VOL. III. ANN AII3OR1, MICH., TUESDAY, MAI C1t 24, 1903 No. 129
SOPHOMORES WON Good Practice Yesterday j THEODORE STORM" It Still Goes On
Theipratice yselcoly 0as cntiliii'I 01on e11 th latst i-tims totle, air-
A Brilliantly Played Basket Ball to* itiditit tiotk 00101h irt 115 15 ii'A Met Itereting Lecture on the soial iva i1lyai loodis 1)u riest,
prn ia tn" of , l erni oi11o1. oi':tir ofi theifresholit l as1s5). Itoe 0011
Game Yesterday Between Sopo- Tie s01111111 iii '''i abill lititi Great Author by Dr. ilder 1-ipi't t i is11room111Straly t abot~
mres and Freshmen te), lttus llolt11thelcoachlito give Yesterday 12oloik 1) 1by tiiit bch ofs 11i, Owh
tlentty of tiir o eatch1111 ilye. The Ip otedtdto l t 01100 lihis tttly- locks.
Yestertay lft>nol 1111wastesoiarle il' 0w1as1 g0 ivn )lssons in tiltI 1hotenihiti Sot'))) 115 liihe toic o ) tPriest til ils m(l t ih ' second ftltoto t
ofth scodofth osres of b lil a t tof hit))) to lifit(' ig t nd he t tie let 0 gt'e) lst oevenig lint:I t 11110hat1it large 1100 l e-sttry
tillS seoiiil~ ~o s li~i o ld~s. cordititeeto Ithignaulls''iven bli i luetooHl bIty tDr. t li lotr.'It o l tiiitv ii 1 toulrti, .001t. All te
batt games tlyeid ty the girls f the tie catin . Th)iiiwor1k 1can I be o-doitne ovvi1 iti~o~i i o i01tooo)I, il roolm s but tne ti-re
Unioersiiy.111 at intenseyInteohret- indors"'as oelt'as I lheonu1s)110 titenttig tho life andt ork of te' gat bltidt'andtothis oor'olo .
inganti d -fou hattlie the sotto- the antd toil tiobal, ll bi' the 'st itt- 1)ovelst: (Itt tawtMaterials.k1 lieai- itli hunet lliitiu'
mredefeatdtheti'freshimen btothe tt' o) I1)0 10 m t lt )) :1'ociti1i1tis -i i io l i- 'iitiih ltii hm
close score of 4 ttt_". ltborgyot1o hrs.1)-1ti cl~ n~~trdhiv
in the ectore of the _varote classes am etlil lsl l) 'o o Iof 'Soe's torks. Httemt~litizdt'he lit 1)1liid 00 ii i lihe 11tsaw i'tie) comiitg;
ttmgth' e n itt te red1)1 itois heit r ct1c011d1)11 ht t orilsnoelswer II 11101thrug t iltlitig nit optened0til he~t
tedrotersiso' te htw oie fortuathe e to-tit-i uo t aostto ootiry -sh o -ilpefu. lii u 'e.lisign'. a s o r n tendsminhoto 'Titeiexfinto'
inte gl t ly av tirltisti tivie no'vtetis tlts.i t a hi ~, -15 t.hs rfsitil I Il hs I lltot
el-ihttto' At litst lit tr's itflr0'th-loi tr i-lats i .Tt'ep1-i a't ies' tot) a delit' iast e s io )s -t'vvily th t sonerl had.i het l onetig hiuse ta is tl
goas it'vryll' e oc. 11111 'of -girls 1h it S i Xt"nitts i IIl ii S t':ofounine',,I ao-i fi rtt it hiv s -t'le i'u t1his 1'ham co.Tahuieti
a d toe ue wh -er fot th e w-tdtwithitt1iii he wa -o'alilt' Til e y~I.
entoughittotilttain an invitatiiitntlwere thti theiaseittlt, fuisu o f a'ert. his 100
it II ut lit' 0-tt) hte 1)11 the1111O l lt 11) t nled. ttIr a ti t tayt'tit1s hopedt o p11 atriciI. 'Cli'ill s) fis r l.i'm stilr t gh ,ad h i h ci ppot s1111 uooeh. n ii
work tof ith Form hit' freuen t h(.fe ld. Grdully th_ hs_____wll_______hehe sh we__1rto
ohapitiniti s s A t first' S ltark. lieiicoi :rdwil e laIt- sitie ,a a t fomt' heii)wor spl ifno t'o h'm: liil i' ht oe o te e tat
bt ilitl!iaiig -it ls t'0mO C R E L ME Tats'i i i ii hi U o t orighue wt
steem dtohe vsta r illt e e tof itoal'l(] he 101)always transfo'mis t. f Stor
A,, he uneat heirdiso u istwoIid'''a isatrange frlignh ired byismiothIsalpFOXY JUinapiRayi
asJthe first hlt costdawth 1 e11s'oeti eResult Etise ecedoub htfu-M eon hisr lst hitnd'hisI loouiiwass:draiet
2 tolIt' inhigfrivolis[tu'Oin l lattotg epe:a da lcefroe a
pgra'eilfatit ndlif'i ous l l],' o thrbmto fm the eam Nt iYet l tlitl' hii igi t'y tl'. a bWley« Scht e owaitudentktibonGet
moscit brlPassimt;eiand nerilgihaske''tC osefliru 010'ny 11cha llt. -Maly1 tli')'. Al
cmiiiseis aractice adtod')). 'w'l)'l__egin___a t ro's fheorii'chanidfili:er verWtheHisabe ws c
tent, int eifnIthe giamIs ilt em -lienin t he 1 i' so't 'bol leof ins____
boitig v'etioiatly Out'. e loctil t -t i'i'the i gioti 15 i tielfther:ii senaors, pticlii 10an t and lsi liere t ompltelyitnay lit'(1: h eu-ilee-
s it i lo t gtf'ti l l~' iduert( ofte ir-o w- th er,tu t~i ii ti -il li't ar iie iftf.avotrtab leug) i ot' t t ition could tnit ihavte Ix ti- lait
actlne' tti or hii hgeo'Ir t m uit- t h ue to-t f ttcts iha tsitt e 'stou t eed. 'ltsftog cea-t Il)SIoio tgtfeuteltt ou
brilia tip lying,' hilrt'gtuu'ar ell iO RNt E LLt'' M EET ii' f i' tt- i '0111-tialilIlua'poet.lueen dead.i'iwitts thllstatlofit'ehsotogoib.."flit'oar aitiit in metiestfout ituit
hslig htl tothilti l.lMissartydinf the lf-cnitdo o igfrteps O Y J N O
agrett ha uoe t-y ash ethts ti h et i'tui g ottilhuY e st ' l l oli it)' ,Iu''ti' tthil it t t 's g h-l' mtutt ii ltou i te yar
o o s t h u f h a n ti u1s eo 1ttigit hytwiel yti mehs .'ui-
ot bi Iit.ayedy caniittfswasiune ad te tt'uatoii 'it t1 eil~ ii ii 11111ltfi(t- Iitt
Choiiutot ti~' li -' euutti i thtue i uu o's e tb lt' au sti if Stiouit's fnr( 11 ', W iey EvnSch meuf'W th in t dentnBestarond lut
whichs so anof t l euts litdiseen CTie Cu tut tbh Morutuh i I stt) t' i un~su', ututit ' huet lnof-ibut yluholi soni hti u mne old rtu
te wre k midftttit' se u waustu e -oo to I s-Iiyao Iubi wa0slihiIi ii Iublene(gbuh uf ti-t' l t iitugh btlIto ii i roio bn to Itttuu
detnuicte from Clu interesttut ilul- f i anu'uim o h o rnu lteehulove ft' n t u ri'te is t tutu' talIn'alut I tt itl u h Io ht uu fbu tei
Tc eurtatte t egndofWibhet itsh Tdhittt p ro s, t yi'man or vo : t a tm i'ts some tfng to['he useste 'aswhis amazpeent 11g 1
fle i eseci llfCie Ia't e io tla1 its 55 M ti' ua t i uithign mii to hug l b itt)- 1 S -iti's Iu)inhinl dn1)t iS io'hot't'0 1 forh-ti .mu li-id t'maystdu itulul othlman t
atint Cu g e ralCly: ues'o( e- teInett a i eontthwis toby t"e mal us: il e iemootlaghuenigdhofcouuauit ole arie butio-ts i n tebym angdsuh
mThe etreg l ti hruls aref o t sCrictue 11tat u-o ltt'u-ngtly in h i m ut luu)liwst ltautu'liftileh t' titi' itttug hot a i lemn, uu o fkt gibou
Smuooer. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ itletuuii a not ain([so ar n uo'rs'iii- fuuham[oobjecg: :"Iofble it - t a miuiutitfre ul aio tiuiy
Gnerlt h o~gii, (rm ot o li useotn utehlugre ii hut ie be oIftuu i-n ot ttt' o ppoftun tul of)1 gtettinglevenkitg th ie us
Flhlst~tt~t~tNretorbutslotll sstthe uonls ofttu t ii11he oiitmetut life tarutmat t o tiv'e;i'h.' iiiiI ii'ot'tt i mut ii iu'i'naIi
sl sh o .ititdt -h a itnoderuttuhe-'est. 1g5u~thi u'ls ul) ll -t 501.Ii ~ tt'ui tl h itIiiiO itl. sT hhusu et in qu-i ntehas
Costti''-E101 Slii'k thto Du Hellneasu10" t iogg th elia bli i inf ra oecIhf'tils s thtalthetutto-ite lua. tm uebslet','iuuu' li uutI
instructor, and i ss Slct-h a it-t' Si iifol ut mi )11',il)heriuuti' io i uit u'-h i ltusi-iot teo 0 hu emll u-ie li' uhuur
star.ulusas n i g2 latned Ooutuoon suufh tc ihbeoi esi' f ' S ofIbu psotyeits oi-peato oaodtel f tiuenutubllu-sou hf the yebitt
ta'nidre-Siss So'ttun. mutntwret Firattvi y oudto 00 htt' rniuluhmenas uIhluof'u' is1l'eat'i~lsiha g i e ha i-st-ut tot' ituthylo 1reck'ltsusty
Assin sba l a ttu ulyuoi'u ils et etin ag. isitors0tutor h igh t muthet a holt uup t'u 't oit it ilesI ca-m u, l soen t g vlat. h S'rua u'good tilt' 1and takuinh er
modift i ati te. h v e 0-nte ati s in ones ortil w111'outhith uu-tis ut'u'ofsttO Ito mani tltiim ar i'si manit' itLeagou tipar Ityime'aroundhes
muchtiofki'h'ltou- d-tum le work Abo hut'he t'nly'e lot Mich lhiga xtshiO ema' llet s i' 01:0' 'I ihesra~ ll fil.aind'
bt'-u'a 'nilto e I verylii'hiatuu-llytt-li i
Sh ci s t' n uths i na i' s t th o il tott t ititil1of1 Iilt s i'ttruggle of t'oarse uuuii'u'sutoul b-utub bti ' ('lipt' dIbit'attu'eluau'l wo ul 0rettut -
playrs, _nd _tth_ sam_ tie_ hae__tisthe_0-yrdd shin whtih ItMahn)o1slaughti ofi proi It'sii' 111 Thughli a tlh e favor and' hu ib teiiihi to' slit akel
d thu'ted1from t t)'lit tuuul 'ointrstmutu)e warI it t r co s iitu i iidetre' goodiforllait1rhutsractersu'u 'b itt' her of thelilteutasihue of thut- 1:-
it-it t gamei ftittbe playefiThius - egt tut ashhou-tu'a' out-it on' is otenOi gu. W-'atlwasy hs amaeenu tut' ua itd
th in o ie lyes tn iis W.tst i'11 s ubutta 'tltuuuin the hgutl-o sormsel tubhtt't' btergen'far ioe ihdsetende'diu anu ii taut'sion
at ihe iameliteI rdIt Ou' .luthinul %s econd' 110, s.h~uis'' tbe ipingelo t ':hsltie wastal huh'. ot ontttil ot-ll h i tuisi riautlia uddngspln
101-~OR+S o tw r sbs its 1 . C'Sea anue s ht-u le, tud'sf illsswittluanlti-il mlt', lul 1 t':u l h,'at1the 1' if! ihis lt
S~suiu tu eU fSt.D ilyr.t hkurdlhetst, eI 'i'i sthe olt sloi ng: lie ruetottu:tis'lbttrilw u oft gfr ins aso ilen' tlyiS
Of the Student Body and Athletic Association in
University Hall, at 4:.15 TODAY, March 24,