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February 11, 1970 - Image 1

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Cloudy, snow flurries;
little change

Vol. LXXX, No. 110 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February H1, 1970 Ten Cents

Eight Pages




offer to

profs make
prote stors



The executive committee of
the political science depart-
ment yesterday called for pro-:
testing graduate students to
accept the reduction of teach-
ing fellowship funds but it
agreed to negotiate certain
other grievances which t h e
students have presented.
Most of the department's teach-
ing fellows have been holding a
"moratorium" on the teaching of
all political science recitation sec-
tions since Monday in a dispute
over reallocation of teaching fel-
lowship funds'to permit the hir-
ing of additional faculty members.
A resolution passed by the ex-
ecutive committee stated that ac-
ceptance of the committee's ear-
lier decision to reallocate the funds
was a prerequisite to any negotia-
tions on certain issues.
The resolution called for the
establishment of a joint student-
faculty advisory committee to dis-
cuss the utilization of all fellow-
ship funds available to graduate
students next year.
The executive committee also:
agreed that two proposals made by
the students also will be discussed
-the possibility of tax-free status
for teaching fellows and the estab-
lishment a departmental "clearing
house" which would seek financial
support for students from outside
of the r e g u 1 a r departmental
John Pammet, the graduate stu-
dents' representative on the execu-
tive committee, said both he and
the undergraduate member of the
committee supported the resolu-
The ad hoc organization of

University administrators, students
and Ann Arbor public school officials are
colliding over the issue of who should
pay for the education of children of
students living in University apart-
Since University land and housing are
exempt from local property taxes, Ann
Arbor school officials have asked the
University to volunteer funds to offset
some of the costs for educating 388
children The children are now attend-
ing the University school which will be
discontinued at the end of this year.
1 the University agrees to pay for the
childrens' education, University offic-
ials have said there will probably be a
rent hike for all married students to
help cover the new expense.
Under the current state laws, Ann

Arbor schools are required to accept all
school age children living within the dis-
trict, regardless of whether their par-
ents pay taxes to the city.
Negotiations have been under way for
several weeks between University and
city school officials over an appropriate
basis for payment, but some members of
the Northwood Terrace Association
(NTA) which includes the approximate-
ly 1,000 student families livipg in mar-
ried housing, object to any payment. at
"The 'reason students live in Univer-
sity housing is because they can't afford
not to," says NTA member Paul Duffy,
who is also a representative on the Stu-
dent Advisory Committee on Housing.
"If there is a rent hike, married hous-
ing will be among the most expensive in
Ann Arbor." .

"This land is exempt from taxation,"
he continues. "If our rent is raised for
the purposes of paying the school sys-
temi, the University would be in the posi-
tion of levying and collecting a tax-
which it isn't empowered to do."
But Director of University Housing
John Feldkamp says "The University is
convinced that some payment is appro-
Feldkamp, Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer Wilbur Pierpont, and
Administrative Dean Robert Williams
were appointed by University President.
Robben Fleming to negotiate with
school board officials.
According to Pierpont, there are three
possible ways of basing payment to the
public school system.
These include:

hassle over school costs

-Using the state's formula for public
school students living outside of the dis-
trict where they attend school;
-Using the actual per student cost for
the schools; or
-Using an assumed property tax
assessment of the Northwood apart-
ments, applying the normal city rate.
Another factor in the discussions, says
Pierpont, is that University students
practice teach in the public schools.
"We're discussing whether or not this
teacher training item should be tied to
the payment for children residing on
North Campus," he explains.
Feldkamp has suggested that the cost
the University incurs in sending student
teachers to Ann Arbor schools be con-
sidered part of the University's contribu-
tion to the schools.
See 'U', Page 3

4 "-.1

Names of

-Daily-Jim Judkis
The challenger?
Richard Durant, former Republican party chairman for the
state's 14th district, speaks before Young Republicans yesterday
on education reform. Durant may be challenging Gov. William
Milliken for the Republican gubernatorial nomination.
BSU blasts Locke,
t7 r .e s t -r~ri r i~ri~0




President Robben Fleming yesterday forwarded to literary
college Dean William Hays the names of those students identi-
fied as having participated in recent disruptive activities at
the University.
It remained unclear, however, what action, if any, would
be taken by the college against the students, who were not
The LSA Student Assembly adopted a motion last night
that charged President Fleming with "attempting to violate

qygj F US R~3 14IO ( political science graduate students
will holds its third mass meeting
tonight at 7:30 in the Rackham
By LARRY LAMPERT amphitheater to vote on the exe-
Members of the Black Students Union (BSU) yesterday cutive committee's proposal.
reiterated BSU's opposition to Hubert Locke as a candidate the cotuets voer the athee
for vice president for student services. day old moratorium will end and
BSU members Darryl Gorman and Walter Lewis, also teaching fellows will conduct the
Student Government Council members, cited the conflict be- recitation sections scheduled for
tween the union's views on minority admissions and the views tomorrow and Friday.
voiced by Locke in an article in The Daily last Sunday. , Prof. A. Organski,- whose in-
Locke in e in The Dai at una troductory course on American
Locke is one 'of the-two black candidates for the vice politics includes 22 recitation sec-
presidency. Three other candidates were also recommended to tions, yesterday said, "From what
-- President Robben Fleming by I understand, my sections have
Cl a student-faculty search corn- not met " He added "I don't think
C SJ hsituent-Janult sear c anybody else's did, either."
S mittee in January. Prof. Jack Walker, a member
BSU demanded last week that of the executive committee, said
;the number of black students at that much of the dispute was due
iUOtlOI~ lor Ithe University be increased until to misinformation on the part of
the percentage is equal to the per- the graduate students.
centage of blacks living in the A memorandum issued by the
non-a 1e o state. graduate students last Friday
charged that "the total amount of
However, Locke had expressed money available for current grad-
Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) strong fears about a quota system uate students is $21,000 less than
last night condemned as "coer- for increasing minority admis- the current allocation."
cion" a resolution passed by Stu- sions, maintaining that the Sys- Citing a Feb. 5 memorandum
tem would provoke a backlash issued by the executive committee,
dent Government Council lastfrom other groups who might also Walker said that the total amount
Thursday urging it to refuse to request representative quotas. of money available to support
consider any- case which may alsogrdaesuntnxtyrwol
be tried in another court. "Judging from what he has said graduae student next year would
in this article," Gorman said, . aculyinrae
Reacting to the possibility of I don't think Locke's statement is He said that in return for an
President Robben Fleming prose- a good enough recognition of reali- $18,000 cut in funds for teaching
cuting students involved in recent ty for black people in the state." fellows, literary college Dean Wil-
disruptions in civil court and L s eham Hays has promised an in-
through University judicial pro- Lewis said the BSU regarded the crease of $9,000 in the depart-
cedures, SGC passed a motion percentage as a goal rather than ment's Rackham block fellowship
which maintained that prosecu- a quota. "But even if we did have grant.
tion in both courts is a violation a quota of 18 per cent-parallel to Walker said that an expected
of the legal prohibition against the percentage of blacks in the increase in total fellowship funds;
double jeopardy. state," Lewis added "that would for next year from $37,400 to $67,-
mean 6000 blacks instead of the 400 was "almost certain."
However, CSJ members said 1000 we have now." A spokesman for the group
they believed SGC "overstepped charged that the increase in fund-
their authority." . Lewis admitted that some would " "und- -


the most basic rights of those LSA students

suspected of
SAB, and/or


-Daily-Jim Judkis_

TF union meets

About 60 teaching fellows last night elected an interim steering committee to guide the next six
weeks' efforts to establish an authorized teaching fellows union at the University. The group
formulated plans for a petition drive to gather support from the University community. (See
story, page 8).

non-academic misconduct at
the West Engineering Bldg."
The motion urged that:
-Hays not "become a part of
President Fleming's repressive
-"an all-student LSA judiciary"
hear all cases concerning "non-
academic behavior; and
-LSA students not cooperate
in any action taken against stu-
dents for non-academic cases
except if the cases are tried in
all-student judiciaries;
Meanwhile, 21 faculty members
yesterday released a statement
wliich expressed "deep alarm" at
what they called "recent efforts
by the University administration'
to repress groups such as Students
for a Democratic Society."
Thefaculty members also said
they were organizing a radical
University staff group which
would oppose "military and cor-
porate violence."
The forwarding of the names
to Dean Hays was the latest in a
series of moves the University has
taken in response to three inci-
dents of SD'S-sponsored disruption
within the last month.
On the recommendation of
Richard Ryan, a local attorney
retained by the University, the ad-
ministration has been investigat-
ing possible courses of legal action
against the people involved in the
Two weeks ago, President Flem-
ing said that the University had
identified at least 16 people in-
volved in the disruptions, includ-
ing thirteen students.
In a letter dated Feb. 6, Ryan
assured Fleming that there is suf-
ficient evidence to p r o c e e d
See FLEMING, Page 8

LSA assembly presses
for representative body
By ROBERT JERRO referendum of all literary college In other action, the assembly:
The LSA Student Assembly last students. adopted a motion that charged3
night unanimously endorsed a The assembly also approved an President Fleming with "attempt9
proposal for the creation of a interim constitution which will to violate the most basic rights of;
"v i a b 1 e, representative student govern its activities until the new those LSA students suspected of,
government"ifor students enrolled government is created. non-academic m i s c o n d u c t at
in et colle. The nerim cosiu. North Hall, the SAB, and/or the
mn the literary college. The interim constitution pro- ,West Engineering Bldg."
The new government would re- vides that the assembly acquire The motion was approved in re-
place the student assembly, an ad certain governmental powers, in- sponse to Fleming's forwarding
hoc group which was established cluding: to literary college Dean William
last fall.,' -The power to lobby for the Hays the names of those students
The assembly last night estab-.interest of LSA students; identified as having participated in
lished a committee to draft a con- --The power to appoint mem- the recent disruptions at the
stitution for the proposed body. bers to a proposed LSA student University.
The constitution will go into effect judiciary, which would try non-t--- -_
when it has been approved in a academic cases; {x17-

North Hall, the

HEW sent
letter b
The University has sent a letter
to Robert Finch, secretary of
health, education and welfare, ex-
plaining President Robben Flem-
ing's reasons for not forwarding
to HEW the names of participants
in recent disruptions at the Uni-
The letter is in compliance with
a federal law which provides that
federal financial aid be revoked
from students who disrupt the
teaching process at a school or
interfere with college officials.
However, the law does not stip-
ulate that 'a college president sub-
mit names if he believes that the
disruptors do not come under the
auspices of the law.
The letter to Finch expressed
the University's opinion that stu-
dents did not disrupt the teaching
process or interfere with Univer-
sity officials during three recent
disruptions sponsored by Students
for a Democratic Society.
Meanwhile, legal consultants to
the University have not made any
final decision on the constitution-
ality of a state law which requires
Fleming to forward the names of
convicted students receiving fi-
nancial aid to the state agency
that awards the scholarship grant.

J '

view such an increase in black en- g was very tenuous, at best"
Kussy asked that SGC rescind rollment "not valid." But he add- and added that most of the $30,000
the motion because otherwise any ed "Any backlash resulting from could only be used to support stu-
future CSJ action on a double' ' dents working in certain areas
jeopardy decision would be sub- that increase would be simple and that some students will be
ject to question. racism." left without support.

_ . -u .0 0


-The power to originate stu-
dent projects"and activities;
-The power to serve as the ap-
pointing body for selection of
members of student committees.j

Uhicago 7 trial prosecution gives
4,nn~av:defe~nse to sne7k today

Landlords neutral on new code

The new city housing code which in-
creases protection for tenants rights and
provides stiffer penalties for code violators
has drawn little strong reaction from local
landlords or the Ann Arbor Tenants Union.
Most of the landlords contacted said that
either they were not familiar enough with
the new regulations to comment on them,
or that their buildings conformed to the
code so there would be no reason to fear it.
A Tenants Union spokesman said he be-

If the landlord fails to correct the vio-
lations within a period of time three times
as long as the original limit set by the city,
then fines of $5 a day will be levied against
the landlord until the correction is made.
A spokesman for Charter Realty housing,
said he forsees no problems for his com-
pany in the new law.'
Since Charter buildings all conform to
the code, he claimed, stricter enforcement
would not affect the copmpany.
Similar sentiments were expressed by

D. A. Renken, owner of D. A. Renken
Co., had nearly the same reaction as Burn-
ham. "We don't have anything out of
code," he said, "so enforcement doesn't
bother us."
One of the provisions of the code pro-
vides for inspection of apartments every
two years. Burnham said his company reg-
ularly calls for inspections by the city and
would not be bothered by the inspections
under the code. "We call for inspection
every two years or less," Renken said.

An election will be held in two ;k7 .1.11.11NJL
weeks fortthe president and vice
president of the proposed govern- By JENNY STILLER
ment. Any student who is enrolled Special To The Daily
as a full-time student in the liter-
ary college may be a candidate. CHICAGO - The final -argu-
ments for the prosecution were:
are asked to submit a written given at the Conspiracy 7 trailI
notice of their intent to run for i yesterday.
office with supporting signatures| The summation, given by Asst.
of not less than 25 full-time liter- U.S. Atty. Richard Schultz will be
ary college students to the LSA completed this morning. It was
Student Counseling Service. based largely on a review of the
prosecution's evidence, presented II
Assembly Vice Chairman Bob to the jury nearly two months ago, I
Giobe said the election will be before the defense presented its
well publicized, since, he main- case.
tamned, it will be the first time i I.,

U~. .. ' . . ._) v R~ v ...' v .. w ara - ~ r.r.

to Chicago under the guise of
peaceful protest, and then to
create a situation which wquld
force police to react in such a way
as to provoke a riot. This, Schultz
said, was intended to radicalize
the anti-war movement and create,
"a national liberation front in the
United States."
He began with a half-hour apol-
ogia for four key government wit-
nesses, claiming that all four -
three of whom were undercover
police agents - had given truth-
ful testimony, even when it meant

pecially that of Abbie Hoffman
and Rennie Davis, the two defend-
ents who testified.
He cited differences between
prosecution and defense testimony,
and told the jury, "It is your
duty to decide who is telling the
Schultz attempted to counter-
act the possible prestige of music-
ians and black leaders who testi-
fied for the defense, claiming the
defendents had told these people
their aims for convention week
were peaceful, when actually the

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