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October 18, 1963 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-10-18

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18, 1963




. ....

Wolverine Backs, Improving Ground Game

Students Threaten
To Crash Sell-Out

While much of the interest in
Michigan's offense this fall has
centered around passing, the Wol-
verine ground attack has been
developing in a less spectacular
"Our running offense has been
getting more and more settled,"
offensive backfield coach Hank
Fonde commented yesterday..
"Power is our greatest asset since
we have only average speed. The
execution of our running plays has
been improving and should con-
tinue to improve."
In the first three games of the
season, Michigan gained 376 yards
on the ground and 326 yards
through the air. Rushing gained 22
first downs while passing account-
ed for 16. Four of Michigan's
touchdowns have been scored on
the ground as opposed to three
through the air.
One reason why the execution
of plays should improve and with
It the effectiveness of the ground
attack is that the Wolverines have
a relatively inexperienced group
of backs this season. Although
quarterback is stocked with vet-
eran performers the same is not
true for the halfback and' fullback
At left half is sophomore Jack
& Handles
Michigan isn't fumbling that
much this year.
The fact that the Wolverines
have only lost the ball three times
this season through bobbles may
be one of the reasons for Michi-
gan's respectable 1-1-1 record.
Last year Michigan had a 1-2
record and had fumbled six times
in its .first three games. This sea-
son the Wolverines have only lost
the ball three times, and two of
these times were against Southern
Methodist in the opening game
which the Wolverines won, 27-16.
(When. asked about the lack of
fumbles, Michigan football coach
Bump Elliott 'smiled. "This is
something we don't like to talk
about around here," he said. "It's
something you don't mention and
'pray that it doesn't happen."
Last Saturday's 7-7 tie with
Michigan State was remarkable
in the Michigan did not give the
ball up once due to fumbles. In
past years, a crucial Michigan
fumble has always been the turn-
ing point of the game.
"We fumbled a couple of times
last Saturday," Elliott said, "but
we were just lucky we didn't lose
the bail."
He praised his backs for holding
( on. "This is something they've
worked on themselves, and I guess
the results are evident."
When asked about his much im-
proved line, Elliott replied. "I
think it's quite possible this is the
key to all. We"re blocking harder
and making it a little easier for
A the backs."

Clancy. Juniors Dick Rindfuss and
Mel Anthony are at right half and
fullback, respectively. Rindfuss has
already carried the ball one more
time than he did last season and
Anthony, an injury ridden sopho-
more, has already taken the ball
on nine more plays than he did all
last season.
Only Ones
Aside from the quarterbacks,
these three backs are the only
ones to carry the ball more than
10 times so far this season. Rind-
fuss leads all rushers with a 5.39
average and 114 yards. Clancy has

been averaging 4.25 yards a carry
and Anthony ,2.52.
Four/ other backs have carried
more than once but less than the
at least 10 times of the three reg-
ulars. Fullbacks Wayne Sparkman,
a senior, and Barry Dehlin, a
sophomore, and sophomore half-
backs John Rowser and Dick Wells
are these replacements. Sparkman,
Dehlin, and Rowser have been
playing a lot of defense as has
Before the start of fall practice
Rowser was listed as the starting
left halfback. "John was injured

early in the fall," Fonde said. "He
lost two weeks of valuable prac-
tice. That's when Clancy stepped
ahead as an offensive player.
"I think you'll see Rowser play
as much on offense now as Clancy.
They're just about equal in abil-
ity. I have great confidence in
both of them on offense.
"As you know, Clancy plays as
quarterback on defense and Row-
ser plays a halfback. They'll rest

on offense about half the
while the other plays."
Fast Runners
Two sophomore runners1
as the fastest on the squad
not carried the ball for the'


him much yet, he's still in the pic-
ture, if not later in the season
then next year," Fonde said.
Last season the backs caught
twice as many passes as the ends.
Halfbacks Harvy Chapman and
Bob Timberlake tied for ninth
among Big Ten receivers with 10
passes each. But this season Rind-
fuss with one reception is the
only back to have caught a pass.
"This season we have fine re-
ceivers who are ends," said Fonde.
"But we do have patterns where
halfbacks are potential receivers."
As an added thought about an
aspect of backfield play sometimes
given little mention, Fonde said,
"The blocking of our backs is
coming along well too."
* * *
Michigan ended a week of closed
practices yesterday as the team
sharpened up for the Purdue game
here Saturday. No lineup changes
have been announced and a
healthy Wolverine team is expect-
ed to take the field against the

morrow night's grudge football
game between top-ranked Texast
and arch-rival Arkansas has:
brought a harvest of pre-game
trouble, including a student threatt
to storm the gates of sold-out war
Memorial Stadium.
University of Arkansas studentsf
who couldn't get tickets to the
game in the 41,000-seat stadiumt
planed to crash their way in justt
before the 7:30 p.m. kickoff, itt
was learned last week.]

verines. Ron LaBeau. a former
All-American high school back and
sprinter from Monroe, was lost
for the season due to an arm in-
jury. Dorie Reid, also an All-
American and state class A sprint
champion from Ferndale, is still
highly regarded although he has
not had an opportunity to tote
the ball yet.
"As a sophomore, Reid's main
difficulty has been in learning the
offense. Although we haven't used

M' Club

Twenty tough games to pick this week, sports fans. The Daily
senior sports editors stayed up late, disregarding homework, girls and
trips to Europe in order to present a score of toss-up college games
-and all you have to do is guess them right. Winner gets two (2)
tickets to the Michigan Theatre, now showing "20,000 (count 'em)
Leagues Under the Sea." "
But the rush is on: tonight at 9:00 p.m. is the deadline for your
cognitive picks. Head on over to The Daily and pick up an entry
blank-one to a customer.
Below are the staff's picks. Guest selector is past Daily sports
editor Mike Buris.

Consensus Picks in CAPS
(Consensus: 50-30-.625)

CLANCY CHARGES-Sophomore Jack Clancy, the Wolverines'
first string left halfback, runs for short yardage through the Navy
line as Middies Larry Kocisko (66) and John Mickelson (89)
watch helplessly. Clancy is Michigan's second leading rusher with
4.25 yards per carry.
StE, Gains Semis
,With 266 ictr

1. Purdue at MICHIGAN (score)
2. Indiana at MICHIGAN ST.
3. Minnesota at ILLINOIS
4. OHIO STATE at Southern Cal
5. WISCONSIN at Iowa
6. Penn at BROWN
7. YALE at Cornell
8. PENN STATE at Syracuse
9. S. CAROLINA at Virginia
at North Carolina

11. AIR FORCE at Maryland
12. Clemson at DUKE
13. Georgia at MIAMI (Fla.)
14. GEORGIA TECH at Auburn
15. Houston at MISSISSIPPI ST.
17. TEXAS at Arkansas
18. Southern Methodist at RICE
19. Texas A&M at TEXAS
20. Stanford at WASHINGTON

Picks Gray
Bob Gray was elected president
of the M Club at its first fall
meeting last night.
Other officers elected were Gor-
die Wilkie, vice-president; Jay
Sampson, secretary; and Ted
Kelly, treasurer. Retiring presi-
dent Ray Senkowski was named to
the post of permanent honorary
Discussions at the meeting d en-'
tered on the function of the club
and its activities for the coming
year. Among the services of the
club planned for the coming year
is a spring sports clinic for young-
sters in the Ann Arbor area, an
idea that would give local youth
a chance to benefit from the Uni-
versity's sports facilities and tal-
IN '63:
IKon fax Caps
ERA Title
NEW YORK (P) - Left-hander
Sandy Koufax of the Los Angeles
Dodgers, posting a 1.88 average-
the lowest in the National League
in 20 years-captured the NL's
earned run title for the second
straight season.
Figures' compiled by The As-
sociated Press also showed that
rookie Gary Peters of the Chi-
cago White Sox, another left-
hander, won the American League
championship with a 2.33 mark.
Peters is the first AL rookies to
finish on top in the ERA com-,
petition since Cleveland's Gene.
Bearden in 1948..
Koufax, a 25-game winner, al-
lowed only 65 earned runs in 311
innings and pitched 11 shutouts
-the big league high. He led in
1962 with a 2.54'ERA. The Dodger's
ace is also the first National
Leaguer to win two consecutive
ERA titles since Bucky Walters of
Cincinnati in 1939-40.
Koufax' 1963 average was the
lowest in the NL since 1943, when
Howies Pollet of St. Louis, an-
other lefty, finished with 1.75. Hal
Newhouser of the Detroit Tigers
paced the American in 1945 with
South University Avenue
1 :30-5:30 P.M.

University officials hope they
have quelled the threat of
trouble by moving the 100-piecer
Arkansas band out of the stands
onto the field and installing 350
temporary seats for students.
Special tickets were sold this
week on the Fayetteville campus
and the potential gate-crashers
are supposedly taken care of. The
student newspaper had said earlier
that 3,000 students couldn't get
tickets and students demanding
tickets picketed Gov. Orval E.
Faubus and legislators when they
visted the university last week.
The game, billed for months as
the showdown battle in the South-
west Conference, has been sold out
since last summer. Actually it
won't be the .showdown it was ex-
pected to be, since Arkansas al-
ready has lost one conference
Faubus, pressured by fans, got
behind a move to televise the game
in Arkansas. But the NCAA Tele-
vision Committee, turned the uni-
versity down on this request be-
cause there are three small-college
games in the Little Rock viewing
area tomorrow night.
Tickets were at a premium this
week.. Acting Little Rock Police
Chief R. E. Brians warned that
Arkansas' ticket scalping Law will
be enforced. One scalping arrest
was made two weeks ago and a
man was fined.
Big Crowd
Unless the weather is bad, be-
tween 41,000 and 42,000 will see
the game. That would be the big-
gest crowd to witness an athletic
event in this state.
Texas goes into the game with
four straight victories and the
No. 1 ranking. Arkansas is 2-2
and hasn't shown the ,offensive
skill of past seasons under Coach
Frank Broyles because of a large
number of young players and a
number of injuries.
Howe All Right
After Inj ury
NEW YORK (R)-Gordie Howe,
Detroit's scoring ace, said Thurs-
day that his injured right ankle is
much improved and he hopes to
play in Saturday's National Hock-
ey League game agains the Maple
Leafs at Toronto.
Howe suffered a cut that re-
quired four stitches in practice
Tuesday and the injury firced him
to miss his. first game in almost
three seasons Wednesday night,
against the Rangers at New York.
Without Howe, the Red Wings lost


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}j f

Sigma Alpha Epsilon took a big.
step toward its fifth straight so-
cial fraternity "A" football crown
yesterday when it crushed Kappa
Sigma, 26-6, in quarterfinal action
at Ferry Field. 1
Paced by the passing of quarter-
back Dennis Spalla and a stout
defensive secondary, ,that inter-
cepted four passes, the'SAE's scor-
ed three times in the first half
and added an insurance tally in


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the second half to clinch the con-
test. Spalla, former varsity center-
fielder on the baseball squad,
completed nine of 15 passes for
106 yards and four touchdowns.
The four time defending champs
wasted little time in scoring their
first six-pointer. One the first
play from scrimmage Spalla hit
Bill Borkenstein on a delay pass
over the middle, and the speedy
end. cut to his left and scored
Campbell Scores
Moments later Spalla passed to
end Dave Campbell for the second
score after Doug Glowe had inter-
cepted a Kappa Sig aerial. The
winners added a third touchdown
in the final seconds of the first
half when John Artz gathered in
a Spalla pass.
Charlie Collins set up the final
touchdown for SAE when he in-
tercepted a pass on the Kappa Sig
27 yardline. Four plays later Spal-
la hit Campbell in the end zone.
The same combination added the
winners only conversion of the
Kappa Sig scored its lone tally
late in the game when Dick
Arnold caught the SAE defense
napping by flipping a short pass
to Don Hodges who raced 35 yards
to score.
The victory set the stage for
next week's semifinal round which
will pit SAE against Chi Psi and
Sigma Phi Epsilon with Chi Phi.
The Sig Eps scored a 12-6 win
over Alpha Tau Omega to gain
the semis while Chi Phi upset
Sigma Alpha Mu, 8-0, to keep alive
its title hopes.

MIKE BURNS (Guest Selectors, 56-24-.700)-Michigan, Michigan State,
Illinois, Ohio State, Wisconsin, Brown, Yale, Syracuse, South Carolina, North7
Carolina, Air Force, Duke, Miami, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State, Notre Dame,
Texas, Southern Methodist, Texas Christian, Washington.
TOM ROWLAND (51-29-,.637)-Michigan, Michigan State, Illinois, Southern
Cal, Wisconsin, Penn, Cornell, Penn State, Virginia, North Carolina, Air Force,
Duke, Miami, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State, Notre Dame, Texas, Rice, TCU,
TOM WEINBERG--(51-29-.638)- Michigan, Michigan State, Illinois, Ohio
tate, Wisconsin, Brown, Yale, Syracuse, South Carolina, North Carolina State,
Air Force, Duke, Miami, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State, Notre Dame, Texas,
Southern Methodist, Texas Christian, Washington:
CHARLIE TOWLE (51-24-.637)-Michigan, Michigan State. Illinois, Ohio
State, Wisconsin, Brown, Syracuse, South Carolina, North Carolina State, Air
Force, Duke, Miami, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State Notre Dame, Texas, South-
ern Methodist, Texas Christan,:'Washington,
JIM BERGER (Associate Sports Editor-51-29-:637)-Michigan, Michigan
State, Minnesota, USC, Wisconsin, Brown, Cornell, Penn State, Virginia, North
Carolina State, Air Force, Duke, Miami, Georgia Tech, Mississippi. State, Notre
Dame, Texas, Rice, TCU, Washington.
STAN KUKLA (50-30-.625)-Michigan, Michigan State, Illinois, Ohio State,
Iowa, Brown, Yale, Penn State, South Carolina, North Carolina State, Air Force,
Duke, Miami, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State, Notre Dame, Texas, Southern
Methodist, Texas Christian, Washington.
DAVE GOOD (Sports Editor, 48-32-.600)-Michigan, Michigan State, Illinois,
Southern California, Wisconsin, Brown, Yale, Syracuse, South Carolina, North
Carolina State, Air Foace, Duke, Miami, Georgia Tech. Mississippi State, Notre
Dame, Texas, Southern Methodist, Texas Christian, Washington.
BOB ZWINCK, Contributing Sports Editor (47-33-.587)-Michigan, Michigan
State, Illinois, Ohio State, Wisconsin, Brown, Cornell, Syracuse, South Carolina,
North Carolina State, Air Force, Duke, Miami, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State,
Notre Dame, Texas, Southern Methodist, Texas Christian, Washington.
MIKE BLOCK (Associate Sports Editor, 47-23-.588)-Michigan, MSU, Illinois,
USC, Wisconsin, Brown, Cornell, Penn St., South Carolina, North Carolina, Air
Force, Duke, Miami, Georgia Tech, Mississippi St., Notre Dame, Texas, Rice,
;TCU, Washington.
BILL BULLARD (47-33-.588)-Michigan, Michigan State, Illinois, Southern
Cal, Wisconsin, Brown, Yale, Penn State, South Carolina, North Carolina State,
Air Force, Duke, Miami, Georgia Tech, Houston, UCLA, Texas, Southern
Methodist, Texas Christian, Washington.
PERRY HOOD (46-34-.575)-Michigan, Michigan State, Minnesota, Southern
California, Wisconsin, Penn, Yale, Syracuse, South Carolina, North Carolina,
Air Force, Duke, Miami, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State, Notre Dame, Texas,
Rice, Texas Christian, Stanford.
GARY WINER (45-35-.563)-Purdue, Michigan State, Illinois, Ohio State,
Wisconsin, Brown, -Yale, Penn State, South Carolina, North Carolina State,
Air Force, Clemson, Miami, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State, Notre Dame, Texas,
Rice, Texas Christian, Washington.
LLOYD GRAFF (44-36-.550)-Michigan, Michigan State, Illinois, Ohio State,
Wisconsin, Brown, Yale, Penn State, South Carolina, North Carolina State,
Air Force, Duke, Miami, Georgia Tech, Mississippi State, Notre Dame, Arkansas,
Rice, Texas Christian, Washington.

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