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March 02, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-02

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Wilcox Beats Smith by Yard in
Medley to Give Chicago
Team 39-36 Victory.

World's 160 Yard Relay
Disallowed Because{
Illegal Start.


By Edward L. Warner
Another close tank meet was de-
cided by the medley relay tonight,
but this time, Michigan's swim-'
niers dropped a 39-36 decision to
the Chicago Athletic Association
natators. The score was tied at 33
points apiece when the Wolverine
medley trio took the mark for the
final event. Wilcox, youthful C. A.
A. star, gave his team victory when
he beat Smith, Michigan's anchor
man, to the finish by a yard.
Michigan started 'in fine style
when the trelay quartet swam the
160 yard distance in 1:13, lowering
the world's mark of 1:13 3-5 which
was established at Northwestern on
Friday night.
The record will not stand, how-
ever, due to an irregularity in the
starting. Bob Goldsmith won the
200 yard breast stroke for the Wol-
verines by three yards over Schott,
former national 'intercollegiate
champion. Bob Miller was a close
Gar Ault was given his hardest
competition of the year when he
was pressed all the way b'y Merton
Wilcox of Chicago, finally winning
by inches at the finish. Walaitis
was off to a fast start in the40 yard
sprint and won by a yard over
Highland and Hosmer. The 150
yard backstroke went to Valentine
of the Wolverines, who defeated
Brown by a yard. Highland of the
C. A. A. took the century free style
in :53 2-5 seconds over Howell, a
team mate. Michigan's two entries,
Smith and Walker, were several
yards back. Highland was high
point man of the meet with 8
points. Wally Colbath, former
Olympic team member, turned in
a beautiful exhibition to annex the
fancy diving with Lebret of the C.
A. A. second.
Chicago's all-stai' water polo
team, including several Olympic
veterans won easily from the Wol-
verines 16 to 1.
160 yard relay-Won by Michi-
gan (Walatis, Hosmer, Smith,
Walker) Time 1:13.
200 yard breast stroke-Won by
Goldsmith (Mich.); second Schott
(Chicago); third Miller (Mich.).
Time 2:37 2-5.
40 yard free sty e-Won by Wa-'
laitis (Mich.); second Highland
(Chicago); third Hosmer (Mich.).
Time :18 2-5.
440 yard swim-Won by Ault
(Mich.); second Wilcox (Chicago);
third Howell (Chicago). Time 5:04.
150 yard back stroke-Won by
Valentine (Michigan); second Bow-
mail(Chicago); third Boldt (Mich-
igan). Time 1:47 1-5.
100 yard free style - Won by
Highland (Chicago) ; second Brey-
er (Chicago); third Smith (Michi-
gan). Time :53 2-5.
Fancy diving- Won by Colbath
(Chicago); second Lebret (Chica-
go); third, Raike (Michigan).
Medley relay- Won by Chicago
(Bowman, Schott, Wilcox). Time
Final score-Chicago 39; Michi-
gan 36.
Gargoyle's New Issue
to Appear This Week
Gargoyle's March number, which
will appear for sale on the campus
next Wednesday, has been made up
in an entirely new and different
style, according to E. Jerome Elli-
son, '30, managing editor, and is
claimed to be the biggest and one
of the best issues ever published.
For the first time a processed col-
or cover has been used and all of
the eitorial matter has been writ-

Despondency Drives
University Student
to Commit Suicide
Despondency caused by ill health
and lonesomeness led Miss Frances
E. Johnson, '32, to kill herself by
gas early yesterday. The body was
removed to the home of her par-
ents in Flint, where the funeral will
be held.
Miss Johnson suffered from
chronic bronchitis and was recently
confined to the health service ward
for several days. Her lonesome-
ness, shersaid in a note left in her
room, was caused because she "did
not fit into the social life of the
Entering a second floor kitchen-
ette atrabout midnight Friday, Miss
Johnson turned on the gas and was
found about an hour later when
another of the seven women stu-
dents who live in the rooming house
at 922 South State street went into
the room. Miss Johnson was rush-
ed to St..Joseph's hospital, but died
shortly after admittance.-.
She was an excellent student
having received three B's and an
A last semester. She attended
Oberlin college last year, coming to
the University as a sophomore last'
Surgeon Refutes Popular Beliefs,
of Fatal Efects of
Spinal Fractures.


Colonization in East
at LaneHall Today
Prof. John; R. Hayden of the
political science department will be
.. the speaker at the first of this se-
mester's series of bi-weekly Inter-
national Student Forums at 4
...o'clock this afternoon in the audi-
Close Guarding Illini Five Beats torium of Lane Hall. Professor
'Michigan Cagers Again in Hayden will discuss "Colonial Prob-
Return Battle. lems in the Far East" at the meet-
ing, which is being sponsored by
Athe International committee of
KAWAL AND KAMP STAR the Student Christian association.
Professor Hayden, who has spent
Indians Retain Lead Throughout much time in India, the Philippine
Game; Kanitz Is Varsity Islands, Japan, Formosa, andKo-
rea studying conditions in those
High Scorer. countries, will open the Forum
I with an introductory presentation
By Jim Flagg of the subject, after which he will
(Sports Editor Daily U'ini) reply to questions from the audi-
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Mar. 1-Mich- ence. A lively and interesting dis-
igan's string of six consecutive vic- cussion is expectid since the many
torievs and visions of a conference students enrolled in the University
tores nd isins f aconerecewho are from the far east have re-
cage title were cut short here to- quested that a discussion of this
night when Craig Ruby's Illini dis- subject be incorporated in one of
played a much improved brand of the bi-weekly meetings.
basketball to crush the fast Wolver-
ine attack by a score of 30 to 17.
Illinois jumped into the lead
when Capt. Mills snared a field MICHIGAN MATMEN
goal on the first play of the game,
and thereafter the victors were al-
ways ahead. Michigan's closest ap-
proach to a tied .score came just OrgT HP E

New Group, Created by Recent
Amendment, Will Choose
Officers Next Year.


of Life Memberships
Seniors Will Begin


Wolverines Outplay Invading Cardinal Team
to Hold Offensive Throughout 80
Minutes of Hard Play.


Dr. Max Peet, Professor' of 'ur-
gery in the Medical school,. correct-i
ed the popular belief that fractures'
of the spine are always. fatal in the
opening speech of the 21st Michi-
gan. Radio night program, broad-
cast last night from the Morris'
Hall studio by Station WJR at De-
I"Many persons have received
such fractures," said Dr. Peet,
"without the slightest ill effects,
and many others, who at . first
seemed grievously injured, have'
returned to a useful, happy life."'
Dr. Peet concluded by describing
:the best means of rehabilitation for
those persons who have suffered
paralysis with the result that they
are bedridden for life.
Speaking on spring customs in
Germany, Prof. John W. Eaton, of
the German department, told the
radio audience of the effect of the
advancement in the mechanical
world on the age-old traditions of
the lower classes in the next ad-
dress on the program.
"The Honor System is not a plan
to prevent cheating," said Prof. A.
D. Moore, of the electrical engin-
eering department, in the final
speech. "With a real honor system,
there is so little cheating that pre-
vention becomes a minor phase. In
one form or another, the Honor
System is found in at least 160 in-
stitutions. The system has work-
ed very well in the Engineering
school; where it has been in effect
for many years."'
Two clarinet solos by Nicholas
D. Falcone, instructor in band in-
struments, and several numbers
by the Varsity band comprised the
remainder of the one-hour pro-
gram. Falcone was accompanied
by Miss Donna Esselstyn, piano, of
the music school, and Lucille Hoff-
man, '338M, cello.
David Hess is Injured in Crash
at Hill and Washtenaw.
David Hess, an employee of the
Detroit Edison company, received
minor injuries at 1:30 o'clock yes-
terday afternoon when the motor-
cycle he was riding crashed into
the side of an automobile making
a left hand turn at Hill and Wash-
tenaw avenues.
Hess was taken to the St. Joseph
IMercy hospital by passing motor-
ists, where his condition was re-
norted as not critical. He has a;

as the half ended when Kanitz
looped one to make the count 10-8.
Illini Increase Lead.
After a slow, uninteresting first
period, both teams came back with
a faster attack to start 'out the
second half with a bang. Mills
took a pass on the first play, just
as he had done to open the game,
and sunk a beautiful shot from the
center of -the floor. Kawal then
dribbled up to the center of the
floor..and baged another long one
to make the score 14 to 8 i favor
of Illinois. From this point the
Wolverines never seriously threat-
en'ed to tie the score.
Michigan's showing in the first
half was largely due to Kanitz who
contributed the last six points in
that period. Weiss opened his
team's scoring with a short shot
after Michigan had spotted Illinois
four points.
Illini Stall at End.
Kawal and Mills had donemost
of the Illinois scoring until the last
ten minutes of play when "Babe"
Kamp sent the ball through the net
four times from the side of the
floor after passes from Kawal when
the Wolverines tried to break up the
Indians' stalling game in the last
half of the second period.
The Michigan players had diffi-
culty in getting away. for short
shots with Mills, May, and Kawal
guarding like hawks and spoiling
many under the basket passes. In
the last half the Veenkermen tried
more shots, but Truskowski, Chap-
man, and Kanitz had tough luck
on their long tosses.
Michigan G F P T
Daniels, f . ..............0 0 0 0
Kanitz, f. ..............3 2 0 8
Weiss, f. ...............1 0 1 2
Lovell, f . ...............0 0 2 0
Truskowski, c...........2 2 2 6
Chapman, g. ...........0 0 1 0
Orwig, g.............0 1 2 1

Hoosier Victory Over Buckeyes
.Dashes Michigan's Hopes
for Championship.
While Michigan's wrestlers were
overwhelming the Wildcats, 23-3,
the Indiana grapplers defeated
Ohio State. 15-11, thereby crushing
the Wolverines' hopes of annexing
another Big Ten title. By virtue
of their win last night the Maize
and Blue grapplers are scheduled
to meet Wisconsin second place
winners in the other division, in
order to fight it out for third place
in the final Conference standings.
In all but two events the Wolves
proved more than a match for
their opponents who gained all
their points on two draws. Aldin-
ger, a sophomore, wrestling in the
118 pound class, gave the Michigan
team five points by gaining a fall
over Shriman-
Captain hewitt of the Wolverines
won a decision over LaFavour in a
fast match in which the veteran
Varsity star and former Olympic
man fought every minute against
one of the best 128 pounders in the
Conference to gain a time advan-
tage of 4:34. Northwestern broke
even with the victors in the third
bout when Laurence and Fitzgerald
finished in a draw.
One of the fastest and hardest
fought battles of the meet was
staged by Kelly, Michigan veteran,
and Garrigan. Kelly was shifted
to the 148 pound class in order to
face the new Purple hope, and the
Wolverine won with a time advan-
4age of 5:35. Ray Parker gained a
decision over Yarnell with a time
advantage of 5:10.
The second and last fall of the
meet was gained by Sigerfoss in
the 168 pound division with Ander-
soii of Northwestern going down
in 3:20. Steinke won his bout with
Sherberg with the largest time ad-
vantage of the meet, :53. Stoddard
and Reilly, Wildcat gridder, fought
to a draw in the heavyweight class,
bringing the Michigan total up to,
25 points to Northwestern's three.
Two professors in the University
were elected to offices at a recent
meeting of the Ann Arbor Art asso-
ciation. Prof. John G. Winter, of
the Latin department, and Prof.
Jean Paul Slusser, of the architec-
tural school, were chosen first and
second vice-presidents respectively.
Mrs. John B. Waite, wife of Prof.
Waite, of the Law school, was elect-
ed to head the society for the next
year, while Mrs. James B. Pollock,
wife of Prof. Pollock, of the Botany
department, was chosen as secre-
H. M. Slauson, former superin-
tendent of the Ann Arbor public
schools, was elected treasurer.

Membership of the Electoral
board of the Union, the body com-'
posed of seven members of the
Board of Directors who will later
select the president and recording-
secretary of the Union for next
year, was decided yesterday after-
noon at a meeting of the Board of
Directors. Y
This new group, which was cre-
ated in connection with the merit
system installation by the amend-
ment to the Union constitution re-
cently ratified by a membership
vote, consists of four faculty or
alumni members and three of the
six vice-presidents who were elect-
ed to the Board of Directors in the
all-campus poll last spring. Prof.
Henry C. Anderson, of the engi-
neering college, was chosen us the
chairman of the Electoral boar" in
yesterday's vote. The other mem-
bers are Prof. Evans Holbrook, of
the Law school, and financial se-
cretary of the Union; Dean G. Carl
Huber, of the Graduate school; and
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni association. The
student members are William A.
Murphy, '30, Charles R. Waddell,
'30EI and t nlylK. "'t, '30 L
To Receive Petitions.
On the Saturday preceding the
spring elections, this board will re-
ceive petitions from candidates for
the two major offices of the Union
and hear the recommendations
made by the present officers.
The issuing of Life memberships
to members of the present senior
classes will be begun immediately
upon the completion of financial
records. The exact date when
these will be available will be an-
nounced soon. All students who
have paid full tuition for four years
will be entitled to the life member-
ship privileges without extra
Ten dollars of each University tui-
tion fee paid goes to the Union as
the annual membership fee. Wien
$40 has been paid in this manner,
the student may obtain his Life
membership. For seniors who have
not been on the campus for four
years, it will be necessary to pay
the difference between $50 and the
amount which has been included in
tuition payments. Only $2 of the
fees paid to the Summer Session
goes to the Union, but this is count-
ed as partial payment on a Life
House Rules to be Printed.
For the first time in 10 years, the
constitution and house rules of the
Union will be printed and made
made available for general distri-
bution in about two weeks. Revi-
sion ofthe constitution and prepa-
ration for printing was placed un-
der the direction of Harold o. War-
1ren, '31.
Inauguration of a new policy for
Union membership dances was ap-
proved by the Board, making the
whole north Lounge on the main
floor available to men and women
attending the regular Friday and
Saturday night dances. The com-
pletion of a new door between the
hall at the women's entrance and
the north lounge will permit women
to check their coats in this larger
room and also provides additional
space for sitting room.
Wolverine Relay Team
Defeats State Quartet
(Special to The Daily)
EAST LANSING, March 1-Mich-
igan's two mile relay team, con-
sisting of Fusel, Mueller, Chase, and
McLoughlin, defeated the Michigan
State quartet here last night, con-


The annual New York Times Cur-
rent Events essay contest; open to
all undergraduates, will be held
Tuesday, March 4, in room 2023,
Angell Hall, at three o'clock in the
afternoon. Three cash prizes will
be awarded; $150, $75, and $25, the
second of which will be restricted
to sophomores and freshmen. The
best paper will be submitted in
competition for the intercollegiate
prize of $500.
"There appears to be a growing
interest in these annual contests,
on the part of all sorts of students,
Including those whose major col-
lege interests do not include cur-
rent history," said Prof. John L.
Brumm, of the Journalism depart-
ment, chairman of the local com-
mittee. "And those who have en-
tered the contests in the past have
been surprised to discover that no
'catch' questions are asked," he
commented further.
The examination questions com-
prise two parts. The first part,
covering one hour, includes the
identification of persons, places,
and events; brief questions to be
answered in a word or two; and
questions that call for answers in
a sentence or two. The second part,
covering two hours, requires com-
ments of not less than 250 words
on each of five topics to be se-
lected by the student from a choice
of fifteen. In the latter division
a clear statement of facts and
their significance is the chief re-
Gordon, Friedman, Koon Feature
Wolverine Win at Columbus.
(Special to The Daily)
COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 1.-
Michigan's varsity fencing team
scored its fourth win of the season
here tonight, defeating Ohio State
10-7. - Gordon continued his win-
ning streak, which has remained
unbroken since the start of the
season, while Friedman and Koon
also featured the Wolverine victory
by winning all of their- matches.
The sununaries:
SABRE-Gordon (M) 5, Foure
(O) 4; Hammer (M) 3, Reibel (O)
5; Gordon (M) 5, Reibel (O) 2;
Hammer (M) 3, Foure (O) 5.
EPEE-Dowsett (M) 2, Reibel (O)
1; Koon (M) 2, Jones (O) 1; Dow-
sett (M) 1, Jones (O) 2; Koon (M)

gan, was a marked mian last night
and at no time was he dangerous,
the Badger offensive honors going
to the husky Thompson whose
4rives through^ the Wolverine out-
er defenses assured goalie Tonp-
kins of a most busy evening.
The play was unusually rough
with the Badgers drawing eight of
the ten penalties doled by the offi-
^ials. Krueger and Bach of the
Cardinals proved the main offend-
ers, each drawing a pair of trips to
the penalty box while Metcalfe,
Thompson, Siegel,' and Swederski
Df Wisconsin and Langen and Bry-
int of Michigan drew single mis-
4emeanor charges.
:Coached to make the advantage
of superior reserve strength the
deciding factor, the Cardinal puck-
anen forced the Wolverines to go
at top speed all the way. The comn-
bination play which Michigan
flashed in such impressive fashion
in gaining the 5-1 win Thursday
night was much in evidence last
night but the Badgers adopted a
close-in form of defense which
completely stopped Michigan's pass
work in the Cardinal scoring one.
Varsity Takes Offensive.
Bill Langen took' the opening
faceoff to start an'offensive which
Michigan held over the first half
of the opening period. The Michi-
gan forward trio of Langen, Nygord
and Courtis carried the puck deep
into Badger territory on succes-
sive attempts only to have a rush-
ed scoring effort prove unproduc-
tive. The Wisconsin sallies were
generally intercepted in midfield
by the efficient sweep of Courtis
and Langen.
In the second and third stanzas
the Michigan skaters continued to
hold the edge over the Badgers.
In the first overtime period the
Wisconsin puckmen showed a short-
lived spree which was curbed by
Tompkins, Michigan goalie, who
turned in three hard stops. After
this until the final gun the Wolver-
ines all controlled the play.
Michigan. Wisconsin.
Bryant (C) .... ld....... Metcalfe
Tompkins ...... g.......... Frisch
Hart ..........rd..... Swederski
Langen .........c. Meikeljohn (C)
Nygord ........lw..... Thompson
Courtis .........rw...... ...Bach
Spares-Michigan, Sippila; Wis-
consin - Krueger, Gallagher, and
Work Near Completion
For New Mimes Play
Rehearsals for "The Bride," the
comedy of mystery and laughter

Battling through two overtime periods to a scoreless tie with Wis-
consin, Michigan's Varsity hockey forces retained their half-game lead
over their opponents last night to win the undisputed Vestern Con fer-
etice championship before the largest crowd that has ever packed the walls
of the Coliseum. Coach Eddie Lowrey's men, under the handicap of a
lack of substitute material, outplayed Wisconsin over the majority of the
eighty minute route and only. the desperate defense thrown up in the
shadow of the Badger nets kept the Wolverines from repeating their one-
sided win of Thursday night over the Cardinals.
Three of Michigan's veteran puckmen ended their Varsity ice career
in as fine a climax as any Wolverine athlete has ever experienced. Cap-
tain "Doc" Bryant and Sammy Hart, defensive stars, and "Slim" Ny-
gord, clever wingman, turned in the best games of their respective ca-
reers while Meiklejohn, Krueger, Frisch, Thompson, and Metcalfe fin-
_ished their hockey play for Wis-
Big Bill Langen proved the out-
standing performer of the evening,
his sweep checking and effective
Y puck carrying easily giving him
the edge over Wisconsin's center,
Meiklejohn. Tommy Courtis, team-
CurrentHiti Nygord at a forward po-
Current History Competition to sition,displayed his usual style of
Open March 4; Three play to confound the offensive
Prizes Offered. sorties of the Cardinal forwards.
Thompson is Badger Star.
ALL S TUDENTS ELIGIBLE "Stubby" Krueger, Wisconsin's
hero of a year ago against Michi-

Totals ....
E. Kamp, f.....
Bartholomew, f.
May, c.........
Mills (C) g.....
Kawal, g......
R. Kamp, g. ..... .

...... 0




Totals .............


Indiana iQuintet Beats
Ohio :StateFive, 27-15
(By Associated Press)
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., March 1.
-Branch McCracken continued his
Western Conference stride in scor-
ing by annexing a total of 14 points
to help Indiana win over Ohio
State, 27 to 15, in a basketball game
here tonight. The battle, a drag-
ging, sluggish affair, gave a hectic
appearance from start to finish.




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