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October 18, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-18

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Sr tigan
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

~Ia it

High--7 y
Partly cloudy and cooler,
milder on Thursday



Parisian Police Clash
With Algerian Mobs
Curfew Evokes Mass Protests;
Two Die, Thousands Jailed in Battle
PARIS (JP)-Great crowds of Algerians protesting a new curfew
law clashed with Parisian police last night.
French officials announced today 7,500 demonstrators had been
jailed and at least two killed and four wounded by police gunfire.
Unofficial reports put the number of Algerians wounded when po-
lice opened up with submachine guns on the demonstrators at six.
And at least one policeman was shot and wounded.
Many Injured
Scores, possibly hundreds more were believed injured in the fierce
charges of French riot police upon the Algerian demonstrators who
answered a call by the FLN (National Liberation Front) to protest
r the curfew imposed on Algerians


Offe i






U.S. Requests, Stop*
Of Red Nuclear Test
WASHINGTON W) - The White House appealed to the Soviet
Union last night to reconsider its decision to explode a 50-megaton
nuclear weapon, saying such a test would serve no useful military
"Such an explosion could only serve some unconfessed political
purpose," the White House said in a statement commenting on Soviet

To Consider
HRB Motion
A motion to place a Student
Government Council member, on
the Human Relations Board as an
ex-officio member will be consid-
ered' by SGC tonight.
The motion, proposed by Per
Hanson, '62, provides that the
Council member will be a non-
voting member with full speaking
privileges and shall be 'appointed
by SGC each year upon the report
of the Human Relations Board.
Hanson says the motion is an
attempt to achieve greater com-
munication between the board and
SGC without any appreciable
tightening of Council control over
the board.
To Convey
The SGC representative on the
board would, Hanson says, merely
convey to the executive commit-
tee of the Council day to day oc-
curences of the board on request..
Brian Glick, '62, will move to
have SGC send a second letter to
Attorney General Robert Kennedy
asking him once. again to provide
protection for American citizens in
the South and to restore law and
order In Mississippi and take what-
ever action is within his power to
guarantee the voting rights guar-
anteed by the federal Constitution
particularly the voting rights of
Southern Negroes.
Calls for Letter
Glick's motion also calls for a
letter to Gov. Barnett of Missis-
sippi asking him to guarantee pro-
tection to American citizens in
McComb and in Pike County and
to restore law and order through-
out the state and to secure the
release of Miss Brenda Travis from
the Mississippi Negro Girls Indus-
trial Training School.
Since 20 students go on trial, in
McComb on Monday, he will ask
the Council to suspend all neces-
sary rules to take action on the
motion at tonight's meeting.

in Paris and environs.
But the demonstrations that be-
gan as a curfew protest quickly
turned into a show of support for
the Algerian rebels as hordes of
Algerians came out of their shab-
by lodgings, suburban shantytowns
and workers districts to roam
through Paris.
The clashes began about 8 p.m.
,and raged Intensely up to mid-
night, but quiet was not securely
restored until 3 a.m. And still
special patrols, prowled the streets
to pick up stragglers who had not
made it back. to their lodgings in
compliance with the curfew.
Borrow Buses
Sweating police jammed big po-
lice vans and borrowed city buses
with those arrested and hustled
them off to substations and then
returned for more.
At the packed lockups, police
began a check of the Algerians'
identity papers with the an-
nounced 'intention of sending
those who could not show valid
identification back to Algeria.
Across the Mediterranean in the
Algerian seaport of Oran, gangs
of Europeans estimated to total
1,000 roamed the city, attacking
Algerians and sacking and burn-
ing shops and cars. Unofficial
sources said four Algerians were
lynched and 17, injured in the
clashes following the funeral of a
European slain 'by Algerians.
Far-Flung Clashes.
The Paris clashes ranged from
the broad Champs Elysees to the
Left-Bank Boulevard St. Michel
and into the suburbs. Algerians
numbering more than' 10,000 in
some estimates poured into the
streets-and met tough, club-
swinging police riot squads.
Scores'of demonstrators fell be-
neath police charges. Some reports
put the injured in the hundreds.
The French news agency said
police fired submachine guns at
the demonstrators at the. west
edge of the extension of the
Champs Elysees.
A chill drizzle fell as the Al-"
gerians and police fought savage
skirmishes in darkened sidestreets
and under the glare of neon lights.I
As midnight approached, a meas-'
ure of calm returned to the city.,

Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's ai
West Finds
N o Ch anges
LONDON (AP)-Western capitals
expressed dismay last night over
Ni kit a Khrushchev's announced
intention of exploding a nuclear
bomb equivalent to 50 million tons
of TNT.
And there was no sign of great
relief over the Soviet premier's
conditional offer to delay signing
an East German treaty beyond the
Dec. 31 deadline he had set.
Western officials noted Khrush-
chev in his keynote speech to the
Soviet Communist Party Congress
in no way altered Soviet aims to
squeeze the allies out of Berlin.
Lord David Home, Aritain's for-
eign secretary, accused Khrush-
chev of deceiving the world and
the Russian people themselves by
resuming nuclear weapons tests.
A West German government
spokesman in Bonn said Khrush-
chev's decision to explode a 50-
megaton nuclear bomb at the end
of October was "'an irresponsible
act toward the welfare of hu-
A foreign ministry spokesman in
Paris declined immediates com-
ment, saying "this is too serious,
too grave a matter" to discuss
publicly on the basis of press sum-
maries of the Premier's speech.
Italian newspapers published
news of the bomb announcement
but there was no official comment.
In Ottawa, Canada's Prime
Minister John Diefenbaker said
Khrushchev appeared more rea-
sonable in his approach to East-
West problems but he was sharply
critical of the Soviet leader on
nuclear testing.
Communist Yugoslavia, which
has asserted its independence of
Moscow, had no immediate offi-
cial comment on the speech.

nnounced intention of testing such
oa bomb at the end of this month.
The 130-word statement was
handed to newsmen by Press Sec-
retary Pierre Salinger, who said it
should be attributed to the White
House and not to President John
F. Kennedy personally.
Urged Reconsideration
It urged Moscow to reconsider
its decision-"if in fact it has been
made." This seemed, to be a hint
that Khrushchev's announcement
was regarded here as a boast or
threat rather than something he
seriously intended to carry out.
At the same time, the statement
said this country has for some time
had the know-how and the ma-
terials to make bombs yielding 50
to 100 megatons, or the equivalent
of from 50 million to 100 million
tons of conventional TNT. By
comparison the 'bomb dropped on
Hiroshima in World War II had a'
yield of 20,000 tons of TNT.
The text of the White House
"It is reported that the Soviet
Union plans to explode a giant
nuclear bomb-the equivalent of
50 million tons of TNT.
Call on Soviets
"We call upon the Soviet Union
to reconsider this decision, if in
fact it has been made. We know
about high-yield weapons. Since
1957 the United States has had the
technical know-how and the ma-
terials to produce bombs in the
50-100 megaton range and higher.
But we also know that such
weapons are not essential to our,
military needs. Furthermore full-
scale tests are not necessary to
develop 50-megaton bombs. Such
an explosion could only serve some
unconfessed political purpose.
Cautious Reaction
There was a cautiously favor-
able initial reaction to Khrush-
chev's offer not to go through
with his proposed peace treaty
with Communist East Germany by
Dec. 31, a deadline he has threat-i
ened in the past. But such en-
thusiasm was restrained by an
"if" tossed in by the Soviet boss.
Khrushchev said a Dec. 31 time
limit will not be so important "if
the Western powers display readi-
ness to settle the German prob-
lem." ButhKhrushchev did not
specify whether by Western
"readiness" he meant other than
Western willingness to settle on
his terms.
The question of what-- words
mean has figured importantly in
the Berlin argument. For instance,
Khrushchev's declaration that his
German plan would include a "free
city" status for West Berlin is
viewed by Western strategists as
a scheme not for freedom, but
for Communist enslavement of the

-AP wirephoto
WINS APPLAUSE-Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev being
applauded by members of the Soviet hierarchy during his
opening speech of six hours and twenty nilnutes before the
22nd Communist Party congress in Moscow.
Differ on Faculty Role
In College Government
Michigan professors are far from agreement on the role faculty
should play in the government of colleges and universities, the seventh
annual meeting of the state Conference of American Association of
University Professors Chapters indicated.
Delegates to the conference - held over the weekend in East
Lansing-could not find common ground on which to formulate recom-
mendations to the committee on higher education of the Constitutional

Soviets Won't Insist
On German Peace
Premier Calls On Western Powers
To 'Display Readiness To Settle'
MOSCOW C-Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev held
out just the tip of an olive branch to the West on Berlin yes-
He declared the Soviet Union will no longer insist that a
German peace treaty be signed by the end of this year-but
said this on condition the Western powers "display readiness
to settle the German problem."
Didn't Relent
He did not relent in the least in his terms as to how that
problem should be solved.
In a speech of 6 hours, 20 minutes to the 22nd Soviet
Communist Party Congress, Khrushchev also announced that
Soviet scientists will touch off*
a 50 megaton nuclear bomb, H its
equivalent to 50 million tons S JD vInii
of TNT, at the end of October.
_________From Party
See Related Story, Page 3
On B e r 1 I n and Germany, MOSCOW () - Soviet Premier
Khrushchev said "if the Western Nikita S. Khrushchev yesterday
powers display readiness to settle assailed his Communist opponents
the German problem, the question at home and abroad before the
of the time limit for the signing a C es.
of a German peace treaty will not He scathingly denounced'Al-
be so material; we shall not in- bania and Yugoslavia for sraying
sist that the peace treaty be from the Mosled lin
siged y ll eas bfoe Dc.from the Moscow-led line-andy
signed by all means before Dec. left little doubt his attack applied
31, 1961"-the date he had set to Red China too.
in previous utterances. Khrushchev onceagainlashed
Must Sign out at the "factional antipart
But he went on: "the German group" that he said opposed his
peace treaty must be' and will be effort to end repression and bring
signed, with the Western powers benefits to the Soviet people an
or without them." hinted at a purge of inactive and
'But he added that such a treaty sluggish party leaders.
will end Western occupation rights Khrushchev used the "cult, of
in West Berlin and convert West ,
Ber lin to a "free and demilitarized for which former Premier Joseph
city." Stalin was denounced, as the basis
These terms are just what Brit- for an attack on Albanian Premier
am, the United States and Frane Enver Hoxha. This also implied
have refused to consider.'an attack on Red China's Mao
But Khrushchev gave the im Tse-Tung, whose militant brand
pression he expected the West to of Communism is preferred by
give in in the end. teAbnas
"We had the impression that the Albanians.
theWesernpowrsdislaya-crs The audience' appla'uded each
the Western powers display a cer- sally against Yugoslavia and Al-
tain understanding of the situa- bania but the Chinese delegation,
tion and are inclined to seek a headed by Premier Chou-En-Lai
solution for the German problem listened in stony' silence. At the
and the West Berlin issue on a end Chou merely patted his hands
mutually acceptable basis," he in the, motions of applause.
said. Map, like the Yugoslavs and
More Time Albanians, was not present.
In his far - ranging report, But Khrushchev held out an
Khrushchev told the 4,813 dele- olive branch to the Albanians
gates and advisory delegates that urging their return to the paty
"only a little more time" will be fold.
needed, if the present seven-year
plan is completed in 1965, to out-
strip the United States econom-
ically;, that colonialism is dead; t d n htcpiaimi nbet
and thath cpitali isunable to
solve any of the urgent problems Plans 'Agenda
facing mankind.
He reviewed standing Soviet The Study Committee on the
proposals for a three-headed sec- Office of Student Affairs is cur-
retariat in the United Nations, a rently working on an agenda for
non-aggression pact between the its proceedings this year, Com-
Warsaw Pact Communist countries mittee Chairman Prof. John Reed
and the North Atlantic alliance, of the Law School said yesterday.
the plan of Poland's Foreign Min- Prof. Reed also said that the
ister Adam Rapacki, for atom- four student members of the com-
free zones in Central Europe and mittee will formulate general ques-
the Far East and a "disengagement tions regarding the committee for
zone" in Central Europe. SGC discussion.

Survey Focuses on Aged

Fair Housing
In Ann Arbor
The Ann Arbor Human Rela-
tions Commission was called down:
last night by the local branch of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People1
for their failure to submit a pro-+
posed fair housing ordinanee to
the Ann Arbor Common Council.
The NAACP resolution cited
varied instances of discrimination
in housing in Ann Arbor and facts
to support such findings and call-
ed upon the commission to re-
consider it's postponement.;
Various NAACP members indi-
cated that there was some reluc-
tance on the commission to favor
a clear cut statement of civil
rights in the constitution of Mich-;
igan, and that such persons should
resign from the commission. 3

Convention. The subject of the
faculty's participation in govern-
ing educational institutions was
"examined in considerable detail,"
state AAUP President Prof. Ralph
N. Miller of Western Michigan
University said. "Conflicts between
points of view indicated, I think,
that much more thinking must go
into the consideration of the sub-
The professors voiced contrary
views on whether a board should
be established to guide the general
development to a board governing
a particular school.
Faced with the possibility that
such c'ordinating and secondary
boards might be recommended by
con-con, the professors could still
find no unanimity on the question
of whether faculty should have
representation upon both kinds of
"The interests of the several
colleges and universities supported
by the state differ because of the
present constitutional provisions
as well as because of developing
characteristics among them," Prof.
Miller pointed out.

No single source of support is
predominant for older people, and
only the combination of social
security, earnings, free room and
board, and other income allows
them to get along, Survey Research
Center findings released today re-
The survey, "The Aged and Their
Economic Position," prepared by
Prof. James N. Morgan, a program
director at the Center and Martin
David, formerly a study director at
the Center, was in part submitted
to the Senate Committee on Prob-
lems of the Aged.
The report was designed to pre-
sent data on the total income of
the aged, their dependency on rel-
atives and the effectiveness of
Social Security and other pro-
grams which might aid the Com-
mittee in future policy decisions.
,Lowest Income
Based on interviews with a na-
tional sample of over 3,000 adults,
the report showed that adult units
--including the persons' spouse
andminorchildren-whose heads
are 65 or older average less income
About 500 students still have
not paid the first instalnent of
their tuition, due Oct. 2, the
Office of Student Affairs an-
nounced yesterday.

'from earnings than similar units
in any other age group.
Over one-fourth of these units
have less than 90 per cent of the
income necessary to meet modest
budget standards.
The researchers listed three fac-
tors to be considered in determin-
ing the economic status of non-
institutionalized aged:
1) Some of the aged live in the
homes of relatives.
2) Income from gifts may com-
prise an important source of sus-
tenance for some aged persons and
3) Many of the aged have fewer
requirements for food,, clothing
and housing because they are not
working and their families are
'Less Dismal'
These factors and the inclusion
of non-money components of in-
come, such as home production
and free medical care, substan-
tially reduces the proportion of the
aged receiving less than $2,000 a
year and makes the welfare posi-
tion of some of the aged "look less
dismal," the report said.
However, the survey also noted
that more than a third of the units
headed by males report no social
security income and 57 per cent
of those headed by women reported
-The income figures, the survey
said, understate the economic
well-being of some of the aged
...U ,,- i- - ,,.4,..44-1 «t± ., ...- -... -

The researchers reported that
although 16 per cent of those be-
tween the ages of,65 and 74 and
29 per cent over 75 lived with rela-
tives, both the aged and younger
persons almost universally disliked
this solution to economic problems.
The researchers found that in-
comes of families in this country
on the average are more than
sufficient to provide for dependent
aged. However there are "psychic
costs" involved, such as privacy
involved when aged persons live
in the same dwelling.
Family Responsibility
Most families feel responsibile
for providing financial support to
their parents and older relatives
if it is needed, rather than having
the government take the responsi-
"It seems clear that the feelings
of family responsibility for indi-
gent relatives are still strong in
our culture," Morgan commented,
"but it is doubtful that people
would prefer to provide the' sup-
port now received through social
security and private pensions."
Nearly half of the aged inter-
viewed said that they have some
physical, mental, or nervous condi-
tion, and these disabilities in-
creased proportionally with age,
the survey showed.
Lowest Income
Despite additional social security
benefits and lower income taxes


Wandering Willie' Wilts Waiting for Weekend

The 1961 Homecoming Week-
end, "What in the World," offi-
cially starts its festivities at 6:45
on Friday, October 20, with, a
parade. -
(However, the fun started be-
tween 4:30 and 5 p.m. yesterday
when the Homecoming. Central
Committee mascot, "Wandering
Willie," the ticket booth, fell in
defeat due to "a constructural
goof," reports Promotion Chair-
man Rodger Dashow, '64.)
Bands from three of the men's
housing units will start marching
towards the Union where it will

Friday night the 73 housing
units will be working with scotcl
tape and chicken wire to put up
displays' on the internationa
theme. The deadlineis 8:00 Sat
urday morning.
The exhibits will be judged by
four judges on four different cri
teria, artistic value, originality
structural design and integration
of theme and design.
At 9:00 at the corner of Sout]
University and Washtenaw at the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon house thi
traditional "Mud Bowl" will take
place between SAE and Phi Delti

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