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March 19, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-19

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Entered as xesconss- etaaasmatter at Ass Arbor
tohelecolileofeUSIeSS tPheL'ANAersi, f ii
, CU . IsTON,_54 L
Ro'ber't K. Iattoe ,'04L
W O O LE NAssig.nment Editor
ina Asnn Arbor will be foound Thomas B. Robe'ts. '04.
at G. H. Wild c& Clo.'se 108 5fx Finkelstein, '03.
E.Washinsgtonsfit. Great Sylves.terrS. Iiotas.r',O.
pains havs been taken in Hsossitia B. Babi'i,'0t.
the selection of tall sut-t Louis A. Baetis.na'0.
toerisissoJ. . Blev, '05.
ings, trosrn..& (ler- aJ.t.','e
i'o11111ietss's'sss't of 11,K4.
'ti te clas ha~.salreadytsu'sitribed
01 sO .c) The''tfound~iat ion. s ,111 ;sisissi St de t'
is itt ixvicot 577I.+fos. tbut tis ais'to ,~ ~ to n '
aetutae .-teallt< ~~iite 1othep sois ofateti s'ovisis' uictiona ry
',fsio:upthe sI o st tosr . Tiostturttt'G' The Office Standard "
i it'etirerof. strut5 of"rik , Thi'seis ttesiost coresjs e,-
Stel ndstoe ()WI',t1 1Th'e- lti'sui id tu s-V.-6 :c
trane tiaxt1)e' .ll 11 I. ;Int 11s-1 absidaed dsstionsssyp
iiitaccuracy stnd eonse -
isi' tts llt ai'i lii'su's h~st estee it spersedes all
ss indohri s-- opein.ts litt'ttr' others, It contains a
Onts theii' i55s'5~s''16 Neil 1w afoot- vcabulary of siearly 70,
hal"iirl.a1'111f'itio. s'', asi 000 words, is bosuisitsn
staii w'a' sindithetre ailtl be resist clsith asidhalfl leatlieT,
fsrs'is'tr siikind oitd sport -avthtishe with snarginaol index,. j
i'5.s'5itiist it lsts .1. .'.tttttits1e fits' Price
ts's' witt b' a ' o ( e ri 55155ln 5tend
sisesiti ti' e5rsen'.tt tses'tiit $3.00
st stoect psrmss nnt i'stsandssrtAT
sstti ls'l) is eldsst te locatiuins of
w ithhs stit yet'beinidit e oitst01. AHS BOOKSTORES.
To Abolish Recess
Corntt'tellist'is 'sits gn ttemp'stuoraryS
'sliistiisssofth5e5'ssint; irse isss e-
toitus Ists'tissisprsedij titot wa ithet
lis tute'-I int.tstd 'fJisse 1l s tis
isstssit.Theresnftsa. isittL w
coaiisgs for this seson.
R. HAILD coo
108 E. 'Wash. St.
The asuscrption prtcret the U. of M5.
Daiy is VJli fer she retteite year, Na-
tices, comtmniciatons, etc.. smest be handed
in at the Dlairyoftice beforte 5 p. a., or
milsed so the' editor seforer 3tp. as. o5the Otay
pirevious to that asswihich they are expected
testp pear.
Subscribers walit esafera faser hr reporting
promptrysit ibis effice ay failueositcarrersr
te delier paper.
All rhanesr'n a dvrttiigmatter msit he
intihe officetby 1 pass.eonhe dayrprreviosto
thait oa whichthtiey r etosappear.
Ottier itste'Dily OArgsoffite, Nio. as0 South
Mainst . TelephosnerNa. 1it.
The American Republic and
Its Government; ~l
bsy JamssoAlberttsoosdbsursn
Augustus Caesar;
by Jsshni T. Firth.,
The Pride of Telifair;
bsy Elore Elliott Peake.
Theloarden of Charity;
.____ by Basil King.
Sixresy Masry E. W\ilkinss Freemnin
The New Boy at Dale:
bya' ls. 1+'slossird leish.
A hoistsf atres iterest
fsor bons tetu girls.
Lovey Mary;
by the aiithosr If lMrs,
Wiggs of thse Calsiags Patchl.
University Booksellers,
320 S. State Street.
studestsia t'itt'td' t tti'~ artisisid tbe
'iTs'e ait issists xviiiosit rofssoss 111sit sit ts's' six Iiithirs i'rastis fo'r pre-
It' iss'ss sumit s s' i't s' lossiof 011' Oft v o'iti n " to sits' itstds of ts'e stivts.
'l-t4sso's'it'its'ttt 5 t c if, tlllos xtt's'ttts'y IT .11dit asilheii tss'sissssttt tiettose tue
ts pp sssi.Avth 11sil'lsWot'esuensvT tl.el 11e is in tstrtiont, tatd it is ___________
twtsi 'thniiis're "rt/ri' tthesissyirsti eT.. 8 fi .i's'isis 5 w ishe scoretisontto tIe
Iis it'ss'i'ittitttt stotsseisse. Pmasdit' tosr sssssut tif the oein-
'lisstot illStttattit 555555of it l It5 I ss c ido t o isis ttt atid.y 'Thte yon
i' sstsiiiiitt 't'tissholl ob h fe t teine 1'e" g t lellml5'iitt l ihol si ''ist tttis's :Miss
Iiii sie p i l h uts'5' in55 eui. issi'r i 'tts'ttst' Nas', si iit' l'airan'. d51tnot
wshile"s'periliss. the is' i'ttttt' pro5555'Mrs.'iTsle, ishoisa':snot isiarts' rivr'
fesrries's 111t'te-'salietiiisiut O sthtitisy.
issyssisy ts I1ishitiatit isbuti ints'eseit
e'venttfaieslty stisit thave' ts gie'soums' Fresht Attegretti t.hocototes at Ctussts
tot s'ti s st's ' matstes.Aud wastIs n sg's Phtarmsacy.
they'd',ist, ssrivaltunivsity -w5tI'aithta
Harvard to HovesStadiumol -it t'TPthT' '115.
Hatsrivairdiis to hives's.si sstsiits L'ntta"'rsity stuots dsorinig to se-
itltis idsuroun's edsli'ytis'per'manen st Ocisse iosisiotis to tialsstil fiindtstit to
bilsiOfseas'ts thikets o sf svits't is thes'r initerest to asrite to Janses F.
noi sitttit fudIitisiountry. 'I'll"s'struts- Mr('ilttsught, 6530tinte trtseBiltiding,
tunea, wichstsis toss'cssitis5.t)ssanitto Citicago. $80
itsv a'' s'ating capait5y of 305,000, withs
.1iiiry sss's'sssssstssstssssor 10,0(x) Expert repisiring of jewtelry at
moreisisto itsis"givenssto te Universsity tlAILEIO'S JEWELRY STOKtE.
bss theis's of5151879. is asi sss'strissi
sithe sts'ws'smtyfifthianivtsersatry of tut Fresh Alegrert t ucootes at Cush-
cl ss'wichs'i is to tie eelebirastedst tttetog's Pharmacy.
Text Books,I new-
and second hand..
CI E.BaliEll
325 S. StatejSt.
Second Floor
When in need of a
buy the
'A. A. Watormon
The Pen we guarantee to
give perfect satisfaction
116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets
rk IV "W-,Ww
A, AL 1
Good Governn
nlIent Club
....A& I...,A& A I& '
"W-'V 'V lw '.,.,W
T. . f .. . w w T w w w w
Eectric Csosstrustion inst Supplies. Sanitary TH!E ATH!EN S PRESS,
Pumngs, Gas and Electric' Fixtores, Stesam _ ....
__J ,S U ad Stat Water Heating. Stdent's Gas and 2d Floor ATHENS THlEATRE BLDG. Printers
J F. SchubElectric Lamups, 207E. Washington Street.
V ats ity Styles,-entirely different from others, Smart,
New. Quality, a little better for same money fiOODSPEEiD'
-~a s or less, if you desire to be strictly in style 117li S. Main Street.0
r a sA and exclusive, wear Varsity Hats.

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