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March 28, 1903 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-28

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u r it a n AR CO IN G IN EV ERY DAY C u s t om3 5 S 'O S EIRN W H P S4 0
Fresh PHOTOGRAPHER - AT RETSCHLH'S. Watercolor Paints
Cor. Main and Huron S18. Phone 389,3 3 rins.
At our so(1a founanDFRE
every[ay noiw. All t1110 .1121lt IitI I' 1horoloyStuday,Ma1rch 6,2-eRIE
other hot and seeld driniks k.Iii. 0 h T11 0 i ci ,1h l0 ii ig of the M'igl 0A I 1 5T11O RE~
too. "berryos'Chli
CALNS PAR AC.rilf l 1 trrlol:I- dw i 1100 l Sdnir y, Marh i 23 15 iii )criltiii 217 S. Fourthi St.
CAL NS PHRMCY n trr ,iset~mL_ (Ith lciii 1, 1 1. im., 3Y. M,0. A FRAI NOJ A SPECIALTY.
324 S. State S.----Ibiil
Bailey & Edmunds Theiig n;sml aor0lI'i ,11krl4CgLfwhcraasa-I ihroia11 Ii 'iaomllnrl. li4l'i'ig
n ew Yok ta C iopo Iin 1 Boioti Jno 3'Sheehan
11'srII~ I 111 hc :Il it' " 1( t, er- il 1rc1I\'o, \.l t >y -20 Iridli lla WiiAnold tD e V C Vagaa
FISFI I\ET S Iii (hi ti )t' 1(.1 nss, 8~unl, 111'bid Ja H Wade EF FMills
fact i iion th is cl' asm1 rdI t, l I tbtOilNI fyer Jihn liare
FOR DECORATING. :.'.iiii til ilI .nodi i ol ori 0 .it,,11 , It I n,0 lea Kih Prof H SCarhart
121 East Liberty St. b o e h l iith poducioll211I oia llly.' it''lib1W.I. . 1C;Ir- ___rank _______lazier __Christian ___Martin
the__ _ __ _ __ _ _1___ 11 i 1 ',Itlliji lci i' I' i) 11)11l il,1o ,S I.A. 01'olfll Thefl nnH rbor savinus Bank
O ,a" A n A F hel l iffei t l I' hio). rii' i n 1)' ''1bb, c 11 1 1 -"r l i 111'I Capital Sob, 10)00. Surplus, 8100,00.
:I ll sn tl! It,'int Ic'ilne) ll I itll ri 001 l lo l Il':1 I ll iget'1 s{ oasizu ndr the El Og zd ncte Geseral lin g aw
Pn 0 RLAN C FE I: :11loll and 'aniiftl in I ox-OA'It5i ld of this Stt
OPEN DAY AND NIGHT T. Il ouasog hthe' lm I 1111 Al ins r riss'an Poo'-insi hepsoepin cpthe itcii Uniteds head Bll tsd Sattts
strikng It. he mento11c :I 111':1 repiers'suppies, ushig'sbedrm-ipontcapropero p Idpr Idn aosiatio
W. C BIN ERPrOJ. pctmv hwilt th holw o' 1,111Sey oxseto rt.
aey115511' 'tso: Caleo E. Hisock, Pres.; W.D
120 E. HiuroniSt lee xullol- ul la f lol I o I 11010 ______________ imVi c eV -Pee.;5. . Frit, C' hier.
Zacbnann & Petrie1 \,lbl 110 LIiiliI~l Ii:011 0lands II 0a2;; 0 i .11 jio Cenitra !iCli
DCALER IN 1 1110 11)11111110' 111:1' N 11 .11111 ')lcl 011S1, 1 . 111111 111:Id 141 l1'1111'1:I 115,Dire , Lir ietwenp ol Ciedo uiiW
Fresh and Salt Cleats. soril l1tiu 1 oimllo: IC bl llt (;I-oIndIII 051 'iIIllllhl pilll'1'Va., and Ihe Soth. Ask your agent or
doll b II)110lhiI.Iloll"K g 1r t 0oo,) ily IlilO,' alulnlto 1:.1:11 100',iob I l .ull apy1113 L.1' . Ltlo', .P. A., -, Port St.,
607 E. W\illiaimui5t. i,,iIDetlroit0 0 111' '' I' 00 01 , 011, lct . Moll ox oui,
inn 1) ilt 11 rllr i n I1'n i,'. ''Slorl _____________GI. F'. A.. Toledo, 0
BUY YOURi ll'111 I'ol'b11Ii'Ob-lo lb 3 al II 1 lili bh DY.. A. A, & J. RY. Standard Time
BUwYURli 'b~lr 'Ilh'sday h'lI'bbing0. 0April 2. r1111bilI 11p i Ii gee ll: l11111 1'l 'el', For Detroit half horly from 6 :15 a.
DIUG'VIS'G DS91ibl~r 1111B8il l lidlel. IFinder m. until 6:10 p mThen hourly until
D1uuulU GOODSHE ICETALK '.11K Idrh~l~olrlitIS>181:tsibi htllr hill 11:1, or Ypsilanti only, at 12:15 a.
At BROWN'S DRUG STORE. IC you sill lok at osr widow, reeivh' is-es I'lmi and 12:4 a. m. For Jackson hourly
Crnr Mal, and Hrons Streets ansI note the prices nmaredon oii r 1....l1. 1'III INrG. from 6:15 a. m. until 7:15 p m. Then
O :OA 3 o g ds, yost sill realize that we are __________ at 9:13tip. g . an d 1115 onp. t.m
7 ng eter valuhe fr your tmoney 'i1111 YANKEE .A IIN' Wiigro no tW fMi,
L.ok repairing, key fitting tlis haniyou'cin get elswhere. IFre. A ploal h'ard tell yohowhs. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
$5.o hasnosas ~oae3(1001OR$l.(X lest puiblicaio'nhiiieut for soliiors. Ab H'z a .oosass, sSL2F;
Knvssharrzrsnd Waeoer soked sithi nandlin IDet. 1rin e, AnAbr yCnra tn
skates grotund. ninsic Select $505woth of this 'THE YANKEE AGE1NT, Tads leAnne ro.yCeta tn
GEKNERAL rlACIINE WOROK DONEB Muiic, alt the marked price, and yost 3 lalot, ili. Effecive Oct. 26, 102.
N J.W6R,13. iet cainsli-ve it ot- $L10(. SOTH NORTH
WM . I~iIK,13LibLerty Stree ANN ARBlORt MUSIC CO., Eye glsses repaired. new lenses at
EeyStudent Should In- 209-211 E. Waisingot. 1ALEI'S JEW3ELY SORIE. N. .- 720 A. a. N. 1- 9:011A M.
EveryN. 2-11:351 A. 5. N .6-1:0PM.
vest o Cents N. 4.- 3:2r.P. Na. .- 4:63 )P. Y.
nil get the Detroi, Free Press PICKWICK BILLIARD PARLOR & BOWLING TraisiNoand (ran betwea Ans Aros
evry ori ngil 1111evetheeAsi Iiiz xe Nlle 1-1da. 17 N. University Ave, rrai 1:3o , 4,15(and b,daly eecept Sunday
Aiu i gng. Therybust p('pets in theAssFree cebfire re)15 Ns. Iand 4.
sgtat l ity r h e on . e eW. T. OI S, Aget
ofIlctS ,aw e. ev r J.1J.i KIR'Ii'lii5ii110 , G. P. A.
ofid ersotcom.bInatienat
tollett's,12Ill Main 01,31 The next painted picture 1ICHIGAN CjNTRAb
611 14. OilliimiiSt. IC Aihus on the anner is tha of the
offcl6 1001111IiMaini Shret. MOGUL Cigarete. a litle "~eNiagara FalsRoute"
'T R Y T H E TWO I 0 roll of tobacco much belaed TE SHORT LINE-
If, by the colegiu:' stdnun ANN ARBOR TO
Bin lou''br Iituill1or 11ny1111110o11nd1 0ten taoos to his csoomwhre CHiiICAGOi
br'v it e ieand 1111Ire11ro11cel ola U(( smoketitle thmr.' Oe ci BULIFF'ALO
'host that will wa.sh and not fa. I ( te lectures not in th cor.NWY R
Daurling & llalleaux Ten foce1 c. NWYR
.or. St11110niLibe ry tb s .il IPlain and Cork Tp. Witoth iet cnectinsai t CicaofrOS
Cs ois I'ansas C'b5 i '1 bPau l 1 111'the]v st.
IFay 0G111siabdlNolti s 011in lu -loe 0510 thrughlticbet-h c'lons
, y wrieto. W\.W CASE. A rentAnn Abee
) U- I w I - - "" - mm wam iwxmm
5.L. A Dr. E. L. Corthell,
('1n 'W Se Cure TcktsMonday, nlarch 30th.
Cors Tickets $1.00. Single Admission 50 cents.
Spring of '03 Woolens have arrived contain=
i ng prettiest i ne of Hiome=Spans ever shown

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