ............Avertising Manager
STEVEN LOEWENTHAL........Circulation Manager
ELIZABETH -RHEIM ............Personnel Director
VICTOR PTASZNIK.............Finance Manager

"They might think that white people
are after their women or are poisoning
their water-or that the police are in-
tentionally harassing them. These would
be their realities.
"Maybe it's their realities that count
now, rather than yours, because they
know and you know that they are out
here tonight, throwing rocks at cars in the
into philosophy lectures twice by Prof.
Arnold Kaufman, thoughts from W.E.B.
DuBois, thoughts from 1953:
"Today, the young Negro ... must flat-
ter and be pleasant, endure petty insults
with a smile, shut his eyes to wrong; in
too many cases he sees positive personal
advantage in deception and lying. His real
thoughts, his real aspirations, must be
guarded in whispers; he must not criti-
cize, he must not complain. Patience, hu-
mility, and adroitness must in these
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