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February 07, 1970 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-02-07

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Hundreds close

bank accounts

Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands
of dollars, flowed out of the Ann Arbor
Bank yesterday as over 600 students
closed their accounts in a mass action
sponsored by the Ann Arbor Tenants
The union organized the demonstration
to protest the bank's practices in dealing
with garnishment of strikers' accounts.
Garnishment in this case is a legal
procedure by which a court order may
be obtained by a landlord to freeze 125
per cent of the disputed rent in the
strikers account.
The Tenants Union major claim is
that the bank, which manages approxi-
mately 42,000 accounts, has garnished
students' accounts without notification
and then bounced their subsequent
In, a statement made last Tuesday,

The Ann Arbor Bank denied the Tenants
Union's charges. The bank said it "noti-
fies its customers that their accounts
have been garnished as soon as possible
after the garnishments."
The Tenants Union also charged the
bank with "slovenly" service to students
and general mishandling of their ac-
One bank official apologized for any
mistakes but explained the bank handles
many accounts and mishaps sometimes
Approximately 40 Tenants Union mem-
bers marched to the South University
branch of the Ann Arbor Bank at 2:30
p.m. yesterday to begin the protest. Some
began account closings while others pick-
eted outside. Account withdrawals and
picketing continued until the bank closed
its doors at 6:00 p.m.
Although the, demonstration was spon-
sored by the Tenants Union, many stu-

dents withdrawing their accounts were
not involved with the rent strike.
Some said their friends had been garn-
ished, but many claimed they had just
received poor service from the bank. Many
students at the bank only to transact nor-
mal business discussed the issue with TU
members and closed their accounts.
The bank's normal Friday check-cash-
ing crowd swelled as protesting students
joined the lines. While awaiting in the
long lines students discussed their griev-
ances with the Ann Arbor Bank.
"Even though I had a account here.
they wouldn't cash my out-of-town
check," complained one girl.
A boy near her said, "I deposited $1800
last August and they credited me with
$180. I had to spent hours hassling
bounced checks and other difficulties"
A bank vice president, commenting
on the protest said, "We hate to lose.
the accounts, of course. However, these

withdrawals will not really affect t h e
stability of the bank at all."
When students directly confronted the
bank officials with their grievances, he
replied, "You will probably see service
to students improve in -the future."
Burning bankbooks flickered briefly in
front of the bank, for a while. "This is
exciting because we don't have draft
cards," exclaimed one girl.
The Tenants Union members were Ju-
bilant over the success of yesterday's
The union claimed over 600 persons
signed petitions stating they closed their
"The whole thing is snowballing," said
Lynn Hallen, union steering committee
member. "People have been pulling ac-
counts all week and many more told us
they will be doing the same today and
on Monday."

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi

Students crowd Ann Arbor Bank

See Editorial Page



Cloudy and mild,
rain or snow ,

Vol. LXXX, No. 107

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 7, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


names dene



Fleiiing may submiit list
f f
to Michigan aid agenciesByJMcFRN
President Robben Fleming yesterday said he will not
submit a list of students involved in last fall's LSA Bldg.
sit-in to the health, education, and welfare department but
will instead send a letter describing the circumstances and
reasons for not listing students. <
Thus, students will probably not have federal scholar- , '
ships and loans cut, Fleming told a group of over 40 students
who gathered in his conference room yesterday afternoon.
He will, however, submit names to the state if University:
lawyers advise him that the state law which cuts off state
aid to demonstrators is con-
The meeting took place after
students who had picketed Flem-
ing's home nearly two hours pro- x
testing his previously announced
.. crttcuzd intention to submit names decided :
to ask Fleming personally what his
plans were.
A federal law states that any
students found guilty of disturb-
ing the teaching process or inter- : .
By DEBBIE THAL fering with university officials will
have their funds cut. It does not
r hrequire the school's president to
Relations Committee (SRC) submit names, however.
yesterday condemned Presi- The state law a part of the
dent Robben Fleming for his Higher Education Appropriations '/
planned compliance with state Act of 1969 requires Fleming to ABOI T 45 STUDENTS picketed
and federal laws which would send a list of names of convicted ing his planned compliance with
cut off aid to students con- students to the state agency that participants in the LSA sit-in. F
awards the scholarship monies. +--- -
victed of disrupting the Uni- The letter to HEW, currently
versity. being drafted, will express the TF REDUCTION F
Later yesterday, Fleming said University's opinion that students
he would not send a list of names did not disrupt the teaching pro-
to the federal authorities. Instead, cess nor did they interfere with 1
he said he would send a letter ex- University officials, said Fleming.
plaining the reason for his action When students , asked Fleming s e
and describing the disturbance. why he would coniply in any way
Fleming also said legal consul- with a law he has publicly op-
tants would consider whether a posed, the president replied that
legal challenge of the constitu- although he felt both laws "in
tionality of a similar state law terms of punishment for the in-
would have a good chance of suc- dividual were unfair, but if a law-!
cess d yer tells me the law is constitu-
If it did, he said, the Regents tional, we will comply." By HARVARD VALLANCE
may ifnitiate such a court fight. If He added the letter would also B
not, the president said he would establish the University's inter- An ad hoc committee of poli-
comply with the law and submit' pretation of the law. "If we are tical science graduate students yes-
the names of convicted students not going to cut aid off, we should terday called for a "moratorium"
to the agency which awards their have a record of why we took that on all teaching sections beginning
scholarships, action," he said. next week. They are protesting
"Using dollars to determine a This would prevent an auditor the departmental executive com-
persons's politics is the most from regarding the continuation mittee's decision to reduce the ap-
heinous kind of action," said his- of federal funds as "improperly propriations for teaching fellow-
tory Prof. Arthur Mendel. a mem- authorized," Fleming said. Such a ships for the coming year.
ber of SRC. decision might jeopardize other Over 40 of the 52 teaching fel-
"We are a conspiracy. We're federal funds, he added. lows in the department have said
See SRC, Page 8 See FLEMING, Page 8 they would support a moratorium,




15y W. E. SuCl'n
SDS member Richard Feld-
man, '71, will be charged with
S creating a contention, a mis-
k t demeanor, in "the recent dis-
ruptive events at the Univer-
.".}.sity," University News Service
i reported yesterday.
Ann Arbor police Lt. Kenneth
Klinge said at least one warrant
upkhas been issued, but he declined
to disclose the charges or the
. Inames of the individuals involved.
No arrests have been made un-
der the warrant, he said.
> The maximum penalty under
off ' the state contention statute is 90
days in jail and/or $100 fine.
~Daily-Thomas R. Copi In a letter to President Robben
d President Robben Fleming's home yesterday. They were protest- Fleming yesterday, Richard W.
federal and state laws which would cut off financial aid from Ryan, a local attorney retained by
leming met with the demonstrators later in the afternoon. t h e University, recommended
- - - -- ---prosecuting Feldman in the civil
courts and taking action against
IGHT: 12 other students under internal
University regulations.
"There is, in my judgment, suf-
ficient evidence against 13 stu-
dents to proceed in one forum or
the other," Ryan wrote to Fleming.
Ryan did not cite particular evi-,
dence in the letter .
Fleming and Ryan could not be,
reached for further comment last
Neither the names of the other
12 students nor the exact nature
a spokesman for the group said. cision-making process envisioned of the charges to be brought
A mass meeting of the graduate in the Stokes Report features a against them or Feldman have
students and teaching fellows will dialogue between graduate stu- been released.
be held at noon on Monday in the dents and faculty when their mu- Assistant County Prosecutor
Rackham amphitheater to discuss tual interests are at stake." Richard Pierce said Feldman may
the issues and to decide on future However, the students maintain- be charged with making or creat-
courses of action. ed that most of the nearly 200 un- ing a disturbance at the West En-
The moratorium could be called dergraduate students in political gineering Bldg. Jan. 29.
off, a spokesman said, if the exe- science were not aware a decision In his letter to Fleming, Ryan
cutive committee agrees to retract had been made until a depart- did not indicate which of three
the decision and to reopen the is- mental meeting of both faculty recent SDS-sponsored "disruptive
sue for discussion. and students was held in Decem- events" would be involved in the
The executive committee of the ber. charge.
department decided on the bud- The ad hoc group adds that the On Jan. 29, demonstrators led by
get change last October. Accord- fact that one graduate student SDS blocked a DuPont recruiter
ing to department chairman Sam- sat on the executive committee in the West Engineering Place-
ual Eldersveld, the reallocation of when the decision was made does ment Offices and barred appli-
funds would bring a reduction in not constitute the significant dia- cants from entering.
teaching fellowships and lecture- logue between students and facul- Ryan recommended that prose-
ships by approximately 30 per cent ty called for in the Stokes Re- cution of the other 12 students
in the 1970-71 academic year to port. should proceed under Student
permit the hiring of additional fa- Eversveld protested yesterday Government Council rules or sim-
culty. that graduate student representa- ilar rules administered by the col-
He indicated that the executive tion on the executive committee leges.
committee, consisting of seven fa- was adequate and that it was the Ryan's letter claimed "the case
culty members, one graduate and student's responsibilityto keep his' is clearer" under these rules be-
one undergraduate representative, constituancy informed. See SDS, Page 8
has adopted the decision unani-
mously and had considered it to be'
final.e committee "would be willing SAB ices: usm es
to talk," Eldersveld said, "but it
would be very difficult to say"
whether or not the decision could asS S 1o ds 'eariiv
The graduate student who sat
on the executive committee last By ANITA WETTERSTROEM Office staff of West Engineer-
semester. John Stucker, expressed To p la c e m e n t office per- ing Bldg., which experienced sim-
"some disagreement" with Elders- sonnel, Thursday's SDS demon- ilar activities due to the presence
veld's views and with a memoran- stration was iore of a carnival of a Texaco recruiter, declined
dum concerning the controversy than a disruption, or as Vonnegut comment.
ioc,-lq - nr,,,Vai.nrlpr znr hpm rr- - -trnof - im - - on hrmi,.. t+ e nln.rtm~t.nf-

-Associated Press
Playing judge
Chicago 7 defendants Abbie Hoffman and 'Jerry Rubin niock
Judge Julius Hoffman by entering the court wearing judicial robes.




SEA formulates
admissions plan




Students for Effective Action (SEA), yesterday released
a proposal for increasing black and minority admissions
by making more financial assistance available to members
of minority groups.
Representatives of SEA will meet with President Robben
Fleming early next week to discuss the plan.
"We are proposing," said Andy Weissman, '71, "that
students vote in a referendum to tax themselves $15 a year,
in the form of an ear-marked increase in tuition, or as
_.... rsrl ~ rCMOQafa 01(

"Thank God It's Friday," they,
sigh on their way out of class. For'
it's time to take in a TG-the age
old institution designed to undo
what the last six days have done.!
Traditionally TG's are held at
sororities or fraternities though
any ad hoc group can organize one
on its own. Lots of music, live or!
recorded, plenty -of free beer and!
some good co-education are the
only prerequisites.
Yesterday was no different. At
one fraternity the festivities began
around 4:15 p.m. when the host
fraternity men lined the windows
to peruse the invited sorority
women and any other interested



s as usual
al' lock-in

a completely separate iee, anu
that the faculty vote to assess
themselves $25 a year."
With these funds, SEA claims
the proposal along with appro-
priate university action w o u Id
roughly double the number of
minority students on campus in
four years.
Walter Lewis of the Black Stu-
dents Union (BSU) yesterday re-
sponded favorably to the plan.
"I think it's really fine," he said.
"This is what we were hoping for,

"He did not seem to be at all
apprehensive when told of the
pending lock-in" said Ardis. "He
was a seasoned recruiter who had
been in similar situations before."
'Tha ha n-a -m-+fnffi ,.rnn


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