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March 27, 1903 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-27

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Of one of the best and most perfect fitting Custom
TRADE (lade Shirts. We have a large assortment in
MAR% pretty effects in Oxford and Cheviot weaves from
'ZION BRA ND" $1i.00 to $2.50
J. . USigr. C TTN ,.EER&CO Washington Street
LOVELL'S Cr. Main and Huron St. Phone 389, 3 rings. DIRECTOR
CORNER S~TORE. Office 2098 4th Ave. 'Phone 98. Re.-
Open from 8Ba. m. to 8. p. m. Saved by the Strop CALENDAR deuce 3028 5th ae. 'Phone 1114. Am-"
Tea, Coffee, Chocolates, Ai0c15 X''ti oa I ____ oance on call. t
tooh of tireen sojdeil oicli liroe y'Jic'dival urday, Stanch ' S28-- N ct. f-
ito the 10v10 0oI lmer S:itk, m itn- hirtyeighth meetig of i theN ihigal Oeii) 0i kelit(y1 t S
(Ii tti teto, W ck "rgiofitthe frish lt. football team, Sloolmaeters'('lubt ~ti t vwitft mt o'
BulrtersCia To W cs, intetol ocuttliing his Ihir. Atfter tr-b'Y Fra, St arch !27-Sothom ort' Poi. eare to save yor monemy, or don't care
t imies.I Carous mans o ctraidI theyii) riy , \ita"tli_7 Prof. Israel C. for a PERIFECT FIT' and have no de-
a5Porabls tn~lly broke lit, lock )to Ililtdotriandtit t oli iiSart a I avell A mgll hItosie to look NEAT, don't Cobe to see
Ga rraoe itrethart o h. o fl vmi i te floori. "'Votl i'iitcof ci Sart iniqe,'' at 8 p. Ii me . I mna~e oolen Sitings and
M ttli , (Iliit yS, 1B i'll- 1i'k101 li i ltili~ioIt l yFiday, S rlib _7 Spn iii Xi 'slin gn ii it 1 a prfcfit, iisty lish and p
gulunwnotoi alwaya, s kit hir lid I liibut lomni it' s1) tte bediili .lii mitty i il t>1wI 1 i
rTe5 r tilt i iniliItMarchii't"i liiitttetttiI TAILORING PARLORS
DO HM SPLYSOR!an rIn' ag traoIV S a, ~ptit, tii1 p. cci,29 ti mI.ii
tt ttih t ineli n.Tig ti squadii o t itlt'.;ii 11 t.,S 't I Oer First N tionl Itnk. Ann A ror
AFTER________PLAY___aynot__itone__offered___o_____l ]t ir, 11ttt metilti trar-I t nm XliStalit,, iBank
?po In 'ailget ste alr n any style and ' -td li i ia ',tii Stt- i S ttAT R TIR PAtiv ita ii llctIttttli t. lnfull ii'', XX.ispritti4i1OS-Ilit (9u
Ltunchii'oof all kins. soutiandt idiluti'lluti t o s"It I i ,it Stuly Als - t t, tDIRECTOtora~ t
ititictiimiosi tiisl'ii I.d S s w J Ioohi Jn V Sheehan
IN R. Bron 5. mNxt i F.haildSM. Baah ottnditiIonlififslilndlttili', asArliltDrtellVaugha
linelck fromLa in Athen, siliidtdon. Sttckr tr i 2 riiiiiItt WnAah i aga
PROCIINOW & SCHIAIBLE. 1Razor stroslarc n o uc tbd tilks rtic115 l tt, I1: iiisoalr lti]t ill NasJ1E3iiyae John ilsre
after___________________________ all i liks t i 1irI, l i , itiv bi p. rn. tim Koch ento SCrhart
STATE________eoe_______the_________tro_________________ :it tanli Pl Wittieank r? itrite C iratia artrt n
Lunch & Dining Room ! r ttdpss.,rotf ilt curly ltks.n. hn 'ii ayi aytoli h n ~~r~vn~Bn
I'his t~hinill "ran t[s vtil ieerr C in' , 00,01. Surfi, 0
:!'u S. Stoe St i1 Iri i"y c.Ils BT nnre. k , K7CO.OOO
'rynur;it te a kSi . ,:,5.Open all Volanes Of Martinique le ittiinu 1 tltiliorot r l,11 re 'tti'ii t. iuauiedunaier the eiirat Baning Laws
liurt '. tttbtti.ii iti "ftli- 'e ..Iiiiitt o tiii rr ii 0 iag i-hitu vhatt ottisiiitate
1 i. . t. itts"IItwil a dres te. tceltcen detoits, u o and selsnexhnge
8~IXSON & SAMSON, Proprietors. ,1ciiii t~inhitard fittini'sii't'l nhernip"ile"1 nid tts
of y tct.Ytuutli lltttr Sitltt til't t f "itte i sonuthe pI I--s ittties or ietited fStats.
bittA. . iJ.Witinig 11an. ,'riitita n ill l'o5th-attic of AItt 'tr ti i.0 i'0 . ,.t i I . Sfet tunst ent.
Iiin" Sn t. Xinat"illth a iii a s ntuuialh 1 -itnli it iti- 'it. ICrrlintCii' et .HBlank. Pe.;W. D
ti'it ttil lii X i t i i li' li . lii il t- i fu t i-il - 'Vic e re .;5.. Frit, Cahier.
CHA . . MVJE t ' ritA'e t i-tntle li-at it tr e ,oied i t i p ich adi itt Itetirnl t oilt 11 I 'DY.. A. A, t&tJ . RY. tandard TI..
od r o.,P i tn u ii itI t. 1itot nilil te,1 1ioitc riIFor Detroit half hourly front 6it5 a.
1f1 A~l1 Iussll t is "ntin he ae ruun0.unotilil5 p. o. Then hourly until
tp Th KindmYou arerrLoinig Fr toiu liilet he . l t Mu'.ses of then .tintiiti 5Mu 1rphy tiill lie'"-i-i-t iilii'11:15. or Ypilamttonl, at 12:11 a
d~ --- tismi ct' ist irtie.-iIiit I" hItilvI I ihi-li etrh e t I iioiiiii'iit i- i -tta in m. and 12:45 i. in. ForJatkon hourly
Phone 281-2r. 215 S. Main St. I~ttttiliv ttsiltli isithe u sI'tfi Irish toay. 'Bleiny from 6:15 a. o. until 715 p. o. Then
___________________________ ithiimi ul mtti f itliii-hi-ilt."at 9t5 p.> on. and 11:11 p. on.
ye sir}, _tious, a frill report of - h c Waiting room Huron t., SW. of Main,
Switches and Hair Goods 011lliieiiuu i tiin i etre' Ie till Gaatedfunanpens, $ p ANABRRIRA
Y2 iffate ii lit bhi l, thei itzen iofthiat TI lt X N ' A GEX~tNTl Trains eae Ann Aror by Centralstad
ri eillfted-ite T heI Ii c ture illhifll y Frelt potal1car tll you lowt-.ad Tie.
P ieiliu'tra.tdbl siltesittplyltof tidlihiBe t biain o t for -solicitr. Efe -ie Oct. 16, 112.1
Prlft ilssi I hias Irecent l rcived.i Dei t . FI SOUTi NORTH
il-tOlIt wiill iht, h i ht listimliiilie d iiterI Itt 5 tY NtK IE' - AGE Ni_.
alyrtotwll next, se-all( slog tnt til l vit) doubt, 1b tiwII it- IItili Si-l. N a .- :20 A. M. N. 1.- 9:W tA.
,,ar (cod at , I , lfel. N. 2-115;3A.si. No. 6.-2:90iP. .
It" ice tit, I'i lll alloN. 4.- 9.atP.r. e. N. .- 4t3 S. .
snk n wi caan1:v____oglasses_ t I eed ti ns esi'ito
fr 1.0p.ur hai-S isieft h fX )iI7S 11 iJ X I t ''E 'rrni n -. 5and 6 rn tre ra eQAnn Aro
forS I. rlan- tttb:crbe or he . o M.Daiy. 3 AIdlt' JE ELR ST RE. aitdlToleio only.
c hig, nava e ___________________ __________________ _ 'rais, 12,1, ,instil dillyiecep Sunday
andhnil re-iing Fe chicae-tn o. 1 101.C
L EDNAIKITTLEr0 et , ,,v IlIwliies given eacthliat.t 707 N University Ave jCW N ETR1
Every Student -Should InOI_____elthetliefttonrTe igraFls ot.
vest 10 Cents i O (2II it-ti'55'it'llaluesotmaingaeci ltmnofisTHE1 SHORiT LIN4E- nt
Anil -it the O,tc~oitI-cFt-i-Pres tuinpoucacy bider paper by tipt' itt ANN ~ARBOR .- T
avers'moniiiig antii'A. XSe' dtsit' to all attenilon ioDliii' ox or quilt-c atthe otest ig tsA I N Mf ~)I
Aurtic Daily- Atgiltve eel-- ci Jewtelr DI Iat-tiliiiit, tiiwh icwe htive Also if toil late tnybous wtithii OH ICAGO
ng. Thh" tst lilteis ini ti ' i--i'tly' sitri4ti-ill hit ti i i' tlhiour iu'itl tetiithitg, cll ll i st ttt rB UF FA LO
,fteitad il tltfirt onlie i cehu e uytlairI'lie, ofStt ioay, bookbindt- prices.
of lii titt itt-eel. teate or-i n 11.eli. Soldtii5y 1 o llavI'nyil tehlci'NEW YORK
tit Iift 2 tiltltthiitl.it locksvorjew-lry tbi' riptitiedt t-i'AND BOSTON
lit It 1 i iiii'St, tgII u l -lerefract isatfit lii CLoeie ti ts cmeol ootlns at t1.1 ic . trSt
III .30 t h I i t Si~ reeh- t!r ~ I) aid inse t irtir Cock, lrm FrLuaormtilonit 0 rsi.Fa t-li lii k t na
~ .Y TH ~ Twocloci, U. of ASt.blimital. 3210 S. STtTRST. FrIfahion XandXthrougA ticnta lir
5.L. A Dr.*E L. Corthell,
CourseMonday, lMarch 30th.
~2 irSe Course Tickets $1.00. Singzle Admission 50 cents.
I LXV A RD'S ,spring of '03 Woolens have arrived cnan
igprettiest line of liome=Spuns ever shown

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