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March 02, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-02

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Final Hockey Series

Tilts.To Decide
Mythical Holder
Of State Crown
Winner Of Series Will Be
Conceded Championship
Of MichiganColleges
Teams Rated Even
Opening Game Scheduled
To Start At 8:00 P. M.

Michigan Swimmers
ToMeetNationall e--

Invade Illinois For

ftkA - A a:

Illini Tomorrow
Wildcat Meet Will Decide
Winner Of Conference
Dual Meet Crown




C -

In Varsity Arena Defending its record of not having }
Arenalost a Conference dual meet in three1
years, Michigan's Varsity swimming
The mythical collegiate hockey eam takes on the Wildcats at Ev-
championship of Michigan will be anston tonight, and the Illini at
decided tonight and tomorrow night ihampaign tomorrow afternoon.
when the Wolverine sextet meets the TI
pucksters of Michigan Tech in a two- The Northwestern team, which
game series at the Varsity Arena. osed out Michigan for the National
Both of the games are scheduled to .ntercollegiate title last year, appears
start at 8:00 p. gm do be the strongest dual opponent
As the two sextets take the ice to- Coach Matt Mann's swimmers will
night they will be in a tie for the be called upon to face before their
mythical crown, the teams having =astern trip.
split a two-game series at Houghton Have Two Stars
earlier in the year. The Miners won In Captain Art Highland and Don
the first game, 5 to 4, after coming Horn, Coach Tom Robinson has two
from behind in the last nine minutes sure point winners against any sort
of the final period to score three of competition, but it appears that
goals and, with them, the victory. these are the only men certain to
The Wolverines made the series one take firsts tonight. Highland is con-
all on the following night when Avon ceded the 100 yard free style and
Artz, Maize and Blue center, scored possibly the 50. Horn was national
an unassisted goal in the first period breast stroke champion last year.
for the only score of the game. Judging from past performances
Wolverines Primed he should take the 200 yard breast
The Wolverines are in the "pink" from Bob Lawrence with little diffi-
after their comparatively easy win culty. If the Wildcats can produce
over London Tuesday night and are a capable back-stroker they should
primed to win the series and close also win the medley relay from Drys-
the hockey season with a double vic- dale, Lawrence and Renner.
tory over the technicians. Stories out of Evanston indicate
Coach Eddie Lowrey is planning to that Robinson is beginning to stress
start the same Wolverine lineup that intramural swimming, and observers
faced the Gophers in last Saturday's say it is because his Varsity teams
game. Capt. George David, Avon are declining from the heights they
Artz and Johnny Sherf will be in the used to achieve.
f o r w a r d line for Michigan, Ted Meet Illini Saturday
Chapman and Red MacCollum will The Illini, whom the Wolverines
be behind the red line, and Johnny meet at 2:00 p. m. Saturday, were
Jewell will guard the net. decisively defeated by Iowa several
Co-Captains In Lineup weeks ago and should provide little
Coach Bert Noblet, Tech mentor, or no competition for the Wolverines
is expected to start his regular line- who defeated Iowa last week. In
up with Co-Capt. Charlie Ferries, Captain Chuck Flackman they have
Paul Hendrickson and Mort Croze in the only swimmer capable of giving
the forward line, Co-Capt. Paul Dai- Cristy and his men any trouble.
gle and Al Olson behind the red line, The Michigan squad of 12 swim-
and Eddie Maki in the net. mers and Coach Mann left Ann Ar-
In the second string line for the bor at noon yesterday, planning to
Wolverines, Coach Lowrey is depend- arrive in Evanston in time to work
ing on Harold Sindles, Tommy Stew- out in the Wildcat pool for a short
art and Gil MacEachern, with Larry 'time this afternoon. Swimmers mak-
David in reserve for action behind ing the trip were: Captain Jim Cris-
the red line. Walt Courtis, reserve ty, who will swim in the 440 and 220;
forward, is also expected to see ac- Taylor Drysdale, entered in the back-
tion during the series. stroke and medley relay; Dick De-
Last Games For Maize gener and Derland Johnston, divers;
The second string lineup of the Tex Robertson, 220 free style and
Miners will be composed of Doug La- sprints.
timer, Ken Pelto, and Frank Wer- Kamienski Meets Teammates
ther. LaMothe, Pirkola, Nekervis, Other sprinters are Henry Kami-
Hawkins and Wenberg are in re- enski, Dick Blake, Bob Renner and
serve. Ogden Dalrymple. Mann will prob-
The series, which will wind up the ably use Blake and Kamienski in the
season for the Wolverines, is ex- 100 and save Renner for the two re-
pected to provide some of the most lay events. Kamienski will also swim
sparkling hockey of the season. Both in the 220 for the first time in Var-
puck teams are about evenly matched sity competition. Henry prepped at
although Tech has the edge over Carl Schurz high, in Chicago, and
Michigan in one respect - they were was a teammate of the Wildcat cap-
able to win a game from the Gophers tain while there.
this year, a feat which the Maize and Manley Osgood, breast stroke, and
Blue could not accomplish. Bill Boice, backstroke, complete the
Probable Lineup squad list.
Michigan Pos. Mich. Tech This will be the Varsity's last ap-
Jewell........Go al.......... Maki pearance in competition prior to the
Chapman . ......D........... Olson Conference meet to be held at Iowa
MacCollum . . . . D.......(c) Daigle City two weeks hence. Many ob-
Artz ; ....... C.... Hendrickson servers say that Michigan already
G. David (c) .. W...... (c) Ferries has the Conference crown in the bag,
Sherf ... . .....,.W ........... Croze but Mann and his proteges, always
Michigan spares -L. David, Mac- cautious, have revived last year's bat-
Eachern, Sindles, Stewart, and Cour- tle cry and only say, "We'll be there,
tis. Tech s p a r e s-Latimer, La- or thereabouts!" The same holds
Mothe, Pelto, Werther, Nekervis, Pir- true for the Nationals at Columbus
kola, Hawkins, and Wenberg. several weeks later.

** *~ *~
(Being a Forecaste and Prognosticacioune)
Month of wind and month of showers -
Month of very early flowers,
Month of springtime's first faint flush -
Month of rain and month of slush
Month when athletes deeply sigh
As they watch the cloudy sky
Trackmen's legs with muscles dimpled
Now are freezing and goose-pimpled
As they run around in scanties
And the breezes flap their panties
Whilst they course across the doit
Spurred by good ole Charley Hoyt
Clouds across the heavens scud
Tennis courts are merely mud.
Baseball players in dull rages
Romp around within the cages
Casting up a jaundiced eye
Cursing at the weeping sky
Sports reporters on their tripses
Need rowboats and other shipses
* * * *5
Month of spring and winter meshin'-
Month of indoor batting seshun.
Month when things are getting damper -
Managers in cages scamper
Trying hard to save their lives
And escape those whistling drives,
Darting out and darting in
Trying to preserve the skin.
Month when collars lose their starch -
Month of (aw you've guessed it) - March!
* * *
PROSPECTUS: March 1. (Yesterday) I don't think anything will
March 2. (Today) Hockey with Michigan Tech this evening here. Swim-
mers invade Northwestern.
March 3. (Tomorrow) Wrestling, with Michigan State here. Swimmers
invade Illinois. Track team discovered in triangular meet with Northwestern
and Chicago at Chicago. Hockey again.
MARCH 4. (Day after tomorrow) The Sabbath, and the first anniversary
of the New Deal. Keep celebrations down to Sabbath level.
March 5. (I've lost count) Basketball team winds up season in terrific
blaze of glory against Indiana here. Cappon loses, chronic nervous indi-
March 6.-Weatherreverts to winter form; all columnists quote wheeze
about everybody talks about the weather but nobody ever does anything
about it.
March 7. - A good day for placing wagers if seven is your lucky num-
ber. If seven is not your lucky number it is not a good day for placing
March 8.- Nothing happening in realms of sport. Daily sports staff
members begin to look harassed, sharpen up the office shears for clipping
of Associated Press copy. Weather takes turn for better.
March 9. - Wrestlers go to Indiana for conference meet:
March 10.- Track team, not to be outdone, discovered in Chicago
again for conference meet. Hoyt practically in tears because boys only win
by 10 1-2 points. Should have won by 11.
MARCH 11. - Weather again reverts to winter routine. Five government
meteorologists go crazy. Sports staff all down with colds again. Many
students cut Sunday school.
March 12. -Time to take out tennis racket, make a few wild passes,
shatter Aunt Agatha's picture against east wall of room, put racket away
March 13.-Very unlucky day. You are bound to get called on in
class today so better prepare.
March 14.- Weather loosens up again. Expedition recovers optimistic
track man stuck in mud somewhere on Ferry Field.
March 15.- Real beginning of sports staff copy depression. Discovery
of meaning of "nothing ever happens." Frantic scribes write lousy features
on Kentucky Derby. Editor dryly recommends running of blank space
department to be filled in by reader.
March 16. -First freshman baseball manager tryout killed in course
of batting practice in cages. Body to be stuffed and placed in Administration
Bldg. as trophy and proof that Michigan ball player once hit ball.
March 17. - Conference swimming meet at Iowa. Mann's lads clean
up big. Sugar quotations go up as Capt. Cristy absorbs energy supply.
MARCH 18. -Get tennis racquet strung only don't swing it around this

Sparkling Clear - and So Exhilarating-
Let us deliver a case to your home tomorrow.
You're sure to like it!
Delivered to your home in case lots of 6 2-quart bottles.

416 West Huron

Phone 8270

-L time. Be careful of dampness in
Don't forget Sabbath. You cut Sun-'
day school last week.
March 19.- Blue Monday and
rainier than ever. Only Michigan
swimmers get to classes.
March 20. -Sun appears for five
minutes, but high wind rises and
waves wash Angell Hall steps away.
March 21. -First case of spring
fever reported at Health Service.
Emir Goldfarb is patient. Is put to
bed and makes statement . . ."Aw, I
don't wanna go to*'school."
March 22. - Track team departs
from ordinary practice of going to
bed at nine-thirty and go to bed at
(Continued on Page 6)

transit. Fifth successive day of rain.
Last 2Days
This Store Closes Saturday Night,
March 3rd


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