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February 10, 1970 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-10

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Tuesday, February 10, 1970

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 10, 1970


mele Sam wants your beautiful body

ATLANTA, Ga. OP) - T h e
ttery didn't change every-
iing about the draft.
Young men still have to go
trough what .will be for the
Lost an unforgettable exper-
ince - the draft examination.
Luck may now play a greater
>1e in determining who goes
nd who stays behind. But
>metime after his 18th birth-
ay,' a young man m u s t still
ring his body and his mind to
he armed forces, to be - as
>lk singer Arlo Guthrie puts it
n his satire about the draft,
Alice's Restaurant" - inject-
d, inspected, detected, infect-
d, neglected, and selected."
A visit to the Armed Forces
intrance Examination Station.
ere, soon after the lottery
.umbers were drawn from the
owl in Washington, showed, as
ne young soldier put it, "busi-
.ess as usual."
The examining center is a
passive, dark brick building
vith a vague air of having been
ised as a warehouse in World
Var II. Inside, there are wind-
ng corridors w i t h colored
tripes painted on the floor, in-
umerable small, colorless of-

fices, large rooms full of wood-
en chairs arranged into orderly
The examination day begins
at 7 a m.
Sleepy-eyed young men sit in
a small auditorium, waiting.
There are a few longhairs, some
Afro haircuts, long sideburns
and mustaches, bell - bottom
"Equal Opportunity Employ-
er" reads a sign displayed prom-
inently on 'a bulletin board,
with a photograph of a smiling
President Nixon under it.
Neatly lettered posters hang
every few inches -along the pale
wall: "No Smoking," "Watch
What You Say - Safeguard
All Classified Material," "Stop
Fires - Save Lives;" "You
Must Be Fully Dressed Before
Departing This Section"
Orientation begins. A freshly-
starched young soldier enters -
smoking - stands in front of a
"No Smoking" sign, and utters
a few four-letter words. He tells
the group of about 120 youths
not to smoke, curse, gamble,
drink alcoholic beverages, or
otherwise make any trouble,
"and you'll be all right."

A medical intern, Dick Levy
of Cincinnati, Ohio, sits doing
some homework, writing in a
book titled "Acid Base Physio-
logy in Medicine." He's 26.
"Hell, I could come in here
on a stretcher and they'd take
me," he says. The soldier tells
him to shut up.
.Gilbert Hammet is 19, from
Miami, Fla., draft lottery posi-
tion 255 out of 366. "I was go-
ing to school, but it didn't work
out. So they called me."
'What happens if y o u get
"I'll enlist in the N a v y, I
The written mental test takes
slightly over an hour. The exam
is all a b o u t farmers buying
three bushels of something at
different prices, two cars leav-
ing from different places at dif-
ferent times and speeds, and
whether "anonymous" and "an-
imosity" mean the same thing.
There are forms to be filled
out, dozens. Medical history, ev-
erything from bed-wetting to
suicide attempts. Another is for
the results of the day's medical
examination. One is for "secur-
ity clearance."

r''" aar"





"The interests of the nation-
al security," reads the clearance
form, "require that all persons
being considered for member-
ship in the armed forces be re-
liable, trustworthy, of good
character, and of complete and
unswerving loyalty to the Unit-
ed States."
A long list of organizations,
which was compiled by the at-
torney general of the United
States in 1959 and updated in
1966, must be read by all.
A crew-cut man dressed in a
white laboratory outfit has been
directing the filling of the
forms. A black name tag with
white letters identifies him as
"Mr. Hamby."
"All right men," Hamby says,
"if you've ever belonged to any
of these organizations, you
must, repeat, must, put a check
mark next to its name on this
The organizations, which the
form says are listed "as having
significance in connection with
the national security," include:
the Communist party, listed
first, the Ku Klux Klan, the
Committee for the Negro in the
Arts, the Chopin Cultural Cen-
ter, the Michigan Civil Rights
Federation, Puerto Ricans Unit-
ed, the Southern Negro Youth
Council, the "Johnsopites," and
the Garibadli American Fra-
ternal Society.
Then a white youth raises his
"Sir, in this medical history
form, in No. 8, it says to put
down my race," he says. "I un-
derstand it is against A r m y
regulations to keep records by
"Well, you just do what it
says. Put down either Caucas-
ian, or Negroid," Hamby re-
The young man insists. "Sir,
I believe t h i s is against the
Civil Rights Act, and I'm not
putting anything down in No.
"You can't get out of here
unless you fill it in," says Ham-
by, "and if you don't fill it in,
it will be writt6n in for you."
A black youth raises his hand.
"Isn't it against 'federal law to
discriminate because of race?"
Hamby leaves the room with-
out answering, closing the door
softly behind him.
When he comes back he sig-
nals to the two who asked the
"You two men go to room 119
and continue y o ur testing
The two get up and start for
the door. Three others get up in
silenc'e and follow them out of
the room. The five are not seen
The medical examination fol-
lows. Everyone has to strip down

is a weekly feature of The
Daily designed to provide a
forum for articles about men
and their role in society. Arti-
cles represent only the individ-
ual opinions of the authors;
this must be noted in all re-
prints. Letters and articles will
be printed at the discretion of
the editors. The editors reserve
the right to edit all letters or
articles submitted.
to undershorts and "shoes, with
no socks."
The air conditioning is much
too cold.
The men line up and hand
the "medical examination" form
to a seated sergeant.
There are 25 medical cate-
gories listed in the first page of
the form. They are for a "clin-
ical evaluation" which includes
sinuses, ear drums, ocular mo-
tility, endocrime system, lym-
phatic glands, and psychiatric
"Do you have braces on?" the
sergeant asks. "Yes or no?"
This turns out to be the "den-
tal examination" the form men-
Without looking up from his
desk, the sergeant writes "nor-
mal" next to each of the 25
categories in each man's form.
It takes five, maybe six seconds
for this part of the checkup.
Then another doctor gets to
listen to whatever complaints
an examinee may care to voice
about his physical, mental, or
moral handicaps. But only one
thing seems to make a differ-
ence, and it was spelled out in
the order for the examination:
"If you have an physical or
mental condition which, in your
opinion, may disqualify you for
service in th e armed forces,
bring a physician's certificate
describing that condition."
Those without official letters
have a hard time convincing the
Army doctors that anything is
the matter.
Dean Liotta, from Hollywood,
Fla., is 23, a recent graduate of
Florida State University, a n d
his student deferment has just
expired. His draft lottery posi-
tion is 19. "Am I the winner so
far?" he asks.

ifit its
"I really don't know what I'll
do if I get drafted," he says.
"I'll have to look into my con-
science; I have asthma."
There's a blood test, although
the serology forms are all al-
ready stamped "negative." Then
there's a reading-chart eye
Fnally, everybody puts on ear-
phones to listen for eerie buz-
zing noises and pushes a but-
ton which registers in a main
control board. The button-push-
ing responses let t h e armed
forces know whether the exam-
inee can hear well or not.
There's one more doctor to
be seen.
He's the one who looks over
all the forms, all the results of
tests and checkups, and ranks
each man either one, two, or
three in each of six categories
of a summary "physical pro-
file." The categories are phys-
ical stamina, upper extremities,
lower extremities, hearing, eyes
and psychiatric.
All "ones" means passing with
flying colors, and invariably re-
sults in a I-A classification and
an order for induction into the
armed forces from the local Se-
lective Service board, unless
reasons for deferment exist.
The doctor stamps a final
"pass" or "fail" on each man's
papers. Forty-seven per cent of
those examined fail.
It's about 2 p.m. and the men
are told:
"If you believe we did not ex-
amine you or reviewed y o u r
medical problem adequately, re-
turn to room 19 with all your
papers after completing all pro-
The door of room 19 is open.
No one is there.

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t '

publication. F o r more informa-
Day Calendar
Center for Continuing Educ. of Wo-
men Lecture: "Where In This Commun-
ity Do Social Workers Work?" 330
Thompson Street. 9:30 a.m.
Colloquium, Dept. of Computer and
Communication Sciences: Prof. Rajen-
dra Reddy, Stanford University, "Vis-
ual and Voice Injut to Computers." im.
4051 LSA, 4:00 p.m.
U of M and MSU Rotating Seminar:
J. R. Kinney, MSU, "Applications of
Information Theory within Mathemat-
ics" 447 Mason Hall, 4:00 p.m.
Department of History or Art Lec-
ture: Prof. Ellen Johnson, Obetrlin Col-
lege, "Oldenburg's Analogues. M e t a-
morphoses and Sources," Rackham
Amph., 4:10 p.m.
Dept. of Classical Studies, Kelsey Mu-
seum and the Archaeological Inst. of
America Joint Lecture: Prof. E. Mott
Davis, U. of Texas, "Prehistoric Man in
the Nuclear Age", Aud. V, Angell Hall,
4:10 p.m.
Dept. of Astronomy Theoretical Sem-
rnar: Jack Jaffe, MASA Goddard Flight
Center, "Einstein and Light" P&A
Coloq. im., 4:15 p.m.
Dept. of Med. Care Organization and
Inst. of Labor and Indust. Relations
Lecture: Laurie Pavitt, Chairman, Par-
liamentary Labour Party Health Group,
'The National Health Service and the
Political Scene in Great Britain" 2203
Angell Hall, 4:30 p.m.
Computer Lecture: Prof. T. J. Schri-
ber, "The Fortran IV Programming
Language". Nat. Sc. Aud., 7:00 p.m.
Civil Liberties Bd. Mtg.: Agenda:
Minutes, Student records report, re-
lease of report of admissions procedures,
3524 SAM, 7:30 p.m.
Professional Theatre rPogram (Phoen-
ix Theatre): Helen Hayes and James
Stewart in Harvey, Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater, 8:00 p.m.
Degree Recital: Benjamin Christy,
clarinet. Sch. of Music Recital H a 11 ,
8:00 p.m.
School of Business Adm. Lecture: Mr.
william Norton, Project Mgr., New En-
terprises, Betty Crocker Division, Gen.
Mills, "Bringing Betty Crocker Sauces
to Market", 131 Bus. Ad., 8:15 p.m.
General Notices
Speed Reading will begin week of
Feb. 23rd. Call 764-9481 for info. or
come to 1610 Washtenaw to pre-register.
Two new coed Phys. Ed. classes: 1)
Jazz and Musical Comedy, T. Th. 11:00
a.m. Women's Athletic Building; 2) Mo-
dern Dance Lab, Th. 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Barbour Gym.: also courses in areas of
Exercise, Fencing. Golf and Tennis;
(Continued on Page 10)

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