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Group Postpones
Conference of U
Meeting To Be Held Next Semester;
Lack of Support Blamed in Delay
"The Conference on the University will be postponed until the
early part of next semester, probably the weekend of Feb. 7-8,"
Chairman Diane Lebedeff, '64, of the conference steering committee
announced last night.
The conference had been scheduled for next weekend. However
a low number of adminisartors and faculty members would have
been able to participate. Thus, holding the conference next week
Re orts
Full Senate
To Consider
with only student delegates would
have been "a charade," Miss Lebe-
deff pointed out..
"Much of the fault lies with the
steering committee for having
sent out mimeographed invitations
to faculty members two weeks be-
fore the conference was to have
been held," she said.-
Very Negative
The replies to these invitations
were less than 70 per cent, and
. .. likely to succeed
... praises resolution
fUN Outlaws.
Space Arms
By The Associated Press
United Nations Assembly unani-
mously outlawed nuclear-armed
space satellites yesterday in the
first concrcte cold war break-
through since the limited nuclear
test ban treaty.
Voting by acclamation, the 111-
nation assembly approved a reso-
lution to halt the arms race on
the fringes of space. The United
States and the Soviet Union
hailed the agreement as a signifi-
cant disarmament milestone.
Keep Space Free
Although not legally binding,
the resolution formalizes earlier
East-West pledges to ban orbiting
of weapons of mass destruction in,
space or stationing them on celes-
tial bodies.
United States Ambassador Ad-
lai E. Stevenson told the assembly
that the. United States intends
"to keep this newly explored en-
viornment of outer space free of
breaded weapons."
Soviet Ambassador Nikolai T.
Fedorenko said Moscow will take
the necessary steps to prohibit
orbiting .of nuclear weapons. He
called the resolution "an impor-
tant further step toward the re-
duction of international tensions."
More Effective
Reportedly the United States]
and the Soviet Union concede the
advantage of orbiting nuclear war-
beads in space is more psycholog-
ical than military.
A senior United States, official
and veteran disarmament nego-
tiator has said privately that land
launched missiles are more effec-
tive at this stage of nuclear weap-
The official said the United
States government is convinced
inspection. is no problem because
scientific observation can check
on the number of satellites in or-
bit and can tell from the nature
of the orbit whether a satellite
is nuclear-armed.
The resolution grew out of Big
Three Foreign Ministers' talks
here which ended Oct. 3. France
took no part in the consultations.
Reort Rnks
For Projects
The University now ranks third
among recipients of National
Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration research funds, the Of-
fice of Joint Institutional Research
Ral-inosQ.l o~f .47.7 mfillionl
60 per cent of the answers re-
ceived were negative. Many of the
faculty members claimed prior
Further, "administrative coop-
eration has been almost nil," she
asserted. President Harlan Hatch-
er, Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis, Secretary of
the University Erich A. Walter,
and Director of University Rela-
tions Michael Radock will all be
out of town.
"President Hatcher was invited
last May, at which time he agreed
to make a welcome speech.
Two Speakers
"However, we were very happy
to obtain keynote speaker Prof.
W. Carey McWilliams of Oberlin
College, and dinner speaker D.
Hale Brake," she said.
The foremat, and hopefully
both speakers will be retained for
the next, conference. The main
task of the steering committee be-
tween now and the next confer-
ence will be to recruit adminis-
trative and faculty support and!
Miss Lebedeff said the commit-
tee plans to personally speak to
all faculty members and adminis-
trators who will be invited to par-
ticipate in the February confer-
ence. The committee had only
personally contacted some of the
faculty and administrators who
were invited to participate in the
conference to have been held next
Plenty of Notice
In addition, invitations will be
sent out in two weeks to give
plenty of advance notice on the
Miss Lebedeff said that working
papers written for the postponed
conference will be used in the Feb-
ruary conference, and the stu-
dent, faculty and administration
discussion leaders already selected
will be re-invited.
Expect Home
To Become
British Head
By The Associated Press
LONDON-A high government
source reported that Harold Mac-
millan will resign as prime min-
ister today anc nominate 60-year-
old Foreign Secretary Lord Home
to succeed him.
To take over the government
Lord Home presumably would
have to quit the House of Lords
and become a commoner as is per-
mitted under a law adopted this
Selection of the 14th Earl of
Home to lead the conservative
government in preference to
Deputy Prime Minister Richard
Austen Butler would represent a
final and sensational victory in
the political career of Macmillan.
The prime minister battled to
the end at his sickbed to thwart
Butler, the man he nosed out when
he took office in 1957. The cul-
mination seemed certain to touch
ofd' one 'of the biggest political
storms in Britain's postwar his-
Ever since, Macmillan was hur-
ried to hospital 11 days ago suf-
fering from a painful bladder and
prostrate ailment he is reported
to have done all in his power to
blockButler from the premier-
Their animosity dates from pre-
war years when Macmillan re-
sented Butler's support of ap-
peasement policies of Neville
Chamberlain's government in the
Hitler era.
Reliable sources predicted Home
would win the race for the Con-
servative Party leadership - not
because he was the most favored
candidate but because he had the
fewest political enemies within the
Tory hierarchy and among the
Tory rank and file.
Besides Butler, other contenders
for the succession were Lord Hail-
sham, Minister of Science, and
Reginald Maulding, Chancellor of
the Exchequer.
Cox Claims
Hope Exists
For Castro
"The revolutionary government
in Cuba today is showing indica-
tions that it will yet turn into a
democratic institution," Cedric
Cox, Canadian parliament member
from British Columbia, said yes-
terday in a talk before the So-
cialist Club.
Internal reforms and the ap-
parent satisfaction of tbe Cuban
people with the revolutionary gov-
ernment demonstrate that te
United States Department of State
has been much too harsh in its
appraisals of Fidel Castro, Cox
He cited the trade union move-
ment, increased construction of
hispitals and the decline of illit-
eracy within Cubaas reasons for
his faith in Castro.
A True Believer
"The Cuban leader has shown
that he is not a tyrant but a true
believer in socialistic principles,
and if we give him time, I am
hopeful that he will begin to apply
these principles democratically."
Although Castro promised free
elections to the Cuban people, Cox
explained why this pledge has not
been carried out. "The threat of
invasion by counter-revoiutionar-
ies remains constantly over the
head of Cubans, and this has
placed an air of tension and in-
security over the island. Under
such conditions, free elections
would be impossible," Cox com-
The American industrialists who
had their property confiscated by
Castro following the revolution
have no just claim in demanding
that their former holdings be re-
turned. Under a socialist system,
there is no room for private en-
terprise or foreign investments on
a large scale, he said.
"Castro offered to sit down and
negotiate with the American busi-
nesses for the sale of the prop-
erty, but they refused, insisting
on their right to retain their
holdings," he mentioned.
Castro went ahead and exprop-
riated the property, but has, up
to the present day, continuously
invited the Americans to complete
legal negotiations for the sale of
these lands and industries, Cox
He compared the Cuban rivo-
lution to the American revolution,
saying that in both cases the peo-
ple were trying to end their ex-
ploitation by a foreign power.
"Furthermore, in both instances,
there were those within the coun-
try who didn't agree with the
revolution and either had to flee
the land or face execution."
Cox isa member of the New
Democratic Party which is based
upon socialist-labor principles. It
has been singularly responsible
for all progressive welfare legis-
lation passed in Canada in the
past few decade., he claimed.
UNUSUAL MOVE-The Senate Taxation Committee surprised observers yesterday by reporting out
all 61 tax bills it had been considering. Senate minority leader Charles S. Blondy (left) submitted a
motion calling for the move. He said he did not want to be accused of obstructionism. Sen. Clyde
H. Geerlings (center), committee chairman, who voted against the motion, said he thought the com-
mittee should have dealt with the bills before such a move was made. Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (right),
majority leader, accused legislators earlier in the week of stalling on taxes.
LSI4T Predicts. Perfor mance
"The morning Law School Ad-
missions Test almost always shows
a significant correlation with
first year performance in law.
school," John Winterbottom of the
Educational Testing Service said
last night.
Lapp Notes u
Space Snag
"The United States space pro-
gram is losing thrust," physicist
Ralph Lapp told the Michigan Ed-
ucational Association regional con-
ference held here yesterday.
Speaking on "U.S. Policy in
Space," Lapp said indications that
the Soviet Union is not racing to
the moon, and the possibility of a
cooperative moon venture, have
dimmed congressional interest in
NASA's more than $5 billion budg-
Leading scientists testified be-
fore the Senate Space Committee
last June on the NASA program,
he pointed out, "but many senators
came away from this hearing with
the conclusion that there is little
science in the United States space
The lowering of priority on the
Appollo Project may encourage
military enthusiasts to champion
an intensified military space pro-
gram. But "the proponents for
such a stepup have failed to make
solid arguments," Lapp claimed.
Lapp sees a use for the military
in space because intelligence satel-
lites can be used to photograph
Soviet ICBM sites. With the de-
velopment of orbital intelligence
techniques, instrumental penetra-
tion of the Iron Curtain will be a
certainty, Lapp claimed.
Winterbottom, LSAT program
director for the ETS, spoke on
the makeup and purpose of the
LSAT as part of a conference for
pre-law advisors sponsored by the
Pre-Legal Studies Office of the
literary college.
He noted that the purpose of
the test, preferably taken in No-
vember or February of the senior
year, is "to determine if an appli-
cant has the academic abilities
and undergraduate preparation
which contribute to success in the
study of law."
He answered the objection posed
by many that multiple choice
tests such as the LSAT do not
give a fair chance to those stu-
dents who are capable of especial-,
ly original and insightful think-
ing or who see confusing subtleties
in the test.
A carefully written objective
test can yield a far more search-
ing analysis of subtle individual
differences than is commonly
thought, he said.
Furthermore, undergraduate
grades, based on the longer and
more intimate experience of an
instructor with his student, are
an equally important criterion for
Interviews Also Used
Finally, to the extent that
neither grades nor test scores are
an accurate index of unusual
abilities, initiative or sensitivity,
letters of recommendation and
interview reports are also used by
admissions boards.
The morning section of the test
measures comprehension and log-
ical analysis. The first measure is
obtained through multiple choice
questions on reading comprehen-
sion and data interpretation, or
the ability to make inferences
from graphs. i
Logical analysis is measured in
Membership Policy Dispute
Threatens Wisconsin Acacia
Acacia fraternity is in danger of losing recognition at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin because of a refusal to answer questions con-
cerning its membership selection policies.
In all probability, however, Acacia here will remain unaffected.
The Wisconsin chapter's case is similar to that of the five sorori-
ties at the University who have refused to file membership state-
ments with Student Government Council on the grounds that SGC has
two specific ways. Controversial
situations are presented, accom-
panied by related legalistic prin-
ciples stated in lay terms. The
test-taker must decide whether or
not the principle would apply in
reaching a decision in the case.
.Common Characteristics
The second measure of analysis'
consists of geometric diagrams in
two groups, with the applicant
required to determine common
characteristics of figures in each
The ETS received numerous re-
quests from law schools to incor-
porate into its test some measure
of a candidate's writing ability,
Winterbottom said. Professors felt
that while this ability was vital to
success in the study and practice
of law, the schools themselves
should not have to bother develop-
ing it.
Thus, in 1961, the ETS intro-
duced an afternoon exam, in part
to measure an applicant's com-
petence in writing.
The writing section of the after-
noon test requires identification of
ideas into a logical sequence and'
editing of errors in a passage pre-
sented in the test.
Tells Shift
WASHINGTON-America's re-
search emphasis is beginning to
shift away from weapons develop-
ment, the President's science ad-
visor predicted yesterday.
Jerome B. Wiesner, who directs
the federal Office of Science Tech-
nology, told a congressional com-
mittee that future research will
instead stress studies designed to
further the nation's economic and
technological growth, the New
York Times reported.
He explained that. for the past
decade, cold-war military needs
have been the major impetus be-
hind federal research and devel-
opment spending. But now weap-
ons development has reached a
point of "relative stability" and
government must work to bring
this technology "to bear on serv-
ing the collective needs of our peo-
ple," ha said.
Wiesner warned against falling
back into a "pre-Sputnik psychol-
ogy " neglecting science education
ancd basic research now that the
pressing need for weapons develop-
ment is past.
Wiesner is the second witness
appearing during the House sci-
ence and astronautics subcommit-
tee's investigation of the $14 billion
federal research budget. This is
one of several House probes touch-
ed off by increasing congression-
al criticism of mushrooming fed-
eral research expenditures.
Acknowledging that the nation
must decide how much more it can
spend on research, Wiesner noted
Levy Reform
Sixty-one Measures;
Governor's Program
To Get Early Debate
In a surprise move yesterday the
Senate Taxation Committee re-
ported out all 61 tax bills by a
vote of 4-2.
The motion was submitted by
Senate minority leader Charles S.
Blondy (D-Detroit) and in effect
will force the whole Senate rather
than just the tax committee to
enact a tax program. Blondy said
he did not want to be acused of
obstructionism in committe.
"This is the best thing we've
done so far," he claimed. "Sen-
ators ean go-home for the week-
end and come back Monday n.ight
ready to work."
Across Party Lines
The committee vote cut across
party lines, with committee chair-
mat Clyde H. Geerlings (R-Hol-
land) and Sen. Stanley F. Rozy-
cki (D-Detroit) casting the two
Votes of approval on the motion
were cast by Senators Emil Lock-
wood (R-St. Louis), William G.
Milliken (R-Traverse City), Far-
rell E. Robert (R-Pontiac) and
Explaining why he voted against
the motion, Geerlings said last
night, "I feel it is the duty of the
committee to deal with all bills.
If all committees did this the
Legislature would be in a terrible
Every Senator Counted
Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor), majority leader, said last
night that the move was a step
forward. "Now every senator will
be counted. They cannot hide be-
hind the skirts of the tax com-
Thayer said the bills will be
considered in the order in which
they came out of committee. Gov.
George Romney's fiscal reform
program includes the first 23 bills
on the agenda. One of the first
bills will be Romney's two per
cent personal income tax pro-
posal, Thayer explained.
Thayer commented on. Sen.
John P. Smeekens' threat to fili-
buster the income tax personal,
Smeekens last yearsuccessully
helped defeat former Gov. John
B. Swainson's income tax proposal.
Face Constituents
However, this year "Smeekens
may have to face his constituents"'
Thayer remarked. "I have received
mail from people in his district
which indicates he has problems,"
he added.
Smeekens, who could not be
reached for comment, has said
before that he will not approve
any type of income tax proposal
unless it is placed on a ballot.
Meanwhile, the governor has
stood firm on his tax program
despite speculation that he might
propose basic amendments to
make it easier for the legislators
to swallow.
Only Technical
"The only amendments I have
knowledge that the governor has
proposed are technical in nature,"
Thayer said. These technical
amendments are the results of
completed studies by the revenue
department and the tax commis-
Thayer added that he would
"question severely" any basic
amendments his peers may at-
temt to propose. He admitted
that there may be areas of com-
promise necessary to enact fiscal
Meanwhile in House action yes-
terday, the Taxation Committee
reported out a bill which allows
a hike in the present 15-mill lim-
itation on property taxes.
30 Amendments
Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor), a committee member, ex-
plained last night that the bill
was reported out with a recom-
mendation for passage after the
no authority in the area. These
five-Delta Delta Delta, Kappa
Delta, Phi Mu, Alpha Epsilon Phi
and Sigma Kappa-plus six other
houses who have filed under pro-
test, are seek ing a court decision
which would negote SGC's author-
Faculty Investigation
At Wisconsin, a faculty commit-
tee is investigating possible, viola-
tions of the school's non-discrimi-
nation policy. It has sent out a
questionnaire which Acacia refus-
ed to return. University officials
there have told the Daily Cardi-
nal, student newspaper at Wiscon-
sin, that the chapter may be ex-
pelled if it refuses to answer the
The Cardinal pointed out edi-
torially that the issue will be
fought on "legal, but human rights,
grounds." Acacia has no known
record of discrimination.
The University chapter turned]
in its membership statement two
years ago. It has been judged com-
plete and in accord with Univer-
Dey Discusses. Decolonization Problems
"The developed nations of the
world must come forward and help
India in its attempts to race into
the age of science and industry
which has bypassed it for 250
years," Indian Minister for Com-
munity Development Surenora
Kumar Dey, '31E, said in a Uni-
versity convocation address yes-
Dey was the recipient of an
honorary doctor of laws degree
presented to him at the ceremonies
by University President Harlan
The problems and changes in
India and all the recently decol-
onized nations, Dey commented,
are not ones that can be solved
quickly or simply. They will be
"The new India is based on the
concept of individualism, where
the individual is the focus of every-
thing," Dev noted. In order to
remedy evils India'does not change
the people, it changes the condi-
tions. People should have a voice
in such changes, for as individuals
they will be affected by the out-
come, he said.
Dey warned that "it is not
enough . . . to concentrate on the
art of training underdeveloped sec-
tions of mankind into toolmakers
or automatons in the new gignt
processes of production.
"The developing countries must
be enabled to play for their growth
on the basis of agro-industrial
economy decentralized and dis-
persed to the maximum extent
help in solving problems generat-
ed by the underdeveloped nations.
Social sciences such as "econom-
ics, psychology and sociology can
act as the mortar" to promote
creative thought on economic and
social development for underdevel-
oped nations..
Dey added that the universities
can play a significant role in pro-
moting knowledge and harmony
with all the peoples of the world.
"By the ultimate success or fail-
ure of the universities we will sur-
vive or be exterminated."
Dey was named administrator of
the new community development
program in 1952. When a Ministry
of Community Development was
created four years later, he be-
came its first minister.
F . ..._