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MANAGING EDITiOR, i i cc Itltll ii>I iii tiC' 411:1cciii ci()fi
Thii cig'i'ci13ciiiii tciEARLE I. RiIUS'TOiN i W)c:tlii 0c. liii' ~in W ("l~~
coiiiiplei ~iii f iiBlUSINESS ciANAUFR, ,ove r. ' 11'1ii os(I i ' ii iiair: o l
ROSCOE ii. iliSTON, 'i0ii4c r. i c tIJI_(vr 1 i(iii Ii preycit 1
IEDITORS, lr"d (i Il(tili is : -
Aclic iJ. iic oilt P of I'II' i 0 t ll (tlsii
Assignmnat Editiir'1 ii'''ii"111: i Ii' cci i t iiI1 ' itM
W O L N ' iiiiijtb A. Jiiic Ci . Iosil (ciil win 'hold'ticitic' -ii
GENERAL NEWS ileIclef:i rs. IMm ilrit 1 ,ll.Afl-
it A it ai'iiit ivll unfoiitiiu 'tiiciiicii ii. l'm.tcicec''cn.
it iG. 11. Wilil & Co.'s, 108 -Max FJnkelitini, 'OS. i "o'' i iii i iii
Il. W aishi ito '-3tt. UG teat CSylveercS. Jiciiqc c,'C' till <>fi iii i liii t' iliiin t:ic
liii' ci'iu'ley ucit of all sl1tall. c. un dcii cii ii'roi cii'' tutumle. i
to iliti .c ifi bentan int
Thei'subscr iption srice iof the IT.of l'it
IYilya t is lyfo he i e ar. o I hc levrl,11de ilIitirt
iT m iT ~tioccch ic offi'etoiic. musit be handelect i'ti i'iiciuiuiit iiiyiii citi' ecc'I-
A Stuident's
he Office Stndard
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liii'iv i iii i ll "t c iic '
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tutucit.iii lipersit uthi111
000iiori's ioiuntd ins
IT HI WI' iil
UJ. 1111 IMLI UU.
108 E. Wash. St.
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Augustus Caesar;
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icy Ija'iji Kitig.
Six Trees;
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Thie Newi Boy at Dale:
1N lClcu. Eilwcros1icii.
A iboic nocit are, itreci
toues nicirliis.Cti
Lovey Mary;
ii'v' Fu'Ow cii I ici' iof iiMrs.
VI'jrsnof thie ciii c h.'ici
University Booksellers,
j320 S. State Street.
previosto tbbton hiicich they arc expetcedizt cc ilt' ii i all" ofll ll lme
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In tiie'iftice by tic. cI. ciiitiii'itcy teiou o cLast c aictri tcc ftc'yciuccci. 'cc thec'
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1Olice ini the tDaii'y Aegs ficctec. Nc. itt Sout oii tryu ti'iciccit( a ci i. Sortc anoe-cl
Macii St.Teileph ie No. 13.
cc'cc'c i itil i'ii r iv r kionc t ' tic i iictr
4LL ~~ldii''iict. 'isstt i''ci' of. h
tw hi l promc 'tl d il ii ci ' i t iiti ' i'iint,
t~lcnr i~i~y hti 11ccci. cii' ncih i . ii'clislncofthec'uei . i s, cci
cpi iic i. :ccliii' ii 'ere i n ilii lio c
ccii cci'l ccrii iii'ii c'iii ".1cii ' it i ii i ll(, ii iic rt ci c Itisitcii''iit iics 'tit . o ir fo
cc11 i w ihis to'jicuic tiicillii iii i i ciit ccii cc C pricic' li ilii'c' ticDe s
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wil'cc l i lt i' I ci ccvli ico' ac'hi'?U.ii Sci il d,:Itwtscciiicc id 1.ii'i'i' ilicucc . ii'' D an Mcrti
'is iscmti'ciinti ofiioniiciiictcc oicc ci iiW icciichlci t c i i e icifimind 'M'issc
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All kinds, al, styles, always
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PRICES: 50c, 75c, $1 and $1,50
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ORLIAS Chicago. as