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High- 17
Cloudy and colder,
chance of flurries
Vol. LXXX, No. 112 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 13, 1970
Ten Cents
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Tuition increase viewed as
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Special To The Daily
CHICAGO - "History will
hold it's breath," while the
'Chicago 7' trial jury is de-,
liberating, defense attorney
Leonard Weinglass concluded.
in his final argument yester-
Weinglass called upon the jury
to "do what is right," and acquit
the seven radical leaders, who he
said were victims of "a great
wrong"-prosecution 'of the men
who were themselves the victims
of official misconduct."
The defense lawyer was sec-
onded by his associate William
Kunstler who managed to tell the
jury-before being silenced by a
r:{};sustained objection-that "We are
all on the docks, because what
happens to these men happens to
all of us.'
In y e s t e r d a y's presentation,
Kunstler tried unsuccessfully to
give the jury an historical per-
spective on radicalism and the
convention-week violence which
his clients are being charged with
Weinglass reviewed in detail the
efforts to obtain permits for ral-
lies and marches and park use,
made prior to the Democratic
Convention by the Yippies, and
the National Mobilization Com-
mittee to End the War in Vietnam.
He accused the city government
Daily-Randy Edmonds of refusing to bargain, and said
Sen. Philip Hart that when the permits were de-
nied after exhaustive efforts to
e obtain them, the demonstrators
had a "moral permit" to act as
St p red 1cts Wtheir consciences dictated.
tWeinglass reminded the jury
that Abraham Lincoln was called
unpatriotic when he refused as a
oK- for' Carsw Tfreshman congressman to support
the Mexican War.
By NANCY TARDIFF "The true patriots are the men
who love the principles on which1
Sen. Philip Hart (D-Mich.), speaking before about 200 this country is based more than
,people last night in a discussion sponsored by the Lawyers' the easy day-to-day peace and
Club, said he expects the nomination of Judge G. Harrold security of this country," he said.
Carswell will eventually be pprvddesA brief furor broke out when
y bapproved despite many substan Weinglass tried to tell the jury
tial reasons he sees against it. that the '60's was a decade when
The senator did not give a formal speech but opened the "Americans literally took to the
floor to questions in what the Lawyers' Club called a "bitch streets to protect their rights."'
session." He responded to what he called a "schizophrenic When he claimed that Martin
'audience" consisting mostly of law students but with the Luther King was one such Ameri-
literary college well represented. IShultz Aobjected, saying that the
In the subsequent questions and discussion Hart com- date civil rights leader did not pro-
4imented on a wide variety of test in the same way as the de-'
" isues.Kunstler jumped to his feet to
Sorority to Hart, a member of the Senate deny the objection. "You weren't
Judiciary Committee, said that with Martin Luther King," he told
the chances that Carswell will be Schultz. "I was."
approved are very good but, "the
.donate funds reasons that he should be stopped Although the defendants-most
are verwelmng ad pesuaive. of homgot their start in radical!
Delta Sigma Theta sorority has are overwhelming and persuasive, o o their involvement
set a goal of $5,000 to supplement The idea that the role of the with the civil rights movement-
the Ann Arbor library's recently Senate should be only to advise insisted vocally that they had
founded black studies collection. and consent has stopped many learned their message from King,
The sorority has filled its quota senators from extending their ap- Judge Julius Hoffman sustained
of $1000 for the ear according praisal of Carswell into his ideo- the objection rulingr that the
The probability of a tuition increase,
for the next academic year has increas-
ed sharply since Gov. William Milliken
submitted to the State Legislature his
request for a state appropriation to the
University's general fund for the 1970-
71 academic year.
According to Vice President for Aca-
demic Affairs Allan Smith, the gover-
nor's request, 'if adopted by the Legis-
lature, would leave projected revenues
at $3 million less than the amount re-
quired to balance the general fund bud-
get proposed by the governor.
"What is . clear is that we could
not produce the necessary level of re-
venues without a modification of the
fee income," Smith said.
A tuition increase would be the third
in the last four years. Smith said yester-
day that he could not speculate on the
amount of any increase at this time.
The governor proposed a $121.3 mil-
lion general fund operating budget for
the University. Milliken's budget called
for a state appropriation to the general
fund of $75.7 million with the remain-
ing $45.6 million to come from other
University sources of revenue - in-
cluding tuition.
University administrators estimate
that these sources will bring in only
$42.6 million next year. The $3 million
gap, Smith said, would have to be made
up, at least in part, by a tuition in-
The $121.3 million general fund
budget proposed by Milliken was $5.4
million less than the budget requested
by the University for 1970-71.
If the University decides to add part
of the $5.4 million to the general fund
budget, the gap between general fund
income and expenditures would go
above the $3 million mark. That would
necessitate an even larger fee increase,
Smith said.
Such an additional increase seems
likely since University administrators
say certain budgeted items are essential
and must be funded.
"The governor's budget," Smith said,
"doesn't allow one nickle for increased
student financial aids." Greater finan-
cial aid is one of the key demands sub-
mitted by black students in their pro-
posal for increased minority admissions.
In a related development, Smith dis-
elosed that the governor's budget mess-
age raised the possibility that out-of-
state students would be required begin-
ning next year to pay 75 per cent of the
cost of their education.
"We believe that in estimating insti-
tutional revenue necessary to fund the
governor's budget, he has anticipated a
fee increase based upon a policy which
would require non-residents to pay 75
per cent of the cost of instruction,"
Smith said.
The percentage currently paid by out-
of-state students is unclear, Smith said,
because there are several different meth-
ods for calculating the figure.
"By one method, the share paid by
non-residents does not equal 75 per
cent," he added. "There are other meth-
ods, however, which could reach dif-
ferent results."
The question of a tuition increase is
complicated by a new state law which
requires the University to declare the
amount of a fall tuition increase by
April 15, or face a reduction in the state
appropriation by an amount matching
the increase.
The statute is contained in the Higher
Education Appropriations Act of 1969,
and is expected to be retained in the
1970 act.
Fleming sees
In minority, i
President Robben Fleming said yesterday he was in
agreement with "the merits" of proposals by black students
for increased minority admissions, but warned that funding
the program would be "very difficult."
The main problem, Fleming said, would be to locate funds
to cover the costs of financial aid to minority students which
is necessary to enable many minority students to enroll at
the University.
Fleming was reacting to a list of demands presented last
week by the Black Action ----
Movement - a coalition of
black student groups.
The list included demands for:I
-An annual increase in the -
proportion of black students at' 1-- e
the University until the porpor- JI
tion of blacks "shall approach, if
not exceed" the proportion of
blacks living in the state. 900 new 'on
black students would be admitted ItP aLIKS
next fall;
Tenants Union members had th
rent strike with a birthday part
for the organization's second yea
"""ny-nan """U""U
'TU birthday party
heir cake and ate it too as they cele
y last night. The union discussed pa
Faculty opinion
bver tV
. ,i1V1 ,U14 ,"Z t, U1 r j -W LA
to treasurer Sharon Bishop, logical realm, Hart said. They metinof King was not material.
thoug treurk Sharne Bshdn assume consideration of his tech- He ordered Kunstler's remarks
through the bucket drive held on nical abilities is enough. stricken from the record. By JIM McFERSON
the Diag and at Arborland twostiknfo threrd
weeks ago. Some money was also Hart, however, thinks C a r s- In his final argument. Kunstler The trimester system will be
raised at a dance. well's ideology and philosophy are attempted to show the jury the continued with only slight mod-
Private contributions have been significant and the Senate should similarity of the defendant's pro- ifications if the recommendations
coming in, due to publicity, Miss Itry to examine these also. test and other protests in Amer- of the University Calendar Com-
Bishop added. "Everyone assumes that t h e ican history, emphasizing in par- mittee are followed.
"Though this year's goal hat executive branch should consider ticular events occurring before However a number of faculty
been reached, we'll be glad to raise the ideology of an individual be- and during the American Revolu- members, at a meeting last night
more," she said. fore nominating him. Why should tion. of the local branch of the Amer-
A book drive is the next event the Senate, the second branch hold Kunstler will finish his sum- ican Association of University
scheduled. itself back?" he said. mation today. After a closing Professors (AAUP) sharply crit-
The black studies section was Hart claims that Carswell could argument by U.S. Atty. Thomas icized the trimester system, and
the brain-child of Ronald Ed- not prove from his record that he Foran, Hoffman will charge the called for reinstitution of t h e
onds, human relations director of has changed his attitude since his jury and they will retire for deli- semester program.
the Ann Arbor public schools. "white supremacy" statement of beration. The report of the calendar
..AL.ALJL N-/ " %I/ N-./ AL A- IN
no classes before Labor Day, and
one study day before exams in
both the spring and summer half-
The report will be considered by
Senate Assembly Monday.
Voicing objections to the tri-
mester system at the AAUP meet-
ing was psychology Prof. E. Low-
ell Kelly, who called it "The most
erosive thing to the quality of
education at the University of
Michigan that has ever happen-
-An increase in University fi-
brate the first anniversary of the nancial aid to black students;
st accomplishments and planned -The hiring of several full-time
recruiters to help in securing in-
- -creased minority enrollment; and,
-The establishment of an "in-
tensive supportive service pro-
gram" to aid the new black stu-
Fleming said yesterday that sev-
d iv id e deral administrators were currently
figuring the specific costs of im-
plementing the various proposals.
"The black students have made
reasonable and constructive pro-
posals if one just looks at the
merits of the proposals," Fleming
commented. "But there is a ser-
ious problem in paying for the
trimester system among LSA fac- programs, and unless we get help.
ulty, he said. I it will be very difficult."
Hay said that according to his The projected costs of the pro-
own poll, senior faculty members posed programs . will be outlined
were evenly divided on the question at the Feb. 19-20 Regents meet-
and percentages in favor of the ing, Fleming said. The Regents
trimester increased progressively have already received copies of
from teaching fellows down to the demands.
freshman students. Fleming said he did not expect
The action taken on the com- tle Regents to act on any of the
mittee report will be considered by proposals at their February meet-
President Fleming, who had asked ing. However, he added that he
Hay to undertake the study to would seek a directive from the
determine how well the trimester Regents calling on the adminis-
was working. tration to look further into the'
Any change will have to be ap- proposals with the possibility of
Anproved by the Regents o be submitting a concrete program to-
the Regents at their March meet-
Supporters of the, trimester sys- ing.
tem point out that it enables more Fleming said he discussed the
teaching to get -done, that it gives demands with representatives of
students greater freedom in plan- the black students on Wednesday.
ning their programs, and that the Initial estimates of certain costs
system is popular with students were presented at the meeting, but
--a l L ._ ..,_-3 __.. L -L - -a - 114- 491ur- . ......"
"Not .only are students getting
1 hanr draib ti thpvr atn
The executive committee of the
political science department yes-
terday rejected a proposal made
Wednesday night by the depart-
ment's protesting graduate stu-
,The students had called for the
department to negotiate both an
earlier decision to reduce the de-
partment's budgetary allocation
for teaching fellowships and a list
of other grievances.
Prof. Jack Walker Jr., a member
of the executive committee, said
it was the committee's feeling that
the decision to reallocate the fel-
lowship funds was "not rescind-
able." The funds will be used, un-
der the plan, to permit the hiring
of additional faculty members.
In protest of the decision, made
last October, an ad hoc group of
graduate students in the depart-
ment claiming to represent all of
the department's teaching fellows
has conducted a moratorium on
the teaching of recitation sections
this week.
The executive committee had
made an earlier offer to the stu-
dents to negotiate other demands
which include the establishment
of a graduate committee with orig-
inal jurisdiction over financial
matters affecting graduate stu-
dents. A pre-condition to this
offer, however, was acceptance by
the graduate students of the Oc-
tober decision to cut graduate fe)-
The students turned down the
proposal Wednesday night and
voted not to accept any precondi-
tions to further discussions. Walk-
er said, however, that the offer
"is still open."
Prof. Samuel Eldersveld, chair-
man of the department, will re-
lease a statement today explain-
ing the committee's rejection of
the student's proposal for nego-
The rejection was approved
unanimously by the executive
committee, which includes both a
graduate and an undergraduate
representative. Yesterday's deci-
sion was also endorsed by the
'political science faculty at its
regular monthly meeting.
The graduate students have
claimed that an $18,000 reduction
It officially began last October 1948.
with a donation from Mr. Ed- Hart expressed concern over
monds of lecture tapes and books. See HART, Page 3
The jury will deliberate until 10
p m. tonight and tomorrow andl
1Sunday if necessary.
committee advocates continuance ..kk.eO4creaic u1LneU reI eL±115
of the trimester system, extension fewer credits," he said.
of spring break to a week's length, Kelly based these statements
---- -_____ ___ __ _ ---largely on the facts that the aver-
age number of credit hours taken
at the University has steadily de-
clined since the introduction of
the trimester system five years ago,
Slogan A
and the number of students who
I rks pro
Early Wednesday morning, in
preparation for a day of pro-
test over the arrest and impris-
onment of Huey Newton and
the Ann Arbor Six, a group of
unknown persons spray-painted
t h e words "FREE HUEY" in
large letters on the wall of Aud.
At 8:10 a.m., anthropology
Prof. Robert Eckhardt walked
into the auditorium, where he
was scheduled to lecture h i s
Anthro 428 class, saw the leg-
end, and promptly called off
take incompletes has greatly in- and faculty because of the long were not made public. We agreed
creased. summer vacations. See COSTS, page 3
Associate Dean of the Rackham
School of Graduate Studies George
Hay, chairman of the CalendarS
Committee, replied that although:SGC opposes Locke
these facts were true he believed
the drop in the average number
of credit hours was a trend which'
began before the change in calen- candi
Psychology Prof. Warren Nor-
man will introduce a resolution in Student Government Council - yesterday that Gorman and Lewis
opposition to the committee re- yesterday announced its opposition were not speaking for the execu-
port at Monday's Assembly meet- to the candidacy of Hubert Locke tive officers of the BSU.
ing calling for the reinstitution of for vice president for student Locke, in an Daily interview last
a nine month semester program. services. Sunday, said a quota system for
The outcome of the Assembly's 'To appoint any man, black or minority admissions would provoke
vote is difficult to predict: a poll white, who was unacceptable to a backlash from other groups who
which Kelly conducted showed the black student community could might also request representative
over 2-1 sentiment against the ' only indicate great ignorance and quotas.
innz viynn he nrat £of the "iv,,uia wfro~m what he said jin