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March 29, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-29

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, XIII. ANN AtRBOR, ICUI., SINIDAY) Mtti~it 29, 1903 NO. 131-
'VARSITY WON MEET ylte ii: <lololokof iIIae.Th
lite Stihool toOMusi. Olr. Siley
core 43 1-2 to 29 1-2 in Favor Of Sitll and Il et vho had oarielii'iote
Michigan-Kellogg Breaks All e to trogroi.
Mle ecods in Sight- Thrio llmiltit ofliorsi t'i'o W it' Ilei:
Large Attendance 11:utoo
Vi- Prsidt-l'rieiilStiyde,
ere c3tol ineolveroowihiglory and e Selel tayLois 1'. Jslyn, Ain
flteicriedi on te l'niverty'e by -legr
1wi)inig frontorne'ttll tustnight in ( I et~asnrieeJ. .P. iEvert. iotic.
onti iof theomot e'ctiing as wll as Ei'ot't-iiie C I itoitte-Spl Elooi
1' filledilboth11 nn tie sta:1in footr anintj
thwellety with iitt'i'tott'l pt iitott DEMOCRATIC CLUB ELECTION
l"eSioe thelane 10 to ieidiaioo ' teti
arraitgemttioadotl eee taiittir liii tt
lt"-redull tee was ery little ctitlO j A Lively Meeting, Ending With the
Son Ii ths respOet Atmtore ethi 10 Eleton of McClure-A Heated
noste toil demtr110 ative tl'eotrinoe
Wit aslb oled II:t ivt ,a gn . Discussion as to Method
.inn)ThIis tyeaitt. t C ll titi t el tei til t[ lii of titBallotii i tl' 0
10 iii iliti it i -nd7ti0 h'arty i l l.- ! llttlltt tttiiitttI'l
t t i tn tlyt itteffeet i n i nfl ttttt Iltti 11(1 1101'eld in Itit iltI' Mto ttt
iCiAtttt Ii te i t'es t 'pot mudihi t s I1satic 111i011ee tio sh at b en ii
C'i h etir loyti y-l il' litil. ii' teir I t ' i II: 1andtilent. OoThet',w 17:
team.li The itt t or pl ilit showedlt' 111110 nditt da1t es 111'itti't il 1 r111 si
flia 01101 hetent'li itttttii o tf0110rvl iin t' ndtherteasorta' ustess iti gotn
15 thiit ofas it'a'Varoitdeet. of 11tolhe
S01etot othe . i I'i irttraitnieg.t't'tttoib 'i'eie wasrt' ethirtti--
Il~tek171,ho iteny Mptluititte,,an .te .rsul 117ve
u1s;akigitttiin :0, he br.ke te ill Ites at atghr s.l. . ~lie
Th 'liltow r orilMleola y h o( fr te ( ifevi 77, uitio
tae 9. Ilerlne asl Ot dl o ((fates ttlod sti' fol l : har't lc
af~pear tint at the finlit.11C1h' re-ltif' lue'l. tI:'tseph i. ii tit , 1
taii rese nt r ti' 11: c1: h it I lita. I~ t II 10. 4(111110. Theiti liii 1f~t
l 1 in , If ai n i t6 n c rl' . t e sn l o e Il] h w a t r
Oiln iivrtb a - a: i loe nt oets 11 altIN 111ii: lll li t0:0 00 11,an
00111:: 01, leo::t at vent ealy.t he confuion after 111 i ''0(11 om
51 :1: ichgaltiniti Si-ll ofiithin' Tt i- oodbitos Loast.Cstos
First Annual Track Contest Held Yes-
terday Aftenoon-Excellent Work
of Contestants--Sophomores
Scored Most Points
Yetra fertoon ott curit ed1111e
irt htSl nit ercltaiitot'i't'o f 11in ottr-
viwuandooisuteslittto beoil'IIoft e
dii, wo id iev-try thtin.g, tttsiblte tot
mat~ke it 01 iot-t'oftll :tlame o' d
1i lie Sophonmore Prol
fl~tlliaat;'Occured tth t't' n l sopo -i
lorlt7, i o i en tol 01 thihoitt'ls':o
toil' all ooslit. 'leon 111:ti' ot' tiets
waslimtedotlbtt en1S' ltO' o'otltilit'
oth tiltmw. 11' ititititto--it' fto onoohts by
th utlvnitte oltiti i ltraitog eutOs'i-
011 lllyiprti 'ityintdtatdeototill atilte
tot-sre 01:11' ill tot Iet'othte0-it tii00
i1 t11-. iefrelii' I to weti -4yt t r' od ty
sum'edttnd oitinuted 'unti .}olock.:1
liTh iiutte19(-w o liao t1 'n gi-si'll 1
CII-ooiii''r'o thio yearue 'li'ht'iuttotI'
Oet' ,'Mrs. J. It. Atogi' . Ii ro J. t.
Beal0and 'leo. XW.N. Brotwn,
Fie -ilt ItIFitzhpota i trioandthiI' Les's r ti-' H IGH SCHOOL ORATORY
rt'o'iih'tio-t'o No liietso'citi'tuIISred___
exce'p't aighto in tjury0'Si to'leof tht'
cottn tst il the lotoothit'e.-t - A Close Contest Friday Evening Won
''ill(i rst e'etlI t-the:1,o-yardol iaor- hy H. A. McNitt - Excellent
toot, em -itols.tvon byhtMis01s000l-i Speaking Without Benefit
y11 01, '-ototndiDale''05. IiSlit'tot-xh
ee-tt.ote'ulthesMiss Inyairi owas of a Trainer
lothe titit'one totnish;litte, 57 eo't'otui
ISlit Ihe hhjimy \mioo Iirilty staork. AC tno intiduring the couoirse of the
'(i, ittok irtol.'isso 'iggiios, 'It.,set- high so l at o ilt ctIotntes t a tmore'
and. liot h titt flIfettitenthiuim iobeen itatnifested tiani
The'to ravettlinug tillgi-titeit - o ne0011 oliti, intohe it' ntalcoutntest S't-iay' nighot,
if Shot'boott'eventsMiss0100 1 utitI '0.5,
01-i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~l r.ii 1'iotutg hntilto'lt i Beloh the prt'siding officer, sit-
111111 it-tul ihtuot Ilotrotid Mo1Nilt3110101I"101
Hitwloeyt '11t, sec-ondi 1.61, seven antt OtO ittowtithiJartetla lork Sthidhointor
andeuottotils-hrel-tt', imull.o ''ll(n, orooo'oh if ostutlnts tfairly
1'h ptaiirae ~l cy loeolve iiod the it orts woithi contgratt-
itiss tarr, 'to.,. tiitolilog OMios Xliit- Ilatio."
Saoraotoga,''itreseniting 11ia otrfelet
liltftishme 101olii' tt :ill itiac uut tot-i'the situtioni of the rolonito
hi ttthe 4 lll t 0 i il 01 lc riotr tot hit'buttle, Sit oIthe eription
cutof thi' Iwot ack it r the a le o t'elbutitettitself, illOi oArntohl
wh'icwmitloOt tu10liii'"' allt 10ii-toa ootvon 'oerititig fanme aniSfinally of
not :'god (ven, othtlt hit' si theSlt'far-rteachintg effeets of the Amer-
n ta waclerho entoitiled toteir ica 0ittory. 'th'liiintetooe eartiest-
eititt'0'Ili lt'ei-ut iuit rotdteutu Ittoeso the riattedithe soiryotand like the
Mlioss Emtily ta iurku.'it06.oilflrst, 'luss Americ-atiforces, ihe'wonutbly sheer
Kina,'0.'eond.t 0Mi0ssitayes110i.forct of will. The school owill have ill
tliird. iliistuo' 1::1 hin an ablet representative in the con-
M1ioo Ettoart, '0t4, e'ily orn foi li t est of thetPetninsular Oratoricalh
hotrse o'ork, 'Miss'Shoitnt, 0, sue- leaue. Greatt credit is dtto him when
od Thiso wa10lialltnusullytO'gootd it iscoitsidered luat this is his first
evet, etoinorkl st'oing muchtirt-e-htotratiin, anid that he hiss had no trainer
filltritngltol'T'l ii nottetsi-vtgthe or advioer to prepare Oin for a strug-
ltt~tpii, ete' ~ 11100,gie igaint m ten exiperiiecd and con&-
tid. Ill thitop Illac is Hye, et from ifornmer contests.
'OwontiOts s'Tinle, se-ond.ol George Hsoward edeaht with the re-
Iili teiniato ttrbodashMioo '-t-lotionis of lahoe and capital in his ona-
yart1 11111bty a shotdistantce fromtiottenitled "Soereignty Witiniia
hisite.To is tooous tS loestt Soereigtnty." Cleairly antS inpressiv-e-
evenlt.10 li e anltuiyzedlthe hpresentidustrial
Thit' hoeilr oardet tlitittilis1001tilby 'condiitis itid ple'adedtorfsete tighito
:Miss Still, 00, Mssltxit,', I-b le- of uionit lator. In sptite of siockness,
1110 seon-o.oHILeit, 0:0 which-ttluldSprevetntedl his usins,'his
theoalStoiShroin o ntettts'it- voice fo- steverail days-, he nmudeeat
eooiig To he'lt ongt-'hrioo-wa0s0wotn by sopletndo id effrt atid was eoasihy secondo
01110 01 toi tt i~, : l is.ho I Si - ott- ert''iof-i1t o n utst'ans N PIo ws
1The bskI tlo 'ueottol I'll' il } 1 j IoLbotting udrth disadvio ntaoge of
tid il le lw how \lt''slot'loonto-o hutds s t- hait for ti
Too il - si ie tsto ii 011 lii i tiI i\tito ' ernetnessi n d'o'oo i tula-eity ,vosoioiri,-
00011l b i ss io tiiilc.'1.Ilt i 5:IS. heitt ,lled XIIIS threo fthelii-honotrot' too are
,jlirsoolioi' to-lo too-i' followed.'oh Inteooloeiso fitt li'he iiiiiotito Ctt'ioditnt
0oiThi 1 00is lld t l' t l, 1) 1ili)t' s cIt-l tto'':11(1theair' s l'( ot'11i0-0ii.o'
M iss I witotlrk.I 11Eo 111 1 1 - l { Iiirr tl -:i loot'1i 'rllnc o'
Site tvtss (slstnle 10,-liltn tltt to-il'
in 01 11 ''0' 1111 0 ' 1( c e 1(111, i t t oilo 1 . Sllt'::' I I:1s 1l :1s o
reori o r otl "tel , l Xoooo Oil:11 I.n ( oA 1 i: ''ileR't' tleooo -h
it' t -is t 'er ll'i toold 111:1Yibe :11i I -t '95 ot'iO~ih'(ili
tobe k 1h ec01 liloot X wiill ! M - iss ttI 0i1aC.S ll1 -1 M:1
the lit :r fture.i ll l i 1111" Moh I~issii 141"O ho I 5:i-io'loo
it-ytootil i eai l-t het beol t . lor 1,1111 II i;, X,, O(loNs iI, '' 'l~eiii' l (}1,s 01'
1111 0-00 boil hit-' Iiile i rto t iii oot oo : i lti1 1:1 a l .
Slit' d itui iltito trave i lo ' r is Ohv: to Iii(10
171 iol- :till nit tilol, ildtf' etool lii 0if t'''l.'L.hAlesotit
tsi o ortheoh oo oo l thot l11:dl( ,f 1Ii lltoot loolL. A Ntife; nlrd
yotto too stim tetho at-hleto-io'o oticet 12.t. II, 1I I.,
Scihoolmnasters' Club I Ib ohlledt'eooroo ol hiond ht'the lwzlk -.0
At 1te 111 lessit-eI 'io0'lo illheo avyhih ord ror. i-tt'll e
is ,:ioit iit ' to 00:10 ldS esooI- ouil iioterda I IV h'lt t'td-za0 1 - - X' ehot IIIt
i a I~tin ws ased t~c t 55 "h tl. o't' h i-tow itet'.iW.'I Vi' Oh1
riti M eeto''ino f toh club 'I t S V< . i'W. i opht.o T e oil1
Theil Ib s o ill tol' too h itan dio oooo oft hot 110th 0 after-i' tto a :
110:00 hat'e o o' I h'o rto'' ,to iitiost dtsi h o n as oo 00tot htoo' est ed-u i l irt
XO'l holdbSits ooin o i l Xin n tiAhor a thoo rs flot'.1S 0'. lob 1 allotset-eiitit,
ito i 'til- tio n 1111 its paOt'sse tore- O. 01.elly.
'1'ritiii'iiiii too the'le.-islatretihtitthe The io' hot proize Iconit edht of $25.
ti1°14 )ftheil oot' i c I",ol sureety presnted Mr. e l~hl, tt'e oitotor, Woill het'aoteoh-'
hosforfthIle cli10b'Proof.Sherzer his ;ate to the Shate iProhibtitionit 0-tilto
:)ii liohttdt s thait cop~iso ooy he hutSto he ShldAporil 14;itofXtdrian.o
! l~tg thou'girll hstets.

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