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December 02, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

… for more than 350 national guards- men of the 125th regiment of the Hockey Team Meets Ontario Squad Tonight Inexperienced Wolverines Face A Seasoned Team In Year'sOpening Tilt Capt. James Is Only…

Wolverine sextet will be up against practically the same squad that ended a four-game win- ning streak for the Lowreymen last season at the Coliseum by handing them a 5-3 licking. Ten Veterans Here The…

… will team up in an at- tempt to break up the Wolverines' attacking lines. Both men are good poke checkers and are heavy enough to bounce their opponents around when necessary. In the nets, Hemphill will…

August 02, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

… Period. Professor Maurer will show a sec- ond film, in sound and color, on pre- Columbian art in Mexico. It is the work of Harry Wallace. The showing of the two films will require about 45 minutes. Ex-Wolverine

… Pirates. Pirate president Bill Benswanger expects big things from Gee, cur- rently known as "the biggest man in baseball." He parted with cash to the tune of five figures to acquire the giant ex-Wolverine

August 02, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

… of the Super Du- pers and left the field with a 7-1 vic- tory. In the final game the Red Sox team decided to give up their "World 'Series" hopes and forfeited to the Wolverines. The Sox team has en…

… W L Pct. Tigers ...............8 0 1.000 Eskimos.. .. .....6 2 .750 Wolverines ...........4 4 .500 Ten Old Men........ 2 4, .333 Super Dupers . ........2 5 .286 Red Sox ............ 1 7 .125 Yesterday…

May 02, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

… Western State Teacher's College; 15-2'/2. The Wolverine onslaught was led by number two man Jim Loar whose 74 was good for three points in the individual play, and together with Jack Emery's- 76, picked up…

… (Continued on Page 3) Predicts Medical Advance DETROIT, May 1.- (R-Dr. Hugh Cabot of the Mayo Clinic at Roches- Rookie Hurler Stops Hurons In 12-5 Win Wolverine Batsmen Come From Behind To Win; Play…

March 02, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

… night at the Coliseum.- , The potent Blue and White team kept the puck over the Wolverine blue line for the majority of the game and at the same time kept peppering "Spike" James from all corners of the…

… periods. Several times Michigan's forward line of Cooke, Chadwick, and H- berg broke into Toronto's danger zone but either a body check by a Blue and White defenseman or a hurried shot on the Wolverines

March 02, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

… inarticulate rage Uram , threw his glove to the turf and ; stamped on it. Then he measured Terry for a coffin in his mind and started for the trembling Wolverine. Sec Terry stole second. AN AFP .1 if (Continued…

November 02, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

… last' month to partici- pate in the regatta. The Michigan1 Club is the only sailing club in the Big Ten,. Cooperative Restaurant Edits 'Wolverine Notes' The Wolverine, men's restaurant cooperative ,has…

… issued the first edi- tion of "Wolverine Notes," a mimeo- graphed newspaper intended to carry news of the cooperative movement. The paper will keep the members in- formed of what the Wolverine and other co…

June 02, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 177) • Page Image 6

…-H.H. Personal Loans up to $300 PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 10th Year in Ann Arbor Ground Floor Wolverine Bldg. 201-203 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. Phone 4000 R.W. Horn, Mgr. HAS~TE i MatheMnatics 1, 2 3, 4 and 7 (College I…

June 02, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

….Y. Kremer, who performed in center- field this season has proven to be one of the Wolverines' ablest hitters in his two years of competition. As a member of the championship nine last season, he amassed a…

… batting av- erage of .349, second best among his mates. Although official averages for this year have not been compiled as yet, it is known that the husky southpaw was the only Wolverine to finish above the…

May 02, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…, school curriculum, meetings of the nitely proven yesterday afternoon as ternational holiday. cerned, for de Valera can not by a John Milne Barbour. business schools conference and meet- the Wolverine track…

… determine employe representatives 2:15 p.m., today: went the route for the Wolverines. He for collective bargaining; a strike of "Preludium, Theme and Varia- allowed the Bucks just six scattered window…

…' Dagenhard hit Steve in the sixths i- ning the belligerent Wolverine sec- Au .,to U le s 1C S nt ond sacker started for the mound, bat in hand, but thought better of it and finally trotted off to first. By…

May 02, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

Wolverine Bldg. for ef- I administrators of business schools. and girls pitch-conscious, he stated. ficient help of all kinds. 481 Mr. Davenport stated that a good Physical Education many people believe that…

… Detroit presented an exhibition water, $40.00. Phone 2-2839. 484 teachers. of modern dance under the direction R. K. Orr of the Wolverine Insur- of Miss Prudentia Huffman. The FOR SALE ance Co., Lansing…

May 02, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 151) • Page Image 7

… last quarter drive in an' effort to reclaim the one-mile relay for the Wolverine forces. SUMMARIES Mile run: Won by Lash (I.); sec-: ond, Smith (I.); third, Harold Da-1 vidson (M.). Time, 4:17, 440-yard…

…. at the beautiful Grand Beach train- Iowans Push Wolverines Cleveland..........00G001d000-2ch_______ Varsity. Winis Four 0-f Sixj T Tre StsIiE CS.louis..... ....100 010002I To Three Sets In Each St…

March 02, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…THE MiC iGAN DAILY PAE T&tFI Battered Varsity Pucksters Tackle London AllStars ?-- _ Johnny Speicher's draw with Con- ference champion Bob Meyers at 118- pounds gave the Wolverines the points…

… the Wolverines and one week later the veteran Kitchener sextet will officially close the season. Merrill Injured Jack Merrill will be missing from the line-up tonight when the as- sembed London All…

June 02, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…. Both today's and tomorrow 's battles will start at 4 p.m. and several thou- sand fans are expected to pack the stands. Captain Berger Larson will handle the pitching assignment for the Wolverines this…

… to the title.) If it so happens that both games are rained out the season is already over and Michigan and Iowa will be co- champions. Both the Wolverines and Hawkeyes have won eight out of nine…

June 02, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

… somewhat worried over re- cent appearances of his charges at the plate for in the last four games Michigan has collected but 22 hits. The one cheering note, however, lies in the fact that the Wolverines have…

… University of Iowa nine will present a formidable front in the crucial title series against the Wolverines today and tomorrow. Don Gugler, 205- pound third baseman, has been pelting the b.all at a .368 clip to…

May 02, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…'s attempt to sweep the two-game baseball series with Mi'hi- "Wes," hae re gan Normal met up with a wor'ld of dehess trouble yesterday at Ferry Field when in lock-step, a the Wolverines found themselves in the…

… system o the slugging Illinois outfit that to credit hours, w date has marched through six Con- values to the f ference games without defeat. Capt. educational pro Larson will pitch for the Wolverines rate…

May 02, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

… Mich- igan vote. Of course, in the last analysis, in this particular- elction, nobody can tell what Michigan, or any other state, will do in November. But unless we miss our guess, the Wolverine State…

June 02, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 180) • Page Image 6

…-Mid- Western hockey star, has signed a contract with Manager Jack Adams of the Detroit hockey teams to play with theOlympics. The Wolverine ace is the only Michigan puck star to be taken directly into the big…

… degree next June. The Wolverine star is the only puckster ever to have been picked for the honor of captain and left wing of the All-Midwestern hockey team two different years. He was awarded the position…

March 02, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

… of Michigan's points, while Sherf tallied the third Wolverine goal. Coach Eddie Lowrey, Michigan mentor, introduced a new type of of- fensive hockey to the Ann Arbor fans last night. Leaving only Red…

… ace took the puck behind the blue line, out-skated the Tech forwards, split the defense, drew Goalie Maki out of his net, and drove the puck into the corner for the Wolverine's last score. Michigan Tech…

June 02, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1934 PAGE Wolverines Close Baseball Season ith Iowa Game oda .)-- Wistert To Hurl Final Game Of College Career Artz…

…, Petoskey, Chapman, Waterbor Also To Play Last Michigan Game Seek .500 Mark Iowa Is Third In Big Ten Standings, Game Ahead Of Wolverines The Wolverine nine will lose its season with a Conference game against…

Wolverines who will take their posi- tions today for the last time in a Michigan uniform. Wistert and Wat- erbor have played for three years, while Chapman broke in as a regular this year. "Whitey" is likely…

…, but he .came back after a two-week layoff, and has been at his shortstop post ever since. His timely hitting in the Toledo and Mich- igan Normal games were responsible for Wolverine victories. Chapman…

June 02, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 179) • Page Image 6

… Fischer, winner in 1932 and of his individual title when he suf- in 1933, was the other individual fered a severe strain. Yale turned in champion from Michigan. Wolverine a team total of 610, Michigan 622…

… 1931, the Wolverine has yet to sional at the University course, has win a title. In the 1931 meet, held at been associated with the team as pro- Olympia Fields, Chicago, Michigan fessional instructor…

May 02, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

… elected secretary-treasurer of the Interfraternity Council last night ,by the Judiciary Committee will not be divulged until the council meets to Varsity Wins Over State In Opener, 13-3 Wolverines' Hitting…

…'s hitting strength and Michigan State's poor fielding, accounted for the Wolverines' rout of the Spartans, 13 to 3, in the opening baseball game of the season here yesterday. So Coach Ray Fischer and his boys…

… innings. Four hits by Waterbor, Artz, Paulson and Regeczi, two walks and three er- rors accounted for seven Wolverine runs in the second inning. Those scor- ing were Paulson, Chapman, Patchin, Waterbor…

March 02, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverines To Meet Tech In Final Hockey Series Tilts.To Decide Mythical Holder Of State Crown Winner Of Series Will Be Conceded Championship Of MichiganColleges Teams…

Wolverine sextet meets the TI pucksters of Michigan Tech in a two- The Northwestern team, which game series at the Varsity Arena. osed out Michigan for the National Both of the games are scheduled to…

… goals and, with them, the victory. these are the only men certain to The Wolverines made the series one take firsts tonight. Highland is con- all on the following night when Avon ceded the 100 yard free…

… performances Wolverines Primed he should take the 200 yard breast The Wolverines are in the "pink" from Bob Lawrence with little diffi- after their comparatively easy win culty. If the Wildcats can produce over…

… over the technicians. Stories out of Evanston indicate Coach Eddie Lowrey is planning to that Robinson is beginning to stress start the same Wolverine lineup that intramural swimming, and observers faced…

… line for Michigan, Ted Meet Illini Saturday Chapman and Red MacCollum will The Illini, whom the Wolverines be behind the red line, and Johnny meet at 2:00 p. m. Saturday, were Jewell will guard the net…

…. decisively defeated by Iowa several Co-Captains In Lineup weeks ago and should provide little Coach Bert Noblet, Tech mentor, or no competition for the Wolverines is expected to start his regular line- who…

… noon yesterday, planning to Wolverines, Coach Lowrey is depend- arrive in Evanston in time to work ing on Harold Sindles, Tommy Stew- out in the Wildcat pool for a short art and Gil MacEachern, with…

…- Hawkins and Wenberg are in re- enski, Dick Blake, Bob Renner and serve. Ogden Dalrymple. Mann will prob- The series, which will wind up the ably use Blake and Kamienski in the season for the Wolverines, is…

July 02, 1932 (vol. 13, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

… split their vote evenly between Senator Reed Texs All during the sessions the gal- leries had seemed curiously out of (Continued on Page, 3) Fischer Beats Sidney Noes; Goes to Fmials Wolverine Star to…

March 02, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

… athletes who amassed a total of 311 points to win the team trophy. The outstanding performance of the entire meet was turned in by Don Renwick, the Wolverine sprinting ace, in capturing the 60- yard dash…

….3 seconds. John Pottle, former captain of the Wolverines, competing as a representative of the Cadillac Ath- letic Club, established a new pole valut record by clearing the bar at 13 feet, one and one…

March 02, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

… Style, Expected to Make Points. Having done with their only home appearance of the season with the exception of the National Intercol- legiates the Wolverine swimmers will encounter the well…

… the Maize and Blue. In spite of the dopesters predictions the Wolverines, in the role of the under dog, have a good chance to give the Purple tank men a set- back. Michigan has a host of out- standing…

…. Wolverines. GCarg nfHixnT hAfter their 24 to 8 defeat of the George of Phoenix can hit and Ohio State wrestlers last week-end the Reds need hitters so the trans- the Maize and Blue team is back in action…

…. Competing against him will be Hawley Egleston of the Wolverines, and Etnyre of Illinois, both rated as excellent hurdlers. Woolsey Favored. In the mile, Woolsey of the Illini is conceded the best chance. He…

…. ISITORS fo BRING VETERAN ICE TEAM Wolverine Pucksters Drill for ciasA"~basketballc ;ues to < a Pair of Crucial Matches This Week-end. and the balance of seven are ca ed to be finished this year. TI…

June 02, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 175) • Page Image 6

… eunter of the current ason and the hurling of "Lefty", :iler, Indiana ace, Coach Ray sher scnt his Wolverine ball play- to the plate yesterday afternoon try their hands at the offerings the southpaw…

… ason, the four Wolverine runs re largely the gift of the Indiana iders who committed six errors ich accounted for three of the nning tallies. Only one of the >lverine counters was earned, but at one was…

May 02, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

… time the tennis squad trimmed the Michigan State net team, 12-0, in their first match of the season. GusKeigler, who pitched for the Wolverines, allowed only four hits, while his teammates got to Davis…

May 02, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 150) • Page Image 6

… team will meet the hard hitting Indiana nine Bill MeKechnie, this afternoon in the Wolverines' Banager of 'the Boston Braves, second Conference game of the sea- io has led his team to a high son at…

… holding down the initial sack. a and Livingston. Dross, who worked in the outer rhe Wolverines appear to have a garden last year, has been shifted! d chance to get away to a flying to the infield and will…

December 02, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 74) • Page Image 7

… for the Michigan varsity. Last Saturday the Wolverine tank squad performed in an exhi- bition swim at the Indianapoolis Athletic Club before a p acked house. and the conclusion of the festivi- ties…

… needs only experience, wrrestling . The Wolverines are exceptionally About 14 or 15 men will be eanter- strong in the sprints with Eddie dntthsmeatcth eit. Tolan, world-famous flash, Camp-dit hsme…

November 02, 1930 (vol. 41, iss. 31) • Page Image 7

…-. t ana, Pennsylvania, Drake, North- western, Army and Southern Cal- 4 O= ifornia. Fesler and Ticknor haven't thea advantages that accrue from be- e- - -- Ing almost constantly in the lime- Wolverines T…

… i i \.r 1 1 1 V K'-1 I A L.+' 4 a. A a.d K Hi ti PLAV 4 1 ___._ WOLVERINES WIN N CROSS COUNTRYI Michigan State's Long Winning I I CD LASSIFIE T ADVERTISING __ _. cold running water in room…

May 02, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

… Because of Rain; Nine to Play Two Seven Inning Tilts Today DRIVEFOR SUP PORT Holtzman and Kiegler Will Hurl hold down the visitors in the first rnI nufor Wolverines; Same a game. Davis, on the other hand…

… came The Wolverine squad of thirteen by Organizations; to Hold late this afternoon from the office players will entrain for Ann Arbor Tag Day Wednesday. of Colgate's graduate manager of .immediately…

May 02, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 150) • Page Image 7

… week is another Wolverine: T D YI SeGO O B TT EO.S RE had plenty of experience in this ponwo theis eadBl _____ _________________ ______- ds cram qua is e~ig fr afirst or sec- Y, gler. Likely to be Fishe…

… srvein the person of Sinmpsoni of Ohio the h alf. mile relay.tLawn of 'rolatl, Michigans Wolverines and Col- them up for Colgate is not kmown.asteldigcnnerfristCmbl, urya S th gate's Maroons will clash at…

April 02, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 132) • Page Image 7

…. I by some six or seven rekes. Jones and Smith, his youthful book telegraphic meets for each The Wolverine golfers have been As it was he ,iiished the first rival, have been paired for the scc week…

… 1929 they won all dual{ nieets, but finished second in thei all-Conference tourhament held at Minnesota. All of the Wolverine dual meets have been won by de- cisive scores, last year's closest contest…

… the next few years. Boast Strong Material. Last year's crack Varsity, squadI has several members still in school who should turn in good perform- ances for the Wolverines again this season. Ahlstrom…

March 02, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

… Association natators. The score was tied at 33 points apiece when the Wolverine medley trio took the mark for the final event. Wilcox, youthful C. A. A. star, gave his team victory when he beat Smith, Michigan…

… inches at the finish. Walaitis was off to a fast start in the40 yard sprint and won by a yard over Highland and Hosmer. The 150 yard backstroke went to Valentine of the Wolverines, who defeated Brown by a…

… GAIN CHAMPIO0NSHIP Wolverines Outplay Invading Cardinal Team to Hold Offensive Throughout 80 Minutes of Hard Play. MOORE LECTURE Dr. Max Peet, Professor' of 'ur- gery in the Medical school,. correct…

… long one to make the score 14 to 8 i favor of Illinois. From this point the Wolverines never seriously threat- en'ed to tie the score. Michigan's showing in the first half was largely due to Kanitz who…

… Illinois scoring until the last ten minutes of play when "Babe" Kamp sent the ball through the net four times from the side of the floor after passes from Kawal when the Wolverines tried to break up the…

…-11, thereby crushing the Wolverines' hopes of annexing another Big Ten title. By virtue of their win last night the Maize and Blue grapplers are scheduled to meet Wisconsin second place winners in the other…

…. Aldin- ger, a sophomore, wrestling in the 118 pound class, gave the Michigan team five points by gaining a fall over Shriman- Captain hewitt of the Wolverines won a decision over LaFavour in a fast match…

… the 148 pound class in order to face the new Purple hope, and the Wolverine won with a time advan- 4age of 5:35. Ray Parker gained a decision over Yarnell with a time advantage of 5:10. The second and…

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