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March 31, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-31

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111I=; 'li~tn;ITY 0lt'\MICIGAN DAILY.
THE U. OF 1MI1DAILY ftwe, two: et'hoe1: hateln iiug
iIIAN ()atIII e.1'IOe t) t n l i H e h hi t 1
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Louts A. Rortii)7,'A. Cli.T :
anhsmiptum IWWO A the U. of M.
lywy is Vito for tfie college year. o-
-Notninnnicatiolls. etc., tnttt" Le handed
in at the Daily crftlco ON 8 lt. rii., or
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prevhms to than. on which they are exlwt:tcti
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Fulst rihers x; ill c onWrra fa")r by repotting
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Whien in need of a
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give perfect satisfaction
116 ' Min Street and corner of :tatc 'and Liberty Streets
OF -,Vw "qw lw W'VF "W",
ouverrnnent II
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J F.Schuh, I.dRftt'w ,
ktt'tkEtt :ttkt Ui,> IE . ;tIlll; t' ' THEE ATHENS PRESS,
;tn<t I.IE~E t.rlc' I'ixttll e , ; te t _ _
31E tttl itlt3etlt'4 ("I " and
2d Floor ATHENS 1-HEATIZE PL.DO. fln. t e r s
207 E. Washington Street.
6rdafl dnd Homo6uun Irou 6orinu.
Ghe Niftiest Line in Town. $6.00 and7&$7.0O
GOO~5P~f..,D'4 w81 noEas.

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