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March 28, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-28

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No.1 lI 3
MARTINIQUE AND VOLCANOES (,~htn"hre bde h ed
Notii t sih ofiiigi5tio c is-is and
ProfessorRusells Lecture Last Night ttits-sdItheit- site-sist. U
Before the Schoolmasters Club WEs-s lte itVa5say '0,sriwienPrf
Rutsselii its --itsy'arised tin-iss in
and the Academy of Sciercei e s Pnity cSiliburning-rni.tssg
Pronfesnsr I ssi . lRusseli, ofithe ss tis mudi ansitie san ln at the ibattry
Uivesity of II iMich igant, isidel iiive i ulihad s ii iun s l t thir 'fsstings
addreissn lst ie sisn ig i Thomu ty y-til fctoi t(, blast. For5 ~ C -a vi
iBall iefose-is si]:a sge t taisienci s d i iste f igh-i tt mis -fromthe uc ity m
lioa s ben t hes redsitihes-cthiss ear. theires- sss list s liintg ting. t
Hins sbjecst "Thei Volcanoe so ii Te eoleiiwers nstssilklesi iy te s-
ttisiis,''ws om sithaist-ws i n teri-iest gaisst i '-aiti s hss en Sppoisedsti
to aliiasdit his' ssnissssiexpstisiec Of bui t-ittrtisr salsissiyitits' stsamslais
te siesker s t'sih the'Se Wesi tIdissandbund i byiitih tsh s-ies ofit heistsi
itiandss tmadise iishssisp c ittin sort Si t ictitii s iishis-fsirseinsf Sumis tissst
plesng saini setjsysblstsotshintsW h at a sotissnsof rosssli"Y iy = biy :30
epese. fet,t itwie sigh ut10055) tolsti ts t
lT' niit(, isn sitf iMartiniqueits dtu t . motvedsis oi utesis c tn- is. io
Satteisit tnd sothssrs,,.wihih extinslit sit
1t ellint i il t'.fistrts if Iit rrt- iii suit SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB '1
whiiics extnds sut itto tse Sl~itlit r
i-~sttheupe islort- btstomsssofitse And Academy of Science-Papers by t
iiitsss* itndist presntl siln l itsbouti:a President Angell, Prof Hull I
abovteiiti t ellsoft hetd seal. ta i nd Prof. J.1.P. Allen
Situatedt a. thein aSits n titttioits i-i -
t'cisst, tiey ,vets'tvsts-t'bsfsri.tits-finS. tiss'IES 'ANI AE K.St-
erutis , i. is- s-s ns r wh o esna en~lene f clee 1 oig. T etoiatplan i is it as and tiisuty itii(Ps-icsi-tin li til o
titit. ntstat-ly topped palmS s ising-it-- its--t hils ubt sslistane f Ii'ssttt't A t i gt-it
I stse sialt- sts- ssnt itus'heritree- maeith rss. li'ositd itat il theitesrit' i
ltissds an pariise- n in deedi.i ssi Aonisthets 5! is itie s lits -s-iw it-see t y i i i s t
iiSlope i is tilts ittn itwthe istts s5r iii ich-i~mott t 5ollegeigrautesit il
fa55unsss-ttsn- i-iis tv i sititin ed nti-i sit 5 liss isunt wth' si t-i- situ' I-tmus
nely' t o t hes isnitisiofiitithills' silt- it eyt reast ti emsi asyfhineins-s:iid tithtl
Iostis f i t-nt is-hih iti n. c il-{ sitmucShi -'sis tst isy 5ur5' ni sh
dsiba ble detsstrucion n 1110ts i nhabs- silts1ioetsttoday.s- Tisiiisi 51vidntly sit i
Isiaits- f iti-hslit ni s it-guh h Sit-It sisAt n-ityitTo twnat ifay iwe Sitr ibutnn
tAlotsng t'heisettttmtiled'it i ti s or els th iit tis st ns-s-sttssiR itirig tosthte
atii t tootilft' igntic mifs-utai, s pekie iiti s ituitthi sitsie sutShsit
I Sic imaedsis ftis-flou ishsiing its-Cof' eiraming gra lt' l sup~esde.
tthe ii lt t tt tradint e sid t, hir dors.iu ti e it'iold m ttilsid slOf ' st- isad inex l sit-ly
The r h.adssl nO arsgg ands ttttheii gui an i iis'ttesaoie ifntined ciire sul v
Iaittilc'of Iti c st(ifn sthe-nmn d esths e'sidents'- .ing lt) tiltslfin h'tssis c iii
Oftiosig tis-Sli t lii- Sei oftiis tincs-c(-itti-repirationstudy ofr tnteginilalt-
us--Ia'. usen]mts ot'ttessit'iii ti tthattes ti' in tithee -as-sIC the old Coin t
islants-t w isst initti atsits Ts5pCite itttutits'ssnist i i iit isbit
kihoss CoIf(the sii itown st 'bultii or iinsii-gin thituS t liti s asreasitsosun
Pih s i-crst isiory slaiyhow,'sofs-itonesl tnitfs-i ittets its- Iis aliii- t 1-ugtind ets-ts.
t--ite ists-tic is-otod tts-iig sHitetty sobil cots iedthemnt toi readt--- itshusgtool
tulicsofs adt- niiss-giarith slid iii mitt chi-is-ilos-ss-ti eiglids issitheitis 1
toithcies-is-iural ibea ut -k te isiss sitii. stilt liii tissii io stuctin tss. s-it i
iotls blacks fid(desWin sslve t'iry - t is fLsti.stlsisimpe Pot tl' aero . Itti Mss Ste-y
inyle, dis-enisinsst w sitnasissc ofwSairisoi n gls- ish bgir heiStIdif f Lt ins' ,"tsc
uslss ssii t - milts hets- hot i aii eis ands paper Sstrei' its i ithuM A tls iusinsissn
s-sf rofpais-f, s ie.set her iu opraion in actitusipartmenitstrelato-
s-ioig- wisihttheis- elitfits' ptis s's weress s- ve ol sthe sssuststu f 'igis hunn Iu
Iiit hetu irtst'partt o s l ec stur-leI I- is-is ngihobaiedbs.
sttlt at vosi lcns- esli were. 'tf-two sthorIoughtpreIt rttss ion ilIttn is ha
55th555 lkindttbusil s'h itselit-siupto ritmsinate in iithe usiofuEn lit-nworif
Sieathe--s si' tbe nits is-s-note snnits suein-tssi lis h ts therseist-i isi i
tiesof sheis ixediitswsit' ttmus-si word w ich x555y ''siats' th
< is -s5exipiel i Suolten rck l i ch lsts wists isi iitit :idtat 'n o o Ithe isiwo i stnt'bei
Mt i tlitsian do nthe fosi t i n is ss i i Si i tlsi sid. T e u a in1 st d. Thus5 -lits' trani ls-,
ola o sitisof s iithe s hnie stibe'losg iii'Stsis sitoifi sns-ssLsastinoe' oab lr ih-t
toti sluirt iisio tlt dlsts i-ll msn teml cole 'ls ' uims' larersh f fa or tussi su
hav iesbtiltsthemsil estaptiistito ijlist t o alttt sto his),Sitsfathe sind 'aove
of 5 1 u ft.stltattis sit tisi i'5 i llssnsts -i ittrnito iscis i at e i- in it
iis t lsng lit siuiss 'o tcanoe s iexpe Stlts'ois' its t st--ss! asis
rhos ad di-t us h iii' the eomthud las ernerdttupte
Oldsis' 55 li iactveind grae- nglsh iimsis isl
liiit t s sit l tii st i s ssl o e s w h ist-ti i ls' sits he, mistt i silslnttitn- sp itptlt
Of'sri i t' cntsissi' rig itallist ofinyte s ituy atorni 's st s-in wssi
abou issi' S 1pople In thetili st i itt ! tat y P of.Joh R 'slnsof isshen
Dosed - tim a bes-ti st. itsesi gssis- goiofgMsitigan.iIsis sub
Cnitte sit s sl by n te-nsiu imist''a iite is 't " l it' sa i il pat: .'Chetil' ]ilsa -li
its isitrsiit-dinstis s an tm liii d oMihg n e t lsco ti :h u
t''-es-c- is-ilths ituiugiiththsiies-eetiont NislIESEA'\IRS.
fIsvo his-iswihomis-sctulousliy escapted. Autls,0:1sits-siests--ctsi 'SeioIstehs-th''
Or s-msites alsossst-esthore lte hosstit7:135)stonisist to atltend ttusemetsinit
tts-e ill s-uinsndtuhesssireesfuiulei asbody. Everytbods- ts- ti.n
[nexpeted Sale of Seats -Cornellt
Men Arrive Today-Michigan '
Likely to Win y Small
'lie sle- sf rss-s'tisea n-ts ys-s-t-
f m t uist'tis for tehi i-i-st-Cors-nll
us-si tontiigttfil'sis'ssenid aliu i'Xt'
atills lRumssuss re sti-urcnit utesdtusbut sst
sterdaiys asfts'rnosot hast allithumsre-
stiedseaststs hadut lstsn s. 'hsis
tutitt usssr s-,ti ftw-st -sisstilt r--
sits unsld, mnd smu-'oodlits-Istoo.i-s
Alli indsisatiomn s iIttsasitns
hosetiwts fsrehnitfotunite is-ut hsu
tott iobtain is-redseua susniill hisvei
s-is o i-ry('it-it hit sctutst al si fi
'his evens i llthixi' i-litsti t -ishtt
isis-k sharp.h
'hts'C'osuits' t i-smisft OIhsaussi .s
his lnrin
Keene Ft'icsiztrik ises-siveu-si 5is-itsr
esititmii sfromiss'of ishehis'oirnellimen
it wicheti ii sc- sh i mmbeissof ithis
e-susnstitt cme upus- and suiSomstthe gymt-
titus-overit-een this'houss of
Alhluf Micigan'ms- en uml sts-itstiety
rodshape w isiths this-pissnibl sts isi-sh
of'stug's'twhoihs s uffer-ings- withs s
'us-s s-ituS 7'1elists smt-i(li t mst istk
,sum Isis-bStl reprteatsishsthiss'gy-m-
si si uring s-thus-fers on fosits
t yisi-iis-litysni fiitssnn
Sum-otcoitme' of iithis 14ispoise
silal bt it in tougt-ithatssiMis-il-
-liaust i-re'st'slis-ils- btstersno
usanst the is isof its',its-k'iT'e
will 5out Ly sa slits-mit iii i ns- ati t
Lion to 5 itsisis-theits ssy irase.
The tii ls inrhiss' liii- litigssht
Retferee'i-1. NSwitifialehi
::sarter- Emits-smith l-smut . t'5.
Cleruk sit 5Couse--Sid. illtard.is
Asintnts h-It'tit'Danlisthsi, SMax
finishs Iudgs---w.' C. IJohnson, D:I
A. C'; F1-C.Thal'lnhh ales:tC. N'55
Churc'shihh . It. .i
tielh ud ssges-DSr S C 'Ciurey 1)
A. C.; ItIttit' Itmtteoiu. Clhubti;
Tho'dore Lisie, S. A C'
Scoes-'.l Si ldiiSltsits A. SC;
SRiy Iis, 1I. AC
9111101 s'---KveenesisIitptsiittk Mihi-
sat; lit. isy, Mictheigsn: Mokey,
Adelphi News
'Se itelst ipi-rtliiais forhis'the ush
weehein isthes' Smtuhi soicity lasts
nt.s T'Sis'sittiet wasin Res-olvetdi
taitis intitisssis t'ortie stesso
sttemtutolitax peisi snalmuprope-unsiydi-
reti. y Te folloinsisg gssehsuus-s
sue- ncssssfulh udiil rhresents te
soie~tytin t hetctst-nwiits tim e-i
('. tubsi isn Mr. ts-i-sns ShitzIt 1.Si
G. hssishssussssMr. t. i.S iutisluh,
hisstheii siist its isisMr. s-sitsorti
,sitn S" Essilit s-ts--t-lis]toisrits-
psissuy of liii-Aelpihi it. Ernstn
St-tiittwsenected-ice iis--h ettt.
Gis-s' tunte-Clas et
h is fi slsss i it'e grl iswill h luts
sll iut i-isla s- s t: its Ilsiti sills y -ttt~
Slims in lii t is -n i ust ti stht i
Seating; at the Meet Toniglt
StAt tue' lus4ts- nuigh-lt i is 'n555ti
thastteseatsings-apciuty f thin syo-
usssisumssilt hu adt'osss thi ts' ititiO
A lttl nishusshisus umo ims'he niehalf
oft iimsthe srod illicl mith tialmiily ini
sattisfstis-isetingti--thi spectts
'lheseniftw-ri' sisnif siltsr'veisSwilili its
nsu'smitholmusrsumispne-i-mseaustits- but
wiltasnus isist thi s herlstsrs-tlhy
Inu occupytim ngsats mittsres-srieds y01
aums s-siqus-nt-ii t fliithus--highut ows
Whenmim ings-m to Siswaiike- istom fo'
other s tii' is-sit' oc aay froumthe
Do)notsusesus-thus'russ-ini frontsuof you
fsor a fooutrst
Ls mt nd mstiiportanth leuitstie
chalikedsls en.im
SDursinmg'this-evensinsg this' maiusut",ni
shudhis'ltft frs-s-iflistthi s'155sgeof
Slit stlsiasinsis-os-umsently reueste-hsd
noti his sisandsinithe iss- linslonsgermthhsn
is nece'ms5sry.
US ItEls
The Freshmen Square Themselves-
They Did Not Consciously
Break Faith
Th Fidy mrningusspapers1c stated
thtisihsit(,frsnhsmen' isroke' their'faith
Sty-sh cl iings Slmhesais-of J. F' Lews,
a sphoor msonthus- nightu foloswing
tilt mhs'urasstimsss f it't-u'e
s'f tttitisefrshanclsus wtshiti S ste
shttis'ttion isinolum' sntirely co-il
hisy it' esisentissismuent.'lt'hesparties
whotidsmliithe us- ttin havebtim-sum nt
mndsthisy' declareithathehmy kits-t usth-
isis- if'tsisvi-' 'thus' T heeerof tie
parityhyauisstsatlu-uthatustiis iesry sory-
thtuchnuts-t smt mt st-sitsti-t aftsstie
clnss ihis-i isienticontrarytC atito.
lUtisersn -msconditmu ion suldstit Isse beets
tisne u iftescmss si-utiut Sash been
knsown.m AnsI its nus-ti n iposshs-
hum s-ts-s--s-i-frenushan ot to the
umeingsScis-was sot improbales-that
some dsids nt know'aboust Itis-truce
BiutsowtIes-faict msutte univetesally
knsown mthaittere s na clansseneutimen
o take asctinoagainst sily ssm isber
of iss- class iw-io is guity of hair-
cutting -int he future It is no longer
simply ;sio fns- aginth ie sopho-
snore hut also agaiunst the fresman
is-sisers oflt'e sophtomuoreshahve-
beens-sstu ad redressn tads- for thi
grievance.ssThey decethat thi
offesns sitllSe oierlookedstpoiding
T'here-fore-is-u, tie sussde-signed-shpressi-
dents of the- 'Ciiilits-rary'snd ensi-
muss-inus-lsiuss, slt1upon15thusmsw-m
Suits f tim e spects'' iss' -asses to treat
tilssmasttrtasnesus-of clas ntsor..- We
litsve sssmade ustaupr siss-wsis--Smsutine
kept.tOnumuas-sums iliy nut''is-at setus-
Isi-S uitsm css- sss willincuis-sitif stin
i-Stits- it. I~IiSII-S
lmuniis-mst 'ntiL hits-
Professor Roed Bettr
Sumtitmus- ago O'sfs'sstss s-sled sis-
sum 5555 llsilleri iijsmy tuoishis s-yeuand
fr"m tiimiss i .sis elilit-i-stoinbei
very serios.in kSuas- s-IsuS is) it-
sususmuiss' i,\ ttIlse orst tssinins-st
lii'itha siss"Y 1 aus n ofe
m;atttis sm-musst-s
s-smIm-It t fi s um kit)st liss 5 st el d___________t___
\I-itlis--, t I t i i-,Iss-slul sshun lst ,smuts-
strmo t till Nti-u- 1mount sill its-no-siS.L. A.Notice
ld eit is as tepi ill iilie s--i t sid uircinu h i I sums u suf'S. S. A. lickeu-i ldlu-
t-sI'v sssn ti-ill its caslledsiatum' nishap.is A s i i thss a-i departus m entum i isill it
I'sl t sississ uss- ofithe- -iti -In in sinimus Heldt ii iuisiDO M . Stist t y ' IV 11sn inL'-
i-s sun mitmi :sun ssibe co e :11 pil 1smth S m S tt muslu te Ihourtns it'f1r sumnd
suitm tte 'r utilsm i;snsma-muss 11su ,-5-55 i- i- hl-s
-Leaheisnn h ins Su's-i'-issm'
Notice, Ushers Notice
s-humrs Isir' time ii t'umm -stui-fu 1t-tmsi Thlii cs-- andsuitS s-missti sithititte still
meetrepot intsthus- sgmusssim a st 5:15 usIneet t usi omC,1University BOlul,
tosdity for itsillanutd mnas-snsmns, Is-ms11ithis12 todahy.
Hsead Intuit Coairman.

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