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February 07, 1970 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-07

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y, February 7, 1970

to b
"Yes, I think we can beat
Northwestern, but it isn't going
to be automatic just because we
defeated them in Evanston,"
were the words with which as-
sistant basketball coach Fred
Snowden described his team's
chances in, their contest with
the Wildcats today.
"They have made some per-
sonnel adjustments since we last
played them," Snowden con-
tinued, "which allows themto
utilize their style of basketball
more. This will necessitate some
defensive adjustments on our
part but I'm sure we can make
The change to which Snowden
referred is the shifting of for-
ward Don Adams to the back-
court. This gives the Wildcats
a high scoring brace of guards
as Adams is currently averarging
15.4 points a game and his part-
ner, Dale Kelley is fifth leading

e ini
scorer in the conference with a
24 point average.
Even if Kelley and Adams do
combine for some points this
afternoon, however, Michigan
should have no trouble outscor-
ing Northwestern. The Wildcats
are averaging only 77 points a
game while giving up 86 in the
process of compiling their 1-6
conferencehrecord. The Wolver-
ines have hit for a 93.3 average,
exceeded only by Purdue, with
94.5, but have allowed 97.7 per
contest to lead the league in
that dubious distinction.
SINCE LOSING to Michigan
in the conference opener North-
western has been defeated by
Michigan State, Illinois, In-
diana, and twice by Ohio State.
I's only victory came in a
shocker against Purdue when
the Wildcats managed to win
66-65 despite the fact that Kel-



Ago inst
7ke wal

' ley fouled out of the game with
15 minutes left.
While the Wolverine's record
shows only one more victory,
Michigan has never been sound-
ly defeated as have the Wildcats.
As Snowden says, "We've never
been competely blown out of a
ball game. We're capable of win-
ning every game."
When asked whether the team
could get up to play the Wild-
cats Snowden stated, "We have-
n't had a game yet where the
team wasn't up. We lost a tough
one last week to Purdue but
we'll be ready for Northwestern.
We'd like to initiate a winning
streak with this game."
A WINNING streak is what's
needed if the Wolverines are to
pull themselves out of eighth
place in the Big Ten. If they
win today they have a good shot
at the first division and at fin-
ishing the conference season

over .500. None of their re-
maining games are with confer-
ence leaders Iowa or Illinois so
the roughest part of the sched-
ule is over.
They have only to face Minne-
sota here and then Wisconsin
and Indiana in home and home
series to complete the Big Ten
Today's game is the Wolver-
ines first home game in three
weeks. Their home stand will be
brief, however, as they travel
to Evansville for a game Tues-
day night and then to Madi-
son to take on the Badgers next
Saturday. Snowden hopes that
the squad can beat Northwest-
ern to pick up some momentum
for the road trip.
As a prelude to the varsity
contest, the freshman s q u a d
will take on the frosh f r o m
Wayne State. The baby blue are
now 5-2 for the season after los-
ing to Michigan State in their
last outing.

That was the jinx...
9..0.that was-Please!


High-flying gymnasts face Bucks

-Daily-Thomas R.Co
RICHARD CARTER (25) takes to the air against Northwester
in the first meeting of the two teams this season. Carter helpe
to lead the Wolverines to an easy victory in January. Care
dubbed the "Bird" by Michigan fans, hopes to repeat his per
formance again today. Likewise, the Michigan team is lookin
forward .to be on the winning side of the scoreboard this after


-- -.-

The Wolverine gymnasts, com-
pi ing off their NCAA record-break-
n ing performance against Minne-
'd sota last week, clash with the
r, Buckeyes of Ohio State today at
- Columbus, Ohio. The circumstan-
g ces under which these two teams
- meet are vastly different f r o m
those which existed last November
22, when the Wolverines upset the
"Pride of Woody."
- At the present, the Wolverines
are undefeated in Big Teh com-
petition with victories against
Wisconsin, Michigan State, a n d
Minnesota, while the Buckeyes
have not as yet been victorious in
three meetings. Ohio State, who
has not scored as much as 150
points in the Big Ten this year,
.will have to play at their very best
to subdue Michigan, who has been
averaging over 160 points each
The Wolverines, paced by all-
arounders Sid Jensen and Rick

McCurdy, should enjoy their us-
ual success in all the events, ex-
cept perhaps the side horse. In
the past two meets, the side horse
team has failed to reach the 27
point plateau and Coach N e w t
Loken said he would make a
change in his starters for t h e
event. He will have Ray Gura and
Dick Kaziny, in addition to the
two all-arounders, competing and
use Mike Gluck as an exhibitionist
so that he can brush up on his
routine which of late has been
somewhat, shaky.
On the parallel bars, Captain
Ron Rapper should perform in his
usual outstanding fashion. This
season he is enjoying a fine 9.45
scoring average which places him
high among the individual 'scoring
leaders in the NCAA. Last week
Rapper, Jensen, and Murray Plot-
kin swept the wvent,; which was
one of the three events swept by
Michigan in the meet. All three
are healthy and could very well
repeat last week's performance.

So you've had some trouble
gettin' to us. We understand
but it's really not that hard to
fall for us.
The Michigan Daily Business Staff

The gymnasts should also dem-
onstrate their prowess in the floor
exercises. George Huntzicker, who
excels in this event has also been
a nine-plus averager this year.
Ward Black, o n 1 y a freshman,
who finished with a 9.1 against
Minnesota, and the two all-
arounders will join Huntzicker as
the competitors.
The high bar event, which has
always .been strong for the. Wol-
verines, has become even stronger
lately with the fine work by soph-
omore Ted Marti. Last week, he
posted a 9:15 mark, his second
straight score which exceeded the
nine point level. Loken has made
it known that he is very pleased
with Marti's performance and fig-
ures he'll be a big man for the
team in the next couple of years.
Tied with Marti at 9:15 was Mc-
Curdy who scored h is personal
meet high with 54.5 total points.
Today, Ed Howard and Marti will
start for the Wolverines.
The other area which the Wol-
verines swept last week was the
rings, with Jensen and McCurdy
tying for first with a score of 9.2
and Skip Frowlick, another prom-
ising freshman, scoring over nine
points for the first time with a
9.1 which was good enough for a

third place finish. Today, how-
ever, there will be one setback
with Mike Sale not competing be-
cause of tendonitis in his should-
er. He will be replaced by B i1
For the_ Buckeyes, their s t a r
performer is Mark Trott, one of
their all-arounders. He has scor-
ed over nine points in most of
the events but he alone cannot
carry the team. The other all-
arounder is Tom Klein but his
scores have mostly ranged between
eight and nine points. If things
go as they have this season, the
Wolverines should win by its larg-
est margin of the campaign.
Today's confrontation against
Ohio State should be a breather
for the Wolverines after playing
the tough Gophers of Minnesota
last week. Iowa, t h ehdefending
national champions have been
averaging around 151 points a
meet, which is far below last
year's performance. They k e r e
supposed to be Michigan's tough-
est opponent this year but are
nowhere close to t h e m and it
seems that the Wolverines a r e
well on their way to the National
Championships, to be played this
year at Temple University in


Arnold Palmer named
athlete of the decade

FOR THE PAST few years, sports afficiandoes have often wait-
ed with baited breath for the appearance of the latest issue t
of Sports Illustrated, and then had their interest wane as soon
as they saw the cover. The cause of this fleeting interest is the
famous, mystical, magical, awe-inspiring, death-defying Sports
Illustrated front cover jinx.
Ah, yes the jinx. The answer to Ring Lardner's Alibi Ike's
fondest dreams. You say you don't put much stock in idiotic
superstitions. Well, I don't really blame you; however, memory
prods me into noting a story run in October of 1957 proclaim-
ing, "Why Oklahoma Can't Be Beat." The feature ran on Thurs-
day. Saturday Oklahoma went down to defeat, 7-0 to Notre
Dame, for the first time in 47 games.
Then I recall the SI cover, which appeared after the fourth
game of the 1968 World Series. That cover showed a team pic-
ture of the St. Louis Cardinals under a banner reading "The
1 World Champion St. Louis Cardinals." At the time the Cards
led the Tigers three games to one. The story prodded the vaunt-
ed Cards into dropping the next three games to treat Detroit to
one of its greatest euphoric states of all time. -
THE PAST BASEBALL season also provides some food for
thought for doubters of the jinx. Just about every contender of
whom you could possibly think was a cover subject of SI-every
team but one. That's right, the New York Mets and to make
matters worse, the magazine ran a feature on the team noting
that the Mets were baseball's team of the future and completely
1 ignoring its current potential.
These "coindences" prodded me into taking a thorough look
into this life-and-death matter. I have looked into every SI
since school began last fall. The results are quite interesting.
f The first edition of the fall semester featured the Inimi-
table super star O. J. Simpson. The USC All-American didn't
exactly fall flat on his face at Buffalo, but he didn't exactly set
the world on fire. Just Carl Garrett, Boston Patriot running
back was the AFL rookie of the year. SI followed Simpson with
a story on the decline and fall of Arnold Palmer, who went on
a hot srteak and began winning tournaments for the first time
in years.
Pete Rose of the Cincinnati Reds and Ernie Banks of the
Chicago Cubs were the joint stars of the next SI venture, and
any New Yorker or Atlantan will gladly gloat over that ore.
The magazine's next two issues were devoted to expert pre-
dictions on the forthcoming football seasons. As far as the col-
lege issue was concerned, the emphasis was placed on the team
of the century, Ohio State's Buckeyes, and I think Fat Boy re-
members November 22. SI's top twenty was also included in this
issue, and a few coaches of those teams are still probably having
trouble sleeping at night. SI predicted great things for such
teams as Georgia, which finished the season at 5-5-1, Okla- V
homa (6-4), Alabama (6-5), Indiana (4-6), SMU (3-7), and
Kansas (1-9). SI also warned Wolverine followers that they
would have to wait several years for results.
THE PRO FOOTBALL issue featured New York Jet kicker
Jim Turner and predicted that Baltimore, St. Louis, Green Bay,
Dallas, the Jets and Kansas City would cop division crowns. y
The Jets had at best a disappointing season, and only Dallas
and the Jets were to go on and lead their divisions although the
Chiefs were saved by the AFL's playoff system.
Then came SI's first good week when it featured Jimmy
Jones, the USC quarterback. Jones didn't have too potent a year,
but the Trojans went unbeaten, so we'll give the magazine the
benefit of the doubt. The jinx did not disappear for long, how- d
ever; two of the next three issues featured members of the to be
defeated Baltimore Orioles. Also included in 'the three issues
were cover features on "Green Bay - the road back (to third
place)" and Georgia, which at the time was 4-0 and would only
win one more game in 1969.
November opened with the first of two covers on the Super-
duds, the Minnesota Vikings, and later featured Oklahoma's
Steve Owens, the San Francisco Warriors and the Kansas City
Super Chiefs. The Saturday after Owens made the cover, the
big runner was held under 100 yards rushing for the first time
in 19 games. The "championship-bound" Warriors are currently
mired in fifth place in the NBA Western Division, and the
Chiefs were destined to lose the following Sunday to the Oak-
land Raiders. Other explanations for the Chiefs' later success
are traceable to the Viking features and a feature which ran
just before the AFL championship game entitled "Super Daryle
(Lamonica of the Raiders)."
PETE MARAVICH graced the cover of the first December
issue of SI. A victory of sorts for anti-jinx friends, but like the
October choice of Lew Alcindor for the pro cage issue, running
Pistol Pete is asking a little much. In any case the magazine got
back into the swing of things the next week when "The Knicks
Blitz the NBA" was featured: The Knicks have survived, but im-
mediately suffered a bad slump.
Texas "Slick (James) Street" was featured the next week.
The Longhorns managed to hold onto their number one rank-
ing, but Street eventually had to drop all his courses to prevent
his flunking out of school.
The results of the jinx on two recent cover victims will not
be known for awhile, but after the naming of Tom Seaver as
Sportsman of the Year, I will think twice before predicting a

repeat performance by the Amazing Mets and I definitely would
advise in favor of refraining from placing bets on Len Dawson
and company in the future.
One other victim of the jinx has apparently been the Cin-
cinnati Royals. When Bob Cousy made the cover of the maga-
zine, Cincy was fighting the Philadelphia 76ers for the fourth
and final playoff position in the NBA Eastern Division. Since
publication, the Royals have fallen out of sight.
Of course, I don't-pretend to say that the above instances
are conclusive, and I do admit that some of the instances are
stretched a bit, but there does seem to be a little more than
coincidence involved, and this could bode evil for the future.
You see the February 2 edition's .cover story was "The Last
Chance - Now." It dealt with the Earth.



Summer and Year Round JOBS ABROAD: Get paid, meet peo-
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York, N. Y., a non-profit student membership organization.


At State and Huron Streets
Hoover Rupert, Minister
Bartlett Beavin, Campus Minister
R. Edward McCracken, Campus Minister
9:30 and 11:00sa.m.-"The Advantages of
Knowing God Is."
7:00 p.m.-Program.
7:00 p.m.-Book discussion with grads.
12:00-Noon Luncheon Discussion. "Environ-
ment of Men" with Ed McCracken in the
Pine Room.
12:00-Noon Luncheon Discussion. "The Pro-
phets of the Post-The Centers" with Bart
Beavin in the Pine Room.
6:30 p.m.-Friday thru Sat.-Grad overnight
1833 Washtenw.Ave.
10:30 a.m.-Worship Services, Sundav School
( 2-20yveors).
'8:00 a.m.-"Testimony Meeting.
Infants room available Sunday and Wednesday.
Public Readina Room ,306 E. Liberty St.--
Mon., 10-9: Tues.-Sat, 10-5, Closed Sun-
days and Holidays.
"The Bible Speaks to You." Radio WAAM,
1600, Sunday, 8:45 a.m.
For transportation call 663-7321.

1001 East Huron
Phone 662-3153
Ministers: Calvin S. Malefvt and Paul Swets
10:30 a.m.--"Closeness!"-Calvin Malefyt
6:30 p.m.--"Abortion." Speakers: Dr. John
O'Sullivan, gynecologist; Dr. Jan Schneider,
gynecologist; Rev. Alden Hathaway, De-
troit Clergy Council for Problem Pregnan-
(the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 9:30 and at 11:00 a.m.-Services.
Sunday at. 6:00 p.m.-Gamma Delta Supper-
Wednesday at 10:00 p.m.-Midweek Service.

Hill St. at S. Forest Ave.
Donald G. Zill, Pastor
10:30 a.m.-Holy Communion
6:00 p.m.-Service of the Catacombs.
7:00 p.m.-Supper and Dialogue.

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Arnold Palmer,
whose boyish charm and faculty
for miraculous comebacks se n t
professional golf into a multi-mil-
lion-dollar spiral, was chosen yes-
terday Athlete of the Decade.
The 40-year-old fairway slugger
from the little mill town of Lat-
robe, Pa., beat out Bill Russell,
towering basketball star of the
Boston Celtics, in a nation-wide
poll of sports writers and broad-
casters to select the top performer
of the 1960's.
Although he did not dominate
the game as thoroughly as B o b
Jones in the 1920's, Byron Nelson
in the 1940's and Ben Hogan in
the 1950's and failed to over-
shadow his rivals as did men in
other fields, no individual made
such an impact on golf and the
sports world generally during the
Arnie received 231 of 655 votes
in a poll by The Associated Press,
with Russell a close second with
The blue ribbon personalities of
the nation's major spectator sports
- pro football and baseball -
trailed far behind these two men,
each a legend of his time. '
Sandy Koufax, the left-handed
pitching ace of the Dodgers, was
third with 56 votes, followed by
Johnny Unitas of the Baltimore
Colts, outstanding in a dazzling
parade of football quarterbacks,
47, and Mickey Mantle, the home
run punch of the New York Yan-1
kees, 43.i
Rounding out the Top Ten, inl

order, were Willie Mays, baseball;
Bart Starr, football; Jimmy
Brown, football; Wilt Chamber-
lain, basketball, and Bobby Hull,
Palmer created a new breed of
fans who dubbed themselves "Ar-
nie's Army." Largely they know
little of golf - and cared less.
They storm over the course -
running, pushing, yelling - ex-
horting their idol to fresh heroics.
Even when Palmier went into a
prolonged slump-- in 1968 and
1969, going 14 months without a
victory - they refused to desert
His longtime Masters caddy, Na-
thaniel "Iron Man" Avery, de-
scribes him best in telling of a
Palmer charge:
"It's let it go or blow it with
this man - all or nothing," Iron
Man says. "When he gets a charge
going, he just tugs at his glove,
perks at his trousrs and starts
walking fast. Then he says, 'The
game is on.'
Palmer started. the decade with
a come-from-behind victory in the
1960 U.S. Open at Denver a n d
ended it with a pair of triumphs
that spiked speculation that he
may be bowing to age and frayed
In between, he stretched h is
number of Masters victories to a
record four, collected two Brit-
ish Open crowns and boosted his
tournament triumps to 58, becom-
ing the game's first golfing mil-


310 S. State
Mrs, Eleonore Krafft, Minister
Sunday Service-11:00 a.m.
Study Class-Mrs. Krafft-7:30 p.m.
Prayer and Counseling-10:00 a.m.


(corner of Forest and Washtenaw)
Jan.-June: Experiment in Campus Ministry
MinisterToday: Rev. Harold Dekker
10:00 a.m.-Morning Service, "Servants
Servants of Servants."
7:15 p.m.-"Church Without Walls?"


Center Is Open-Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
1 1-2: Tuesday, 3-6 p.m.
1.917 Washtenaw Ave.
Erwin A. Goede. Minister
Chudch School and Services at 10:00 a.m.-
"Jefferson and Religious Freedom"
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Phone 662-4466
Ministers: Robert Sanders, John R. Waser.
Harold S. Horan
Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.-Preaching
February 8: Mr. Sanders.

East Huron at Fletcher (behind Rackhom)


1421 Hill-761-1451
Ark Experimental Worship at 4:30 p.m. on
On the Campus-
Corner State and William Sts.
Terry N. Smith, Minister
Ronald C. Phillips, Assistant
7:15 and 11:00 a.m.-"Use Small Doses."
Preaching: Terry Smith.

423 S. Fourth Ave.
Telephone 665-6149
Ministers: T. L. Trost, Jr., R. E. Simonson,
W. C. Wright

Were at It Again:
Grad Dance at, the House

1679 Broadway


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