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April 01, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-04-01

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l 1. .
oJi. NuT.
No. 136
FENCING TOURNAMENT Norhwastern Girls in Ahletics
-~ -Mo'eits ha 1itty Nsrtisvssi s't'tt~
AnnualExhibitisn Next Stuida- Ste'sit sseues's iiessis' its'ter i n it
TslDecide Champnship of the isis1io itfour evstss only wert'
University-Tumbling and runsositriothws'e situ ite ivlrs
Gymnastic Events 1kudif e'o '01t t ildsto sut'sinit
the stting, of seea creds'itblite
ThelcncugC1uf o te nierit tNotuits srords i the ouiversity
'ill give its 1111111141 ttto riit'tttt oilt't i ft u' y yardiclass-'Sitsgooery w'sru,
Stu srday, April 4, stO:8Sip. alillsothe 1Col svton. Tne, 8 ;eous.
Watertissnsgy'stsstsios. This is tie uoite 1 saytr't-Pttttitr Baker, ('ok
greas fentig evnt of the yeartad awottnS4C0yarts. Timie, 1instiute 1t.
Wthilstuesiirite nrtess of out su-st eotndtus
detittswortismtenswill tie roup led t', ighrjtmti-Baker wons,Muntgtttey
ine tr r ut of Stumbling, cliub stito- sttttttdI ieight, 4 feet 10iiwsuies.
lug t ald 'ymnstttt uework tois gestatlt SIt ut itti 'ttistfirs, ltk sertuntt.
The eluts iltts miade anduiis smtakinsg Iis ttu'e s iifee ies
great preparations ror its exhiitittsts it tlses ti ne.s ett' iswees thie
an it'eenrs'gy iof lt'he ttststtgts sandstieItnsofsi l tlitrt titid itetarsntt hus
tilu, progr um offeredlinitsttre ta imosl tw s wou t th lt te', 12 tirs)
(nottiur te evrtig foritthos in sts'snd-
<tttt't. w- e ti'lttle pron to foritt OUTDOOR TRACK WORK
the 'swrdtt'i11tts5rpit struin these c ta s of
iltditis'. isi 't '1iith gunss usits heri it
deadtly'-irulis tf umotde''sn s'trs'i 'riCaptain Robinson Want Every Man
Thrs5 ittytf actt sesibetween 5 ttit Out-First Open Air Work
maser of t'filtttn'totl"y'i aps ofthe Season
Alf auctiuous fs's'ocit'y f atiitack atdstt i ll
in dfoui ar faoinaingin te e- he eal lsis of tets',cskiti in lt'-
gssil 5to it niiiatI aswel a lthe1 itsd. ttsutat it loan ss illsth se U itt
5 5'" ,itt it, , itttven 'a tatittoflabiityttt
Phe liignim will bias fi'ows
it iuis I stthioiuld: g tsout 4hiatesrnoon adhl
"i~itills 5 it' ris isit : tiissits''
-' W l a Go drcht1itl st1aru t. bit t ck all s te fni
titalis l r xist 2 i uu' Irv '..(.'k if ris t hle ositis os isteari tt''ti ' te
fla :its titst Li' s yuuss' ittg I ;t Ii' 1141'i 'si toslit'l Iobns ri
foil s ' l st ig'still' Iss ls' t'tsi''t iss
iss)t. it v sites' I"\ a l . (IfM , 55555 55 t tisisi 5155 iso i s ls ts Otis"tz
isisisi tiswill bsesaiossersy ofieisd ibii
botg r \ts 55 Mstii Litlitsssd\1 e r of snil issesoon t.isesitoi in t'r a 'iin ssh
8i~~od ottd-Pots ft itt''sfo 'shas istdoo s ou' "isin-tstt
laiitr o tut t wt winneof ahrlyahrpeyshatui veroe miaystusesis'
outtSiofui tia t:spraidtil tswout t o e.Tir hetu
Nitrtiso'. tauite sisi ith wi nnera of 'idor i syse brsiseensu cceisirsul,-
evsnr rif foils, prtreshuadd hI a ' d
trou' bat itts ais tS St e haittaulle sud
New X'ssrk iisb u'tti a ind tlseserotti yt ieostto tsis
usis si sit' ss ofs s ;sssssssas o un usa k e e i t rlgis. Wesite'agissmet
!'it sigingiysrlit*.3t;. A.sMaly, sat 'ettirgidt'oshveo t stissac.a
clI 55'l f ho if1S.ccst55ill555i's'oIr555wor'k.'5555 Stgare 5S1t't
Sms ehg Newin JournalismCrn steeinl iotttiSt ed.isTese tis efl'r
I le 5 sit Sss 's''s sily sissit anei ) i noti 55 t enthes elvett' sufitriasl.ii
'ito w th L.F.N oSiit' s ent si it lt 'sihasios toen sisiscs adtrotidSit
'( tIs . iaissbly'sit .ii 'I lit i s alwaystillbest httoe.e
is e i esiss wt~i e vs suit' iy ppotiss u eni ~ SliiioNutdoioIw o ,an
plris iiiThe it p izsit ofilsbeiisi - mirt often men'itihave ieen il'
dollar'' lipa i ss fieslss en tidysisetogeiay'rsutsinieooli
S inirizeigivit en s'iih lub. int'heioImportaonteIstsenor
its o 5fillx t lar'tls t'5is stltsitu eitui us5 stir ll overti' agaSits ntit andi lt
SomethingNwinJournaismMeet.Sldtheusweia's'er' tis ater- i
TheDaiy hs n oltlyaddd t li =noo betmstis a tot' icom it otitni
('cbig~ is Go4ruliluepertClub lithe theverytfistdaysul'itbli foss ever
fiit '5coleg ' tttua i't-Thetil lit drstill Its l ust i' ued t e
)iil ize li' t tilts' of s'.sDailysuanls'SA' il vast ioni.
Is Pu )isoI a li' s's t'llos' ''il lyf sit'RO I~if\
und is iy r 'i X' of usend ii~c
tiust'. I shl rsit sit liii ists ihe lugs so l i mporst nts i ois S enior
it~ liii ii ililitutO, 55st55555t'ofliheitutist 'S' i l-
,iat isl. l' 'siit, id e s chsim s w u is : 1: > nv. -iitt tyrs~v Ha l
lii ii t'l' lst'i'sIii~t, rej At iii 'ss'gi lutslutsI is' olst S. :is. A
liii' sit ill t'sstvs i'sssss Sie rstist t ii ss .its ss'in ilts' iriuS iii Illii
t5IN-1l' i sosw sck of stliriesuk rio szuch ' I , Hsi''st'lsiis iitutsv Ast
oi' meit. r 7 yIy(y ,tbetwsen lt' ihurs o idi' }std 12.
EO. B. W t 131 , JOHN ltiSiBINSON,
litS'errer'. 'resid'ui.
Cnitn ]I1icatisis
Baseball Shuad Rouding Into Form its iil srilcinii11st'v lCh icgo Ases'
''sts ss isit tsas Isis' ut'd's'-itive'i'of it'
Rapidly-Will Practice at Ferry sir uutuiug alue I'. sif 11. le uss-
Field Saturday respon5den tltoSil csiosuit Ilse thes'
uwordsl:''A sudensitusrom istit ar,
'rie baseali snadoondant ;e ilit trIs('siuis i uries't'is'si. ilalstsa5
if yetr'd'ity's suss sts u'stisrrts ihtilerniti. ithits'0 sisi tdslirt'seaduthelst
ii somteit'ood hIouus ini si iistie 'fist I sa t i ttempteidts'cuthis
gsam.'T'e 'stir' squti istub stlt' sr ihsir.'' is I iswis s ttodell' this stae"
Issos excetionis repored.IDicke andi suits stiug aso tsttlutel luust.I
'isususs. trusswere'a's' ensost 'ruts issasutsntSfrosts Moth ('srutlna. hisve io
tvecksi's puatrsic. use wstuh t' ssui-I diti.ishowe'ver.sy somtiniusg ike
sigsain. this. ial s if felliowss u's'e's' i's' rtim
''l(' 9gs10usse s'r'sii'ssisv uso s ty liii' Srek itu t sx'riihis sts i t sssi sa is'
'Va'srity Sy asu od agitiiiti. 'T''ys'ss'tr i uwoudTiregisietliuss su scare.
fieldedi t l basu St i sitt ~tItted i fil iio od r'T 'ihat is sui. 'Thii'Sts','. situ lust lily. s(,~
ilthosutghu55at tes tSiu'l'ing was t from 'sitsthis ss 'timt .
rather iloos. I'iuu' srughs groundss iint IsittA ItS'I. iF i 'i.IST
te ioii'Suiu'ho''uevsnt ts Isisay'rs ini____________
thosse usstios ro m dos ingS tthituttltct PROF. KIRCHNER TO STAY
jsi oiliitt''5 lt iii s nd on ,,igtoun es,
duegr'e'i. ( tsusshiss'Si sshoiftued fruit No Ground for Rumor of Hit Resg-
seoe osoti etrd}' ae nation-Dean Hutchins Denie
ins Iis uits'Sirs t let'ade a gitsthe Report
shoinst'sg.Hi s ii'fieing t'sOclsatatu
Iis ti hoinsg swssacurtelu. NMstiist ' us''h uisIre i s hahsr curtt
'it siecouduIs ut tsiiss resdyi'ihiisaotteSnils ocd eetyb
fieldinug b t s painedusuIanku~le rIcivedi'Il utis St'isssuu5 s ui' i ''' i'tn
to slastudsiI's lpractice. S'ts'yandtieu])Sit'ltly, uist. Prof.Krcshnus's'wouldti
Kasrsi'us'stnar swrkiisg 4sut inth Se boix sut tits tlut'e fscutys'of te lis tsi-
f'or iil''threosr ii' uiusi'ng ts eey a. 15i'tuettie5teayssr. 'Ths srmrhs'ut'
Bosuth sit's' Sit frequenlyltuI'itiy'esterda'iss 55ea.l5sigil suuuss Stytse isinbs'hus-
praisi' its. Itirdi 'uit Iasiss usshinustio i
us tu;.'tit'i'nihiiras "tisifortunhis. list ' luiat Ihookisdeleritss 10 liib'ylt
i'id s ~ seral~ya~rasie ui e- as ibossi snSrf. l'iiun's'ts
,eit's it'usi. It' 5 is olre.ltlts' grq ss and'. susu i cihtst atii iall, tit gie
theithen a ievr ticeiitadsitbils sill onlisi1'fsitions'tssusIl' thirsformer va'lue551.
ccrni~l yheinvauibl toi a tels coutis- 'lis'rhiul husty ii us's' uhlst ise no
pousedsi almoist ire'uly''of ii'newtaletis demansdiufor luthSur'bsosoksntitusyst, finst
The iamond auust fusirsits' fitl isi lsiProfsi. Nirlincr ttu''outulilies',oiilhd by
ho in a I.fs, or l~ist, by'heien of sitrsssf Issstut pracitce'' tgie alpi
thi susk if lst t 's's'ro se t issiisscon- iir is' s'usisy sst'isl.
diiliii'dhll. hesouth lenche'su'srss wItsu I u ssists f ite e Suraltei
aresSlxigs moveSto anoher pl i tit's' srday esmsp'aticasluly dsleitilthis
andithi trill probalylir l st'elit- u'shhuss, 'and quhtehsn lettir of Prof.
Mond'free to herosludtiit 'Situt'sSsta. Klnlistr's' risus'wit'ug sisy itestito
sit~r u''is sers'litleis' rkistois he donsi to isi'up iIsics s o'slus'. 'hisiswili
tu t Sildii.lt' stil iting int' go'od sosut'rit'assurth mnytt nirss ofs iiPlro.
shape Silt'lt'he ilsisIstyiltl'esuisiss'Isichnuse'rsuaniosu'the ls law sionts, andt
soave l'evetling. ttilucoimftrt Sthe whio feasr'thtte
Uivrsiy mlay lose tasy of its best
ous thirughsuutslits ifluetnces is
Freshman Putt His Foot 11Itlb hesusi'strunisisuetimtss. SW'e srutsure
An susssusisgincidentsi uu''sri'ituehtu' thielils'detprtmetuu'tan hiss sswork
othemr usvesinsgOsnf ruslt osf iteoudoors osithessrissarus tudear to Pruf. Kiretbner
Uivesursityt'll. A freshmiisa Itsit' toiallohs into svrt'hsis connsueto
lasss' t tt ulit twtsscoutnfssrtususte s withthei utsasuesimslsenfored lto d
ts havet wouS. Imo. A. cuseomtickeits so bySimpieruaivise causes.
ss'icih'I ts' tas usussiss' ts useorfus'Ilii.
Cosrhlll's lecuress. Ime iuidud tbisi Newv Football Rules in at
halfssssf a ssi:smiin s'be lertausnnts andt
sandeed' aboulst theSts'iicket.55idowssr A sisust Ihsft.ousN'w York to tlb
tefore tSelecut'u'e, Iosingts o fin ioesit ree Presscif ys'terday gives
Iirch'aui~'.ser a. i'e'uceisr's'S 5~~s of _-t its', i'ssiiur'sg:
fortIrsi isik t's. '''lts'dasyus0f ts' armrt'ts t:i u i
lieeveniltualy lr sspus':suas ler- foos" tbll t Iisvis's. At theusetuisg of
ly gs'sstsssssuofsit' oi ts mii entutu tdu li ito, tollscs's thte FosotbaslliRusest
gentl'555'i'l iussl c~ tlust's'e sunitSsass 'o suit suiiss, iheldsit:t1eSlum t'liusuugts
lit (iithe proverbialithirty "'its by-' buyin'g' lutts. heresit'siiw'asuu'sssdecided tatthe
Iriss t55 Iickedlat tsit ny -fi' ive uset. smatSlsslsh'erI h'eadpiee u asssurnds-
good hing, IoiS lithetsii t's 'an tu lst' lusitthefgr'ron us hethers
gutS ii lls'' Sllsttowardlitheis'it''tttn o.Illi't'st' itd s to' s e tt itliis' sub lties
si is tit cim lk ot'i'lst' Sitwe''its'f injititits opp ioe1ntIoili'tiitt'e
l.i' esueusstiontost ic 'm I ii 11Isi ftgtjtt'us elim ina t fromithe5:5rea
ch sr 5t h 1 .111 a'5 tal rI ttti lin i m c luts Sme ]ist I tt uit s ilsit
sit hets'iii'i555ls ore fIs.s' s ts' u's' I ss's'sI ,itste s lc l i o e
01c w lI tutitti ihe i tiit''I sit in k 1. l istS Ii
lb, tsia'id d thats fo(itn 'k olsis; " h lcitoi o p n l1- wt
m r lis'e ssmo su s'strot ssls'''tlifs et ''i' l si, istil nofit is prbaltth i om
Ii, ie~ots :is soo as the soti lusii ts sill tisIse fi~n hs a
soj sse Il h is i,isit iimussit It 'r isisIsru'' titisi t5s'' . s ' ,sIitt's: al
~ire: M t1 srtil c . iw ' i tsv1,11 s's f i c i - ,rod litit' iss of'
le rn1.1'o it it l<Iis n tle 1, I:cl f' n il 1: i ac
whtilt ovei'noht: yt;jv'isi }1sil vs' i
ISer' (';(P55s -Id gows.s lsts' it's Iis
titlst jWiNisy13 l S . ld
'viit u. 'Tiei' 'usususiltc 's' roc v
-iit'he is 'd's ini0i Qtssu S its' t't's
IBassl, ItIis sAfroooms 5sit .o.G.
11. l55Nii.iIi
('tiirit iii
I. .. A5. NifliICE.
litc 'isis' 's il rii iticsesihs g suluiuss
wil ro, ilor f (),,: ts 12? Cotri' by,
itI ish Uns Ilsive'rsity Hillt.
hiss r.,ill 's t'g 11,lis t h Iis still its' )'tt
onlY i~portti~ty I' " reistrtiion.

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