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Phone ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 65.OfcS0.anrdS.l '-l al~in ta 34 .tilalt-S lt
plee Lisro Clam ,i, KNIsci~ o~lr&Wtot CHEROCLAES
getls a ci pla el e rs t e ro
gets lteoip-o-rits , ithth o
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cs e l ie i t f o r sc ini e s crsh C om p re K e l y G o
Haeiouserthm:ie il b pe
Spw YrCcgleisltytM.tF.'BOWLR liii illive estCapus, dra aug Stio
more,1titfintOitet yIiour 11111 i 'itittli toIourlit il til _in ________H . ___LUTZ,____Jeweler._____
S II I' FF~IC. IAt L il Itll tlt 'ittI u i11 ts ;siltl ldta i ii-lors Iill S'-ing 111111Vu nku-
For_____ _____ I is iioflii"' -ll Negiiligee ll Sh i t is,$ up ringu- 1 U1LII
$300ny tonacpulihe1 t9t3 ii 110 i e di' i i ctltllWe o at e d anle
cotuqacnp tels fA e-ay'y^ W ii i7iii1 1iii1ii Ii 11111li ili iii ii'ii 'i
plete 1Listt eoftiChaimpions.1111 li t liiOver' I The last rc dthe arges-
I~ a.ue fpi nent1 111111 Al liit'it iislt-i'lltfresh-weI11I 111 ii nlitordr ' r ek
(Hfl(AIATF( i liii' Illii h}llil ' : illr of-1it oi iFirst tlgesu oa tes at osts i- FN U C I' t oseto
Prc oc ns 1111i i:iniia'i t ii l i.i n tsy h e Jii o'sphairacy Ecerythinglsett and tita'
33S . State B rSt. i' i1jSit n i il'ltil n , lle oo f 4 l i t.8 SothlSatett. RiE JLLY
:il :Ads i'ii'ii 'l i o totico io I M oy loaned on Watcillhes, Din - ___________________
C.[i.erOr& C 'ii'siof Iltclinis bao'ti o'lili~t e rmen a sonabil. O, carthourn.i aps 9toD ANCSto e
ABffalo,.A Av. liiso iof Mriai i li2s 'ii bo 13 .i., 1 to 5 andii 7tto 8h p. in. Yuca er t ac fr$.
riNII UUeI,1I iS ' atillisin il'liieai'o i, 't lii iosas al tinofddes . J.tm, r o lqom t teU iriySho fDni
w EVIfist piii lit iii ighidluil 11 , tlenn1 eIng block. "Phone 45.t 151S tae eTR oY anT WeE
SpatRin iTER Mdcoate oik. hot i Slo-il d hicrg ols giet in _________I_,_________riomd ii
Wall paperl paintshih jin oils'o el Wth sup ioni, iglass.t <
203 E.R Ash. RtPhon 237. the tit rt ll e a hso ailis. he ot K a pi !hpa i o . rtpis, iat O-nd y eve nings.c ef
i ---pt. ilt' oi nlt ostssf heriplittigee 11011 day between lirry and iverity
ST DE TSUS I)ira silhea-ret-trggehfeot Hllou rwWd.aeneatCuHio' oSeY'S Cnie.
$3.0 t fly 9h to in is( hipap e c. e Billiardeai Eirie(;w
y 'ilio .w o E xpert repil a il sr in tiewlrt Parlorsn
G aOi 1 n r Suet. l bsie fodRalIto U r. i. Daily. of heALER'S J! ieLRY st E. M T~ 'E ,15N 11I
EyehScentficllyFited S Re i NO 'SUT.NiOrp s : l .1l C IHoiE Pitresvd h ande Frand
New l ns a d rep irin
Fine(watch and jewelry We have lacedi uponeriablesavcompletehlnetoftFa-c-tT-
hallerinf.Work ea. b is adafor ythe m insasn's wearm. WEaevloin i ery t. a rt Stolea
.3SonabSeandwrte . uohsicl4er leasdorforl[ce iofn wrkn onue ro mpton atchent in 38Suh tt t R .JLY
awa LfrPAJwee,~6S PesS o ur pi .atrIlions.man herlymnsp eio d n yofpo r sois ANearteU DN E T
eanstysoiitd 4:0 .efet.Bsiessritycnfdnil
DAN. PrOR& Op.TheNt--ierYunD Kn Y 'at erms)eanleTOfior 9 to ~ 3PrT~SC
W tlperSin, is nd golSate. ANY CICg. A EIC
TheWC.KernCo. ' 1I Xaf L
421 E. 5tthSt. Chicago. ' f N AL
Caps anld Gowns rnade to K : ; rs he
ortder anld rented. -
Penlits for ail coleges andi% e "~--
fratenites (carried ilnu . -
Class Pints, Class atdtit'eamns~~ rn 0 0iiG . A Pn [
Caps. y4.,!sSre
SEND FOR CATALOGUE a 121 E. Washington Ste