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May 02, 1934 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-02

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Academic Notices
English 281 (Hawkins): Course pa-
pers are due on Wednesday, May 16.
Aero. 6-Wind Tunnel Laboratory:
There will be no lecture in this course
on Thursday, May 3. There will be,
a blue book on Thursday, May 10.
Henry Russel Lecture: Dr. Ermine
C. Case, Professor of Historical Ge-
ology and Paleontology, Henry Russel
Lecturer for 1933-34, will lecture on
the subject "Paleontology and Paleo-
biology" in the Natural Science Audi-
torium at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, May 3.
At this time also public announce-
ment will be made of the Henry Rus-
sel Award for 1933-34. The public is
cordially invited. !
University Lecture: Mr. Otto M.
Forkert, Instructor of Printing Arts
at the Art Institute, Chicago, who
had charge of the exhibit of the Gu-
tenberg Museum of Mainz, Germany,
at the Century of Progress Exposi-
tion, will lecture on "Gutenberg and
the Book of Books" Monday, May 7,
at 4:15 p.m., in 25 Angell Hall. The
lecture will be illustrated with mo-
tion pictures showing the methods
of printing in Gutenberg's time. All
interested are cordially invited.
Lecture: "Bromine from Sea Wa-
ter" will be the subject of a lecture by
Leroy C. Stewart of the Dow Chem-1
ical Co. Motion pictures and slides
illustrate all details. Wednesday,
May 2, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium. Under auspices of
Alpha Chi Sigma Professional Chem-
ical Fraternity. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Events Today
Botanical Seminar meets at 4:30,
room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper by Mir-
iam Groner, "The comparative phy-
siology of green and chlorophyll-de-
ficient types in maize."
Interpretive Arts Society - Public
Program: The public is cordially in-
vited to a program of readings of
poetry to be given by students from
classes in Oral Interpretation tonight
at 7:30 in Room 302 M.H. Members
of the Interpretive Arts Society and
others will have the last chance to
register for the poetry reading con-
test at this time.
Pi Ta Pi Sigma: Installation of of-
ficers 7:30 p.m. at Union. All mem-
bers please be present.
Zeta Phi Eta: Mr. V. B. Windt of
the Play Production Department will
speak under the auspices of Zeta Phi
Eta at 8:00 p.m. in room 4008, fourth
floor of Angell Hall. The public is
invited and there is no admission
charge. Short business meeting for
actives and pledges at 7:30.
Alpha Lambda Delta: There will be
a meeting for all new members and
old officers at the Michigan League
at 4:30.
Adelphi House of Representatives:
Debate at 7:45 p.m. in the Adelphi
Room, fourth floor, Angell Hall. Three
representatives of the society will
meet a team from Athena on the
question, "Resolved, that Co-eds
Come to Michigan for Other Than
Scholastic Purposes." The general
public is cordially invited.
At 7:30 p.m. there will be a brief
meeting for the purpose of nominat-
ing officers for next semester and to
elect the Honor Award. All mem-
bers are expected to be present.
Quarterdeck Society business meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m., room 340 West Engi-
neering Building. At 8:00 and in the
same room, Capt. W. T. Kiel, Steam-
boat Inspector at Detroit, will speak.

Members of the Department of Na- I
val Architecture and Marine Engi-J
neering are invited to hear Capt. Kiel.
Engineering Council meeting at
7:30 p.m. in M.E. Computing room.
West Engineering Building.
Luncheon for Graduate Students in
the Russian Tea Room of the Michi-
gan League Building at 12 o'clock.
Mr. John W. Stanton, Instructor in
History, will discuss Japan and the
Present Far-Eastern Situation
Stanley Chorus: Regular meeting
at 7:15 sharp in the League. All mem- i
bers must be present and please bringt'
any music you have taken out. s
Freshman Girls' Glee Club: Impor-
tant meeting in preparation for the i
formal concert, 7:00 p.m. sharp at the
League tonight.f
Michigan League Against War and
Militarism: Business and commissiont
meetings at ,5 p.m. in Upper Room inr
Lane Hall. All students and faculty
urged to attend these preliminary
meetings in order to prepare for the
Anti-War Conference, May 4 and 5.-
Kermit Eby, who made an exten-c
sive tour of Japan and the Far East
last summer, will speak on "The Fare
East and War" at 8 p.m. in the Uniont
at a meeting of the National Student
League. All interested are invited.
Harris hall: Open house and teat
at Harris Hall this afternoon from 4
to 6. All students are cordially in-
Theosophical Lodge of the Point
Loma T. S.: Public meeting at 8 o'-
clack at the Michigan League for the
discussion of "The Relation of Theo-
sophical Teachings to Life." All are
welcome and questions are invited.
Coming Eventst
American Chemical Society: A
joint meeting of the Detroit, Toledo,.
Lansing and University of Michigan
Sections will be held on Saturday,
May 5. Room 151 Chemistry Build-
ing will be used for registration and
central meeting place during the day,
Dinner at 6 at the Michigan Union.
Lecture at 8 in Room 165 by Profes-
sor H. B. Lewis on the subject of
Observatory Journal Club meets at
4:15 Thursday in the Observatory
lecture room. Mr. Paul Jose will re-
view Russell's paper on "Molecules in
the Sun and Stars." Tea will be served
at 4:00.
Acolytes (Philosophical Society):
Professor C. H. Langford will speak
on "The Principle of Consistency"
Monday evening, 7:30, Room 202
South Wing.
Phi Eta Sigma: The annual initia-
tion and banquet will be held at the
Union on Tuesday, May 8, 5:00 p.m.
The price of the banquet will be 75
cents. All members who plan to be
present kindly notify Robert Rogers,
5617. New initiates will also appear
at that time, remembering to bring
a white handkerchief.
A.S.C.E.: Members who intend to
go on the inspection trip to Flint and
Saginaw Saturday, May 5, should be
at the Union at 7:30 a.m. Cars will
leave from there. Please signify your
intention of going by signing one of
the lists posted on the bulletin boards
on the second floor of the West Engi-
neering Building. Anyone interested
in taking the rtip who is not a mem-
ber of the A.S.C.E. should call Wil-
liam Hanway or Jack Skinner.
Varsity Band: Full marching Band
meet at South Ferry Field at 5:00

Insiders Make
ugtce Gains In
Stock Market
Depressio Profits Give An
Ii~oiipLu To Wall Stecet
Control U-Pishiijon
iew impetus was thrown behind pend-
ing stock market control legislation
today by the publication of figures
howing enormous profits to Wall
Street insiders during the boom crash
and depression period that brought
impoverishment to thousands.
Meanwhile,.the House made ready
for passage of the Fletcher-Rayburn
bill late this week, with its supporters
plainly counting on today's disclosures
to ease their task of keeping the
measure free of devitalizing amend-
Goes To Senate Committee
The Stock Exchange data was pre-
sented to the Senate Banking Com-
mittee in the form of answers to
questionnaires which went, presum-
ably to every stock exchange; and
every exchange member in the coun-
The report showed:
Profits totaling $833 ,167,686 to
members of the New York Stock Ex-
change for the years 1928 to July,
1933, inclusive.
The sum of $1,674,000 expended in
five years for publicity purposes by
all exchanges.
Speeches Distributed
A total of 5,337,354 pamphlets,
speeches and books, distributed in the
same period.
Distribution of 7,650 copies of "The
Work of the Stock Exchange" and
1,500 copies of "Short Selling," pre-
pared by economists of the New York
A total of 985 bond issues defaulted;
311 stock exchange firms suspended
for insolvency, 254 expelled of sus-
pended for other causes.
An almost exact balance between
shares bought and sold for the per-
sonal account of members and of non-
member partners of member firms, for
July, 1933, in which the speculative
boom of the Roosevelt Administra-
tion's early months was punctured.
The totals were 10,404,652 shares pur-
chased and 10,816,696 shares sold.
p.m. Thursday. Wear uniform and
bring march folio. Concert Band
rehearsal Thursday night at 7:15 in
Morris Hall.
Sphinx: Important meeting tomor-
row noon at the Union.
Student Walther League of St.
Paul's Lutheran Church is holding its
annual Senior-Alumni Banquet on
Sunday, May 6. Tickets may be se-
cured by calling 23717 after 7 p.m.
Cosmopolitan Club: The annual
spring dance will take place on Sat-
urday, May 5, Lane Hall Auditorium,
9:00-12:00 p.m. The "Cvic Club Or-
chestra," radio entertainers, will fur-
nish Cuban, Hawaiian, and Viennese
music. There will be plenty of en-
tertainments. A colorful program, in-
ternational in flavor, will be shown
during intermission. Foreignsstu-
dents who have their national cos-
tumes are requested to wear them.
Prizes will be awarded to the best
native dresses. Admission, 50 cents
for men, ladies free.


Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous, to day of insertions.
Box Numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in Advance--11e per reading line
(on hals of fivt average words to
linc) for one or two Insertions.
10c per reading line for three or more
Minimum three lines per insertion.
telephone Rate-15c per reading line for
one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month .................8c
4 lines E.O.D. 2 months......3
2 lines daily, college year ......7c
4 lines E. 0. D., college year ....7c
100 lines used as desired ......9c
300 lines used as desired.......8c
1,000 lines used as desired...7c
2.000 lines used as desired...6c
h he above rates are per reading line.
based on eight reading lines per inch of
11,1 point Ionic type, upper .az'd lower
case. Add 6c per line to above rates for
all capital letters. Add 6c per line to
above for bold face, upper and lower
case. Add 10 per line to above rates for
bold face capital letters.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
Bring your title
Associated Motor Services, Inc.
311 W. Huron, Ph. 2-2001
Arts Society Will
Enter',ain TIonigh t
The Interpretive Arts Society will
give an entertainment at 7:15 tonight
in Room 302, Mason Hall.. Short in-
terpretive readings from poetry,
prose, and drama will be given by
guests of the society. Those who are
going to read are Arnold Eskilson,,
'34, Thomas E. Glaser, '36, Maureen
Cavanagh, '37, Jean Durham, '36,
Howard B. Kline, John Mason, '36,
Alvin Schleifer, '35, Constance Myers,
'37, Jeanette Neomen, Morton A.
Adinoff, '35, Helen Wright, '35, Grace
Bartling, '36, Casper Beimfohr, '35,
Louis Kearns, '35, and Thomas R.
Ford, '34Ed.
"The purpose of the society," said
Professor Hollister, director of the
organization, "is to encourage excel-
lence in interpretive reading of all
kinds. The society is not limited to
university students. Anyone inter-
ested may visit the meetings."
The public is invited to attend the
meeting tonight.


LOST: Pin seal wallet over week end.
Call Thomas, 5617. 444
LOST: Black brief-case full of music.
Reward, Max Gail, 601 E. William
St. Phone 2-1238 or 4917. 443
suits..Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office. 200
North Main. 5x
ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x
TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. 1x
Law School Student
Made C"ity Atone
Richard A. Perkins, '36L, went to
Canton, Ill., Monday to be sworn in-
to the ofilce of City Attorney there,
which he will occupy upon his gradu-
ation in June.
Perkins is a graduate of the Uni-
versity of Illinois and while enrolled
in the Law School, he has served on
the Law Review.
BoAIisteel Gives Trophy
To Chelsea High School
Roscoe O. Bonisteel, '12L, promi-
nent local attorney and president of
the University of Michigan Club of
Ann Arbor, presented a Michigan
Honor Trophy to Chelsea High School
yesterday morning at an assembly of
the school.
The trophy will be engraved each
year with the name of the outstanding
graduating senior. It is the custom
of the local Alumni Association to pre-
sent a new plaque to a different high
school in this district every year.
The emblem, which is in the form
of a wall plaque, was accepted by
Harrie Bleeker, superintendent of
schools in Chelsea. T. Hawley Tap-
ping, general secretary of the Alumni
Association, accompanied Mr. Boni-






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Ray Walker
Take It'
with Virginia Cherrill

H. B. Warner
Lila Lee Lyle Talbot
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Vincent Wall's


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"Litt e Love'
Winner of 1933 ltajor draina award
in Jucl & Avery Hopwood Cornpetiion

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