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April 01, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…[ oi: l 1. . oJi. NuT. ANN AR~BOR1, MICH., WEDTNESDA Y, APR IL 1,1lI9003 No. 136 FENCING TOURNAMENT Norhwastern Girls in Ahletics -~ -Mo'eits ha 1itty Nsrtisvssi s't'tt~ AnnualExhibitisn Next Stuida- Ste'sit sseues's iiessis' its'ter i n it TslDecide Champnship of the isis1io itfour evstss only wert' University-Tumbling and runsositriothws'e situ ite ivlrs Gymnastic Events 1kudif e'o '01t t ildsto sut'sinit the stting, of seea creds'itblite Th...…

April 01, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…THEL UNIERSITY Ok" MICTHIGAN DAILY. TH llE U. Oi M. DAILY 1: iII '1 ilt~llll.' 111HIor adlC sprin be dno, wre Ile j-r~lllai asss Engraved EItctreda c o lot-Il 0 tnit tAnn Arbor tof itll i 'pal i t Ins ()joi l tan111otU?1 I 14il eavt 114. 1 1 Ir i Holie-Cim e ce SIilihd rlynIdasex~tg 8 irii lllntonlyh ' 'P 0' i II; 1111 elliH aiflil Nl UflCO <1 hecolev yara the Universit 4fdichoiagusfl. '11' aitt ItO d te +Iment I nvita= cmilpany JucII -ivli l'...…

April 01, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIERSITY OV IMICHIGAN DAILY. Spring ITHE RIGHT THDINGS AND _ Spring NOUGH OAF THEM 5 1 *Is whnt keeps tlits store in ii , d..iiil wi iiithe young menOf tlT ~ i(,st. O rC(x iiit f Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the Exclusive Patterns in newest Men's Furnishing M~adras, Cheviot, II enri ini int tn;rn Linen and Percale. thtlii e i torte to iii 2 or25c Wagner & Co. WADHAMS, RYAN &REIE, At the sgn of te ptereId utoablihcl 1881$$. 1(m;i ...…

April 01, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. "r)Of one Af the best and most perfect fitting Customi Tr aE -lmade :shirts. We have a large assortment ini pretty effects in Oxford and Cheviot weaves from 'ZION BR'A ND" $1.oo to $2.50 CUTTNG RVER CO 19 and iii J. G.BU 5, ~CUTTING, R VER& 0C1,Washington Street University Tea Rooms RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING {0MMRI AT PHIOTOGRAPHIERI. AT RENTSCHLER'S. 0. UNEMRTILS LOVELL'S Cor. ;Bain and Huron St. Phone 39,...…

March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…OR ,.; {0 Xiiir.. XIII. ANN' AOM ICt I.Tt-'S2'AY, IAIsC1-III21, 1103 No. I5 A GREAT MEET Rocky Mountain Club Baqut Oulr Showinig AganstO Conell w1a11111 loo iaii ; l ctn,11 ' ril Rvelation- Oudoor Work Be- t ie, ~,In eades'vtl ginls Tody-lIos1Pocts for 110 ls isi ll to de1 2 11 to1 th Western Conference Wet ltit+rit 211hhil 11fae 111111' ii' till 111111mvkirv1111' ii ili:11111i - - ,1 111111ed w ihliclt im 11111 ail thl' ldiii micerntiinti t, ...…

March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…111I=; 'li~tn;ITY 0lt'\MICIGAN DAILY. THE U. OF 1MI1DAILY ftwe, two: et'hoe1: hateln iiug iIIAN ()atIII e.1'IOe t) t n l i H e h hi t 1 P blis d iaIly 1oa. JS txt( nt' tn it tt( n--i-t--ti- {11 ]=1 ]11,o ius '. iSt'tANACI, 't tn ~ i'tt RO CE 13 I t1:ST N, '4-f, 'ttj nsIt I Ittt II it I I t it j pllt' 11,1i nit iii t I 'tlii ings ~,Ietiorw o 11 ut 108 E. Wash. St. liliNERlAL N}:W5S 7'hin JUA I; tni'Jt.Uli 3..3. I. titi") i Louts A. Rortii)7,'A....…

March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…THRU YNIVERSITY OF 'MICIIAN 1DAILY. If you want to know what smartly dressed ' men will wear this sea- 0l N son ask to see VETS ~/ Stein= FgASmart lathes ii [i1 y !t ~Ape We arya cmipleteline or Standard Apparatus for ( l~llt ivCA lld 1 1 I itltic Uri r II E BE B1 Cli & SON IM'U FThSAI If12 'a;in t nd 342 5 State St. PALACE AND PARISTIl 0, LA '1 AR WEt.6013 i L~ll1~ir~ It~ ii"SOUTHEF N T oll uuK Ni'tI CK E 1MC KE}(i et I l -ttl-(Ii t't o o k, ...…

March 31, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…!CfUE NVI 'FRITV OF .tlCt(. N 0DAILY. dt ua:a....w..~un 'a...a_.s...e.. r.f _ ..aa. - .~....a. .a,.a. x ._ .wws. a, . .. ,.nu... .,..>a..-taj A w. y, ,.+<. J' xx- ASl-K To SEEJ OUR NLW SiI1.\PL5 URI1NI t0[ 0.4II.&M0N JR I CALENDA I lstxid s i toaik l ii i'iii i Ju ii R NSCHLERxiix t ~, (ARTix i.I IAlS'T'IC FR A tIsts aW nd(oraPhotog-i CorIix'xxx.'la i i and IHuro iiSts. rPhoners'9,u3 lins.Ca ins Chr-S te SI Btaleremns ATiIimlt'iiir At out xl J...…

March 29, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…Ifo 1.01: N. DAILY. , XIII. ANN AtRBOR, ICUI., SINIDAY) Mtti~it 29, 1903 NO. 131- 'VARSITY WON MEET ylte ii: <lololokof iIIae.Th lite Stihool toOMusi. Olr. Siley core 43 1-2 to 29 1-2 in Favor Of Sitll and Il et vho had oarielii'iote Michigan-Kellogg Breaks All e to trogroi. Mle ecods in Sight- Thrio llmiltit ofliorsi t'i'o W it' Ilei: Large Attendance 11:utoo Vi- Prsidt-l'rieiilStiyde, ere c3tol ineolveroowihiglory and e Selel tayLois 1'. Jsl...…

March 29, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVI0fiITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SpringTHE U. OF M. DAILY 't rec s eo tI-c'ttmttate OAnn Aror Sprng :I-Wt Offic.i Aubineddaiyncenien1ceted- urng MANAGING EDITOR, The largeso t l(Im1ost EA'RLE I. HOUSTON, '0;3. C011t1,jt to] lte of iBUSINESS FIANAGER, ROof.OE B. HUSTON, 'O4-1,. EDITORS, Athletics w ooL[,M g Assignment Editor liiAitt A'lor tillliefottilGENERAL NEWS here, nev'ertheless. It is 'welt to tbear this ill ln d tt ti'tt lturgin tt e o...…

March 29, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…i} I fhAC1KET RAN C R t2kfor 25c s - 'THE UNIVERSITY 0F? MI IGAN DlAILY. Spin THE RIGHT THINGS AND ENOUGH OAF THEM 1... Iswhah eels"thissforein IIcIlose hl" rtluchwith th oling uiy tothe ti./ 51.11i'tsii ix itx .Out (slllit of ExclsivePattrns' Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the- new~est Men's Furnishing M adras, Cheviot, y Is 1 11101 1111'11)( I i til I.. l ml I Is I1ii I tit) IoI lt il l "0 Il ill"sd l Linen and Percale. that 1XI tinel...…

March 29, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Of onetf the best and m~st pef Ct fittintg Cuistom7 rRAOF'f [ade 'shirts. We have a large assortient ini pretty effects in Oxford and Cheviot weaves fromn 4;ONBR ~AD"$1.00 tO $2.50 CUTT ING, REYER & CO aindtonitee J. G, BUSS, flgr. 10 ahntnSre University Tea Rooms RENTSCHLBR ARTISTIC FRAMING °0. M. MARTIN... AT PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHLER'S. FUEA LOVELL'S Cor. Main and Huron Ss. Phone 389, 3 rings. DIRECTOR CO...…

March 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…THE Iis oIZ N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., S. TLRDAY, MIARIIIL2-, 1903 No.1 lI 3 MARTINIQUE AND VOLCANOES (,~htn"hre bde h ed Notii t sih ofiiigi5tio c is-is and ProfessorRusells Lecture Last Night ttits-sdItheit- site-sist. U Before the Schoolmasters Club WEs-s lte itVa5say '0,sriwienPrf Rutsselii its --itsy'arised tin-iss in and the Academy of Sciercei e s Pnity cSiliburning-rni.tssg Pronfesnsr I ssi . lRusseli, ofithe ss tis mudi an...…

March 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…TILE UNIVER4ISITY 01" MICHIGAN DAILY. Spinlg A nnouucenienl _tll lA l t l ill liof lo t jili1i l ill:11111 Arlll b' l iii'-jo t11.5WilAC . D CO 10E . Wash . CSt THE U. OF M. DAILY thi ll egro' yea ali tta t 'ii' it ity o Siclt- a ,ly heJ i ii tiDaly- est. tl ,ir C ilhull NInc) BSUSINEiSS 1'IANA(SFR, R040W1 It. ItHUSTO)N, )0 .4 EDITORS, Athletics OE iNlIRAL NEWS AL ~rAl li. 14' c 'ii'0/, .i,. JIkrc a '~. ,thu 1. 1'xleGF cI J l,*6 MI it .ctit I ...…

March 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. If you want to kr ow We cam- a collh iplee l) iof what smartly dressed E son ask to seethsea Standard Apparatus VESTS ~ Stein= i 11l z~lCl: ftti~ 'F'ANCYf>I< AN __________ ~ i>pf~E~RBA HsN = A 'i \i P LAe n D PAt1 1 RISIA p+ a T l p,01CCI Laillidr A nc A T',the lw1e1(wheilre you 11 c-to-date \wor:, Nwithi eiaPst trouleiCto your- sC:Ives. 1Donst ic fini 01a sp. cilt. M. F. DOWUR, Agi. Phone 657. Office, 402 Ma...…

March 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. y u r it a n AR CO IN G IN EV ERY DAY C u s t om3 5 S 'O S EIRN W H P S4 0 PURITf1N 8fIO[ 60., III & MFIIN SJR[[T RENTSCHLEIR, (ARTISTIC FRAMING Windsor and Newton's Fresh PHOTOGRAPHER - AT RETSCHLH'S. Watercolor Paints Cor. Main and Huron S18. Phone 389,3 3 rins. Strawberries AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR AT At our so(1a founanDFRE every[ay noiw. All t1110 .1121lt IitI I' 1horoloyStuday,Ma1rch 6,2-eRIE other hot and se...…

March 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…TI'E us. oi: VOL. X III. AYNN ARBHOR, MICIL, F1 TO 'CUT'' IT I(floralitiec s u oants of tt ate 1 osl /st ttttaelinii be takenfroantte clw tresuryandthtth~ le esolti itory Repeats Itself-Freshman and l itns tiawt tilthe c i omtittee- be Sophomore Classes Again Taboo itlactdtiniitie smintes. Hair Cutting After the ceonferene of the repre- setattis f bth cilasses the folw- ing ritsltionttiwas adpiteI by te '5 liy, the tnittt nittts conset titof b...…

March 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…'1110 UNIt F'RSITY (OF'MICHIGAN DAILY. AM, a TCE U. OF M. DAIL Anoucee r0 I V 1 kill. co1 plee l' o in An (rbilK foand MANAOINOi 101)110, LIOULIO I. 11) OU,- (),'0, RtS0iNESS 1ANAUFRI, 1R1-;(0E 11. I i ISUN, '4N , IiEDITORSo, Athletics Assigmet Editor' UjENERIAL NIEWS fir. .. t, r .. .Oo' 0 T.. . r, - T l .. tr' I00ow man ww" 01't 1+? Fi-ld will t il :.rcIllltl ho lw I %-Y ON'kl l l4) Iheir ;l II(I I }fore I Ilw ill- ill f . t' ri! 1}itl 1I i ...…

March 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…THE UNlVFFSiTY 01 O 'l iNDAILY. THE RiGH T-' AN c l A iEzs, hil "'i. 'Lx LSLA I,, JILo n e t o Eal'liiil'i~ld 188$1. 106h lE. iiIlixol sOI'et 4. BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. 1,h sr I u i, e Lx~ THE FINEST L[NEl of WOOLENS cigar tir. wok r in1ilexxiit We r x xctfl xx lyn i' x your Plain and Cork Tip S. W. BURCHFIELD " SP AL Dn Gr S O FFIGII 1 Profibition O ratorical Contest xxx l xi . xi. x : x7 ' i Al f I lix I'xxxil rt iixx tl xoxxi ii ...…

March 27, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…THlE'UNIV'ERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Of one of the best and most perfect fitting Custom TRADE (lade Shirts. We have a large assortment in MAR% pretty effects in Oxford and Cheviot weaves from 'ZION BRA ND" $1i.00 to $2.50 J. . USigr. C TTN ,.EER&CO Washington Street University Tea Rooms 'RENTSCHLEOR, i ARTISTIC FRAMINGl 0. M. MARTIN... AT PHOTOGRAPHER.I AT RENTSCHLER'S. FUNERAL LOVELL'S Cr. Main and Huron St. Phone 389, 3 rings. DIRECTOR CORNER...…

March 26, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…"IIE Iis OiF N. DAILY. VOL. X III. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THUIRSDAY, M IARCII 20, 1903 No. 131 INTEREST INCREASING First Practice Game NEW REGULATIONS I sititi of y'esterday's coltd wind. In the Outcome of the Cornell Meet ('-telt Roachtelldtle hid("an hlnad~t For Governing theCominz Election Next Saturday-Biggest Crowd o the fair grounds for twooad t half~ Passed by the S. L. A. Board of the Season Expected hmrofsifpatc.Tewr -All Voters Required t...…

March 26, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…THE I~UNIVERSITIY OF' MIChIIGAIN DAILY. Spring Announcement, YVOOL[EN MIE U. OF M. DAII Pot'tbiI l~til" I >lx)(.tx A. ,tl., C iJal}.> AiIntlI, tl S LLNWi EDITOR Ai~ th~letis i , Ac' i.r"tlu " ' ' tssignmnt'EitriA' tcrxitt1' (.', Fr nl-,. la k . iltt' il. I 'tt' I till"( '? E1 l e ll'i r ' i t11 t'l1 It? Till 1' 11l~ :Iliw l. , ( t ts' II :;l v '''1 11 11'xi nit 5 ' : ' it't l l 1 t1' ItAl t '() ' , ' l l A ! l t t i 1 t t' ! .t 1 < t 11311 1:!...…

March 26, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…THE U-I'NJ'EISI'TY 0" MICtIGCAN 0DAILY. Liou want to know ' 'S .of . - .;a .: ..I' sh a ft'y r ' '' ' ' ",s -A L ntihJ& p t1NFYFJTI E. EPBCH SN,"-O'[ ______________ ___________ 12S.aiflt ad342~t-e~t PALACE AND PARISIAN Thtat's ticellacwheeout gets cup-to-date trork, with the least troutbte to ot111- selves. Domestic finish ar speclatty. M. F. DOWUR, A9,7 Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL oATHLETIC ALMANAC For 1903 Thy only...…

March 26, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

…TE NIESTYOF MICHIIGAN DAILY.- Puritan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY Cso $3.50 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SHAPES $40 ZOM U ITfiN fBO[ 60., III &o MfIIN 8JRfT t Fresh RNS IStrawberries I CH LER, ARTISTIC FRAMING PHOT'OGRAPHR. AT' RES Cor. Main and Huron Sta. Phone 389, 3 rings. Windsor and Newton's TO°°'Watercolor Paints I Schoolmasters' Club Program At our soda foutaitin gei o 01101 i h eVerY day suow. All the genera essions, ,of lie liligli thter hoit laddi...…

March 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…[-I oi: N. DAILY. No. 18uit. VOL. XIIZ. . AINN ARB3OR, MICIL, WEDNESD)AY, MA.RCII 25, 1903 WANT BA IRD TO STAY' -it '(-" woud be drild or fthe if- lr1 t t ItIst heti o h l I Itg - - of saller dt til 1y t ig te Resolutions Unanimously Adopted at (cttit of the gtntrt buiness !0OI, All Mass Meeting -to Obtain Mr. itirtto tnttd. Mr. :1. E. tttrrtstitudnt riwttn- Baird's Release From icr of the lord of Contttrosad ht Contract AMr. 1Itotwo wilingto ...…

March 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…THlE U'NIVERSITY OIF MICHIGAN DAILY. i THE U. Spring f piipt .. ._-1'. i 1 - 1" i m .. .. , li 3 I arum s(,s1rcl 1X11 other cia ; rt- V M . DAILY znE nts Ind oft ell 1wilofiled IIi tfatn ito tizc, doll-illiold of :m(Ollor. Tho nth- 1 III 11"T (It A nn ,II- r ,,.; ," .. lriie a tx"i: ti i c. ;; a 1 n tnatl '- j -it iitt Viti'or ilY/)! \Ti hi- tety( itje ol' MANAsGINGjEt)lTOtP, &kR11.1 I. L Cl I' )i. '0;;. BUiSINEiSS 1'IANAOII5, EIlTOR3., Athlet...…

March 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…pwtus4O ~THE UNIV1ER.SITY OTF'MICHIGAN DAILY. I Ig i I } z z RACKET BRAND Y '._ 2 for 25c :v . III( THE RIGHT THINGS n E N OUG OTE ? , x t7 1 11 cS i t s , O x e r c o a t s , H a t s , C a p : , a n o z tt t h e Fxclive Pattern en's Fuit hn Mel) "1)o Ilk) Madras, Cheviot, V Stl olitixx' oI '1I Linn nP erae xis i Wager&6 o.ADAMS RAN RELE When you put your pipe aside light up a MOGUL Cig- arette You'll he surprised at t h e dlelightfulne...…

March 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. Of one of the best and most perfeCL fitting Custom TRADE Mlade Shirts. We have a large assortment in pretty effects in Oxford and Cheviot weaves from 'ZION I9AND i.oo to $2.50 J..BSfg.CUTTING, R EVE R & Co lac}and mi J. G BUS, Cgr. Wasingon Sree University Tea RoomsRETCL, AT PHOTOGRIAPHER. LOVELL'S Cor. Main and Huron 5ts. CORNER .STORE. Open from 8 a. m. to 8. p. m. Classical Conference Program Tea, Coffee, ...…

March 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…VOL. III. ANN AII3OR1, MICH., TUESDAY, MAI C1t 24, 1903 No. 129 SOPHOMORES WON Good Practice Yesterday j THEODORE STORM" It Still Goes On Theipratice yselcoly 0as cntiliii'I 01on e11 th latst i-tims totle, air- A Brilliantly Played Basket Ball to* itiditit tiotk 00101h irt 115 15 ii'A Met Itereting Lecture on the soial iva i1lyai loodis 1)u riest, prn ia tn" of , l erni oi11o1. oi':tir ofi theifresholit l as1s5). Itoe 0011 Game Yesterday Betwe...…

March 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…TIlE UNIVERSNITY OF 'MICHLIGAN DAILY. THE U. OP MZ. DAILY ?10Entetidtaslttiot 10 i -c'lfE 1. 11111. 01 it n n '0)2. Publiiise IUSir 'on daESS cpe!)cni A IA tttoti'o Vl A 111 A t e1'l e of* tBUSINESSoti U. tFRt at13 1. Visi& oo 15 R O-WOE 3. II TS'oo.I,£titi'0r 'Or ings, trK.ti3eriogo &,o er- Ass O ~ igtnmpe 't ioe .of' c otitttg for his ttttJ1+,'tt t, 2.0 ' r t t Cr/.t too y. No Y Mark the Dttot ther' to tire i. ar ,or E. W shiigtol 15. Gry 5t...…

March 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…f> THE UNIVERSITY Or MICHIGAN DAILY. If you wan ooknow V I hat s~artlyo d iesseg r Tus.! ai e1-this' 12 . & ONeaFRTIK AI EbERsk. ee_.caCH _NLFACTU __________ __________MinSt3nd34 . taeS. PALACEAND PRISIA pett! LjN-ti-t.leKsStt'k, ivitli sev ie u fitijoihi a ol a 1 f INetUFm AC it helleSt Phone ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 65.OfcS0.anrdS.l '-l al~in ta 34 .tilalt-S lt plee Lisro Clam ,i, KNIsci~ o~lr&Wtot CHEROCLAES getls a ci pla el e rs t e ro gets lteo...…

March 24, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…Tyr: UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAtN DAILY. Puritan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY Custom $350 " ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SH1APES $ 400o3 rU.RI~fIN fBO[ 60., 1III8& MAIN STR[[T % AM r Fresh. Strawberries At our soda, fountain every day now. All the other hot and cold drinks too. tAL KINS' PHARMACY. 324 S. State St. Bailey & Edmunds FI FOR DECORATING. 21 Last Liberty St. PORTLAN,,D CAFE OPEN DAY ANDi NIGHT. W. C. BI1NDFR, Prop. 120 E. Huron St. Zachniann & Petrie ...…

March 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…: " ,_.. . .- : . - r; : . u w 'l r -+ .v t .. J i' .- ' f ~ { r r, j;. ..., .-s ' ..+ ,r+ " y H + M, "" i i f ' j ... " -jy .-. _ - _ 7E " ° , 1' " I 7 ." ,_, r... _ r 7: e 1 " - + f' 'f J +f i. .'! J i v ._. i l.. r: e _t rI cr % r JR f f. r, f, S "r: z f - Y J %. +..+ ,J ° ' w. k-1 ^, , i .+'/ Y..r i ..1 ^^a. M.i . f, , t' "'1' }n. r.! f; 1' t f. _. - M 1 . ., _.. _. j - _ _ :. t w ": '". " «.. % ;: .-. :" ;,, .-' '= W 1. Jrt ._. u _.. ;++ ...…

March 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…E.\Vsi'+ 2 g'('tot1tiit. r t Ci',tliouii igs Ai' over ctin 1gs rfor tis sleaeoo.ll 108 E. Wron ash. St lIt11s llav 'er In en 11 the Prie oof elir lt itIlttosertilitiI ove. N rWThe AN e rB oya t D p lcale: Lov y Mary; .Fith b 1',1 mor te I{ it igPitt ie. ShereH far&tCO bnvr~y Boksl lers 3S.xrestaeStet TIIE UIVEtRSiITY 01 hi" iC ItikN DAILY. ' T141lE.(U. OI'1M. DAILY Ii(1li ~d ':;'iI:l'11i!:'!(IElta; 111i1h(' .11111 I 11IllnII,'i5 11 ((t d t'lNi...…

March 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…THE PNLVI fSITY OF \Mt( lilt SNDAILY TE CIG ., &, b . i t~ y . I laras, CL- x jt,( RACKET ~BRAND - \age &CO-.WA B S ~r-1,. 4d 1.6J~ 6 s4_4The dyes lf1life cveet Isalt let 1 ii . ~ . 1W; . II lt Isre'it miii ts ri eothe god old 14 col ged Cy. MOGUL Cgar- BURCHFIELD S FINE TAILORING TRADE. / etes figure largely in rtro- spection. They leave aweet We I r ar l his "a-o le et ii ii rc ii( iii if. mem'ries of a smoke. Ah!astn h IV" lra el lu ii umbr...…

March 22, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…TIlE U NIVF 'ITY OF "MICHIGAN DAILY. W KI~NO W V I ~t(t ,n tul i u -t , t , 1 ,a ii .u rt 11 ])l=ti t t n lt I> ,t q ' 11 $ p [y n I 1 I - 2(i'1 . a : I i tlt Gi I 1 i\ ? ^' :i l C -,2l l l i?1.,8 r . }7 'iI ~ ''<lCl )701 II -,.1:7<141 -. G. J. B~USS, Ilgr. 109-111 1: ST WASHINGTON ST. Uiersity Tea Rooms Ild~scll 1:11 AI lScIl(AllING 0. M. Mer AosT N.. AT lPI1olii X jl1. AT iENT lyIILI I ~i FUNERAL LOVI3LL_'S CI r. 1 Nina ndl HlroniSi. I Phone...…

March 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…THll Us. 012 N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MIH., SATURIDAY, MARCHI 21, 1903 MICHIGAN WINS EBATE Defeated Wisconsin Last Evenin by a Vte of Two to One-An Intensely Interesting Contest Madison, .Wis., March 20.-Special to U. of M4. Daily-Micigan wins the debate with Wisconsin by a voe of two to one. It was an intensely inter- esting contest throughout. The ic- igan men were at their bst, and were able to meet consistently sit the ob- jections ...…

March 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…Spilug Ill alt igo Inc al (18I. W:d The Amoertican o THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE U. F M. DAILY SENIOR SWING-OUT fl 1tflfl :l'l t1G'lrtdi ' tt3>i 0 -irtte at NettClass 1110 ttt ~iD ictionary IIItilII1 lIt l"1ei, N ti, I~i M~iN~tIN~ EITO, lwlililt il tli ryjt~t 1,11. l'tr he 0ffice Standard lI1t (}( I BU11 ESS 1. ittt- I FRiiilN .h 'Oil '"tltit l t i t 'tlnt ' 1 '' :ii 1111 1 ( tOs O 3.H SS Fl Ni'I -. d I, l 5 l) t il lo ii . 1'10 :1I...…

March 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

…%: x s _. _. i- . _ .., ,, _. , n , " THE U- I t'RY ( (l it( iG DILY. .o- i t ,i .: p j t ;- it ' ,; . _ . .: ;,.. °, ; ,.. _ , ;,: R 1. S ' # ._ '__. ° .:% v ll 1 112 S. Main S-1;t and 342 S. State St. , PALACE AND PA- ';S]-tN ~ lO d I 'fat'stiepicte where Val Q I ilf lhlii gets up~-t-dte;t worki, «Witlit 1111 I iiIli selves. iDomtestic- fitnislha specialty. M. F. DOWLEB. Agt.1 Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. F Sri ntC7 Clothing, repr o it...…

March 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

…THE UINVERISITY OF M110 IGN DAILY 'OXFORDS P0 S""PRING1 Puritan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY Custom $3.,50 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SHAPES $4.00 PURITf1N SOE 60., III S MIIIN STW!ET RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMINGl Windsor and Newton's We Sellj PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHLER'S.Waeclr Pit Blicken sderfer Cor. Main and Huron Sta. Photne 35, 3 rings aeclr Pit AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR AT Typewriters 5 ~ $~ 1Cak~DeFRIES CALIKINS PHARMACY. in f Ii sititict 't s ' i ittti...…

March 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…THE 0.01F N. DAILY. V OL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, AIRCII'20, 1903 No. 1263 OUTDOOR RECORDS A Football Disagreement HAIR-CUTTING STRIFE A New Magazine Thle break in foni all betiwen Pari- A Wnli, on pond largely of Hleston and Maddock are Doing rood doeailldai wllieynwent Friendly War of Freshmen and Sopho- rleegaoi~,inie uybe WrWihHmeanDics il the ;;iitoe inest yriiibiililiyed Ifrmed io pbilish a weekly illstraei WokWthHmeradDics at li...…

March 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…'[THE UNIV\ERSILTY 01" M ICHIioA NDAILY. AnBnouncemenl (' Il i l" 11144: o m4 A144li: 44'xvr illie full El. \l': 'hi .,t,,: *-t. (4 :':I t1he '144444411 of 411 "lit- 2 tr l '01444.1 t , e- Co,44444fo7 this.v ~ l '1401. TIL U. OF MA DAILY1 4.41.11 . 11441 -1:>.. 444 04U147G4EDTOAGR, Athletics Assgnmen4t E'ditor' GELNERAL NEWS 17 4 '. .:i ik10: rt 041.?.,4 V .4' 7 cy 1 . : 7 '4r,'0.. "r~ 1 1 ::o l" ci' 4 :':: 44 44.4'.. ft j ~; 7144 :i4.:iwi l "...…

March 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THE tU- IERS-TY 0,' ,T' ':=IlxN\ DAILY. I " ' : . .w . : F,... ;, THE RIGHT THINGS AND ENOUH F TE } Suits, ()vercoats, flats t . E uIsllt ? C L ' m i t 1 4 I? s it Al1u Furl'ihii alrlFy \'.C I' c x'11t t,'i xl ' .; ?1'f- 'i 1. ,. " x - Liena ridut ercale Wagne*'S -*r & o. WADHAMS', RY AN &HE VIE -77 S-as ,n joy Vsgreat at the -re-.ti afiCalculus. Like-wise atthe ceThatm of a MOGiUL Cigarette. But the knd oficyiinas:,._..":g ut muakes .y u vwan...…

March 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. K~rf HN'O W ttv 1 wll' t~' a 'tt'1tC r l}T ilt' tllItf ta\4tI{'i ,2 1 ( 22I1 tll tFII' to1 lCLEA R LY Cutt nR r& Co. G. .J. BUSSMg.9y 1911ES-WHIGOST University Tea RoomsRETCL, AT PHOTOGRAPH{ER. LOVELL'S Cor. Main and Huron S&a. CORNER STORE. ~pn from 8Ba. m. to 8. p. m. Other Colleges Tea, Coffee, Chocolates, OC T'ePiel'nnsylv'ana lalseblatllsquad has bteen reducetd to 22 mien. Lampsl [5 Hazing hats been modt...…

March 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…T101 U. OF M. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCh 19, 1903 No. 125 ATHLETC NEWS Indoor Team Busy-Cross Country Club Membership Increasing , Fast-Dickinson of D. C. H. Injured With the advent of :the warm 'weather this week the gymnasium is -becoming much less crowded. Many of the track men are running outdoors now with the Cross Country club, which is increasing in membership by jumps and bounds. The men who are to compete agai...…

March 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN_ DAILY. SpringTIHE U. OF M. DAILY Entered as xesconss- etaaasmatter at Ass Arbor tohelecolileofeUSIeSS tPheL'ANAersi, f ii , CU . IsTON,_54 L EDITORS, Athletics Ro'ber't K. Iattoe ,'04L W O O LE NAssig.nment Editor GENERAL NEWS ina Asnn Arbor will be foound Thomas B. Robe'ts. '04. at G. H. Wild c& Clo.'se 108 5fx Finkelstein, '03. E.Washinsgtonsfit. Great Sylves.terrS. Iiotas.r',O. pains havs been taken in Hsossitia ...…

March 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY CI' 1ICHIGAN DAILY. If you want to knowI wxhat smartly dressed ~ men xwill Nvar thinssea- / son askhtosee VESTSStein= I~tnd fot ur d ualitns «rititi & AM i rinl a r y Analysis EBE PALACE AND PARISIAN That's the plice where you gets up-to-date Nvork, with the least troub~le to your- selves. Domestic finishi a specialty. M. F. BOWLER, Agt. Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. . ,,'1 , : i. F., " ffry _ ;r e 'i 4 FdfioD( We luvite yo...…

March 19, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…THlE U IVERSITY OF MlICHIGAN DAILY. OXFO RDS FO 5,'=Puritan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY CUStOM $3.150 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SHAPES $4.00 PURIThN fB0[ 60., III S. MflIN STREET RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING Windsor and Newton's WeSell PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHLERSi Blc e sefrCr. Main and Huron SI. Phone 389 3 rings. Watercolor Paints Freshmen Regulation CALENDAR DeFIE '11 Isonn itrfvOr of prulgtino 1ritly, Mr 2-AI)4 trmedic social A T S O E _____________...…

March 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…THE 1.01: N. DAILY. tilL' X IIT. ANN ARBIOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1S, 1903 NO. 124 A STUDENT ROMANCE Young Hoosier Couple Wed-In Spite of Obstacles-They Co to California There is a very pretty romance Conniected with the Taylor-Strom nup tials, noticed in yesterday's Daily. It seems that the young isady in the case, Miss Edna Laverne Taylor, was sent htere under protest just after the hli- days by her parents in order to sepr- Ae44 r fromn ...…

March 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. Sp i gTHE U. OF M. DAILY MICIGAN NOTES. 'FI'le (nil ni 1110t i cii' E ttr( (ssr- 0 ~11. ccii i' Alm iii'i i* :i . it li..' l t' ii- i i i. cole' a iii ii ,b ii-they a FiIi;i t le In r tili f ili MANAGING EDITiOR, i i cc Itltll ii>I iii tiC' 411:1cciii ci()fi Thii cig'i'ci13ciiiii tciEARLE I. RiIUS'TOiN i W)c:tlii 0c. liii' ~in W ("l~~ coiiiiplei ~iii f iiBlUSINESS ciANAUFR, ,ove r. ' 11'1ii os(I i ' ii iiair: o...…

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