Announce List
Of Activities
For Summer
Eich Issues Schedules Of
Lectures, Concerts, Plays,
And Tours
Schedules of special attractions un-
der the four heads of lectures, con-
certs, plays, and excursions were an-
nounced yesterday by Dr. Louis M.
Eich, secretary of the Summer Ses-
sion. Schedules for the lectures and
excursions are already complete, while
the other two have yet to be finished,
being at present only in outline form.
Dr. Eich, who is in charge of the
lectures, issued a schedule listing lec-
tures by Professors Preston W. Slos-
son, William H. Hobbs, Henry F.
A dams, John L. Brumm, A. Franklin
Shull, Charles C. Vibbert, Carl E.
Guthe, Max S. Handman, Bruce M.
Donaldson, Robert B. Hall, Leonard
L. Watkins, Wells I. Bennett, John B.
Waite, George F. Reynolds of the
University of Colorado, Henry A. San-
ders, Camillo P. Merlino, Howard M.
Jones, Cyrus C. Sturgis, W. Carl Rif-
fus, Arthur E. Boak, Louis Wirth of
the University of Chicago, Louis C.
Karpinski, H. M, Westergaard of the
University of Illinois, and John H.
Muyskens, in the order named.
The schedule of excursions, an-
nounced recently by Prof. Carl J,
Coe, director of Summer Session ex-
cursions, follows closely that of last
year, and at present consists of a
series of ten trips, with the possi-
bility of an eleventh being added to
the list if there is sufficient demand.
The excursions are conducted with
no charge to the student above his
share of the flat rate for transpor-
tation and such admission fees as
there may be, and last from June 28
to August 4, being so planned that.
they will in no way interfere with
summer studies. The iis5 is com-
posed of the following excursions: a
tour of the campus, a day in Detroit,
a trip to the Cranbrook Schools in
Bloomfleld Hills, an inspection of the
Ford plant (trip made twice), a trip
to -the General M o t o r s proving
grounds, an excursion to Put-in-Bay,
a tour of Greenfield Village and the
F rd Airport (trip made twice), and
a trip to the Michigan State Prison
at Jack,-on. The eleventh trip which
may po:,ssibly be added would be to
Niagara Falls, probably conducted by
Professor Hobbs.'.
The concerts for the Summer Ses-
sion will be given each Tuesday at
8:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium by the
faculty of the School of Music. Pro-
grains for the earlier( concerts area
soon to be announced.
(Continued from Page 2)
150. The latter will go to Room 1025
Angell Hall.
Rooms for English I and II Exami-
English 2
Instructor Room
Abbot .....................35 A.H.
Bader ...................2029 A.H.
Baker .........Physics Lecture Room
Boothe.................1035 A.H.
Everett.. ...............2203 A.H.
Helm .......... Room C, Haven Hall
Hoag ..... .......Room C Haven Hall
Hornberger ................229 A.H.
Knode .... ...............3017 A.H.
Litzenberg...............2219 A.H.
Morris ...................2231 A.H.
Palmer . ... ..............18 A.H.
Peterson ...... Room B Haven Hall
Proctor . .................1209 A.H.
Rowe .....................225 A.H.
Schenk ...... ...........2054 N.S.
Walter ...................3209 A.H.
Webster ...................215 A.H.
Weimer ................3011 A.H.
Wells ........... ........302 M.H.
Whitehall ................203 U.H.
Williams........Room G Haven Hall
English 1
Bebout ......103 Romance Language
Stevens .....103 Romance Language
French rooms for examinations,
Thursday, June 7, p.m.:
French 1 25 Angell Hall
French 2 Mem. Hall
French 31 West Gal. Alum.
French 32 231 Angell Hall
(a.m. classes) 103 Romance
French 32 Language Bldg.
(p.m. classes) 103 Romance
French 11 Language Bldg.
French 12 103 Romance
French 41 Language Bldg.
French 71 103 Romance
French 111 Language Bldg.
French 112 1025 Angell Hall
French 153 1025 Angell Hall
25 Angell Hall 1025 Angell Hall
Nat. Sc. Aud.
Spanish rooms for examinations,
Monday, June 4,
Spanish 1, 103 Romance Language
Spanish 2, West Gal. Alum. Mem.
Spanish 31, West Gal. Alum. Mem.
Spanish 32, 103 Romance Language
Students' Recital: The following
students of Martha Merkle Lyon, In-
structor in Piano at the School of
Music, will. give the following pro-+
gram at the School of Music Audi-
torium, Maynard Street, Tuesday,
June 5, at 8 o'clock, to which the
general public with the exception of
small children is invited:
To a Wild Rose ........ MacDowell'
The Mosquito ................ Ganz
Jean Watson
Dance of the Autumn Leaves . Briggs
Prelude, Op. 25, No. 3 .......Wright
Elsie Jensen
Song Without Words ... Mendelssohn
Barchetta ................... NevinI
Barbara DeFries
Minuet in G ............. Beethoven
Album Leaf, Op. 12, No. 7 .....Grieg
Elfin Dance, Op. 12, No. 4 .....Grieg
Helen Schmale
Serenade ........... Schubert-Heller,
Prelude, Op. 28, No. 7 ........ ChopinI
Dorothy Sell
Indian Lament ............. Grunn
Meditation .................. Conte
Hazel Jensen
Sweet Lavender ............. Adams
Dragon Flies ............ Weissheyer
Barbara Nan Berry
Rondo in A major ........... Haydn
To Spring ...................Grieg
Mildred Livernois
Solfeggietto ......... C. P. Em. Bach
The Little Match Girl .... Rubinstein
Etude Fantastique ............ Friml
Bety Ann Chaufty
Corn intl ,Ev'ents~
Stalker Hall: Sunday, 6 p.m. "Does
Our Educational System Fit Students
To Build A New Social Order?" an'
open discussion led by Robert Mc-
Culloch. All invited. Supper and
fellowship will follow the discus-
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will preach1
at 10:45 tomorrow morning at the
First Methodist Episcopal church,
State and Washington streets, on
"Seeing the Invisible God."
Presbyterian Student Appointiments,
Sunday, June 3.
10:45 a.m. -Morning Worship -
Dr. Barrett.
3:00 p.m. -Leave Church House
for Paterson Lake; swim, supper, and
vesper service. Sherwood Messner,
leader. Topic, "A Challenge to Chris-
tian Students."
Harris Hall: Regular Sunday eve-
ning meeting at 7 o'clock tomorrow
evening. Mr. Lewis will lead the dis-
Saint Andrew's Church: Services of
worship Sunday are: 8:00 a.m. Holy
'Communion; 9:30 a.m. Church
School; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten;
11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Ser-
mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis.
Fellowship of Liberal Religion ( Un-
itarian): Sunday at 10:45. Rev. John
MacKinnon of the Unitarian Church
at Wichita, Kansas, delegate to the
Leads Fleet Review
-Associated i re.s ruo u
Admiral David F. Sellers, from the1
ba ttk ship Pennsylvania, will lead thet
United States fleet in review before1
Prcsident Roosevelt in New Yonk har-
Scholarships To Camp t
Offered Jewish Students'
Ten scholarships to the Fifth An-
nual Avukah summer school will be
awarded this year to qualified Jewish
students at ten universities, it was an-
nounced today by Rabbi Milton Stein-
berg, chairman of the National Scho-
larship Committee of Avukah, Amer-
ican Student Zionist Federation.
The school, which is to give a com-
prehensive survey of the concepts un-
derlying the Zionist movement and
the effect of the world crisis on the
Jewish people, will be held from June
20 to July 3, inclusive, at Glen Coun-
try Lodge, Glen Spey, N.Y. Each scho-
larship entitles the recipient to free
accommodations at the summer camp
for a period of two weeks.
The Notre Dame university base-
ball team eked out a 5-4 win over
the Wisconsin nine, yesterday, in the
last game of the season for both
Western State's track team wal-
loped Chicago, 100-21.
Socialist National Convention in De-
troit, will speak on "Hope Sees a
Roger Williams Guild of the Bap-
tist Church will hold its Senior Out-
door Meeting, Sunday, June 3. Meet
at the Guild House, 503 Huron St., at
5:45. Please be prompt.
Often Overlooked Golf Team
Possesses Formidable Record
(continued from Page 3) finished fourth, behind Yale, the win-
pionships were first held, the Wol- ner 19 times since the tourney's inau-
rionshipsler hvers evedfinshedW -guration in 1897, Harvard, and Notre
verine golfers have never finished Dame.
lower than fifth. Michigan teams have $ In 1932, on the Cascades Course,
won three times, the last three years Hot Springs, Va., Michigan finished
in succession, finished second eight second to Yale by 11 strokes, although
times, and fourth and fifth once. Johnny Fischer took the individual
Michigan men have captured indi- title by defeating Billy Howell, of
vidual honors in the Big Ten meet Washington and Lee. Yale had a team
four times, the first in 1925 whenjtotal of 620, Michigan 631, and Ohio
"Mode" Holdsworth, now a doctor at State, in third place, had 636.
Traverse City, won, and the latest in State,3in th e ad 636.
1934 In 1933 at the Buffalo Country Club,
1934 when Chuck Kocsis, who leaves Buffalo, N. Y., the Michigan team
this week to compete in the National again placed second to Yale for the
Open meet, set a new record of 283 team title, as Johnny Fischer was
in winning. forced to withdraw from the defense
Johnny Fischer, winner in 1932 and of his individual title when he suf-
in 1933, was the other individual fered a severe strain. Yale turned in
champion from Michigan. Wolverine a team total of 610, Michigan 622, and
golfers have finished second five Notre Dame two points behind, took
times, including Woody Malloy to third place with 624.
Kocsis in 1934 and Captain Eddie Michigan will be a favorite to tale
Dayton to Fischer in 1933, and thir d its first team title in the National meet
twice. A Michigan golfer has finished at Cleveland this year, with the Notre
in the first five since the team's entry Dame team picked to finish a close
in 1922. second.
In the National Intercollegiate meet, Ray O. Courtright, a member of
which Michigan entered for the first the Varsity coaching staff, and profes-
time in 1931, the Wolverine has yet to sional at the University course, has
win a title. In the 1931 meet, held at been associated with the team as pro-
Olympia Fields, Chicago, Michigan fessional instructor.
itg~.See Sunday's
° t i r
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