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March 02, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-02

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Fair and colder today,
with northwest winds.


Lit igan

VOL. XLIX. No. 107



1 '

Foreign Policy,
Defense Issue
Hotly Debated
In Washington
Nation Would Be Shocked
To Hear Facts Of Secret
Meeting, Lundeen Says
Republican Defends
Roosevelt's Action
WASHINGTON, March 2.-(A)-
With a Republican Senator, Austin of
Vermont, vigorously defending the
Administration's course in facilitating
the French plane sale, the Senate
heard'a heated assertion today that
the nation would be "shocked and
stunned" to learn what President
Roosevelt secretly told a Senate Com-
mittee about defense and foreign
The statement was made by Sena-
tor Lundeen (F-L., Minn.), who, with
Austin, is a member of the Military
Affairs Committee which investigat-
ed the sale of planes to France. It
emerged from a boiling debate which
was but one of the many develop-
ments produced during the day by the
current controversy over rearma-
ment and foreign affairs.-
1. Secretary Hull reiterated his op-
position to a proposed constitutional
amendment under which the declara-
tion of a war to be fought on foreign
soil would be submitted to a referen-
dum of the people. The proposal, de-
feated last year by the House, was
revived yesterday in the Senate.
2. The House Appropriations Com-
mittee approved a bill providing $499,-
857,936 for the War Department in
the fiscal year beginning next July 1.
3. Testimony before the Appropria-
tions Committee, published during the
day, also disclosed that the army has
developed civilian gas masks to be
produced at a. cost of $1.25 each.
4. Senator Chavez (Dem., N.M.) de-
manded that the United States fol-
low the lead of Great. Britain and
France and recognize the Franco re-
gime in Spain.
5. The Senate had before it, with
ultimate passage conceded, the House-
approved measure to authorize an
outlay of $358,000,000 for an expan-
sion of the army, including $300,000,-
000 to bring the air force to a total of
6,000 planes and increase its person-
As on yesterday and the 'day be-
fore, however, the Senate debate
turned quickly to foreign affairs.
Shortly afterward Lundeen made
this statement:
"We may some day give publicity
to what happened at that secret con-
ference at the 'White House, for I
happen to know a record was made
of it," he shouted. "And if the
American people ever learned what
was said there-if the Senators want
to know that-the nation would be
shocked and stunned by the secrecy
and what wasvsaid there."
Sink Announces
Tentative Plan
Of May Festival
Swarthout And Symphony
Orchestra To Inaugurate
Varied Programi May 10

The annual May Festival, which,
coupled with the Choral Union Series,
has made Ann Arbor one of the major
musical centers in the country, this
year will present 12 solo artists and
three ensemble groups fiom May 10
to 13.
The tentative program of concerts,
as announced yesterday by Dr.
Charles A. Sink, president of the
School of Music, is as follows:
Wednesday evening, May 10=-x
Gladys Swarthout, mezzo-soprano,
and the Philadelphia Symphony Or-
chestra, with Eugene Ormandy con-
ducting. Thursday evening, May 11,
Selma Amnsky, sopiano, Jan Peerce,
tenor, Rudolf Serkin, pianist, the
Philadelphia Orchestra, and the Uni-
versity Choral Union, Earl V. Moore
Friday afternoon, May 12, Ezio
Pinza, bass, and Young People's Fes-
tival Chorus, Juva Higbee and Or-
mandy conducting. Friday evening,
Marian Anderson, contralto, male
chorus and Philadelphia Orchestra.

U AW Seeks To Prevent
Martin Parley In Detroit
Supporters Of CIO Expect 54 Favorable Majority
Ofn Executive Committee To Oust Rebels

Papal Choice
Begun Today
By Cardinals

IDETROIT, March 1 --()- The
CIO-supported executive board of the
United Automobile Workers Union
plotted a flank move today designed
to prevent Homer Martin and his
factionof the UAW from staging a
convention here Saturday.
The CIO group announced that the
nine members of the UAW executive
board who have not been suspended
by Martin had been summoned to a
meeting here Friday. Five of the nine
now are opposed to Martin's policies
and his convention.
R. J. Thomas, head of the CIO-
UAW group, said the non-suspended
executive board members would be
asked to cancel Martin's plans for
the convention, terminate legal action
instituted by Martin and his follow-
ers, rescind Martin's "alleged suspen-
sion" of 15 executive board members,
and discharge Martin's legal counsel.
In announcing the CIO-UAW strat-
egy, Thomas asserted that "we do not
agree with Martin that this nine-man
group is the official UAW executive
board, but if he wants to contend it
is, we thought we would try func-
tioning throtUgh his board on this
The five unsuspended members
who have thrown their lot with the
CIO-UAW group are Walter N. Wells,
vice-president, Detroit; Russell Mer-
rill, South Bend, Ind.; F. J. Michel,

of Racine, Wis.; Charles E. Madden,
Pontiac, and Loren Houser of Detroit.
Michel, who believed he had been
suspended by Martin, discovered re-
cently that his suspension notice ap-
plied only to his job as regional direc-
tor for Wisconsin.
Martin has his own vote and those
of Lester Washburn, Lansing; Frank
Tucci, New York, and Irvan Cary,
Los Angeles.
Thus the lineup at Friday's "execu-
tive board" session would be five in
favor of the CIO-UAW group and
four for Martin. No one expects Mar-
tin's supporters to attend, however,
and nothing prevents Martin from
suspending one or two of the pro-
CIO members to create an alignment
favoring his faction.
Meantime Martin and his followers
went ahead with the task of prepar-
ing Moose Temple here to receive
the expected delegates. Tables to
accommodate 750 persons have been
arranged and the gallery has been
thrown open to admit four hundred
who wear guest badges.
The elected UAW president ex-
pressed confidence that his conven-
tion would attract delegates from
"local unions representing more than
a majority of the entire UAW mem-
bership." A list of locals sending
delegates would be issued Thursday,
he said.

Entire , College
To Decide On
For Deceased

Pius XI.

Toronto Beats
Hockey Team
By_4-2 Score
L'Heureux Scores Twice
For Visitors; Hillberg,
Cooke Varsity Snipers
With experience and numbers
favoring the visiting team, Michigan's
faltering hockey sextet was served
with its fourth loss in as many starts,
when a strong University of Toronto
squad handed them a 4 to 2 defeat
last night at the Coliseum.- ,
The potent Blue and White team
kept the puck over the Wolverine
blue line for the majority of the
game and at the same time kept
peppering "Spike" James from all
corners of the arena.
Turning in the .best performance
of the year, James, by virtue of his
excellent Job of net minding, was the
main reason why Ace Bailey and his
~Toronto sextet didn't win by a much
higher score.
Although playing without the serv-
ices of their two leading 'scorers after
the first ten minutes of play, Toronto
-left no doubt as to which team would
remain 4he master of the'arena for
the next two periods.
Several times Michigan's forward
line of Cooke, Chadwick, and H-
berg broke into Toronto's danger
zone but either a body check by a
Blue and White defenseman or a
hurried shot on the Wolverines' part
would bring to an end any potential
scoring threat.
Starting out slow in the first period
Toronto had difficulty in penetrating
(Continued on Page 3)
Ensian Tryouts Called
A meeting for second semester
freshmen and sophomores interested
in trying out for the advertising, sales,
or accounts staffs of the Michigan-
ensian is scheduled at 4 p.m. today
in the Student Publications build-

Arts Academy
To Hold Annu l
Meeting Here
Dean Of Rochester Medical
School And, Prof. Boak
To Talk To Educators
Dr. George H. Whipple, dean of the
University of Rochester School of
Medicine and Dentistry, will be guest
lecturer at the 44th annual meeting
of the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Letters to be held here
March 16, 17 and 18. Dr. Whipple
will speak on "Anemia and the Build-
ing of Hemoglobin in the Body". at
4:15 p.m. Friday, March 17, in the
Rackham Auditorium.
1 Prof. A.E..R. Boak of the history de-
partment, who is president of the
Academy, will give the presidential
address on "The Role of Taxation in
the Decline of the Roman Empire"
at 8 p.m. Friday, in the Rackham
'The program, which annually at-
tracts several hundred scholars from
the State's colleges and universities,
features symposiums and speeches in
15 fields of academic work.
Chairmen of the 15 sections of the
Academy are: anthropology, Horace
Miner, Wayne University; botany,
Prof. William C. Steere of the botany
department; economics, H e r m a n
Wyngarden, Michigan State College;
forestry, Karl Dressel, Michigan State
College; geography, L. A. Wolfanger,
Michigan State College; geology and
mineralogy, 0. F. Poindexter of the
State Department of Conseryation;
history and political science, Bruce
M. Raymond, Hope College; land-
scape architecture, T. Glenn Phillips
Language and literature, Prof. C. D.
Thorpe of the English department;
mathematics, Prof. William M. Ayres
of the mathematics department; phi-
losophy, William M. Trap, Wayne
University; psychology, Prof. W. B.
Pillsbury of the psychology depart-

Voting Takes Place
In Secret Conclave
VATICAN CITY, March 1.-(P)-
The College of Cardinals went solemn-
ly and ceremoniously into secret con-
clave today to choose a new Pope, the
262nd occupant of the Chair of Peter.
For the first time in many years
the entire membership of the College,
now numbering 62, was present for
the opening of the conclave which
will begin voting tomorrow on a new
spiritual head of 331,500,000 Catho-
At a morning mass the cardinals
prayed for guidance of the Holy
Ghost and heard a sermon exhorting
them to choose as a successor to
peace-loving Pius XI a man who
might lead the world back to "Chris-
tian precepts" despite present-day
"social disorders and hatred among
In the afternoon the opening cere-
monies began.
At nightfall, Prince Ludovico
Chigi-Albani, Hereditary Marshal of
the meeting, turned the keys of two
big locks on the outer door -of the
Vatican wing in which the cardinals
and their attendants were housed.
Two other locks on the inner door
clicked a moment later as Eugenio
Cardinal Paceli, the Camerlengo,
completed the sealing of the gather-
ing which will remain in its "prison"
until a cloud of white smoke from
the chimney of the Sistine Chapel
announces the selection of a new
Speculation on a likely choice in
the voting seemed to veer toward
Pacelli, who was Secretary of State
under Pius XI, as the conclave opened
There were predictions among Itali-
ans that Pacelli would get more than
30 votes on the first ballot.
Forty-two votes are necessary for
election, a two-thirds majority be-
ing required.
Jap Munition
Plant Explodes
Blasts Kill More Than 200;
Fire Destroys 600 Homes
OSAKA, Japan, March 2 (Thurs-
day)-R)-Police announced today
that probably 200 persons were blown
to bits and burned to death and at
least 200 others injured in yester-
day's explosion of an army arsenal
in suburban Hirakata.
The police communique said 600
homes were destroyed by the flames
which swept through the suburb from
exploding muntions. As a result 5,800
persons were homeless.
The disaster, unprecedented for its
type in Japan's industrial history,
occurred at 3:20 p.m. yesterday (1:20
a.m., E.S.T., Wednesday) from an
undetermined cause.
Windows were broken for miles
around -by the force of the blasts,
telephone and telegraph wires were
thrown down, and railway and street
car service had to be suspended.
Lydia Mendelssohn
Shows Art Cinema
Gorky Film Today
"The Childhood of Maxim Gorky,"
a Soviet film which has won the
praise of outstanding New York crit-
ics, will be shown at 8:15 p.m, to-
day, tomorrow and Saturday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under the
auspices of the Art Cinema League.
The freedom from all attempts at
propaganda in the picture was com-
mented upon by professors who have
seen the preview. "The portrayal of
Gorky's boyhood is free from all at-
tempts to either build up the Soviet

regime or attack the Tsarist order.
Prof. .1. T. Price of the English de-
partment declared.
Louis Untermeyer
To Give Talk Here
Louis Untermeyer, noted American
poet and anthologist, will deliver a
University lecture at 8:15 p.m. Mon-
day, March 13, in the Graduate

AFOL Official Speas Tonight
Declines Bid
To CIO Talk
Teamster Leader Claims
That Work Necessitates
Refusal Of Peace Offer
Green Is Seekinghv ;.
Worthy Successor
WASHINGTON, March 1 -(P)-
Daniel J. Tobin, the American Feder-
ation of Labor's most outspoken ad-
vocate of peace in the labor move-
ment, declined today to serve as an
AFL negotiator in new peace confer- DR. REINH6LD NIEUHR
ences with John L. Lewis and his
CIO leaders. * * *
The chief of the big teamsters'
union for the past 31 years informed N ebuhr ers
the AFL president, William Green,
in a telegram that the "press of work" Final Lecture
would prevent his serving. His suc-
cessor, Green said, would be namedOn VyO U 111( t
tomorrow to keep intact the peace On
conference machinery set up by both
CIO and AFL at the urgent request
of President Roosevelt. Noted Theologian Presents
Tobin made a thundering speech Orthodox ProtestanView
at the AFL convention last October,
pleading that the federation leader- In Rackham Auditorium
ship be instructed to take immediate
action to terminate the labor split. "I am going to the left in politics
During a secret meeting of thea.e.i,,
AFL leaders at the convention, Tobin and the right in religion.
was reported to have urged, without So Reinhold Niebuhr, noted the-
success, that a committee be set up ologian, who delivers the last in the
to deal with th peace situation. Student Religious Association series
Tobin's convention speech, prompt- on the "Existence ad Nature of God,"
ed by President Roosevelt's first pub-nh i
lic appeal for a settlement of the at 8:15 p.m. today in the Rackham
labor controversy, started administra- Auditorium, said of himself four
tion officials on a search for a new years ago.
basis upon which the warring factions Morgan Comments e
could meet. Referring to this statement, Ken
While preparations for the forth- Morgan, director of the SRA said yes-
coming conference went forward to- terday: "It is interesting to note that,
day, two members of the Senate labor while Professor Niebuhr has shown
committee suggested that a non-par- himself to be an avowed liberal in
tisan mediator be named to sit in at social and political matters, ever will-
parley. ing to' change his views if something
Senator Ellender (Dem.-La.) told more logical presents itself, yet his
reporters he saw little possibility of views on theology 'are not in the liber-
the warring factions reaching an al Protestant tradition, but rather
agreement unless an outsider were modeled after the protestantism of
present. Each group has named three Karl Barth and Soram Kierkegaarde."
negotiators. Born in 1892, Professor Niebuhr
"If it's just the 'members of the was e d at Ers Colegr
was educated at Elmhurst College
two committees," Ellender said, "they (Ill.), Eden Theological Seminary
are likely to just sit there and hold (St. Louis) and the Yale Divinity
rigidly to their.positions. ) School. He was pastor of the Bethel
Senator Pepper (Dem.-Fla) took a Evangelical Church in Detroit from
similar view, asserting that an ur- 1915 to 1928. Since then, he has been
pire with a detached point of view at Union Theological Seminary as
would certainly increase the chancesasitnprfsoofhlspyad
of success."' assistant professor of philosophy and
Way was clearing for the negotia- professor of applied Christianity.
tions yesterday when John L. Lewis, Niebuhr An Author
chairman of the C10, named a three- Professor Niebuhr 1 the author of
man committee, headed by himself, numerous works, among them: "Does
to meet with the AFL representatives. Civilization Need ReligionZ", "Leaves
From the Notebook of a Tamed
Cynic," "Moral Man and Immoral
Drive To Collect Unpaid Society," "Reflections on the End of
Senior Dues B Today an Era," "An Interpretation of Chris-
tian Ethics" and "Beyond Tragedy."
A two-day drive to collect unpaid The SRA series, which has present-
senior class dues will be begun to- ed Bertrand Russell givig the ag-
day, it was announced yesterday by nostic point of view, and the Rt. Rev.
Leon Kupeck, class treasurer. Collec- Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen presenting the
tion posts will be established in An- orthodox Catholic arguments, has
gell Hall lobby, University Hall, the drawn capacity crowds and it is ex-
main library and the League and pected that today's lecture will like-
Union lobbies. I wise be well attended.
Economics Professor Stresses
-A " --t - ---- W 7 _ R - - 1 1

Blame For Guild Strike Placed
On Hearst's Contract Violations

The necessity of a strong labor
movement with a united CIO and AFL
to insure economic security was
stressed by Jack Weeks, president of
the Detroit Newspaper Guild, and
Paul Porter, editor of the Kenosha
Labor, at a forum sponsored by the
labor committee of the American Stu-
dent Union held yesterday afternoon
in the Union.
After sketching the growth of the
American Newspaper Guild, a CIO
affiliate, Weeks explained the signifi-
cance of the three-month old Guild
strike against the Hearst-owned Chi-
cago Herald-Examiner. Within 11

jacking were common occurences,.
thugs were hired to molest strikers at
their homes and an injunction was
secured severely hampering the ac-
tivities of the pickets.
In spite of these efforts, Weeks as-
sured, the Guild will eventually win
the sti'ike. Already they have suc-
ceeded in cutting the circulation of
the Herald-Examiner by 250,000 and
the advertising by a million dollars.
The Guild is in a strategic position,
having the active support of or-
ganized labor which realizes the im-
portance of a strong newspaper union.
A strong labor movement to insure
worker control of industry is a neces-
sity if we wish to reverse the ecAnomic

(Editor's Note: This is the first of
twoarticles dealing with the machinery
of the Fair Labor Standard§ Act.)
The difficulty of fixing a minimum
wage for industry which guarantees
the worker a decent standard of liv-
ing without "curtailing employment,"
or handicapping small enterprise was
stressed by Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson
of the economics department on his
return from Washington.
Professor Dickinson is a public
member of Industry Conmittee 1-A,
appointedi by Wages and Hours Ad-
ministrator Elmer F. 'Andrews to
recommend a minimum hourly wage
for the woolen and worsted industry
under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
The committee, representing the
public, employees and employers, in-
cludes such notables as Prof. George
W. Taylor of Pennsylvania, noted
labor arbitrator; Donald M. Nelson,
vice-president of Sears and Roebuck
Co.; and Sidney Hillman, president
of Amalgamated Clothing Workers
and vice-president of the C.I.0.
The committee's recommendation
of a 36 cent minimum hourly wage
is the first to be made by an industry
committee under the new law. If
accepted by Mr. Andrews, it will

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