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May 02, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-02

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Slightly cloudy today; tomor-
row showers; not much change
in temperature.

4w 41P
'A' 46h",
4 9


Mouldy Laws...
Money For The Navy ..,.

VOL. XLIV No. 152



Depart From
Tradition In
Family Banquet May 12
Is Most Important Of
Two Changes
Brucker Will Give
Spring Games Be t w e ein
Lower Classes Will Be
Spring Homecoming this year will
bring two departures from the tradi-
tional schedule that has been fol-
lowed during the three years since
the annual event began.
Edward McCormick, '34, general
chairman of the committee in charge,
said that the changes are both in re-
sponse to popular demand from stu-
dents who will be hosts to their par-
ents and friends during the three-day
Most'prominent of these is the new
arrangement for the Homecoming
banquet, which will be held Satur-
day, May 12. When Homecoming was
first inaugurated as an annual spring
event, the only banquet included was,
fort mothers and daughters. After
the first year the fathers, who had
been without any event of their own
the first year, were guests at a ban-
quet for themselves and their sons.
This year the schedule calls for a
Family Banquet, which is planned to
take the place of both former tradi-
tional gatherings. The father and
son banquet, and the luncheon for
Michigan mothers are incorporated
in this event. At the banquet Wilber
M. Brucker, former governor of Mich-
igan, will deliver the principal ad-
Another event that has been aban-
doned is the. custom of holding the
Spring Games between members of
the two lower classes on Saturday
morning of Homecoming week-end.
It was felt this year that theeW.
not enough interest in thein t 'W a
rant including any such contests in
the schedule. Neither the Under-g
graduate Council nor the Union of-
ficials saw any use in attempting to
foster another year of the tradition
when both freshmen and sophomores
for several years have been apathetic
concerning them.
Cane Day, which has been con-
tinue l -as a senior tradition this year1
by popular demand, will be held Sun-c
day, May 13. At this time graduating1
seniors will carry for the first timet
their straight sticks which designate
them as members of the fourth year
Sunday is also Mother's Day, and
special services are being planned for
the afternoon in Lydia MendelssohnC
Theatre, as well as in all local church-
Prestige Was
Real Need Of
Rohrer Says U. S. Shoulds
H a v e Dispensed Withc
Gold Braid On Officialsc

Dr. Ermine C. Case Wil Give
Annual Henry Russet Lecture

Of the nine members of the Uni-
versity faculty who have been se-
lected to deliver the annual Henry
Russel Lecture since the custom be-
gan in 1925-26, seven have been
chairmen of their departments, one
chairman of the executive commit-
tee of the Medical School, and one
director of the pathological labora-
Dr. Ermine C. Case, who was named
chairman of the geology department
at the last meeting of the Board of
Regents and is thus the seventh de-
partment head, will deliver the 1933-
34 lecture at 4:15 p'.m. tomorrow in
Natural Science Auditorium.
Dr. Case is repeating history doubly
in that Prof. William H. Hobbs, pres-
ent geology departm'ent head who
will retire this summer, was the Hen-
ry Russel Lecturer in 1930-31. The
department is the only one which
has had two lecturers from its staff.
Others who have received the hon-
or, which is considered to belong an-
nually to an outstanding member of
the faculty ranking higher than as-
sistant professor, are as follows:
Prof. Moses Gomberg, chairman of
the chemistry department, 1925-26;
Dean Frederick G. Novy of the Medi-
cal School, 1926-27; Prof. Henry A.
Sanders, chairman of the depart-
ment of speech and general linguis-

tics, 1927-28; Dr. Aldred S. Warthin,
former director of the pathological
laboratory, 1928-29; Prof. Claude H.
Van Tyne, head of the history de-
partment, 1929-30.
Professor Iobbs, 1930-31; Prof.
Jesse S. Reeves, chairman of the po-
litical science department, 1931-32;
and Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury, chair-
man of the psychology department,
Dr. Case, whose present position
is professor of historical geology and
paleontology and director of the Uni-
versity Museum, is known as one of
the most outstanding men in his
field in the country. The list of his
writings includes more than 100
books, articles, and monographs, the
best-known of them being his revi-
sions of the Pelycosauria and the Co-
tylosauria of North America and his
reports on the Permo-Carboniferous
vertebrates of the same area.
The latter was published by the
Carnegie Institute of Washington.
In keeping with tradition, the win-
ner of the Henry Russel Award, made
annually to a faculty member not
ranking higher than assistant pro-
fessor on the basis of his promise for
the future, will be announced. Prof.
Werner E. Bachmbann of the chem-
istry department received the Award
last year.


Hull Expresses
Disapproval COf
JapanIn Note
State Secretary Is Awaiting
Reply Fir o m Japanese
On 'Polite' Letter
WASHINGTON, May 1.- (P) -
The state department awaited far
eastern reaction today to its polite but
direct reminder to Japan that claims
of "over-lordship in Asia" must stick
within treaty limits.
Cordell Hull, soft-spoken secretary
of state, unfolded to newsmen Mon-
day night a statemient asserting be-
tw.th sfiMoothW, dipomatie, .language
that the United States does not ap-
prove of Japanese control, as project-
ed, over Chinese affairs.
The statement, delivered in sub-
stance to Foreign Minister Hirota last
Sunday by Ambassador Joseph C.
Grew in Tokio, stated in effect: 1.
That Japan is still a party to treaties
for the maintenance of Chinese sov-
ereignty. 2. That treaties cannot be
legally "modified or terminated" ex-
cept by the processes agreed upon
by the contracting parties. 3. That the
United States has certain rights in
China and proposes to keep them.
Borah Is Pleased
Although both the Japanese ambas-
sador and the Chinese minister here
had 'no immediate statement con-
cerning the American stand toward.
the modified Nipponese policy, there
came from Senator Borah (Rep., Ida.)
a quick statement:
"I like it very much and find my
self in full agreement with it."
In the statement handed out by
Hull it was said:
"Treaties can lawfully be modified
or be terminated only by processes
prescribed or recognized or agreed
upon by the parties to them.
"In the international associations
and relationships of the United States,
the American government seeks to be'
duly considerate of the rights, the
obligations and the legitimate inter-
ests of other countries, and it expects
on the part of other governments due
consideration of the rights, the obliga-
tions and the legitimate interests of
the United States.
Cites Need For Consent
"In the opinion of the American
people and the American government,
no nation can, without the assent of
the other nations concerned, right-
fully endeavor to make conclusive its
will in situations where there are in-
volved the rights, the obligations and
the legitimate interests of other sov-
ereign states."
Although Japan's original state-
ment of April 17 opened the far east-
ern question to international discus-
sion, the Hull reply was based on a
modified and considerably more con-
ciliatory official statement issued on
April 20 with Foreign Minister Hi-
rota's approval.
In it Japan asserted it had no in-
tention of violating existing treaties,
and no desire to close the 'open door'
in China."
TOKIO, May 1. - (P) -The gov-
ernment appeared today to have
adopted a policy of silence at home
regarding its diplomatic exchanges on
Japan's policy toward China abroad.

Debate Societies


Conduct Probe Into
Co-Eids' Intentions
Announcement of the teams who
will argue the question "Resolved,
That the Michigan Co-Ed Comes to
College for Other Than Scholastic
Purposes," in the annual humorous
debate between Athena Literary So-
ciety, national forensic society for
women, and Adelphi; men's speech
club, at 7:30 p.m. today, was made
yesterday. by heads of the two or-
The women who will uphold the
scholastic seriousness of feminine
students will be Dorothy Saunders,
'35, president of Athena, Katherine
Stoll, .-'35, - and Margaret .Dunn, '35.
Members of Adelphi who will take
the affirmative side of the question
and attempt to prove that co-eds are
here "because the home-town men
are not eligible enough," will be Stew-
art Cram, '34, Samuel Travis, '34,
speaker of Adelphi, and William
Fleming, '37.
The meet is, according to custom,
open to the public, said Miss Saun-
ders and Travis. It will be held in
the Adelphi Room on the fourth floor
of Angell Hall.
All- eeth oven
Program To Be
GivenBy Trio
Performance For Benefit
Of Lockwood Memorial
Scholarship Fund
An entire Beethoven program will
be presented by Prof. Joseph Brink-
man, pianist of the noted music
school trio, in the first of a series of
concerts benefiting the Albert Lock-
wood Memorial Scholarship Fund at
8:15 p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn
The scholarship fund which is a
memorial to the late Dr. Albert Lock-
wood, is designed to bring superior
musical talent to the University, and
the concert series which bears his
name will introduce a number of local
and foreign artists of note to the
Ann Arbor music-loving public.
In addition to funds received from
the series which will be inaugurated
tonight by Professor Brinkman, the
general scholarship fund is being in-
augurated by private contributions.
The committee in charge of the
Lockwood Fund includes Prof. Wil-
loughby Boughton of the Detroit In-
stitute of Arts, Professors James Glo-
ver, Otto Stahl, Peter Okkelberg, Wal-
ter Colby, and Morris Tilly of the
University faculty and Vice-President
Shirley W. Smith.
Officers Are Elected
By Delta Sigma Rho
The students who will serve as of-
ficers of Delta Sigma Rho, national
honorary speech society, were elected
at the annual initiation banquet held

Police Action
Necessary In
Red Disorders
May Day Demonstrations
Broken Up With Few
Communists March
On French Capital
Tear Gas Bombs Used To
Disperse Paraders In
(By Associated Press)
World wide celebration of May Day
brought disorder, bloodshed, riots,
and milder demonstrations despite
careful police precautions.
Shootings occurred in the United
States, Cuba, and Austria that
claimed casualties. A short-lived riot
broke out after a Communist mass
meeting near Paris, where 1,500 feds
sought to march on the capital.
Fresh disorders broke out at mid-
night Tuesday in Paris when Com-
munists entrenched themselves in a
workers' quarter and opened fire on
police with bullets and missiles.
At Lake Charles, La., one man was
seriously hurt when 15 shots were
fired into a meeting of 300 persons
gathered to discuss the longshore
strike situation. Communists were
held responsible for the burning of
the famous Singer Hall in Augsburg,
Germany, scene of Adolf Hitler's early
attempt to raise a following.
In Havana, bullets fired from
housetops into a parade of 10,000
Communists killed one man and
wounded six others, and created a
bedlam while authorities used tear
gas guns and the marchers scurried
for shelter. Communists accused
ABC secret society members of firing
the shots; police declared Commun-
ists had done so to provoke disorder.
In many places military and po-
lice chiefs had girded themselves for
disorders in view of fiery manifestos
and alleged revolutionary plots. In
these localities the day. passed com-
parativel .Qu-etly
This is how the world observed the
OVIEDO, Spain - Eleven were in-
jured when civil guards charged into
rioting Socialists and Communists.
PARIS -- Red flags were much in
evidence; a scheduled Communist-
sponsored general strike hampered
normal service but little; clashes be-
tween manifestants and police in the
suburbs resulted in arrests, but 10,-
000 soldiers and 30,000 police had lit-
tle to do.
VIENNA -- One Communist was
reported killed near Nuerzuschlag by
a member of a motorcycle troop of
170 Fascists from Italy en route to
Vienna to participate in celebrations.
BRIDGEPORT, Conn.-A Red flag
flew over the City Hall of this Social-
ist-controlled community, but not for
BERLIN - The high point of Ger-
many's "day of labor" was the speech
of Chancellor Adolf Hitler, in which
he told 2,000,000 workers that the
will of the German people has proved
stronger than the distress which be-
set them in post-war days.
NEW YORK - Communists and
Socialists, carefully kept apart by
1,500 policemen, paraded and heard
their orators call for discipline.
MOSCOW - A military display of
picked troops, 600 tanks, and air-
planes marked the Russian May Day.
TAHOE CITY, Calif., May 1. -WP)
- Ten inches of snow made a white

May Day here after many weeks of
summer-like weather. Blooming wild-
flowers and aspen trees, which budded
a month earlier than usual, were

Radicals Meet
In Near-Rtiot
Proposed Workers' And
Students' Parade Turns
into One-Truck Affair
Officers Use Clubs
Members Of Party Have
To Hitch-Hike Back To
Ann Arbor
Student radicals who went to De-
troit to take part in the annual May
Day demonstration yesterday and, in-
cidentally, to show "solidarity with
the workers," met with a rude shock
when the "workers" failed to put in
an appearance and left the students
to conduct an impromptu one-truck
parade of the downtown district amid
thousands of pedestrians and police.
The demonstration ended with a
police escort to the riverside dis-
trict, where the patrolmen forced the
party to leave the truck and disband.
Hitch-Hike Back
With their means of transportation'
gone, members of the party who did ]
not wait for the recovery of the truck
were forced to hitch-hike their 5.-';
back to Ann Arbor, where another
May Day meeting was scheduled to1
be held last night, with A. B. Magill9
of Detroit, editor of the Auto Workers'
News, the speaker. Mr. Magill did not
appear, and neither did many of hisE
prospective audience.E
Organized as only a part of thet
main Detroit May Day celebration,
the student demonstration was the
high spot of the afternoon for hun-
dreds of police who thronged Grand
Circus park in downtown Detroit.
The students left Ann Arbor at noon
yesterday, intending to meet at Clark
Park, Detroit, with members of theI
Young Communists' Party of Detroit,
They were greeted at Clark Park by a
detachment of police who ordered
Cheyfitz Is Leader
Edward T. Cheyfitz, '34, of the Na-
tional Student League, was ostensiblyI
in charge of the trip, while the truck1
was driven by the Rev. Alfred LeeI
Klaer, student pastor of the First1
Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor.
Cheyfitz protested to the police in-
spector that as peaceable students1
they had a legal right to meet in the1
park, but the inspector, under the be-
lief that the demonstrators were at
group of Toledo Communists; ordered
them to "go south."
Cheyfitz then had the group pro-f
ceed downtown, hoping to meet fellow
demonstrators there. And downtown
went 35 student "protesters," sing-
ing the "Internationale," Communist
anthem, and giving lusty cheers for1
the "workers," with an occasional in-k
terpolation of "The Victors."
Cheer Workers
The students came forth with a
"Yea, Workers!" and the crowd
cheered appreciatively. The police
kept hold of their nightsticks.
Motorcycle police swung around the
truck, and the officer in charge or-
dered Mr. Klaer to proceed down
Woodward. The presence of 10 po-
lice gave emphasis to the command.
After following their escort down
to the riverside district, the students1
were rudely surprised when the police
peremptorily ordered them from the
When they failed to get off as
quickly as desired, Kendall Wood, '34,
president of the Vanguard Club, and

Charles A. Orr, instructor in the eco-
nomics department, were struck with
blackjacks. Mr. Klaer, who told po-
lice that he was only the driver, was
subjected to a personal search.

Fail To Take Action On
Substitute For Swingout
Because the Undergraduate
Council's proposal for a Swingout
substitute was 'not presented to
the office of Dean Joseph E. Bur-
sley until yesterday afternoon,
there was no time to hold a meet-
ing of the Senate Committee on
Student Affairs, it was stated yes-
No immediate meeting has been
scheduled, Dean Bursley said last
night, although there will be some
informal discussion among one or
two of the committee members to-
day. The Council proposal calls
for a march around the campus
terminating in a sing before the
Main Library. It is offered as a
substitute for the traditional
Swingout function which was re-
cently abolished by the Senate
Dillinger Hunt
Amain Centers
About St. Paul
Bullet-Riddled Automobile
Speeding Through City
Renews Search
CHICAGO, May 1. - UP)- While a
close search was kept up for John
Dillinger in Chicago, a bullet-riddled
automobile reported to have been
speeding through St. Paul today
caused the eyes of the nationwide Dil-
linger hunt to be centered once more
in the Minnesota city.
The sparsity of Dillinger reports
led authorities here to believe that
either the desperado and his follow-
ers had holed up some place or that
the hysteria which followed the sen-
sational escape of the Dillinger gang
from a Federal police trap at Little
Bohemia, Wis., had subsided.;
The bullet-pierced car was reported+
about the time Federal Judge M. M.
Joyce was reducing from $50,000 to
$20,000 the bill of Dr. Clayton May,
Minneapolis physician, and his nurse,
Mrs. Augusta Salt, held on FederalI
charges of harboring Dillinger.
The doctor and nurse were accused
Yof havng treaed'Dilllingr fbr gln-
shot wounds in the leg sustained in1
a battle with Federal agents in a St.
Paul apartment March 31. The doctor
has asserted that he was kidnapped,
held prisoner for four days, and forced
to treat the-wounded bandit chief.
The car which aroused the suspicion1
of St. Paul police was a gray Stude-
baker sedan with a Minnesota license.
It had bullet holes in the windshield,
the rear window and the left portion
of the body.
At San Antonio, meanwhile Fed-.
eral agents said George "Baby Face"
Nelson, Dillinger killer, had been posi-
tively identified as the "Jimmy Wil-
liams" to whom H. L. Lebman, Texas
gunsmith, shipped five machine guns
last October. The weapons were sent1
to Minneapolis.
Average Greek To
Be Panned In Next
A composite of fraternity presi-..
dents or, as Gargoyle editors them-
selves put it, the average Greek will
be the principal object of ridicule in
the new issue of the Gargoyle which
will appear on the campus tomorrow
The editors have assembled all the
virtues and faults of the presidents
of various Greek letter tongs on the
campus and constructed the ideal

president, which they will submit for
the approval of the campus.
Another feature of the issue will be
a complete description of Ann Ar-
bor's Beer Gardens. This emporium,
No. 2 in the series, is Davenport's on
W. Huron St. Also included in the pe-
riodical is a new band, Ozzie Nelson
of New York, to be featured in the
Modern Music department, a discus-
sion of Preposterous Person No. 13,
and advice on what the well-dressed
collegian will wear from four more
clothes horses.
Ballots Sealed
After Vote On
Council Offiee
The name of the candidate who
was elected secretary-treasurer of the
Interfraternity Council last night ,by
the Judiciary Committee will not be
divulged until the council meets to

Varsity Wins
Over State In
Opener, 13-3
Wolverines' Hitting And
Spartans' Poor Fielding
Feature Of Game
Patchin And Artz
Stars Of Victory
Coach Fischer And Team
Rejoice In Revenge Of
Last Year's Defeat
Two big innings, featured by Mich-
igan's hitting strength and Michigan
State's poor fielding, accounted for
the Wolverines' rout of the Spartans,
13 to 3, in the opening baseball game
of the season here yesterday.
So Coach Ray Fischer and his boys
are rejoicing in sweet revenge for
State's defeat in the opener last year.
Two wearers of the Maize and Blue,
Art Patchin and Avon Artz, were re-
sponsible, to a great extent, for Mich-
igan's excellent showing. Patchin
went the full nine innings on the
mound for the Wolverines, allowing
only five scattered hits, and Artz
starred on the offense hitting safely
on the five occasions when he faced
State hurlers.
Wolverines Bunch Hits
Michigan's batters, going on a hit-
ting spree, knocked two Spartan
pitchers out of the box and badly
mutilated the, third. There was no
The box score and play-by-play
account of the Michigan-Mich-
igan State game will -be found on
page 3.
stopping them. Fifteen hits, bunched
conveniently, spelled State's Waterloo
and gave the Wolverines one of the
most satisfying victories in years.
Kronbaclh was the first Spartan
pitcher to face the Michigan batsmen.
He lasted just one and one-third in-
nings. Berg followed him on the
mound and did comparatively well
until th Milhga's. evenh-inning
barrage of hits sent him to the dug-
out. Hopkins followed him and with
difficulty finished the game.
Score in Second, Seventh
Michigan did all her scoring in the
second and lucky seventh innings.
Four hits by Waterbor, Artz, Paulson
and Regeczi, two walks and three er-
rors accounted for seven Wolverine
runs in the second inning. Those scor-
ing were Paulson, Chapman, Patchin,
Waterbor, Oliver, Artz and Wistert.
The Spartans did their only scoring
in the sixth frame when they com-
bined a walk and two hits to push
three runs over the plate.
Six More Come In
Michigan, however, came back in
the next inning to score six more runs
and put the game on ice. Six hits, a
walk, a sacrifice, and an error tell
the story. The game took on the ap-
pearance of a track meet when Paul-
son, Regeczi, Chapman, Patchin, 01-
iver and Petoskey crossed the platter
in succession.
Although Berg of State struck out
seven Michigan batsmen, he allowed
10 hits, and issued three free passes.
Patchin was credited with only four
strike-outs, but he had the Spartans
in hand at all times with the excep-
tion of the third inning.
The game was played to a sizeable
crowd of enthusiastic rooters and
lasted until 6:30 p.m.
The Brones'

To Open Toa
In Milwaukee
The first production in America
of Alfred Sangster's London success,
"The Brontes" will be presented at
the matinee and evening perform-
ances today before Milwaukee audi-
ences in the Pabst Theatre there,
as one of the dramatic attractions of
Milwaukee Season, under the direc-
tion of Robert Henderson.
"The Brontes," a story centering
around the illustrious Charlotte,
Emily, and Anne Bronte, will open
the 1934 Dramatic Season in Ann Ar-
bor in two weeks, May 14, and will
run seven performances through May
It was announced yesterday that
Katherine Wick Kelly, leading lady
of the Cleveland Playhouse, has been
engaged for the role of Mistress
Knight with Madame Eugenie Leonto-
vich and Rollo Peters in "And So To
Bed," the second production of the

"If we have dispensed with many
yards of gold braid in our early ad-
ministration of the Philippine Islands
in the form of rank and honorary po-
sitions, there would have been no
clamor for independence," stated
Prof. Harvey Rohrer of the political
science department, former trade
commissioner in the islands, in dis-
cussing "The Political and Economic
Conditions of the Philippines" before
a meeting of the International Rela-
tions Club last night.
People in the Islands want pres-
tige; they want one of thir own race
to be nominal head of this govern-
ment, said Professor Rohrer. "We gave
them efficiency not display," he con-
tinued. A large percentage of the pop-
ulation may be classed as backward,
he explained, and if we had spent
more time developing Philippine cul-
ture we would be better off.
The Islands are of value to us, he
said, economically being a not insig-
nificant market; the economic advan-
tages far outweigh the disadvantages
except to a certain small prejudiced
group. The Philippines have their in-
dependence now, conditionally for a
transition period of ten years, plus
the probable two years in which they


Weaver Praises Comedy Club's
Choice Of Hop wood Prize Play

"I have been delighted to learn
that Comedy Club has decided to
present a Hopwood play for its spring
production this year," Professor Ben-
nett Weaver of the English depart-
Iment said yesterday, commenting on
the play by Vincent Wall, Grad.,
which is to be presented tomorrow,
Friday, and Saturday nights at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
"In 'Little Love'," Professor Wea-
ver said, "are combined with almost
a professional touch the qualities
which today's younger generation
seem to desire in their dramatic fare:
it is sophisticated, moves rapidly, and

successful, it is to be taken to Broad-
The production of "Little Love" by
Comedy Club marks the first time
that a Hopwood play has been given
commercially. Discussing this origin-
ality of production Professor Weaver
said, "I, along with many others who
are vitally interested in the theatre,
have for some time felt that more
attention should be given to new
drama - particularly to our Hopwood
"I appreciate fully," Professor Wea-
ver said, "the dangers and the risks
involved in pioneering a show, and I
think Comedy Club is to be praised

w w i

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