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May 02, 1937 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-02

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Y, MAY 2, 1937



Team Proves
Too Versatile
For Hoosiers
Indiana Distance Quartet
Performs As Expected;
Watson Wins Four
(Continued from Page ._
ceeded to .shatter John Townsend's
dual meet record and all the other
records in the book with the excep-
tion of the world standard as ho
hurled the 16 pound ball 51 feet ;
Breaks Record
Thus encouraged. Watson hurled
the discus 152 feet 2 inches to break
the Michigan dual meet record estab-
lished by "Skip" Etchells last season
and win the event. Watson then
turned his attention to the jumps
both broad and high, 23 feet 6 inches
and 5 feet 11% inches got him 10
more points to wind up a highly suc-
cessful afternoon for the big boy.
Sammie Stoller steamed up the
track to win easily over Indiana's Bob
Collier in the century. Slow track
and a six. mile wind combined to cut
Stoker's time of 9.9 which was ample,
however, for his purpose. Stoller also
covered 23 feet 2 inches in the broad
jump to take second place.
Hurdles Easy For Osgood
The hurdle events were a light
workout for Capt. Bob Osgood who
breezed over the high sticks in 14.7
an took the 220 lows in 23.9. Bob
Neely of Indiana finished second in
the highs while Steve Mason brought
in ,another three points for the Wol-
verines with a close second in the
low event.
Stan Birleson turned in one of the
outstanding performances of the meet
as he took the 440 going away from
Malcolm Hicks of Indiana. Birleson
negotiated the distance in 48.5. The
Britishers big moment in the spot
light came when he snatched the ba-
ton from Chuck -Miller and put on a
desperate last quarter drive in an'
effort to reclaim the one-mile relay
for the Wolverine forces.
Mile run: Won by Lash (I.); sec-:
ond, Smith (I.); third, Harold Da-1
vidson (M.). Time, 4:17,
440-yard dash: Won by Birleson
(M.); secQnd, Hicks (I.); third Millerj
(M.): Time, :48.5.
100-yard dash: Won by Stoller1
(M.); second, Collier (I.); third,
Smith (M.). Time, :09.9.
120-yard high hurdles: Won by
Osgood, (M.); second, Neely (L);
third, Martens (M.). Time, :14.7.
880-yard run: Won by Trutt (I.);
second, Starr (M.); third, Howard
Davison (M.). Time, 1:54.
220-yard run: Won by Collier (I.);
second, Elliott (I.); third, Smith
(M.). Time: :22.1.
Two-mile run: Won by Lash (I.);
second, Smith(I.); third, Deckard
(L). Time, 9:18 (Breaks old Ferry
Field Record, 9:23.1 by Lash, 1935.
Also betters Conference Record,
9:19.9 by Lash, 1936).
220-yard low hurdles: Won by Os-
good (M.); second, Mason m (M.) ;
third, Neely (I.). Time, :23.9,.
Mile relay: Won by Indiana (Mil-
ler, Hicks, Marker and Trutt). Time,
Shot put: Won by Watson (M.),
second, Townsend (1%.); third, Wise
(I.). Distance, 51 feet % inch.
(Breaks Ferry Field Record, 50 feet
3% inches . by Dave Cook, Illinois,
1934. Breaks Michigan record 50

feet 9 inches by Watson 1937. Bet-
ters Conference Record 49 feet 11
inches, by Chin Kamm, Illinois 1934).
Discus throw: Won by Watson
(M.) ; second, Townsend (M.) ; third
Logue (I.). Distance, 152 feet 2 inch.
Pole vault: Won by Hunn (M.) ;
second Morgan (M.); third, Kingsley
(M.). Height, 13 feet.
Javelin throw: Won by Martin
(M.) ; second, Stanton (M.) ; third,
Osberg (M.). Distance, 182 feet 1
High jump: Won by Watson (M.);
second, Baldwin (IL); third, FrieW-
enberg (M.).nHeight 5 feetr11'
Broad jump: Won by Watson (M.);
second, Stoller (M.) ; third, Smith
(M.). Distance, 23 feet 6 inches.

Iraeksters Overpower Game Indiana Squad,



P~aces Tra-ck JTeaml

Michigan Golf Netmen DefeatTSPEEDERSmNiATEB
ThForTitlcB nuw membesFwillbB Jure22
7 c D [ t aw e es -m ceived into automobile racing's 100- o'I Bot1ue2
Squad Defeats H awkeyes, 4-0 American LeagueMile-an-ourC at its third an- GR D BECH, . May 1.-
Botn ....10000 00-;3 luimeigi ninplsMy25.
f'Z "U 51 n adBate New York .....200 001 00x- --3; 7: 0 Requiremients for membership are so ~Ra okwsteodro h
O SUi 1 1.5-6.5 In Hard Battleiilesne191ee Horn,"Georg -doka he beahs traindng todayh
e " " ilgid that only 22 drivers have been day in the camp of James J. Brad-
Walberg, Wilson and R. Ferrell; eligible since 1911. Ted Horn, George dock as he began his training today
Hadley, Malone and Dickey.1 - Barringer and Zeke Meyer won. at the beautiful Grand Beach train-
Iowans Push Wolverines Cleveland..........00G001d000-2ch_______
Varsity. Winis Four 0-f Sixj T Tre StsIiE CS.louis..... ....100 010002I
To Three Sets In Each St. Louis . . ........ 100 000 02x-3ing site. Together with his sparring
Matches; Saunders Has h Galehouse and Pytlak; Hogsett.I MacFayden and Lopez. partners, Charles Massera and Jack
LowCard With A 69 Match;Cancel Doubles Knott and Hemsley. Philadelphia .. 000 201 100-4 7 2 McCarthy, the world's heavyweight
By BN MORSEINI LFAYTTE md, My 1-(Sp- iWasingon......00 00 01-1Brooklyn ....... 000 010 010-.2 5 3j champion clipped off between five
Bciat The Daiy-Altough ressed Philadelphia........010 000 lx-2 BLaMaster and Atwood; Frankhouse, and six miles through the sandy trails
Led by Captain Al Saunders, the to the limit, Michigan successfully I Appleton and Hogan; Caster and Baker and Klumpp of the wooded 1,400 acre estate.
Michigan golf team yesterday defeat- completed its Indiana trip as it made j1Brucker.
ed Ohio State 11% to 61/2 over the a clean sweep of the four singles National League
University course. The meet was the matches with Iowa to take a 4 to 0 Pittsburgh ......000 003 100-3 11 1
Varsity's second start and win of the victory. This was the second Big Ten Cincinnati .....100 000 000-1 4 0D L T E
season in defense of the Big Ten victory on the trip, and also the sec- LcDELIGHoH ER
conference championship which they ond in the last two days. Lucas ad odd; Hallahan, Moore on MOTHER' A
now hold. All four of the matches were hard- and Lombardi.Ion,1VUTHLR'S DAY
Although the course was soggy fought and all of them went three St. Louis ...... 030 000 001- 4 9 6 Next SunI-day
throughout due to an early morning sets. Captain Miller Sherwood in Chicago.......221 000 33x-11 13 2
rain several good scores were turned. number-one position dropped the sec- Johnson, McGee, Andrews, Ryba
In the morning play the Michigan ond set but finally won out as did and Ogrodowski; Root, Bryant and I
team gained a commanding lead both Bill Mills in number two position O'Dea,
when the doubles teams of Saunders and Jarvis Dean in number three. New York.......000 010 010-2 6 1
and Jack Emery and Al Karpinski ( Jesse Flick after dropping the .initial Boston ..........030 00 00x-3 6 1 I
and Bill Barclay turned in 5% points set rallied to win in his number four Castleman, Smith and Danning;
to Ohio's %. position.
Saunders Stars With Michigan already assured of -- __ ___ --
Captain Sanders, playing a cool, victory, Iowa scheduled to meet Pur-
Captin Sundes, layig a ool due in a second meet later in the day,
steady and confident game in the af- ceance d et shded doules
ternoon against Ralph Schaefer matches. t BALLROOM
turned in the best score of the day .......
with a 69, three under par. Three Sumaie iDEICOU
Sherwood (Mich.), defeated Flem- DANCING DELICIOUS
birdies and an eagle helped him in HigO(owE),6AD57,C-4AMils
taking three points from his oppon- i (, HOME-MADE CANDY
ert who hit a 77. (Mich.), defeated O'Connor, (Iowa), Learn correctly and quickly rom PREKETES
Al Karpinski's 76 was good enough 6-3, 4-6, 6-3; Dean (Mich.), defeated Private and Public Classes E
to taKetwmarpinsker76asfrodhen Stansbury, (Iowa), 6-4, 4-6, 6-3
to tke wo mrkes fom te Sar-Flick, (Mich.), defeated McCallum,
lets' Bob Hatton who got one point Class Lesson Also the place for Excellent Meals at Reasonable Prices.
although following Karpinski with a (Iowa), 4-6, 9-7, 6-3. Wednesday Evening 7-8
Bill Warren, who took Barclay'sl the situations well in hand. Saunders TURKEY DINNER 75c SIZZLING STEAK $1.00
place in the afternoon singles and Emery blanked Schaefer and
matches, was able to take only one- Carl with respective scores of 76, 78, RHPREYETES
half point from Bud Townsend. 81 and 83. ROY H OY E R
Townsend had a 78 with Warren 81 Ohio State was able to get a half- ST U D I 0 S U G A R B W L
Emery Fails point in the other foursome match.S-
Jack Emery turned in the highest Karpinski and Barclay each shot a 3 NICKELS ARCADE 109 South Main Street Phone 2-1414
score of the afternoon matches when 77 while Townsend had 78 and Hatton
he dropped 2 points to Charles Carl 80.__

Bill Watson, the big Varsity field
events star who paced the track
team to a one-sided victory over
Ohio State yesterday. Bill made a
clean sweep by getting firsts in
each of the four events he entered,
which gave him a total of twenty
points. He also heaved the shot 50
feet a inch, to set a new Ferry Field
record in the event.
Entries For Indianapolis
Speed Classic Reach 51
tries for this year's 500 mile motor
speedway race hit 51 tonight as the
time for mailing entry blanks ex-
The number of entries indicated a
bitter fight for places in the starting
lineup on May 31.
One of the cars entered today was
the one which Louis Meyer of Hunt-
ington Park, Calif., drove to victory
last year. Meyer already has signed
to drive another speedster-

of the Buckeyes. Emery's 82 was
the highest he has shot this year on
the University course. Carl had an
The morning foursome play saw
Michigan evidently starting out with
Order your Caps and Gowns
from Van Boven's today. -We
supply Bachelor's, Master's &
Doctor's gowns and hoods for
all schools and colleges.
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