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February 14, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 113) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, February 14, 1970 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, February 14, 1970 Candidates speak out on issues; face primary election Monday Councilmen LSA Ad board delays seek swich 'vote on student narity (Continued from Page 1) should try to be "constructive in- lationship of city government to stead of destructive." students is only part of the larger "They should take positive ac- problem Ann Arb...…

February 13, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

… HOFFMAN: RIGHT TO DISSENT See Editorial Page lflh: qArn :43 a POLAR High- 17 Low--"2 Cloudy and colder, chance of flurries Vol. LXXX, No. 112 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 13, 1970 Ten Cents Eigt Pos, L- " 41 1 t F u %4 V, Ten Cents w. -::1- ap 'CHICAGO 7' TRIAL: Summations to close; tonight Tuition increase viewed as likely' 0 0 jury to retire By JENNY STILLER Special To The Daily CHICAGO - "History will hold it's...…

February 13, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, February 13, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, February 13, 1970 records S & G: Introduction to a new sound ALL BACH 4' 01 By ANN L. MATTES The first time I heard "Bridge Over Troubled Water" I thought the announcer had made a mis- take. This couldn't be Simon and Garfunkel. It was too 'Frank Sinatra.' I had to admit the album was a long time com- ing, but surely not this - not yet. Then I heard a guy in ...…

February 13, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

… 'R4~t 4~iI~I~TON IGHT at 7-9 P.M. page t Friday, February 13, 1970 iree im4I Sii an 4bp ad,4 tly NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 A Great Screen Classic Returns VIVIEN LEIGH and MARION BRANDO Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three * U in TENNESSEE WIILLIAMS' "STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE" Screen Play by TENNESSEE WILLIAMS . Based upon theOiginal Play "A SreetuarNamed Dsire"by TENNESSEE WILtIAMS As Pmented an the Stage by Irne Maya...…

February 13, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 112) • Page Image 4

… siur Sfriganau ai Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM NEUBACHER Hoffman is trying the right to dissent THE JURY goes out today in th...…

February 13, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 112) • Page Image 5

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pos M;, uyc i fvr + b 0 0 b John Aldri d John W. Aldridge, In the Country of the Young, Harp- er's Magazine Press, $5.00. By STEVE ANZALONE What we were seeking as sophomores and juniors, was something vastly more gen- eral, a key to unlock the world, a picture to guide us in fitting' its jigsaw parts together. It happened that our professors were eager to furnish us with such a key or guide; they were highly trained...…

February 13, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 112) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, February 13, 1970 NOWHERE TO RUN: MUSC FROM BIG PINK," a leed in its oWn tie. s t Critics have acclaimed the second album, THE BAND" asthE "ALBUM OF THE YEAR." "RAG MAMA RAG" ik the new single by popular demand. O THE BAND playing THE MUSIC. Capw- VS The squeeze on IM facilities By BOB ANDREWS Each year, the number of people who take advantage of the facilities and programs of the Intramural Spor...…

February 13, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 112) • Page Image 7

…Friday, February 13,'1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Paae.Sev n Friday, February 13, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pcloe Seve leers confront nemesis _. a Weekend gymnastic fare spells stiff competition for Wolverines By JOEL GREER series split with Minnesota fash- The downtrodden Michigan icers ioning a four-goal outburst in who have been victims of disgrace Friday's 10-1 rout. and defeat in their last five en- counters will try to change their' l...…

February 13, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 112) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, February 13, 1970 r LUCKY DAY.- LUC Y . ......... .. INV \Ii I/i 400 N " \ V % I Y/Iv INCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES FOR RENT FOR SALE 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 INCHES 2 3 4 5. 1 day 1.00 1.10 1.35 1 55 1.80 2 00 2.20 2.40 2.60 5 2.60 4 90 6.95 8.90 i0.0 2 days 1 .60 2.15 2 60 3.00 3 40 4:15 4.55 4.95 4.95 9 50 13 50 17.35 21.10 3 days 2.35 a3.10 3.75 4.35 4 95 5 50 6 10 6.65 7.15 7.15 13.80 19.75 25.5...…

February 12, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

… .._.Y A happy first birthday for the Tenants Union? By CARLA RAPOPORT Daily News Analysis As the Ann Arbor Tenants Union celebrates the first anni- versary of the rent strike tonight at a mass meeting in the Union Assembly Hall, the celebration will not necessarily be over victory. Some past members, in fact, believe the union is hobbling on it's last legs. But its present lead- ers believe the union has succeed- ed, although they say a ch...…

February 12, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 12, 1970 _ _ , . - _ music Beethoven celebration: Exce lent performance I -poetry and prose Squires: Trans-world dynamism By JIM PETERS I have not heard the Univer- sity Symphony Orchestra per- form for more than six months, and it was good to hear them again, sounding so well. Last night at Hill Aud., maestro Joseph Blatt presented a major concert celebrating the Beet- hoven year; and it was a c...…

February 12, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

… . I B ' I 'lb \1 11 L Y I I k IN IL X American From Wire Service Reports skis wer More than 660 youths, including a Saint Jo] group of 40 from the Boston area, head- sports fa ed for Canada yesterday amid reports Gerald that their ultimate destination is Cuba in Saint where they will harvest sugar cane for Luis Arc Fidel Castro. in Montr Reported to be among the group are Cuba. ten University students some of whom, Ekn according t...…

February 12, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

… Black Berets are Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan or the editors. I THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1970 Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers iDaily express the individual opinions of staff writers This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: NADINE COHODAS c + . Ab...…

February 12, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 111) • Page Image 5

…--T irsday, February 12, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five __ _ I, OWN ROOM in mod. bi-level 4-man used. as a 2-man. Thru April. "Avail. now, near campus. Bargain. Sue, 662- 0159 after 5. 43031 OUBLET-1-2 man efficiency. Good lo- cation, immediate occupancy. a 769- 7695. 44035 2 MAN APT, near campus. $120/ma. 665-0150. 45Ctc The UNUSUAL with potential; your own social situation, complete house, dish- washer, fireplace, parking, currently ...…

February 12, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 12, 1970 TH IHGN AL hrs__Fbuay1,17 GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe Friday, February 13 NOON LUNCHEON -25c PROF. ROBERT SKLAR, History Dept: "WAS AMERICA A MISTAKE?" (Prof. Sklar is a participant in the Guild House Retreat, Feb. 21-22) I READ AS IFASi AS /YOU TDIHIIUK YO CANkUJT~HI 1111 I }1 I.,. ado, By RICKEY CORNFELD Some great things have happen- ed to the Detroit Tigers through the years. There was th...…

February 12, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 111) • Page Image 7

…Thursday, February 12, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Thursday, February 12, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven David son upsets Gamecocks Celts axe Knicks for third time; last minute Leaf goal ties Habs By The Associated Press C O LU M BI A, S. C. - Bryan rian shot Davidson from a 10 oint halftime deficit to a 68-62 pset victory over second ranked South Carolina last night in a game that shattered the Game- cocks' 17-game winning...…

February 12, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 111) • Page Image 8

…Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 12, 1970 Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, February 12, 1970 CHICAGO 7' TRIAL: Attorney begins final defense summation' (Continued from Page 1) workings of government could all be fooled, tricked and used." Weinglass repeatedly insisted that the defendants had nothing' to fear from the truth. "My clients wouldn't change a :single garment to curry your favor," he said. "That's the way they are,...…

February 11, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…-I PUTTING TEETH IN HOUSING ORDINANCE Sep Uditorial Page Sirt 43UUa D~aiti 743 FETID High-25 Low-12 Cloudy, snow flurries; little change Vol. LXXX, No. 110 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February H1, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages MORATORIUM CONTINUES: Poli Sci offer to profs make prote stors U' city By HARVARD VALLANCE { The executive committee of the political science depart- ment yesterday called for pro-: testing graduate stud...…

February 11, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 11, 1970 THE ICHIAN DILY ednsday Febuary1 1,197 I m I m arts Yunkers:* A look at an artist of second sight Buckley: View from the front By LAURIE HARRIS Adja Yunkers was walking along the shore in Sweden dur- ing World War II. He noticed a piece of driftwood; bent over and picked it up. He noticed that the grain was nice and there was a clean smooth feel- ing in the palm of his hand. "It was like ho...…

February 11, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

… Personal Explorations (An informal seminar in "experiential" or "situation" theology) All interested students are invited to share, clarify, and explore with others those values, ideas, and feelings most relevant to their lives. Participants in the seminar will examine many of the basic value- judgments and assumptions upon which their lives are based and talk about the subjects-taboo or otherwise-which they feel are important. Plans for futu...…

February 11, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…4 ifiitran'nathl Seventy-nine. years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan ) Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDY SARASOHN "The Clergy Counseling Service maintains a phone service in Detroit. Call 964...…

February 11, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 110) • Page Image 5

… For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 557 SINGLE ROOM FOR mature working girl or grad. student. No smnoking or drinking. With or without kitchen privileges. 662.2496. 40034 UNUSUAL, with potention, your own social situation, complete house, dish- washer, fireplace, parking, currently functioning. 216 Packard. Saline 429- 7353, evenings. 39033 NEED 4TH GIRL for modern bi-level near campus. Dishwashe...…

February 11, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 110) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 11, 1970 'v_ _ V 1 A'u "STI N DIsAM7ND 209 S. University 663-7151 Frosh eligibility-contrasting views By JERRY CLARKE Daily Sports Analysis Last spring, the Big Ten decided to follow an earlier NCAA decision and permit its member schools to use freshmen in varsity competi- tion. The rule change, which many of the conference schools had op- posed at the NCAA conference, was passed more out of necessi...…

February 11, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 110) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, February 11, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Paoe Seven old shooting cagers overtaken, 78-73 .ith deviA j ____ ___ diicip/e Bill Cusumano_ Since I am basically extremely lazy and due for retirement at The Daily (which should gladden the hearts of thousands, including me) I am taking the easy way out on columns. Therefore, today I will give this space over to Mr. Charles Fogelman, who on Monday afternoon kindly gave me t...…

February 11, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 110) • Page Image 8

…hr THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 11, 1970 ~ht THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, February 11, 1970 Landlords, tenants cool on new code (Continued from Page 1) The escrow accounts are very important, said Burghardt, be- cause they "give tenants leverage beyond the legal system that has done nothing for tenants bene- fits." One of the weaknesses of the ordinance, Burghardt added, is its failure to do anything about gar- nishments and li...…

February 10, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…SACUA'S MEETINGS: FACULTY ELITISM See Editorial Page CZI rP gilt 46 ~1UI133 GRUNGY High-35 Low-18 Cloudy, cooler, snow likely Vol. LXXX, No. 109 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 10, 1970 Ten Cents Ten Pages POLI SCI DISPUTE: Council TFs continue moratorium By HARVARD VALLANCE An ad hoc organization of about 75 political science graduate students and teaching fellows voted overwhelmingly yesterday to continue the "moratorium" on t...…

February 10, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 10, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 10,1970 dance Falco troupe: Explaining the undefined WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY-4:10 P.M. February1 I1th and 12th DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH STUDENT LABORATORY THEATRE presents GAMMER GURTON'S NEEDLE author anonymous and THE MANDRAKE by Nicolo Macchiavelli Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg. Admission Free q By ERICA HOFF Pointed ballet slippers worn by an entourage of ...…

February 10, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…F - -- page three EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY £ idrltn ti1 NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 presents in concert THE DAVE BRUBECK TRIO featuring GERRY MULLIGAN FRIDAY, FEB. 20 1 8P.M. Pease Auditorium, Ypsilanti, Michigan $3.50/$3.00/$2.50 all seats reserved, tickets available at the E.M.U. Union or by mail. Send check payable to E.M.U. and self - addressed envelope to University Activities Board, E.M.U., McKenny Union, Yps...…

February 10, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…f Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints. DAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: NADINE COHODAS SACUA'S closed, meetings: Faculty elitism must end Fleming By L. HART WRIGHT and LUKE K. C...…

February 10, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 109) • Page Image 5

…February 10, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-O Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 557 FOR RENT MAY-AUG SUBLET-2 man, 2 bdrm. Close to campus. Call 665-7288. 34C31 UNIVERSITY TOWERS Is now renting for Fall Semester. 8 month lease . Reasonable RATES. VISIT our model apt. at 536 S. Forest, 9 a.m,-4 p.m. daily or call 761-2680. 37031 FALL OCCUPANCY Geddes-Observatory area Four man, 2 bedroom, furn...…

February 10, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 10, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 10, 1970 F I mele Sam wants your beautiful body ATLANTA, Ga. OP) - T h e ttery didn't change every- iing about the draft. Young men still have to go trough what .will be for the Lost an unforgettable exper- ince - the draft examination. Luck may now play a greater >1e in determining who goes nd who stays behind. But >metime after his 18th birth- ay,' a youn...…

February 10, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 109) • Page Image 7

… Tuesday, February 10, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ffi mLIIATIC FACTORS IMPORTANT: * Please Rush Me ; The Questionnaire & Directions; For CUPID COMPUTER rofessor urges ur U. of M.'s Computer Dtr By PAT MEARS renovating an old one, it shou DatingThe problems that plague the be a prerequisite to study the a M I understand that I am under no obligation to join. r cities can be partially solved hygenic situation," Bach stated. t through city planni...…

February 10, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 109) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 10, 1970 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 10, 1970 5 _._ / LOSE WEEKEND SERIES CAMP RAMAH 'Nw HEBREW RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONAL CAMP SUMMER POSITIONS AVAILABLE. For Details see Rabbi Leonard S. Berkowitz at the HILLEL HOUSE. leers drop to seventh 10-4:30 February 12 Call for appointment or drop-in 663-4129 . 1 Annual Membership Meeling University Cooperative 7:30 P.M....…

February 10, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 109) • Page Image 9

…Tuesday, February 10, 1970 THE-MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Tuesday, February 10, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ager. By PHIL HERTZ Fresh from its first home win of the decade, Coach Johnny Orr's Michigan basketball squad will de- part from. the now friendly con- fines of the Events Building to- night for a tough non-conference contest at basketball hotbed Evansville. Coach Arad McCutchan's Purple Aces gained their reputation in the 1960's when the...…

February 10, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 109) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 10, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 10, 1970. w omen discuss abortions By TOVA KLEIN' Education, legislation and coun-' seling were the main areas dis- cussed during a Sunday night meting of women concerned about abortion and the problems of obtaining one. "Until women h a v e complete control over t h e i r own bodies, which includes control over de- ciding when they want children, they can't...…

February 08, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

… SUNDAY DAILY 8"e Uditerlal Page Si 43Fa uF 47IA4FIt NONCOMMITTAL High--38 Low--22 Cloudy with little change in temperature *Vo-. LXXX, No. 108 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 8, 1970 i . Ten Cent,. Fib, pnng IT r - t cr ~I U)- .IIjIII ragesi i VP candidates back By JANE BARTMAN "The University is a complex slow- moving machine which needs to be short-circuited," says Alan Guskin, a candidate for vice president for student...…

February 08, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 3, 1970 i THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 8, 1970 music Buckley, Hill Aud: Irreconcilable duo By BERT STRATTON Worn-out is the appropriate word to describe how the aud- ience falt last night when Tim Buckley walked off the H ill Aud. stage. It was a feeling something like the one you get after you've stayed up through the entire late, late show on TV, and you're about to ask "was it really worth it...…

February 08, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

… The Halfway Inn East Quad's Coffeehouse & Snackbar Inexpensive Luncheons, Dinners, Snacks Integration still lags in Southern schools CONTINUOUSLY OPEN STAGE- ALL WELCOME TO PERFORM or Just Come In and Jam' HOURS: Mon.-Thurs.-1 1:00 A.M.-2 A.M. Fri.-1 1 :00 A.M.-3 A.M. Sot.-7:30 P.M. -3 A.M. Sun.-3:00 P.M.-12 A.M. Informal Atmosphere, Good Food By The Associated Press a Integration remained largely un- r accomplished yesterday in many r ...…

February 08, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…a special report the Sunday daily by debbie that tber 23 Night Editor: Jim Neubacher February 8, 1970 girI's diary of so the realitie 'N E Monday, Jan. 12 EFORE I STARTED rush, I thought,. sororities were absolutely horrible. I as unable to "think of anything good about rem. The last thing in the world I thought might do would have been to associate yself with one of them. I was completely alienated by the tradi- onal images, of so...…

February 08, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 108) • Page Image 5

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY pp pM For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-09 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. rage Five 557 PEACEFUL, comfortable, roomy, 1-man efficiency apt., available now thru April. 668-8766. 35Ctc OWN ROOM in a, 3-man. Marcrobiotic opportunity. $50 per mo. 769-5323. 314 Catherine St. - 31Ctc SUMMER SUBLET-6 bdrm, furnished house on S. State St. Price negotiable. Call 763-2630. 32C28 CAMPUS-HOSPITAL AREA Summer & Fall 5...…

February 08, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 108) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 8, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 8, 1970 The U-M Tae Kwon Do Association CO-EDUCATIONAL KiARiATIE The ultimate in self-defense and physical fitness WEST-SOUTH QUAD CLUB TIME: Tues. and Thurs., 7-9 P.M., Sun., 2-4 P.M. PLACE: West Quad 2nd Floor Dining Room MASTER INSTRUCTOR: Robert B.C. You, 5th Dan Korean Black Belt ' 3 E EAST-SIDE CLUB-EVERY DAY Matmen rip off icipless Hoosiers By AL...…

February 08, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 108) • Page Image 7

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY ® THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Wolverines gun down Wildcats, 95-84 Against4 Of ublicity.. .. .and Dale Kelley By PHIL HERTZ 0NE OF THE problems with playing for a loser is that no matter how good you play you tend to be ignored. Over the past three seasons Michigan has become accustomed to seeing their all-American Rudy Tomjanovich slighted. Yesterday ano- ther prime example of the overlooked player wandered int...…

February 08, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 108) • Page Image 8

…Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 8, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 8, '1970 'OMPLAI.NTS INCREASE:- 'U'facels charges of discrmiato (Continued from Page 1) per cent, black employment rose "More importantly, however," he 55 per cent, from 102 to 158. ds, "we are taking positive steps: Dr. Cash expects much greater raise the level of sensitivity both progress in this respect by next long the supervisors and those year. "Ri...…

February 07, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…Hundreds close bank accounts By CARLA RAPOPORT Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of dollars, flowed out of the Ann Arbor Bank yesterday as over 600 students closed their accounts in a mass action sponsored by the Ann Arbor Tenants Union. The union organized the demonstration to protest the bank's practices in dealing with garnishment of strikers' accounts. Garnishment in this case is a legal procedure by which a court order may be obtaine...…

February 07, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY finutueuuy, Cnrt~r; T bI . : SCFiGf CIC!'',y' Y CM )ruary /, i v /u j music am pal, V eyron-Lacroix: the nes Ineffectual togetherness - theatre'. By JIM PETERS I believe it was Igor Kipnis who called Jean-Pierre Rampal "the ubiquitous flutist;" and in Thursday night's concert at ckham,he displayed all the _Precision and style which earn- ed him that epithet. But the recital itself was not so inspir- ing; Rampal and R...…

February 07, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…"One of the year's most pleasant 'U' students join strikers movie experiences." "'The Reivers' fills one with a joyous sense of life and laugh- ter. A marvelous time is had by all."-New York Magazine Steve McQueen "Th Reivers" -Time rely.mICHIGAN About 30 University students joined striking Fruehauf Cor- poration workers on the picket line yesterday. Most of the students w e r e members of women'sliberation groups a n d International So- ...…

February 07, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by s+udents of the University of Michigan Abortion methods: The real and unreal Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDY SARASOHN i~liken and the 'U' budget: Erosion of an institution ...…

February 07, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 107) • Page Image 5

…Saturday, February 7, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 557 U NCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES 1 day 2 1.00 3 1.10 4 1.35 5 1,55 6 1.80 7 2.00 8 2.20 9 2.40 10 2.60 INCH ES 1 2.60 2 4.90 3 6.95 4 8.90 5 i .70 2 days 1.60 2.15 2.60 3.00 3.40 3.75 4:15 4.55 4.95 4.95 9.50 13.50 17.35 21.10 3 days 2.35 3.10 3.75 4.35 4.95 5.50 6.10 6.65 7.15 7.:15 13.80 1...…

February 07, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 107) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY C .r .:... .._ ... . . ... u. .... __ 4 h1lM: 1 .aturda y, February 7, 1970 to b By MORT NOVECK "Yes, I think we can beat Northwestern, but it isn't going to be automatic just because we defeated them in Evanston," were the words with which as- sistant basketball coach Fred Snowden described his team's chances in, their contest with the Wildcats today. "They have made some per- sonnel adjustments since we last played th...…

February 07, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 107) • Page Image 7

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Michigan tankers fall to Indiana, 91-32 By ROD ROBERTS Special To The, Daily{ BLOOMINGTON - Indiana showed Michigan last night why they were rated the number one swim team in the country by Swimming World as they crushed the Wolverines 91-32. The depth on the Hoosier's squad was so great that the Wolverines were hard-pressed to salvage three second places' in the nine individual swimming events. Michigan swim...…

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